Thursday, January 10, 2019

Team of Seven Heroes Short Tales 5 Chapter 1


“I am Blip.
I am an entity that exist.
I existed in isolation since then.
Till my existence was discovered.
This is my tale.
It all began some weeks ago.

“I am not as keen as you to do a search for a missing person. The missing one may turn up soon. And the missing person may not be …. dead yet.” The one who you spoke was Inspector Lestrade, Grey Lestrade. He was a little sallow rat faced dark eyed fellow. Doctor Watson attributed his sallow appearance to the bad diet but he made up for it with the smart dressing. He reckoned it might assist in his works.

“Inspector, I am listening. What are you not telling us?” The wiser person was one named Sherlock Holmes. He was dressed in his comfortable dressing gown and armed with the pipe of his; stacked with tobacco on his right hand. He was seated on his comfortable seater with him facing the doorway and fireplace.

“Not telling? Holmes, the only reason I am here is because I need your ….. advice.” The Inspector looked at Holmes. He moved closer to the fireplace rubbing his hands to keep it warm. The weather was colder than other nights, and he regretted ever coming there. He was never on equal terms with that man.

“In a minute, Inspector.” Holmes was frantic looking for something. “Watson, did you see my mittens? Mrs Hudson always misplaced them.”

“Holmes, look below you. You dropped it.” Watson replied to him. He then went back to his papers where he was reading on the social pages. He was trying to catch up on who’s who.

“I won’t be here if not for the Commissioner. He is edging me to find the man. He is the Commissioner’s cousin. The one that decided to stay at the countryside.” Lestrade went on. “He took a walk into the fields and then did not return. When he was missing for most of the next day, the Ground keeper called the local station and a search was conducted. They called on the locals to assist and by nightfall, the alert went out. Or rather the Commissioner sent me. I went down to assist and it has been three days since then.”

“Three days, and most times the missing is deemed missing after the first twenty-four hours and if it passed the mark of forty-eight hours, the missing may be deemed dead or …. missing for good.” Sherlock looked up from his seat. “Pardon me, I am not truly myself.”

“Holmes, if this case does not intrigue you then perhaps I will make my way off. We all have our works cut out for us.” Lestrade moved towards the doorway.

“Tell me, Inspector. How many were there? The people searching the land? Five on the sweep? Not a very good coverage given that each person could do like ten feet on his own. He may had missed the narrow rabbit holes or the sunken cover behind the shrubs? Oh, dear.”  Holmes asked. He had on his mitten over his pipe. “How far did you cover? Did you reach the other county?”

“County?” Lestrade was getting upset. “We were covering the immediate grounds and he was not a kid. He was an elderly man and had taken walks before. I feel as if it’s waste of time.”

Lestrade turned to leave but Sherlock stopped him.

“Tell me why are you here? Was it the other missing persons? Two others in the neighbourhood? And three others in the other county in the last year.”

“Missing? How did you know?” Lestrade stopped then. “I was only briefed by Scotland Yard yesterday. There were some cases.”

“You are baffled.” Holmes looked at the flames in the fireplace. “I read all of it and reckoned there may be a case after all. How is the weather there, Watson?”

“How would I know? I have been here with you for the last few days.” Watson was the next one to get agitated. He was not keen to plodding in the fields with the bad weather out there. And more so, he disliked the empty home without Mary, his wife away with the mother in the other home. He did feel miserable and more so when Holmes indicated that they are going to walk in the cold.

“Bad.” Lestrade replied. “No matter. We got the Inn to stay in courtesy of Scotland Yard. They served nice mutton stew.”

“Splendid! We will take the over night train and be there by morning. I am sure the Inspector will like to get home to have a change of clothes. Meanwhile I will send out a telegram to some old friends.” The detective took to his task on the study table. Watson meanwhile moved his haunch to settle closer to the fireplace.

An hour later, Sherlock had his seat by the window after having packed away the case he was carrying. He had packed his clothes for about three days stay and reckoned by then, he would had returned to London. He does travel light and unlike Watson, the doctor was lugging in his luggage then. He picked up the case and dropped it on the overhead compartment before he took the seat opposite Sherlock.

“Are you still upset, Watson? We are to another adventure where your skills in the narrative may sell the tale.” Sherlock looked at the grumpy state friend of his. He had not seen Watson in such a bad light for they have spend worse conditions while on the hunt for criminals. He then sighed when he realised the possible cause.

“Do tell me, Watson? When would Mary be back?” Sherlock tried to struck up a conversation. Watson reply was an un-measurable mumble that sounded more like the breath of the dragon at Sir George when they had encountered.

