Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Tweet...tweet...I am just back to say Happy 2019 Year

Hello, my dear readers.

I know I had been away... well, with my so called retirement, I am overwhelmed by works and more works, and lack of creative juice to write....although I have.... and re-write....but I learned one lesson in the world of writing...its never give up..a word or two or a thousand but just try to write.

After all at my age, I have little to concern over. I had a guy giving me the looks past over the urinal wall; ' I told him I still have it. Did you lose yours?'

Yup at my age, we have probably seen or done it, maybe not all but trust me, we fucked a lot of women..... I drew the line there or I would had tripled my score numbers.

Back to my writing, I have some tales penned but unfinished...I deleted some. I am looking for a new angle to my tales; not only the wham bang which I still enjoyed...Inside of me, I am still the gunslinger of the last frontier. I have been watching .... binge watching.... NETFLIX and YOUTUBE on movies and series.... and some ideas flashed by but not enough to form 50K words yet.

I just completed TRAVELERS the series, and loved it. Its the same team from STARGATE and SANCTUARY.... and wow at Season 3, the finale was a surprise.

And before I forget, here;s to 2019


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