Friday, October 31, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 3 Part 1.31

Prologue 19

Othello looked at Brabatio seated at the head of the table. They are still waiting for the one other guest to arrive. The old member of Senate was getting irritated that the others are here, but not his loved one; the daughter he had named Desdemona. She soon arrived, and did not offer any curtsy bow to the one other who was also at the table; Lady Alicia of Venice. 

"Dear Desdemona, please greet our guests." Brabatio looked sternly at her. The daughter of his looked up and nodded to her father. She then nodded to the dark masked man and the several guests in attendance, but stopped short of the lady who sat opposite her.

"And what of Lady Alicia? She is also my guest." Brabatio was clearly then very upset. Desdemona looked to the lady and leaned over.

"He snores and farts in the night. Oh, the stench of it would even drive the rats to the cellar." Desdemona told the lady who reacted with the disbelief in her eyes.

"Ah! Shut the fake expression. I am just cautioning you not to be sway by the gold and coins in his care. They are mine by law on his death." Desdemona continued on. The lady in focus was upset and stood up to announce her departure from the table. The other guests of her entourage chose to follow suit leaving Othello, Cassio and Brabatio there with the errant young lady.

"What devil had taken your senses, Desdemona? Lady Alicia was our guest....." Brabatio spoke to his daughter.

"She would not be anymore. Neither would she spread herself for you, Father. I would not have her take over my mother's bed." Desdemona stood up and looked to the other two.

"My mother died a long time ago, but her spirits roam these walls. If my father choose to re-marry, he can do it in another house." Desdemona made her statement and left the table. Cassio got up and followed her. Othello looked to the departing couple and then back at the older man.

"I think I would be leaving now, Brabatio." Othello announced.

"No, please. Stay. I am in need of some comforting." Brabatio looked to the doorway which his daughter had taken. "I had tried to get a new mother for Desdemona, to quell her ....unruly manners, but she had desisted all my requests, and ....choices."

"I am sure Desdemona loved her mother and ...." Othello tried to justify the outburst by the lady.

"Oh, you are not aware of her antics as yet. You hardly knew her. Cassio did, as he was at his father side when they came to visit us. Desdemona is a outspoken lady like her mother, and a believer in fighting for the unprivileged or the so called innocents. She once argued with me on the plight of a beggar who came to my kitchen for food."

Othello laughed and then apologized to the older man.

"I am most amused at the lady's character. Truly a strong one, and yet ....." Othello was cut off.

"Yeah, she is. If you can command a Legion, perhaps one day you may over her." Brabatio hinted over. Othello continued his laughter.

"Me? With my dark mask, many of them shied away. I doubt I would be good for her. Cassio may be the one." Othello was seldom wrong in his judgment, but the night he was very wrong to assumed otherwise.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 3 Part 1.30

Act Three Scene 3 Part 2

The walk to the harbour was slow and entertaining for Cassio as Desdemona never stopped talking. He was initially walking in front of her but when they neared the tavern, she was beside him. They were sharing a laugh when they saw the Legatus who was with Iago a distance away.

"Hello, love. I was taking a walk with Cassio. It was a lovely day." Desdemona called out to her love. Cassio was shocked by the presence of the Legatus. Just when his status was still unknown, he does not want to see the Legatus. He turned to Desdemona.

"I have leave now. I have other works to do." Without another word, Cassio left for his own route away from his Legatus but he did not evade the Dark One' view.

"Iago, is that Cassio I saw walking with my love?" Othello asked his other Centurion. Iago looked over and then pretended to be unsure. He strained his face expression and then shook his head.

"It looked like him, but with the uniform, he could be any Centurion. I doubt if its Cassio, he would avoid you. He was your friend." Iago replied. He picked his last words to test the Legatus.

"Yes, he may be Cassio, but as my friend, he would not missed me. Unless...." Othello trailed his words.

"Unlikely, Legatus. Cassio, myself and you have been friends for too long to let last night event stand between us." Iago told Othello. He felt like the advocate of the God of Liars, double meaning to his word.

"Desdemona, I am surprise to see you." Othello looked to the rear of her. "Who is that?"

"A Centurion who came to me and asked for advise on his drunken manner last night. He felt bad, but felt more sad that he was misjudged on his mis-conduct. A slap on the hand would had suffice but he was sent to be demoted." Desdemona told him. She did her speech, but Othello was not keen.

"So that was Cassio, I saw just now. Why did he not see me?" Othello was irritated.