“Oh, come on, Watson. She is only away for a few days. And you are acting like a spoil child.”

“Do tell Sherlock. Have you ever …. being in love?” Watson asked. “I know that once you were attracted to Irene…”

“Hold that, Watson. I refused to reply that. Irene’ relationship …… perceived one was not to materialise.” Sherlock turned his face and muttered a weak greeting of the evening. It was an affair that he refused to discuss nor acknowledged to anyone including his good friend then. Watson then riled up was not giving the discussion a rest. He sat up and then continued on.

“Tell me, Sherlock. I am a doctor and could considered myself as one to you too.” Watson had seen Sherlock addiction to cocaine and had tried to cure the sleuth of it. “Do you…. No, I meant to say…”

“Love a woman? Heavenly yes but not Irene.” Sherlock replied with the frowned facial when he turned to look at Watson. He crossed his legs and laid back on the seat. “I am also not sexually inadequate if that was next presumption. I am virile but I chose not to display it to you for you….”

“Hold on, Sherlock. I was just asking and you don’t have to get so defensive and more to it, hostile.” Watson snapped back and then looked out the window to the passing scenes. 

“Hostile? Me hostile. I was not. I was ….” Sherlock looked hard at Watson and then changed his tone. “We were discussing as a Doctor to a patient.”

“Yes, purely academic and medically if you want to phase it as that.” Watson replied. “I have …. I mean of concern for you have displayed any affectionate displays even not to Mrs Hudson when she served you tea.”

“For the sake of discussion, Watson. Mrs Hudson had on the dress buttoned to the top and more to it, her bent posture was towards you. Did you get arouse then?”

“I … protest, Sherlock. I have my own views on ….”

“Mary, I presume. She would be fully unclothed before you.” Sherlock hit a nerve there.

“And our conversation ends now.” Watson looked to the other way and closed his eyes.

“So, be it.” Sherlock looked away and watched the train station passed by his sight. It was a ridiculous discussion and now both of them did not get any sleep that night.

