Thursday, April 9, 2020

Tweet.... tweet..... 9th April 2020 and its Arthur

An excerpt from the tale I am writing.

Artorius looked at the castle and then at the land before it. He liked the location and made the decision to complete the castle.

“It shall be done. It will carry a new name.” Artorius spoke. “I liked it location. It oversees the huge lake that resembled the sea from the view here. To the land, its bordered by the trees that looked like it fruiting for the season. There was one place like this named Avalon. Yet, it mystical for it was never visited yet it’s heard by many.”

“Avalon is in the nether dimension.” Merlin explained. “It’s the very dimensions of the Gods and the …”

“And imaginable friends of yours.” Artorius laughed. “Forget Avalon. Look to the South. We have Camulodunum to the South. The first Roman city erected on Britannica. King Cunobelinus once called the King of the Britons had occupied that town until the Romans took its stake there. We built the first castrum (Roman legionary fortress) there.”

“And here in the North now, I will build a new castrum. I will name it….”

“Cameludum.” Merlin interjected in. “Camulodunum sister fortress in the North.”

“No, it shall not be the sister but the elder brother of it. I will call it Camelot, the Northern Castle.”

“Camelot it’s.” Merlin smiled. “And the castle needs its Lord. Or ….. King.”

Its the end of Book One at 51K words..... whew.... long write that one. It's a new tale on the legendary Arthur and his knights. It may be of a surprise to many who will get to read it later; it's not the usual tale. It's more of a new look;

Romans, Knights, Barbarians, and of course the ladies. It's a fictional write as usual but based on some facts and legends. It encompasses sorcery and battles and betrayal.

Honestly, I have no detailed ideas on how the tale will turn out. I am just adding and enlarging the contents of every chapter. It's now at Chapter 30 and Arthur has not even appeared in the real sense. You won't see Lancelot in the usual role, and not will the knights.

And Guinevere.... oh, please.... she only appeared in several lines till now, and unexplored....I meant literally.

Oh, please guide my mind while I continue on.

Again literally I meant.

I'll be honest that the tale kept on springing in my daydreams and nights one. I have woken up at 3am to complete some passages with the table lamp on.

Arthur it's ..... Onto Book Two now.

Hail Arthur.

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