Monday, January 27, 2025

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 17


17           The works


Mrs. Hudson heard the front door opened, and peeked out. She has the living famous; albeit undisclosed to public and had to ensure that her tenant was comfortable. He does not invite anyone in though there will be the ones that will be told to see him there; mostly distinguishable people, once some royalty but her lips are sealed, and the occasion copper like Inspector Lestrade and of course the impeccable Mycroft with his flowers; The latter made no move on her; bless her late husband’s soul.

“Who is it?” Mrs. Hudson brushed her hands on the apron while calling out. In her apron pocket was the Webley Pistol for the stopping power of the shot. She was no fan of the Derringer.

“I like them barrel long and hard.” She told her instructor then who coacher her on the gun. “Bless the husband, he has that.”

What she meant was her husband, Frank Hudson died on the other continent undisclosed to the friends and families while they were on vacation. She returned to the city with her husband’s gun, and her left arm in the sling. She had then given the house at Baker Street with a pension. She soon housed her long staying tenant and acted as his prorector at times. She had seen off unwanted guests including end of the world soothsayers to notorious criminals.

“Holmes lived here?” The last one was a hired killer who appeared on the kitchen door. He was dressed like a gentleman but his shoes were of the wrong fit; army boots to be exact.

“And you are to find him next door. Mine is Cagney, proud Irish we are. Them Scottish folks yonder.” The killer turned to leave but Mrs. Hudson called him back.

“You did not ask for my scones.” Mrs. Hudson fired her pistol with the experimental Hale Palmer’s silencer. It worked for none of the neighbours poured over for condolences. She told herself to tell Mycroft it worked well and bloody deployed them to the others fast. She later covered the body with the cloth and the services disposed of the body discreetly.

“It is me, Mrs. Hudson.” Doctor Watson called out when he saw the lady was in her thoughts. He walked to the kitchen; his limp barely noticeable unless he takes the stairs.

“How is he?” Doctor Watson was ever concerned on his friend, and patient, and at times his adversary; as sometimes doctors feel on their uncooperative patients who will deny their care.

“He is alive, I will conclude. He was out several times, and even at the later hours. Missed his supper twice but ate his scones.” Mrs. Hudson returned to her baking. “No other visitors since but of his errand boys.”

“No withdrawals?” Doctor Watson asked. He was concerned on Sherlock reverting to his cocaine addiction.

“None as I could see. No vials or needles. I even checked his carpet slippers where he stores his tobacco.”

“He stored his tobacco there but does not ear that pair. He has another.” Doctor Watson smiled.

“He should unless he likes to smoke his own after taste of smelly toes.” Mrs Hudson smiled back. “Where were you for the last two days?”

“I was caught up with my own clinic.” Doctor Watson smiled. “One cannot live on idling works.”

He was with the Professor on the calls at Newgate Prison. The comment made by the Professor was well heard by many before: “Tis impossible to describe the terror of my mind, when I was first brought in, and when I looked around upon all the horrors of that dismal place…: the hellish noise, the roaring, swearing, and clamour, the stench and nastiness… joined together to make the place seem an emblem of hell itself, and a kind of entrance to it.”

Newgate Prison was once the most notorious prison in London. Commissioned in the 12th century by King Henry II, Newgate Prison remained in use all the way through to 1902. The prison itself was originally built into a gate on the old Roman wall (hence the name “Newgate”) although it was rebuilt numerous times during its lifespan. Newgate was a holding place for heretics, traitors, and rebellious subjects brought to London for trial. The prison housed both male and female felons and debtors. Prisoners were separated into wards by sex. (Extract from,the%20way%20through%20to%201902.)

It was due to be demolish then.

“Do go and see him. He is in those moods again.” Mrs. Hudson shooed the doctor off. “The scones will be ready by afternoon tea.”

Doctor Watson mounted the stairs and heard the plucking of the violin strings. He detested the violin, but he had learned to live with it. He had likened it to the shrills of the cats from the rear alley.

“Watson, please come in.” Holmes was courteous although Doctor Watson holds a room there in the unit. He does pay Mrs Hudson for it but she took only a small amount. The first thing the Doctor Watson saw was the scattered papers on the floor. He was used to the habit of Holmes leaving his work area untidy. He picked his way to the seat he was assigned.

“Have you seen blood?”

“Blood? I see them daily Why do you asked?”

“No, not blood but the blood at the crime scenes, or on the victim. Watson.” Holmes tone was of the ‘are you stupid.’

“Not so.” Doctor Watson decided to move his reply carefully.

“Elementary, my dear Watson. There were little of it there. I examined the scenes.” Holmes voiced out. “No wide splatter to denote savage mauling.”

“I am …….” Doctor Watson leaned back and gave his medical expression; how did I missed that.

“The removal of the organs was obvious but the trails of blood splatter were unconclusive. In my experiments when an incision was made to connecting vessels to the organs, the blood would have splatter out like a jet of liquid.” Holmes squeezed his hands to demonstrate the effect.  The splatter would have been …...wide, and far if no obstruction was there. And then the excess blood would have spilled over.”

Doctor Watson nodded. That was a possibility unless….

“I read your thoughts, Watson. Unless the blood was extracted in volume before the organs were cut.” Holmes gave his look not asking for approval but acknowledgement of his findings.

“With that assumption……” Holmes looked at the doctor. “The body holds several litres of blood; bucket full to be exact. So where is blood then? And how was it extracted within that time frame? I am aware of a blood pump but to do that will require an enormous pump.”

“Perhaps it was.” Doctor Watson was amused at the presumption.

“Mounted on a carriage but none was seen there or reported at all.” Holmes said. “Or was a work of a monster who sucked blood?”

“Holmes, are you on cocaine again?” Doctor Watson asked.





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