Team of Seven Heroes Short Tales 4 Chapter 20 Finale



Abraham refused to move. He looked over at Imtep.
“Why are you still here? Ain’t you to die yet? I have taken your soul.” Abraham looked at the other. “You were to…”
“Your soul is in me. I am reading your memories. You are a …. An unusual person. You terminate demons like myself. I wondered why? I searched on more. It’s the family tradition then. The Van Helsing have been doing it for generations. Do you like your tasks? I am now you or you are part of me.”
“Shut up! I am not asking you read my life. I am asking you why you are still standing there. If I am you why can’t I feel like ….. you?”
“It’s not how that soul transfer worked. You killed the last soul in me, and now yours is inside me. 
There is a catch. I can die … No, I can be terminated like what you did to the others now. I have your soul and that made me yours.”
“Why didn’t my father kill you then?” Hasnah asked.
“Your father… Yeah the one whom I had the soul earlier. He was onto me some years back. He led his brother here. I fought them all and they lost to me. I would had terminated them but your father sacrificed your uncle who was fatally wounded. It was an exchange of souls. I was tired of the one I had. With your uncle, I could learn new things and more to it, I let your father live.”
“That was not I heard then.” Hasnah protested.
“We spoke to make you believe us. Your father went along but he cheated me. He made me believe him too that in his tale and then struck me. He is in me and been trying to control me. I know he did it for a reason. I probed hard and learned that he will have his grandson kill me. Guess what, I will be there.”
“Not only with the Grandfather inside me but the Van Helsing blood too.” Imtep smiled. “More to it, your God have left.”
It hit Hasnah then. The God they have summoned was gone. It had ditched them. She was to strike and then held back. If she does terminate Imtep, she may hurt Abraham. She then called on Anubis once more but the God did not turn up.
“The one who judges won’t return for you.” Imtep smiled. “There is only you and me, my lover.”
“No! I demand to be judged. I demand to be served.” Hasnah called out. “I called on the spell of shifting time dimension.”
Hasnah took from her tunic the page where she recited the passages to invoke the spell. It was soon after she heard the galloping horses. She turned to look.
It was her destiny.
The figures on the horses dismounted and approached her. She saw then her son with herself.
“Hello, Hasnah. Abraham, meet who is yet to be born son. He is named after you.” Hasnah told Abraham who was stunned by the appearance of an older Hasnah and the young man who resembled him.
“Who …. Am I?” Abraham was trying to find the words but he saw then Hasnah of his time reached out for her other self.
“The spell from the Ancient Scrolls worked after all. I am …” Hasnah smiled. “I have aged well.”
“And I came as ordained. I brought our son. And friends.” The aged Hasnah then introduced the others. “Akbar of the Guardians. Madame Deauville the High Priest of Imtep. The others who will complete the task today.”
Madame Deauville stood there transfixed in shock when she looked at her younger self there. She was too stunned to speak. It was Imtep who then cursed at older Hasnah.
“You have invoked a powerful spell but it will not defer your demise.”
“No, it won’t be. I have returned from the future to battle you. I have come to redeem Abraham’s soul to be sent off with his ashes. You will be vanquished today.”
“A folly of the women is their foolish dreams. Dream on child.” Imtep rushed at older Hasnah but the younger Abraham stepped in to defend the mother. He lashed out with his right hook and clawed the demon on the right arm. Imtep retreated holding his wounded arm.
“Your claw is with the incantations. Master Osis have done well. It does hurt me.” Imtep looked at the younger Abraham. “I will not be defeated.”
Imtep rushed then at his young mistress and pushed her towards young Abraham.
“Fight for me, my Priest.”
The younger French lady pushed towards the younger Abraham rushed at him but she stopped when she saw the elder version of her stood between them.
“Resist his command. Heed my words. We will be freed soon.”
“Nay, I am surrounded by fools.” Imtep called out. “Fight me, Hasnah. Fight me like a warrior.”
“No! The one to fight you will not be me. It will be Abraham my son. He will fight you for his father’s soul.” The older Hasnah cried out. She tossed to him her scimitar. “Use this to kill Imtep.”
The younger Abraham held the scimitar which was once his grandfather in his hands. He approached Imtep who stood there.
“Vanquish me and your soul is mine.”
“I will do it to save my parents.” Abraham plunged the scimitar into Imtep in the chest. The demon screamed and then laughed.
“I lived on.” Imtep cried out in joy. “Father to son.”
It was then the older Madame Deauville pushed the young lady named Yukio.
“Yukio, kill the demon as taught to you by your guard.”
Yukio drew the katana given by her guard who was her grandfather and rushed towards Imtep. She plunged the katana blade into the demon. Imtep looked at the blade that was plunged into the chest. It did not scream but it glared at the young lady.
“Who are you?”
“I am Yukio…. the …”
“Yukio is your granddaughter, Imtep. She is of our blood. Our daughter died soon after she gave blood to Yukio.” The older Deauville lady spoke up. “You never knew then but I was with our child. Only our blood could vanquish you forever.”
“No… It can’t….” Imtep stepped back and the two blades were pulled out. “I cannot be vanquished.”
“I have seen enough. You will be judged, Imtep.” The voice of Anubis called out once. They were all transported to the dark void once and Imtep was in the jaws of canine with the fangs.
“I cannot send you to the Underworld for you will create chaos with your presence. However, I sensed another dimension can hold you. Step forth. Lynx.”
Didi the Lynx appeared on the void with its huge presence. It meowed and then Imtep was swallowed as a whole into the lynx. The voice of Anubis then spoke out.
“All of you have served a purpose here. I will give you judgement on your soul. To the elder ones, you will be delivered to the rightful dimension. To the younger ones, you will live on till this day will come, and then you will be judged.”
With that, the older Hasnah saw herself reunited with her lover, Abraham in his soul form, and the Elderly Deauville following her. The others were then expelled back to the sandy sands once more.
“What happened?” Abraham looked around. The skies were clear and the City was no more there. He turned and saw Yukio standing there unsure of what had happened. It was Akbar who spoke then.
“I think our tasks and responsibility is lifted from us.” Akbar smiled. “The City is gone. See my people are here and we will rejoice today.”
“Hold on there, chap. What happened to my …. men?” Major Chips asked. He was then greeted by the hollers of his mates, alongside the French allies.
“Major Chips, look at we have.” It was Peter, the Lieutenant. “Well done, chaps. We beaten the enemies. And we have this to return to London.”
The Lieutenant held up the pouch of diamonds and rubies, So was Professor Emile with his bag of jewels. Abraham then approached Akbar.
“They served their role and got their reward. We all did.” Akbar replied. “Your parents are together now in body and soul. They left you a gift which you will treasured.”
Abraham looked at scimitar held in his right hand. He then looked at Yukio. She was holding her hands together in a prayer. She looked over at Abraham.
“He is right. Taro-san and Madame Deauville is with my parents. They are all happy.” Yukio then looked at the set of swords on her waist belt. “They left me a gift which I treasured on. I will carry on in their legacy.
“Then you will have this to protect you.” Abraham handed over the set of greaves with the hooks. He then looked at Akbar. “And you will have Master Osis’ scimitar.”
“What of you, young Abraham?” Akbar asked.
“Me? I will be fine. I have the Van Helsing’s blood in me. We are not that easy to vanquish from this dimension.”

