Sunday, April 2, 2023

Hamlet; the Noir Adaption 2023 Act 4 Interlude

 Act Four


King Hamlet stood in the hall with only his lover, Gertrude, and the other he had kept as a guest in the castle, Emperor Claudius. The King was in his play costume as Caesar while the others were in their casual wear.

“I do apologize, my lord. I was caught up with the rewrites when you called. My inspiration was in flow…” Polonius the Chamberlain, as he held the rank then,  had tried to explain his delay.

“I do not require your excuses, Polonius. I am to ask you as a witness to the …” King Hamlet was distracted by the running steps and in the unneeded distraction; Hamlet holding the panty of the girl chasing him.

“Give me back that!’ Ophelia was pursuing the boy of age five. They ran past the quartet from the hall to the corridors, with their playful shrieks heard by far.

“I will caution my daughter soon, my lord. It’s unbecoming of that girl.” Polonius bowed to the King. “It’s not easy being…”

“Enough, Polonius. You are not called here to be judged, but as …witness to …” The King was upset but his lover intrude on his words.

“Hamlet, we need not discuss this with …” Gertrude pleaded with the King.

“The Chamberlain is a part of my family. He stands with me on all occasions and shall be at my side.” King Hamlet roared out. “If you think he is below his tank, then he will be known as the Great Chamberlain.”

“I meant no disrespect toward him but this is…” Gertrude tried to state her stand.

“A family matter and it involves my loyal staff who is a kin to me.” King Hamlet looked at Claudius. “Not one sneaked behind my back and destroy my trust.”

“Hamlet, I was …” Claudius wanted to explain himself.

“I had tolerated it for long. Even before the birth of young Hamlet, I had known that we were all one family. I regretted ever sharing my life with you. You for one was taken as my brother. Nurtured by myself and yet you betrayed me.”

“I have done nothing …that …nothing that will hurt you.” Claudius looked to the King. “You have been kind to me when I was without an act; the menial ones I still took on your call.”

“Menial? Are any of my plays menial, Chamberlain?” King Hamlet was upset.

“No, my lord. All your plays are major works of art. You're acting could be unsurpassed by any but with your discipline, they will be as good. Even the most ‘menial’ act was acclaim with its rank and encore gave.” Polonius defended the King. It was true for his writing had improved under the King. Any encore to the play was his to relish.

“Claudius, long had I known but my career was important. I needed the avenues to vent my thoughts. My acts.” King Hamlet looked at Gertrude. “You…”

“Was I to wait while you act? Was it acting when we laid in bed?” Gertrude asked. “Once we were lovers, for a long time, we were just bedtime partners. You slept on your side and me on the other. We had not felt as before.”

“I was in my culmination of fame. I needed to be …” The King defended his lack of marital acts with his lover.

“And how many did you lay on the need for fame? The King is ravenous! The King is insatiable! The King …” Gertrude hit hard.

“Enough! Your needs were taken care of. Does he not hump you when needed? Or was he a poor lover compared to me?” The King motioned to Claudius. “Claudius, your manliness is being questioned.”

“I did with Gertrude, while she may hold needs as well as me. We knew you knew yet you did not forbid. Many a night she longed for you but you were at play or playing for someone.” Claudius said. “I say a need and with that, I shared mine.”

“Even in my castle, you did.” The King looked at Gertrude. “Do you see the need to be more private here? I know we had fewer walls in the old home, but here we have many chambers, and God knows  what corner you could lurk.”

“Why do it so plainly that he had to see?” The King was infuriated. He pointed to the doorway where Hamlet had left with the panty of the girl. “He asked of me what was that?”

“Oh, my God. We did not …We should…” Gertrude held her hands to her lips.

“What? Where? Who? How? I don’t care. He may not be mine at all.” Those words caused Gertrude to fall to her knees.

“Oh, my God. How could …:” Claudius reacted.

“How was I know? He seems to be more like you. His antics and appearance are like yours. All false acts.” The King looked back at Gertrude. “ I know it all. I am an actor. A better one than him.”

“I will not take this …” Claudius clawed his way.

“And you won’t. I am sending you to England. There you will stay and act. Come back not here unless I am dead.” The King looked at Claudius. “Your bastard will be sent away too. He will learn to live there….away from his mother.”

“No…” Gertrude pleaded. “I will be …”

“You better be good. His well-being depended on your behavior.” The King said to Gertrude. “I will be King one day but never will there be a Queen, but only the madam by myself.”

“Chamberlain, send my son to the school I told you about. Send Laertes if you want. It’s a good school.” The King told the Chamberlain. “Your daughter… She is older. Do as you would like. I have seen hussies and take care of her or she will be one soon.”

“Yes, my lord.” Polonius nodded. “It will be as arranged.”

“Remember this, Claudius. I am to be King and Norway will be my estate. You are banished. Do not ever think of seeing your son. He is to be unblemished from today. If I were to ever see you, it will be on my deathbed.”



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