Thursday, October 6, 2022

Dante Book IV Canto V Scene II

 Canto VI

Efficacy of Prayer.

Scene I


“I was betrayed and killed in Padua. I should have gone onto Oriaco instead of Mira, where the ones in Oriaco had conspired to my death. Instead, I am left to rot in a marsh, with my blood colluded by the foul waters and insects fed my carcass.” Dante knew his name was Jacopo.

Another spoke of bringing the news of his death to his family as was requested earlier by Manfred.

“I died in the Battle of Campaldino, and we were massacred till even my body was not found as he was told by the latter to arrive there. It was a fatal wound on my throat that silenced my voice. Without it, I was not heard by any while I have lain in the river half submerged. I was taken by an Angel although before I was the demon who demanded my soul. They argued over me, and a storm brewed over my burial place until I was hidden by silt and debris.”

Was it another death or was it captured and given the image of being dead? That was asked by Dante. Was it a pattern to their memories but his thoughts were stopped by another third soul who cut in.

There were a few that Dante may have met during his days of poetry recitation, for some of them he met were notable public or famed figures. There was one named Aretine; a learned judge who was sentenced to death for his role in the death of a criminal.

“I am La Pia, and please take my message to the living. I was murdered by my treacherous husband despite his vow to cherish and love me forever do we part.”

Many wanted to impart their tales towards Dante, and like a Poet he was, he listened well. In the back of his mind, Dante aspired to assist them.

It was then seen by Virgil who earlier was seen to display scorn for those souls, heard their tales, and his soul if there was any in him began to relate to them.

“It seems to me, Oh the Light of Mine, that thou deniest expressly, in a certain text, that orison can bend decree of Heaven, and the folk prays only for this, ---shall their hope be in vain? Or is thy saying not rightly clear to me?” Virgil questioned the action there on the journey towards salvation.

“It’s unfair for you to question that for both of us are constructed. We do not have a soul like them, and more to it, I assumed we are not bound by the concept of the soul as seen by them.” Cato read the thoughts of Virgil.

“I conclude. We are constructed and placed here to assist the one named Dante.” Virgil replied.

“Let the ones with the soul take their moment of prayer here now,” Cato told Virgil.

“Does the prayer work?” Virgil raised the question that was among those who were with a soul.

In the midst of them when in pain or directions, many people have begun praying to God, asking Him to bestow faith and strength upon them and help them through this difficult time. (Adapted from

“What is the method to pray so that God will listen?” Virgil raised a logical question about the issue. “Are we sincere when we do pray or do we sound sincere when in need or despair? It is ironic. I thought Pagans do not recognize God, and only what they featured in his mind to be their God.”

“Ironic maybe the tone here but our task here is not to question the efficacy of it,” Cato replied.

“I know. I am just presenting a hypothetical question. My line of question is based on the ----” Virgil started his line of questioning.

“Does it work--- the prayer?” Cato asked. “Don’t be skeptical about it. Our creators do have their own for us when we are activated. I am not convinced of it but it did help my creator. Hence my share on your view.”

“Dante doesn’t have any issue on that.” Virgil smiled.

Dante sat there to listen to each one to tell his tale or be offered a prayer like the last rite then. Or rather it was akin to a game of hazard; which is a game of three dices with the odds of 1/36 which was far off. Maybe, the workings of God can only be seen by the ones who seek it.

“That is like the winner of the dice game, who gets all the attention while the losers sulk in solitude.” That was in Dante’s mind then.

Soon, the attention forced on Dante dwindled and he stood up. He looked towards Virgil.

“Poet, if you are ready, we still have a climb ahead and a lady named Beatrice awaits you.” Virgil offered the bait to Dante.

“Beatrice ---- yes, I am not weary as a while ago. We may proceed.” Dante looked to the setting of the sun. “The sun may reach its horizon sooner.”

“I knew Beatrice is an inspiration to the Poet,” Virgil whispered towards Cato. “The quality of any Man is bound by the lady in their heart.”

Dante was to move when he saw a solitary figure seated nearby, apart from the others.

“Perhaps that one may know more than we were told.” Dante approached the figure. He was to ask when the figure questioned Dante.

“Who are you? Where were you from?” The figure glared at Dante.

“I am from Florence. And he is ---We are all part of the Empire. they are from Mantua.” Dante added Cato to the same city as Virgil’s creator whom he knew was from Mantuan.

“Mantua? The name is Sordello of thy city in the state of my homeland which is the Empire. The hostel of grief; a ship without a captain in the great tempest. I detest the Empire and preferred to be my solitude here. I had repented my sins but my soul ails to prevent me from moving onto Heaven while my Empire is in turmoil.”

Virgil stepped forth to listen to the figure. It was like a reunion for the two who spoke their mind on their city and their fallouts there. Dante stood there patiently to let the two have their talks.

Notes: The efficacy of prayer has been studied since at least 1872, generally through experiments to determine whether prayer or intercessory prayer has a measurable effect on the health of the person for whom prayer is offered. Currently, empirical research indicates that prayer and intercessory prayer have no discernible effects.

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