“The way of the dark cannot be allowed on my world.” The katana blade slashed the demon from the head to the waist before it was sheathed into the scabbard. The katana wielder then turned her back and walked out of the dark temple to the rising sun where a new day was starting.
Her name was Yukio the Hunter.
She tucked the katana next to her other shorter sword on her back. She then picked up the face covered helmet and donned it over her dark shaded hair that was tied pony tail to the rear. Once her helmet was in place, she pulled the zipper to her dark jacket up to the neckline and then felt for the greaves on her wrists; the hooks with the claws once a gift to her by a friend. Once all was secured in, she kicked the throttle lever on her huge and powerful two-wheeler bike to take up the high speed towards home.
Or another hunting in the coming evening.

Team of Seven Heroes Short Tales 4 Chapter 19



The journey came to an end just before the dark storms. Fifty riders in dark robes approached them. The English were quick to reach for their rifles but Madame Deauville stopped them. The French lady rode up to the approaching riders.
“Hail Guardians of the Desert. I was expecting you.” Madame Deauville looked at the riders. “I am Madame…”
“Madame Deauville. I am aware of your identity. I am their leader, Akbar of the Guardians. I am part of the Council of Elders.” Akbar rode up towards the French lady. “Your reputation precedes you. We have been watching you for some time. Ever since you return here as the Manager of the Dining Car. You have been busy removing the treasure hunters or the grave diggers. Your secrets were safe with me.”
“And yours are with me.” Madame Deauville reply.
“For today we will share one secret.” Akbar looked at her. “We are going to the Hidden City.”
“Have you been there? I meant inside it.” Madame Deauville looked back. “Have you?”
Akbar shook his head.
“I …. We are no allowed to go in. We were to patrol outside the boundary. Not this time. The clouds meant something happened there. I know you travelled with the Van Helsing’ lover and child. They may be the cause of the storm. I have to know. For me to know I have to bring them there.”
Akbar motioned to the surrounding dunes where long rows of riders in the dark robes. They all drew out their scimitars above their heads. They all also started shrieking at the top of their voices. Madame Deauville estimated that there were about two thousand of them there.
“You brought out the ten tribes.” Madame Deauville smiled. “I heard of them but never in the full force.”
“Yes, and we have the French with us. They claimed to hold the Philosopher Stone.”
“The Stone is a mystery in life. It may never exist anymore.” Madame Deauville smiled. “They are lying.”
“No, Madame. You know its true. The Stone exist. It was once held in trust by you with the consent of Imtep. The Stone was once the gift from the others to King Solomon. It was fabled that the King used it to make his wealth but it came with a price. It saps the soul in small dosages. It was why the King hid the Stone among his treasures given to the Pharaohs. Maybe he thought the Stone will be kept safe.”
“Yes, you are right. I was the guardian of the Stone. I have it with me. The one that the French have is a fake.”
“You admit to it then?” Akbar asked. “You also know that the ancient text spoke of the day the dark clouds will prevail over the City. It will end the reign of Imtep. And a new legend will begin. It was all stated in the ancient texts. Imtep time here is over.”
“How did you know all of this? It was only in the prophecy and that was hidden in the dark.” Madame Deauville queried.
“We are the Guardians of the Desert, and among our devotion was to Anubis, The God of the Underworld. We also safeguard the gateway to the Underworld. The undeserving ones are prevented to leave there. Or vanquish by us.”
“Are we in need to fight our way out or can we move on?” It was Hasnah who voiced out.
“We are moving on, Madame.” Akbar replied to Hasnah. “We have to hurry. The storm had taken on more force.”
They soon caught up with the French team and took the lead to the Hidden City. The dark storm was there and so were the hordes of demons all standing to await their Master. There were the dark huge scorpions, the undead bodies, the serpents and the deserts deadly creature. There were also the huge centipedes which was the length of the five feet. There were a few huge demons that resembled the Minotaur’s that stood at over twice the height of Man and double the dimension with a nastier look. They were all shaded in the dark green which could had been the moss that grew over them but it must have been rarer to find any in the desert. It probably came from the other side. They were all surrounding the Hidden City and waiting to protect it.