"Yes, Cassio it was.He came to me for my advise. So tell me, the Legatus that command the Centurion, are you forgiving?" Othello turned to Iago.

"Go and I would join you later." Othello told the other but Desdemona wanted to push the issue.

"Othello..." Desdemona called out to him but Othello had raised his hands. She repeated again, but she was stopped by the her love.

"Not now, Desdemona. I need to settle something first." Othello told her. "Maybe tonight but not now."

"Tonight? Why not earlier?" Desdemona asked. "Noon meal?"

"No, I said tonight." Othello told her but Desdemona was insistent. 

"Othello, are you listening?" Desdemona shouted. "I am you love. I have given you my vows to be your love. You have given yours to be with me. With that we are to share. I was sharing your work. I had listened when you did not. I had heard him well, he told me his errors, and I found it the need to forgive. Did you?"

"Desdemona, I told you not now..." Othello was in rage. He was humiliated by her.

"Othello, perhaps you let me handle it." Iago intervened, but he was told to back off.

"Is that it? Cassio loved you. He served with you long. How you no decency to speal to him?" Desdemona pushed on.

"What is it that you are wanting me to listen to him? He is not your love. He is my legionnaire." Othello replied in anger. "Why must we be having this discussion? I am confused on this."

"Because its our first lively discussion but you are shutting me out." Desdemona told him. "Its could be first or our last."

Othello shook his head. He was not sure how did he managed to here. He reached out with his hands but she turned away. She walked on back to the tavern alone.

"Iago, get me Cassio. I need to talk to him." Othello told him. 

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.32

Prologue 4

Nordstrom took a sip from the wine glass. It was a good year from which the grapes were plucked and then crunched to extract the juice. The juice was extracted and then retained in wooden casks. The casks were moved into the basement and stored for a period. The basement was sealed and a vacuum was created.

The result was the fine wine he was drinking then.

“I hoped you like the year.” Nordstrom looked to his other guest seated across him. The man had aged a lot but as the host, Nordstrom ensure the best was offered. His guest was dressed in a plain shirt and matching pants, although his hair was unkempt. The guest was not drinking although the wine glass was placed in front of him.

“Sam Worthins”, Nordstrom spoke up.  “You may not like the wine, but I am sure this new option would.”

Nordstrom motioned to his staff and cage was pushed in. In the cage was a young man in iron restraints. Sam twitched in his limbs but the years of induced sedatives and depressants had slowed his reflexes. It was the boy he found; dirty and nude.

“Boy…” Sam muttered in his voice. The young man in the cage went berserk. He crashed himself against the cage bars but it was useless. He was still the same in his looks and unable to change into any form except his own anger. He was angry at the man who snatched him off his real life and made him an animal.

“I am sorry….so sorry, boy.” Sam muttered his apology. He found the first boy and handed him to the Moors, but the second one; he had failed. He was caught with the boy and they had raised him to the killer he was.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.31

4.5           The attack on Rosenheim

Helmut stepped to the Inn Bridge over the river, and looked to the Euro United detachment that walked towards him. There only numbered three of them, two men and one young teen, but they were armed with rifles. He walked up to them with Father Joseph at his side.

"This is Helmut, as he liked to be named." Father Joseph introduced the man next to him. The teen stepped up and announced his name and rank.

"Micheal, Sergeant, United Euro. They are Steven, and Benny; both are from my squad, or what's left of it." The teen introduced them. "We were ambushed twice on the way here; lost three others had perished with one missing."

"Nevertheless, they are here." Father Joseph tried to rise up the morale. "I would have some of the town folks to assist you."

The last line was not very convincing. Helmut was to reply when the teen intervened in.

"Father, let us do the task. Get them to the defenses of the wall at the city." Micheal told the priest. "We would hit those Vampires."

"Vampires?" Helmut asked back. He was expecting more of mercenaries who worked for the enemies.

"Those who hit us were Vampires." One of the older men replied. He then unslung the rifle on his back and checked the ammo clip.

Micheal told him to take position on the left side while the other one took the right side on the bridge. Micheal then sat down on the middle and faced away from the city. He checked his rifle and laid it down next to him. He had his side arm taken out and placed to the opposite side. He then placed the box of bullets at the side. He then looked up at Helmut who had remained standing with his broadsword in his hands.

Helmut saw the two armored six wheelers; one of it was pulling a cart with a large box on it with the truck loaded with troops. There was another unit with a launcher on its carriage. It stopped at a distance from the bridge, and from it, the troops from the trucks disembarked. There were fourteen of them, led by an officer with the rank of Major. They took position near the armored vehicles, and then he saw the missile launchers aimed at the city behind.

"They are going to fire the missiles towards the city. Fire at will." Micheal gave the command.

At the same time, the armored vehicles rear hatch-back was lowered and the elite Vampires exited with some of them armed with machetes, and moved to their positions on the sides. His snipers were shooting but the Vampires were well covered.

"Bloody Hell!" Micheal uttered out.

It was then, the snipers were surprised by the presence of the Vampires which somehow had within a short time, had sneaked up close to their positions. Micheal dropped his rifle and grabbed his revolvers. He dropped back on his back and fired at the Vampires.

At that time, the first salvo of missiles was launched at the city. Steven reacted in anger and stood up to fire at the Vampires. It was a wrong move, when he was taken down by the charging Vampire. They fell down together, while the Vampire bit off the flesh from the neck, while the claws dug deep into the chest.

"Damn!" Micheal cursed out.

Benny reacted by trying to retreat, but got his head chopped off with the machetes. Micheal reached for the box to reload the revolvers. He managed to slot in the bullets when the Vampire appeared in the front of him. He fired on the Vampire at the head; blowing part of its face away. He rolled to the side and looked for more Vampires.

Two more went down, while Helmut had removed three with his broadsword. Then Micheal saw the last box by the vehicles opened. More figures leapt out. It was the hounds; all eight of them headed for the defenders. They had the scent of the blood and in a state of frenzy to kill.

"We are outnumbered. We need to withdraw." Helmut called out. Just before he could finish the shout, the hounds were already at their position.

"Micheal, the hounds...."

Micheal was retreating then, turned and crouched down to shoot, but he saw the shadow of the Vampire flew over him. It crashed into the hounds with its head severed. It was cut by a power whip.

"Hello, I heard you boys needed help." The person was a lady with her whip lashed out and missed barely the other Vampire who was retreating. Micheal ignored her and looked at the fight in front of him.

The Crawler had followed the Mistress to Rosenheim on a four door armored personnel vehicle driven by Sergei while Geranium traveled on her own bike. When they sighted the bridge, Crawler had jumped off the armored vehicle and rode on the standing on the back of Geranium bike. He saw the hounds rushing across the bridge, and jumped off on his own pursuit. He half jumped and ran until he landed on the bridge and sprang from there to clash with the hounds.

Crawler grabbed the hound by the neck and tossed it over the bridge. He then moved onto the next hound which was leaping at him. He thrust his clawed fingers into the soft belly of the hounds, and pulled hard at the insides of the hound. It was then another hound charged at Crawler on his back and went down together to the other side of the bridge.

During the fall, Crawler reached to his back and pulled the hound off. He reached with both his hands into the hound’s jaws and pried it apart. Once the hound had stopped moving, Crawler stood there to look for more hounds. It was then he picked up the scent and shook his head. His mind registered it but his heart waved it off. It can't be but the growl from the other side shook him more. It was a scent he had not sensed for a long time. It was his long lost brother; long missing since young, but now that standing creature below the bridge had mechanical plates on the left side of its head with part both of it forearms with metal plates and wires on it. The other werewolf had also longer claws, and they looked more menacing.

The other did not pause and jumped at Crawler, with a menacing swing with the right claw. Crawler jumped back and hit the bridge wall. He used that to roll to the left and then lashed out with his own claws. The other brother hit back with the claws and cut part of Crawler' left forearm causing him to fall alongside the bridge wall. He was expecting the next killing blow but the other brother was hit by a shot from Micheal.

Micheal saw Crawler went over the bridge and followed suit. He saw the man creature being attacked and fired at the other one with the metal plates. The shot did hit it at the flesh and caused it to retreat. It ran on and out over the river bank.

Up on the bridge, Helmut had just killed the last of the hounds, and then saw the fleeing shadow of the one from under the bridge. He would have given chase, but the later had disappeared into the dark. He looked for the two members of resistances, but they were dead.

All those innocent lives were lost.

And the never ending battles.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.30

4.4           Castle siege

Helmut stepped past his entrance and saw the sprung trap. It was placed there to deter undead foes, which when activated swung a sharp metal plate towards the neck. The Vampire laid there writhing while its head rolled on the ground. He stepped on the head and crushed its skull.

The Vampires were there, and it’s was time to defend his only home.

Helmut rushed up to the steps of the castle and ran up the three levels of steps. It was the highest point of the tower where it still remained standing. He looked down the slope and into the ruins of his home. He made out the squad of four Vampires, and the half dozen hounds. The hounds are held back by their masters, but on seeing the target stepped into the tower, they released the hounds.