“We need to get into the City.” Hasnah voiced out. “For us to kill Imtep at the same chamber area where we will complete the final delivery of Imtep from this world.”
“It shall be done.” Akbar signalled the army of his to move forward. It was the English who intervened.
“May I suggest, dear Sir. I could open a corridor for you. My Vickers is deadly.” Major Chips had his boys set up the gun aimed at the demons. “When we opened up, you can move to create more diversions on the right and left. The others can then move into the City.”
It was an unusual move but Akbar agreed. The Vickers mounted on the sandy ground bellowed out its own sting and it mowed down some nasty looking creatures. The huge nasty scorpions veered to the right when some of them were shot. Their reaction was to attack on the others within striking the range of its sting. One of the scorpions went for the huge centipede with the sting on the centipede body but the other was not giving up with its bites on the scorpion’s body. It was soon a battle of stings and bites before the centipede curled up and the scorpion withdrew but it was attacked on by the other dark creatures. Eventually, it also went down flat on the sandy ground.
“Rip them a corridor, boys. I am riding in.” Major Chips mounted his horse and followed the others who was galloping towards the corridor opened by the Vickers. He saw then the army of dark robed figures have formed a wall between them and engaged the demons. The riders ploughed into the demons with their scimitars swinging and slashing at anything that was unhuman. He saw a rider went down and the centipede went at the rider with the bites. The rider screamed with the agony before he died.
Akbar was on the right group and used his rifle to clear the path. He emptied his ammo clip and then reached for the reload when the stinger on the scorpion struck at the rear of the horse. The horse went down just before Akbar jumped off. He had lost his grip on the rifle and rolled with the fall. He stopped looking face up and saw the centipede rushing at him then. He had not time to draw the scimitar and kicked out with his legs at the centipede jaws, before he rolled onto the left side. He pulled his scimitar out but before he could pull it out completely, the centipede was onto him. He held the scimitar in front of him with his right hand on the hilt and the left hand clasping the blunt inner side above the hilt. The blade was stuck to the centipede fangs preventing it inches from Akbar’ face. He pulled the scimitar hard across the closed jaws and sliced at the centipede flesh there. He then twisted the blade and shafted it into the centipede throat. He rolled away before the blood of the centipede spurted onto his body.
“Oh, boys. These guys are not tougher than we thought.” Major Chips watched the Vickers bullets impacted on the huge creature which it took on quite a lot of bullets which would had tore a normal man into pieces. The Minotaur danced on the impact but it took several steps forward before it fell onto its face.
“Now shoot that centipede. I ain’t got all day.” Major Chips then rode forward on his horse. Hasnah had then taken the lead on the ride towards the City with Abraham and Yukio on her right side. The cage with the lynx was in the horse with Hasnah.
The French lady was on her left and before that were the French on horses provided by Akbar. They reached the outer Main Gate and it was guarded by the two huge scorpions. Hasnah did not stop in her gallop while pulling the scimitar given by her father. She waved it at them but the scorpions did not move.
“Damn! Why won’t they move?” Hasnah cursed out. She then saw Major Chips rode ahead. He took out from his trouser pants the belt of three grenades. They were the Mills bomb, a design by the Mills Munition Factory. It was an earlier design but it worked. The grenades exploded above the scorpions and scattered them from the doorway. Hasnah was stunned by the explosion but the English Major had ridden on and then dismounted. He then pushed at the doors to open it.
“Anyone care to help?”