There was not much time, Helmut raced down to activate the defenses. He reached the ground level and saw the hounds approaching the tower. He lifted the cover near the entrance and removed the rifle he had kept there for this purpose. It was rotary cannon with its mounted stand. He propped it up hastily and fired off the cannon. The cannon took down three hounds, but then the remaining three were onto his position. He grabbed the cannon by its stand and thrust it down the first hound that came at him. He then stepped back and drew on the dagger he had fashioned from the bones. He thrust the dagger into the leaping hound in the jaw. The creature jumped back in pain, but the other hound had its fangs on Helmut left elbow. The metal mail there protected him from the fangs and he used the force of his elbow to push the hound back. The last hound was kicked by him but by then he had his broadsword out.

Helmut cut the last hound and saw the Vampires are moving up. They have rifles and were using it. The shots came but Helmut was already behind the wall and on the first instance, he bolt for the rear opening of the tower toward the remaining wall.

Helmut held the broadsword in his hand while he exits at the other side... He heard more shots but he was ready with his traps. The first Vampire stepped in but saw no one there. On the other side, Helmut pulled the rope to release the two prong spear that he had fashioned from the tree branch into the Vampire chest and face. He then ran along the wall on a downward move but was confronted by a Vampire there with the rifle leveled at him. He could not stop in time and lunged forward with the broadsword at the Vampire. The other fired but the shot grazed the left shoulder but Helmut had the broadsword thrust into the Vampire chest.

Helmut ran on down the slope and then stopped at the marker he had placed. It used to be a well, but it was then covered with loose planks that were sawn off to weaken it. He stood there and saw the two Vampires, leaping in huge steps towards him. One of the Vampires landed precisely on the weakened planks, and fell into the deep narrow well. The other Vampire stopped beside it and leveled the rifle but Helmut had removed its head. He picked up the rifle and looked down the well. He saw the Vampire trying to stay afloat but he shot the Vampire in the head. He thought it was over, and then heard more shots. More screams were heard. It was not of Man but Vampires.

Helmut ran up towards the Tower, and saw two surviving Vampires retreating while more men appeared on the lower slopes. It were the priests and the town folks led by Father Joseph.

"Thank God, we made it here in time." Father Joseph placed his hand on the other. "We came here when the boy told us. He saw the Vampires and the hounds, and warned us, but it took time to come." 

Helmut smiled at the priest and then checked on his tower. It was then Father Joseph asked to speak to him.

"Helmut, the war had come to us. There is a detachment of United Continents pushing for our city."

Helmut looked at the priest.

"There is also one United Euro smaller detachment that’s arriving at the city." Father Brown told him. "But they are few in number. They may need your assistance."

Monday, October 27, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.29

4.3           Vampires

Helmut stepped up to the hill slope that would lead to his family castle. The once towering castle with its four towers  that provide decades of early warning to its occupants, but then had been reduced to one with a side wall that still stand to hold the tower in its decaying state. The castle was ravaged by the bombings during the war, with precision built in its system, but a man controlled contraption still had its flaws. It destroyed but left the remnants to allow it to grow again.

Like Medusa, the glory of the Von Kluck would grow again. He felt the broadsword vibrate on his back, but he chose to ignore it. If they were any foes here, it would best he fight them with the tower on his back. More to it, he had traps set there with hidden stash of weapons. He hurried his steps up the slope and then he picked up the scents.

It’s those hounds again. But there was more to them, there were new scents.

Bloodthirsty ones.

The Vampires are back.

The last Vampire he killed was two years ago, when he raided their lair in the area. It was an abandoned manor which he was to discover had a deep cavern below its basement. He had stalked the place for two days and nights, watching the demons movements and also their human followers. He had counted four of the human followers who guard the place during the day while the Vampires roamed at twilight. He had then fashioned up a series of daggers from the bones of the creatures and also some wooden stakes. He crept up at dawn and approached the just woken human follower. A figure dressed in the fatigue of the United Continents, and armed with a rifle with some grenades. The other guards are still inside while that one had taken to come out first. The five Vampires that resided there had returned just before the break of dawn.

Helmut had his fashioned bone dagger drawn and threw it with precision onto the guard' chest. He rushed forth on the throw with his broadsword drawn. His cut was precise to remove the head of the guard before he could shout. Once he had killed the guard, he took the grenades and then threw it aside.

They were not flash grenades.

Helmut went for the door. It was then the doorway opened by another guard and was surprised to see the unknown there. The guards surprise was removed with his throat pierced by the broadsword.

Helmut walked in and without hesitation; the two guards were surprised by the intrusion. He jumped up and swung his broadsword on the two guards and silencing them before they could alert the Vampires. He then sought the doorway to the basement. It was easy to sight, with its mark of the claws there. He knew the Vampires had sensed his presence. He kicked at the doorway and then proceeded down on the steps. He reached for the rails with his left hand while his right held the broadsword. He took two steps into the dark basement before the broadsword glowed in his hand.

"Aargh!" The Vampires below the stairs screamed out at the light that shone by the broadsword, for the light burned at their flesh. Helmut did not stop at that, but leapt down into the basement flooring. Upon his landing, he swung the sword in a wide arc, and then turned his body to the rear. He had missed the Vampires which had retreated to the lower cavern where total darkness prevails.

It was then the appearance of the faithful orb which floated down.

"I presumed its safe." The orb voiced out in its mechanical sound. "Place is seventy feet wide and two hundred in distance. The place is clustered with discarded furniture sets but there are some leftover of the victims in their decayed forms. There is a hidden doorway to the cavern at fifty feet to your left."

Helmut walked to it and noticed it was a wall but one that was camouflaged over. He stepped into it as if it did not exist, and found a descending path that he soon walked down with his broadsword lighting up. The orb was at his back.

"Master, the place was man made with a precision of a half sphere, and held some compartments which contained more decayed victims, but there are twenty four coffins. Five moving Vampires in differing positions, and poised to attack with weapons of similar nature of yours."

Helmut ignored the orb and continues his walk, and then the first Vampire came at him with the drawn four foot halberd. He turned his body to swing the broadsword, to cut the weapon and then a back swing to cut at the Vampire. His first opponent down but the second had come flying towards him from above, with a drawn sword. Helmut deflected the attack and countered with his broadsword. He thrust the Vampire in the side before he removed the Vampire of its head.

“Master….” Helmut heard the call from his Orb, but he was too late. The Vampire had smashed his Orb against the wall.

"Come and fight me." Helmut stood on the flooring of the cavern, and faced the remaining three of the Vampires. They were armed with halberds and flashed their fangs. They came at him together, and Helmut stepped back before he cut at the halberds. Then he countered the attack and killed the one on the left. He then kicked at the right and punched the left. He followed through with the broadsword on the other two Vampires. He soon ended the Vampire threat with the razing of the manor to its basement. 

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.28

4.2           Re-born to his legacy

Helmut sat there to listen to priest who told him a startling tale of the Crusaders. What intrigues him was the priest spoke of his ancestors involved in it; he knew from the family history that his ancestors did served as knights in the previous Crusades under the banner of the Teutonic Knights. But since the last hundred years, there was no mentioned of that in the family. The last one to be involved in the knights was his great grandfather, Kruger Schmidt who was a contributor to the cause in medical aids and funds.

"Helmut, you were named by your father after your ancestors who were the first Crusaders." Father Joseph told him. "He held that broadsword in his hands that was once belonged to the man named Arthur. It’s the famed Excalibur."

"Bah! Father Joseph, You had me mistaken me for a child to listen to tales." Helmut shrugged off the tales suddenly bestowed on him by this old priest.

"This broadsword you carried had a long history. Its most famous one was the tale of the Arthurian realm. The name Excalibur was it given then and stood till today. It disappeared on the death of the fable King Arthur, but before it was to be Arthur, it was known as Caledfwlch or Caladbolg, the broadsword of Fergus mac Roich. Caladbolg was also known for its incredible power and was carried by some of Ireland's greatest heroes. The name had another name; "hard cleft" in Irish, or as a generic term for "great broadswords".

"But the broadsword was not one owned by any country or King, or even conqueror. It was rumored to surface when it’s needed. It surfaced later as the broadsword of Attila; the legendary weapon once carried by Attila the Hun. Or known then as the "broadsword of the war god;" Some legends refer to it simply as "az Isten kardja," the broadsword of God."

"In the eleventh century, some five hundred years after the death of Attila, a broadsword claimed to have belonged to him surfaced to the Kings of Hungary, then who claimed and linked to Attila with their right to rule. The King held the broadsword that was given by the queen-mother of King Salomon to Otho, Duke of Bavaria. Otho had given it to Dedus, younger son of the Margrave Dedus, after whose death it had come to the Hungary king. Soon after, it came back to your family in Bavaria and was kept since then. Your family may had been elected as it custodian."