Team of Seven Heroes Short Tales 4 Chapter 18



“Yes, my child. It’s your father who stand here now. Your uncle has been …. released of his bond.” The figure that was Imtep stood there in the dark robe and the red sash from the neck to the waist.
“Each time Imtep is defeated, the victor gets its soul taken by the demon and incorporated into the form while the previous soul will be discarded. I did defeat Imtep in the last battle as my brother did in the previous one. Once I had defeated Imtep, the blow by my brother on me before it escaped was to capture my soul. I am now Imtep.”
“Or Imtep is me.” The figure known as Imtep smiled. It resembled Master Osis but the expression was not the same. It emitted an evil outlook when seen by others.
“Welcome, children of mine. I am fully aware of what Master Osis had in mine for me. Your father is a tough one and even with his soul in me, he struggles hard to fight me. He fights me more than his brother. He forgets that he is the realm of mine. I am the Supreme one there.”
“Behold the soul of your father’s brother after twenty over years inside mine.” Imtep reached out with his right hand. It held a shimmering aura there that resembled an interwoven string that were many in the strands and reached a height of a fistful shape.
“The soul that I do not need is not needed.” Imtep then clasped shut the fingers and the fistful of strings dissipated. “Not that is done. I am feeling better. Sorry for the dramatic show here but that soul was seeking to leave for some years now.”
“Bastard, you killed….” Hasnah could not find the words.
“Your uncle I know. He was the brazen one and with all the ideas of how to vanquish me. In the end he did that and he got caught inside me. He never read that text.”
“True, Father did say to me that the way to defeat you is in the ancient texts. I have read it myself.” Hasnah replied.
“I hoped you get it right. I hate to lose your father for you. You are too young and more to it, I have learned more from the Master of the Arts. His memories are mine.”
“Desecrate not my father’s memory anymore. I will kill you.” Hasnah hissed out in anger. “I know the texts to kill you.”
“Your words made no sense to me. I have searched the memories of Master Osis and nothing he had was mentioned of this.” Imtep snapped back. If you chose to delay your death, then it may be fruitless.”
“The memory of it does not exist in my father when he was captured by you. You took his soul but not his mind. He had that to tell me of the text to vanquish you once more.” Hasnah stepped forward to face Imtep. “Among all the Gods in Egypt, you feared one other more. Its Osiris I speak of.”
“Osiris have not existed for a long time, child. You invoke the Gods to defeat me but do you know the wrath of the Gods. Invoke them at your risk.” Imtep cursed at her. “You are as foolish like your father.”
“Challenge me then, Imtep. My life for my father.” Hasnah called out. “I stand here.”
“So am I.” Imtep motioned with his hands and the gladiators appeared but they were short of one. There was also the French lady then. “My warriors stand with me.”
“And mine are with me.” Hasnah replied with Abraham standing by her. He was standing there with his arms tensed. He was unsure of what Hasnah intend to do, and she was not in his mind. He missed that very much. He saw then Hasnah placed the scimitar on the ground. It was the most idiotic thing to do in a battle. Hasnah then pulled out the page that she tore from the ancient text pages.
“What are you doing, Child?” Imtep asked.
“I am taking to you to the realm of the Underworld, The realm of …. Anubis.” Hasnah spoke up. 
“The realm is everything and yet nothing of it is anything.”

“Child, you are bringing calamity to the land.” Imtep challenged back. “I will not stand for this.”
Hasnah had ignored Imtep and chanted the words from the torn page. The scene on the chamber changed from the high ceiling to the scene of a dark void and the hanging bodies were actually demons floating there. Hasnah found herself standing on nothing and yet she felt solid on her feet.
“Who dares to call upon me?” The voice reverted from everywhere and somewhere. Hasnah looked around and then her hands went to stifle her screams. She felt that she was inside the void and there were the eyes everywhere. It was not any eyes but that of the canine and the fangs with the open jaws. She saw the fangs moved onto the demons and bit into the bodies. The demons held them in the jaws as if weighing them.
“I am Anubis the God of the Underworld. I decide who goes well. The one that weighs heavier and the verdict is to banishment.” The voice resonated in the void. “Watch my scale.”
Each demon was weighed and then discarded before the fangs found itself a new demon. It went through a dozen and then it all stopped. By then void was down to a few numbers and most were banished.
“Imtep the Priest. Are you here too to be weighed?” The voice sounded out directed Imtep who was not touched yet.
“No, I am not. I am ….” Imtep displayed fear then. It looked at Hasnah. “She brought us here. She may be the one keen to be weighed.”
“Are you?” The voice spoke out. And then the voice asked Imtep. “Are you too?”
“Or them too? They are all lifeless.” The voice looked at the gladiators and the French lady.
“No…. Yes, take them all.” Imtep called out. “I am leaving.”
“Master, you can’t be doing this. I am not …. lifeless.” The French lady screamed out. “I want out.”
“Enough of the antics. I am summoned and shall not leave until I have my fill.” The voice called out. The jaws came around and two of the gladiators were snatched into its jaws. The gladiators screamed out there was silence. Then the jaws opened out. The gladiators fell out and into the void or nothing.
“I am ….” The voice called out. “I….:”
“Imtep, take the challenge.” Hasnah called out. “Or lose to me.”
“No….Me.” Abraham rushed out to Imtep. His hook caught the demon in the chest and ripped the heart out. He killed Imtep. No, he released Master Osis and replaced with his.
“Abraham! You fool!” Hasnah called out. “You lost your soul.”
Abraham fell to his knees clutching his heart. He moaned and groaned before Hasnah grabbed him.
“You could have …. waited…. Asked me. Why did you rush to it?” Hasnah looked at the man on her arms. I had it all planned.”
“You wanted to bargain with the Gods to fight the demon. I cannot let it happened.” Abraham replied. 