"Behold what you wield may be your destiny to continue its legacy as a Crusader."

"Thank you, Father Joseph. It was a fairly long tale but I am not linked to it. I held onto this broadsword as it was the only thing left in my family after the war." Helmut picked up the broadsword in his hand. "It’s all I have now,"

"True, Helmut. A broadsword that only you can wield as one day you may call upon it to slaughter the Gods." Father Joseph spoke out loud. "I saw you and the broadsword, and I knew your destine lies here. There been a calling for the resurrection of the Crusaders. Your great ancestors were once and you would be the next."

"Crusaders? Those are the tales of the old folks. I am not one. I was an officer of United Europe....."

"And your last battle was defending the Vatican. You fought on despite injuries, and it was me who carted you away. I tended to you and then sent you off until we met here again." Father Joseph remembered the siege on the city of Vatican. It was a hard fought battle that lasted over two months; of countless waves of soldiers and armored. When all was in a standstill, the siege was imposed and millions died in hunger. The only thing kept the defenders going was their faith.

"Father Joseph, I am not fighting anymore battles from now. I am just going to devote my time to keep my friends alive and safe." Helmut sighed in this reply. "My days as the professional solder are over. I am just now..."

"Be a warrior of the faith; a Crusader." Father Joseph intervened in. "Hear me out, child. The previous war was not by Man but by a great Pretender. He who pretended had influenced the war that killed the millions, and now ruled over the rest. He must be stopped and you are one of them. You cannot do it alone although you wield the broadsword to kill him, but you need your other warriors to assist you. Alone you would fail. With the four of you, you may succeed. They are coming for you or you may go to them. You cannot deny your destiny."

Helmut picked up his broadsword and took leave of the older priest. He was returning back to his castle. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Shimmering Tales for the Mind 1.0: Stiletto in Mine

"Honey, did you see my new stilettos? The pink ones which I picked last week."

I have just walked in from my extended twelve hours shift and she's asking me on some dumb shoes. I dropped off my trench coat before removing my jacket. Damned vest beneath was all sweaty and sticky to my chest.

"Honey, I am talking to you. I do earn some respects here in this house." I heard her the second time while I pulled out my detective badge. That goes into the desk drawer by the doorway alongside with my service gun.

I walked towards the kitchen and there she was placing yesterday's roast into the microwave all dressed in her workout cut off shorts and ‘mickey mouse’ half sweat shirt. I loved her pose then with her bent over at the oven it gave me a déjà vu feeling all over. I walked up to her and slipped my hand around her waist to cup her bare orbs before kissing her on the back of the neck.

"There you are, my Hunchback of Notre Dame." She pulled away and went to set the table. "Do you know even the Hunchback speaks when asked, but you are utterly a mute one."

I turned her around and kissed her on the mouth to mute her complaints while my hands roamed over her lower back. She responded with her lips while her left leg snaked in between mine to nest there. It could have been more complete but the microwave alert went off. She pushed me away and walked over to the unit to retrieve the warmed up dish. I took my cue to sit down while I looked at the servings. She had prepared a feast that evening and I could only guessed what was the occasion. She stepped over and placed the dish there.

"Wash up before you eat. I love your body sweat but only when we are fucking. So move it or you won’t get served with these later." I hate her when she does that to me; pulling her shirt up to show me her treasures while I was drooling for it. I did like what she asked of me; stood in the shower and washed the grime off the day's work. I avoided touching myself lest I forgot I have to serve dessert. Soon dressed in my bathrobe, I was seated myself in the chair with her opposite.

“It’s your birthday today.” She had to remind me of it. She pushed me the box over. It was my present for being older by one more year. “Open it. I got mine here too.”

We shared the same birthday, and I always forget to get her a present every time. She then stood up and walked over.  

"Do you think I am tall enough?" I looked at her from toes to the hair edge of her newly perm style to the three inch high stiletto with the shade of pink that closely resembled what she had. She half turned her body and pushed her chest out. "Perhaps better from this view? I tell you that the stiletto does wonder to the contour."

I nodded to her and smiled while motioning to her that we were supposed to eat dinner. She glared at me and then placed her hands at her waist. Then she did the unthinkable; she pulled off her shirt and approached me. I pulled my chair back while she plunked herself on my lap.

"Eat these. It’s one of your presents for you." She laid her bared orbs to my face. I suckled on them as her hands rubbed into my short hair of mine. She moaned while she rubbed herself on me. Then she pulled herself away and looked at me with those hazel colored eyes.

"Dinner or me?" I was to reply the later but she stepped off me before raising her right leg onto my left thigh. The stiletto end sank into my flesh through the fabric of my skirt. I gently took her right heel and raised it to my lips. I nibbled at her toes and slide my tongue alongside the top of the foot. She gently nudged me back with her shoe and placed her leg on my left shoulder. She leaned over and kissed me on the forehead.

"I guess dinner is secondary for now.” I could not disagree more with her with what she was tantalizing before me there.

“You don't expect me undress you?" She gyrated at her hips towards me while unbuttoning her shorts. I reached for the sash on my bath robe to pull it open. She lowered her right leg before she pulled me up from the chair. With my height enhanced on the new stiletto of four inch stack-up, my lips were just at her lower neck.

"I knew you took them." She pushed me back and looked at the shoes I had on. I had to admit I did borrow her new stiletto as the color matched my jacket today. After all, she has a closet of them and despite her height that towers over most males she still preferred to be higher.

"Why can't you get your own?" She asked me. I was in the wrong, but I knew how to rectify my mistake. I grabbed her by the neck and lowered her lips to mine while grabbing her shorts by the hem to let it slide to the floor. She responded in return to my probing and pulled me along with her to the kitchen floor. I laid her on the floor and then told her. 

"Guess what I did with the stiletto when I was in the rest room?"

“You could have asked. I would have loaned ’diddle’.”

“I took that too. It was the rear which I needed the stiletto.”I smiled.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.27

The Slayer Return

4.1           Rosenheim

Most of the city was leveled by the bombing during the war but there were scattered remains of their structures. One of the last standing structures was the St Nikolaus and Holy Spirit Faith in the inner city, with it’s with its baroque onion dome. There was where Helmut was heading with his load of skins and furs. There he would meet up with Father Joseph and they would pray together. He made his way by the river banks of Inn with his companion orb hovering above him. The orb was absorbing the sunlight to re-charge its power pack but it also act as his early alert on any strangers or creatures.

Just as he walked by the dried river bed of Inn, he was soon alerted to the sounds of distress from further down the path. He unloaded the burden on his back and pulled up his broadsword. His wait was not long when the figure of child led by the lady appeared before him. The duo ran towards him and seeks his protection.

"We are pursued by the cursed hounds." Canine creatures that once adorned these lands as domesticated house guards are now roving packs of hunters. Just as she completed the sentence, Helmut saw the pack of six large hounds which had came rushing at the riverbanks. These furless bare skinned large hounds with their deadly fangs stopped their rush to look at the figure that stood between them and their prey.

"Cursed curs of the land," Helmut muttered to himself. He had killed many of them but he would never feed on them as these are abominations of science. He looked from the corner of his eyes that two ladies are safe behind his bundle of load.

"There is a bone dagger in the load." Helmut told the older lady. "Use it for your own."

He had fashioned off crude weapons from the bones of his prey and then given them to the refugees of the city. Father Joseph had questioned him on it, and his reply was that nothing that can be used should be discarded. He reminded Father Joseph that Samson, the fabled strong man of the biblical tales once wield the jawbone of the donkey to vanquish an army.

Helmut was not a patience man, as he rushed at the hounds, swinging his broadsword. The first strike took the jaw off the first hound, while the second was to cut deep into another hounds rear end leaving its entrails trailing out. The other four hounds were not keen to be killed then ran off howling their protest.

"You are..." Helmut turned to face the ladies but had not his left shoulder shield protected him, he would have been an undead soon. The elder lady who had bared her fangs had jumped onto him, but the shield had stopped her bite. Helmut shook her off his body and followed on with the thrust of the broadsword into her face

"Foul creatures of the dark!" Helmut shouted out as he pulled out his broadsword. He had seen them before; blood suckers which used to travel in the dark but now they feared not the sunlight. He turned to looked at the child who sat there behind the bundle. She had her right hand at her neck to stifle the flow of blood. She had been cursed and may revert to be one of them, but he was not a man who kills children.

Helmut drew out a piece of the rags on him and threw it to the child.

"Come with me. Father Joseph may have a cure for you. Or he would do the last rites for you." Helmut grabbed his load and proceeded on with the child following at his heels. He soon reached the market place of Rosenheim and was swarmed by the mass of refugees. They shied from the child when they saw her wound on the neck.

"She's cursed!" One of the refugees shouted and words started to spread. Soon Helmut had to hold the child in his arms to avoid any of them from harming her. He was near to the Faith when he saw the Guardians. There was also the man he seeks.