“I will take your place instead. We have been battling the demons for ages. The Van Helsing is not that easy to be vanquished. I may have lost my soul today but I am still be here. I have still my mind and body. Your father went on without his soul. He taught you to fight Imtep. He did not tell you to lose your soul.”
“He died sooner. He only survived for a while. You are not to die until we have a family. Our son awaits us.” Hasnah shed her tears. “You were promised to me.”
“No!” Abraham called out. He looked to Imtep and then to other demons. And then to the canine eyes.
“I challenged you all to your weighing of your life sins.” Abraham voiced out. “Did you do all these on your own or was it by the acts of Imtep?”
“Enough!” The voice once more took command once more. “Abraham Van Helsing, you have intruded into my realm and disrupted my people. I ought to kill you here; yes, terminate your life for eternity but I am forced to think of the words you spoke. Are they the sinners or the victims of the sinner Imtep?”
“I am not a patronising God but I will defer the punishment for now. Neither of you are ready for my judgment. Come back when you are ready. Come back when you are able to really defeat Imtep without my help.”
With that the God left the scene. They are back on the sandy sands once more but the skies remained dark over them.

Team of Seven Heroes Short Tales 4 Chapter 17



Yukio sensed the young lad was riding next to her was silent but his actions spoke of the need to speak. She then looked over to him.
“Is your name Abraham?” The demure lady had changed into travelling attire of tunic and loose pants tucked into the knee-high boots. She had her hair tucked into a bandanna wrapped to the back. She had on her the set of swords used by her guardian with her own set wrapped and strapped to the saddle.
“Uh…. Yes, it’s.” Abraham unsure if he ever told her his name.
“My guardian is not really one but my grandfather. He told me to tell everyone that he is a guardian and I am a Princess which I am not. I am just a plain lady far away from her homeland.” Yukio replied. Her face was devoid of the heavy makeover and she looked plain like others.
“Me? I am on a trip here with my mother to settle a …. family issue.”
“Why are you then with us on this journey? I know of the Hidden City. Taro-san told me of it. I am here for a purpose too. I am to fight Imtep for it was responsible for the death of my father too. It possessed my mother and killed my father. I was saved by my grandfather who killed my mother. Madame Deauville is my grandmother on my mother side. She is my guardian now. She may know of this but what she does not know is that I have come to avenge my mother.” Yukio replied. “And Taro-san.”
“How … With no ….” Abraham struggled to find the words.
“Taro-san blade is not any blade. Its an ancient blade of the darker ages. It will slay demons.” Yukio displayed the katana on her waist belt. “It’s named Akuma Slayer.”
Abraham looked stunned then.
“It was no coincidence that my father will meet my mother. She came there to learn of the ancient texts on Akuma. She met my father who was an apprentice there under the mentorship of Taro-san. They had me before Tara-san can stopped their relationship. Due to that they were spared the punishment of death but the rule was I am not to call Taro-san as my grandfather. I was raised by Taro-san and taught the ways of the Samurai beside the arcane arts.”
“How did Imtep …”
“Imtep is recovering in the city but its evil deeds reached out far and into my mother. She was his student once before and in her struggle to set free, she was possessed. Taro-san killed her to remove the demon from controlling me.”
“I…” Abraham still struggled in his words.
“The dark clouds beckon us for it mean Imtep is once more at its peak of its power. We must stop it.”
Unknown to the young couple, Madame Deauville heard their conversation and then pulled the reins of the horse she was riding on. She soon found herself next to the English man.
“Major Chips, I presume once more.” The officer heard his name called out and turned to acknowledge the lady.
“Madame, I am honoured that you still remember me. After all, Shanghai was a distance memory for the elderly chaps like me.” Major Chips smiled.
“What happened in Shanghai remained in Shanghai.” Madame Deauville replied. “Although it was unorthodox.”
“More like a daily chore for me, Madame. I can assure you that I was delighted to have met you there. You were so out of place then and yet there was something mutually we enjoyed.” Major Chips smiled.
“I can say so. Its not every season we had vampires and demons calling at our doorsteps. If I could recall you were there to ,,,,,, excavate the ancient tombs.” Madame Deauville smiled. She meat the Major then at the ancient dig site.
“Excavate it was indeed. I was surprised to see besides you the beauty of the day, the demons were of a far away land appearing there. Most unusual and that was what made me curious of you. Did you attract them? Like me the foreign devil in Shanghai.”
Madame Deauville laughed at the Major. She had encountered Western demons in Shanghai and that even surprised her. She thought she had seen enough of them when she left them in Egypt but they had followed her to Japan and then to China. She decided to return to Egypt; it was her final calling.
“Tell me, Major. Why does the Hocus Pocus Section want with the Hidden City?”
“Hocus…. Oh, you meant M99; the section for the Occult. They could not give us a reference and settled on 99 for ease of remembrance. Yes, M99 is here on official call. The French are here and so we can’t be far behind. They acclaimed to have the key to stop Imtep. I am tasked to take it from them. It won’t be difficult for we done it before in Waterloo.”
“Waterloo was a fluke, if the French could correct you. Napoleon was unwell at the battle and his judgment was adjusted.” Madame Deauville pride herself of her heritage. “We are the world conqueror even before the Spaniards.”
“I won’t dispute that. I am after all a gentleman. We don’t countermand the ladies view. We may ignore it.”
“Spoken like one. I admired that. Be one when we meet Imtep.”
Hasnah was a distance to the right and heard everything. She recalled her meeting with the French lady was uneventful too.
“My Master awaits you ahead.” The French lady motioned to Hasnah and Abraham once they had stepped into the pyramid. The sight that greeted a chamber; a huge one with the major pillars to the side and with them, the grand chamber held its semi circular ceiling with the ornate drawings of the universe with its planetary layouts. What was most amazing were the from the ceiling were the long strings of human guts that at the end was the dead body. Or appeared to be for they were swinging as if a breeze was in the chamber.
“Oops I was wrong.” Madame Deauville then stepped into a hidden doorway and was gone. The Madame was wrong. Imtep was there standing at the far end. It was not the same for there was something uncanny on the figure.