"Father Joseph, I ...." Helmut released his hold on the child to let her stand by his side.

"Speak no more, my son." Father Joseph dressed in the brown robe with a waist belt that held his trusted dagger and small shovel. Father Joseph once told Helmut, the dagger to protect him and the shovel to bury the one who died from his protection.

The kind priest had taken custody of the child and ushered her into the sanctuary of the Faith grounds. She was led by others who allowed the priest to see to his care who had arrived.

"Helmut, you are sometimes a fool." Father Joseph told his care but he did not elaborate as he led the man into the Faith. He had news for the man and its time his destiny would be revealed.

Tweet tweet....22/10 some previous un-completed tales

I got a folder of uncompleted tales dated back as far as 2013. They are not completed while I was diverted to other tales and at times, ran out of ideas to continue on. I was doing up two of it; "Crusaders IV; The Godless World" and "Loki; the Trickster". Its not easy to re-start a tale for you need to know where you stopped and then rebuild from there but its getting there.

Of late, the work of my daily life ( it pays the bills though ) had been hefty with the coming year end and pressing deadlines, so I have to admit I did not write for nights. I have even missed my daily dose of TV series ( downloaded from the web ) then. Today being a 'public day' from work, I am digressing more ideas from the web and other sources.

Who knows? Cupid may not strike but I am sure my keyboard will be tapping.

I leave you with an excerpt of Loki.

“Stop! I command thee all.” Odin shouted once again. They finally stopped their attack, but the duo was dead by then. Odin crouched down to the fallen Giant. He felt sorry for the dead Giant, but that was the consequences of rage. He could have stopped the attack, but he was also angry earlier. An anger which he regretted then, but the act was done. The cry of baby was heard, and Odin looked to the source.

“It came from inside the house.” One of the warriors told him. Odin looked to the blazing house. Without hesitation, he rushed in and looked for the baby. He found the baby in its cot. He grabbed it and ran out to the cold ground.

“Odin, there is one more of his line here. Shall we dispose of it like what they did to our young ones at the border?” The warrior asked Odin. Odin glared at the warrior.

“Have you not had your share of the blood bath today?” Odin confronted his own warriors. “Are we to lower ourselves like them? Killing the young ones, and feeding them wolves with the bodies?  No, don’t do that.”

None dared to reply. Odin took the baby into his arms. The baby was still sleeping again despite the cold weather but he had a smile on his face. On his chest was written in blood, the word; Loki.

“No, this baby would live. He would be my son. His name is …..Loki.” Odin declared.  

An excerpt of the Crusaders

“We shall not step forth until we know who are you?” Micheal stood his ground. The one named Azazel paused in his steps and then looked to them.

“Micheal, you are ever the stubborn one.” Azazel sighed. “Nevertheless, I shall entertain you.”

“I am Azazel, an Angel but not fallen as previously recorded. I came here on the wishes of God to guide you.” Azazel continued on. “God had seen it needed to send me here to revive all of you.”

“Angels? Revived?” Micheal spoke up in anger. “You made no sense to my thoughts. I was a man of flesh and blood, and now aged but I stood for my belief and survival. I believed in God as I was taught from birth, but I had not seen his mercy for years. Now you showered me with images and thoughts that hailed me to what I am not.”

“If we are who you said we are, then showed us God. He would not dismiss us here for years without hope.” Raphael spoke up.

“Or leave us to the mercies of them.” Gabriel pointed to the lying mutant that was still unmoving. “I had seen wrongs that even an Angels should not see. If we are who we are, why were we forsaken here?”

“Maybe I know, my dear brothers.” Uriel spoke out in a low tone. He then approached Azazel and held out his hands. “God had answered my daily prayers. I heard of Azazel. But if you are who you said to be, show us the way of God that we could accept you? But remember this, Azazel; you were once a fallen Angel.”

Azazel shook his head and then lowered his voice.

“God had forbidden me to tell …… not yet. You may seek his words when you do meet Him. But trust me, Uriel had spoken the truth. His prayer had reached Him and for that He had send me. I was once like all of you, banished for I had brought the wrath of God onto me when I led the brothers to this place then.”

“You are the Devil? Satan? I read of you.” Micheal had more of his veiled memories released. “Micheal, whom I was named after fought your brothers in those battles and won. He was …. the champion. You were the one that Gabriel took to…. ”

“Your memory did not fail you.” Azazel replied. He then went down on his knees and poised to pray. They all looked at him as if he was mad to do that then when danger was around them. Azazel then looked up and smiled. 

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...