Team of Seven Heroes Short Tales 4 Chapter 16



“What does a French lady have to do to be the aide?” Abraham asked while he eyed the lady. She was dressed in the dark shade gown with a red shade on the seams that streaked down the back from the neck to the heels. The gown held a high collar that flared out to cover the ears. The blonde hair lady held a distinct contrast to the dark gown but the makeover over on the face was reddish and gave an edge to the lady expression.

“What does a Northerner do to earn the trust of the Master?” The lady queried back.


“He gets to bed the aide which you can’t do.” Hasnah replied. “I prefer mine too.”

“I am impressed. I do not get to do that. I am perhaps more laid back.” The French lady replied. “Now the Master is busy. The Master wants to me to attend to you.”

“Tell him we declined. After all, he will be seeing us soon.” Hasnah replied. It was then Abraham intervened.
“Ladies, perhaps we can be civil about it.” Abraham voiced out. He then saw the group of demons that appeared out of the sands. They looked like Roman Gladiators. They wore the Roman armours and wielded the square shield and the Roman sword; the Gladius. That ended there; the eight of them was of different nationalities. Two were Nubians and one was a Spaniards, with the other five looking Slavish. The six parted and their leader appeared. He was armoured like them but he was huge. He stood a head above the others, and he wielded the broadsword from the Crusade era.
“The Master sends his best which is unusual to greet you.” The French lady announced. “Meet the Gladiators. They are the ones that was sent here by Mark Anthony but they did not return with their Centurion. They stayed on for immortal times.”
“Before we start the killing one more, tell me French lady who are you once more?”
“Madame Deauville. I am a believer of Imtep. I am of his cult. He had accorded me the rank of High Priestess. I am to protect his realm.”
“Hold on. When was that? You are not of this land.” Hasnah asked.
“I am half French by my father side and Egyptian by my mother. I lived my childhood here and then in Asia. I was his children by birth courtesy of my mother. I returned here to fulfil my task.”
“Good, then with the introductions over we can then battle it our now.” Hasnah replied. “I was getting bored.”
The six gladiators lined up after their leader and formed a square formation with two on each side and two on the ends. They parted in the rear for the huge leader to step in. They then marched in formation towards Hasnah and Abraham.
“Shall we dance, Northerner?” Hasnah held out her hands. Abraham found himself nodding and then he stepped his left leg back and held out his arms to the front. She ran towards him and then leapt high. Abraham rushed to meet her jump with his hands upwards. He grabbed her right leg and then assisted her in twisting her jump. She went into a body twist and then somersault with the scimitar drawn on her right hand. She swung out with her right arm aimed at the huge leader. Her move was deflected by the synchronised raising of the shields. The scimitar struck on the shield and then Hasnah used the shield as a platform to twist back on her move. She landed on her feet in a half-crouched posture and her right arm swung once more. The shields came down once more in sync and blocked her move.
“Northerner, looks like we have a tough one to crack.” Hasnah voiced out and then stepped back from the gladiator’s wall of shield.
“Perhaps, I can suggest this.” Abraham replied and then moved to the right side before he prepared his attack. He feigned an attack on the gladiator’s legs and they lowered their shields. At the same time, Hasnah took the cue to attack form her side with the scimitar levelled at the heads. The shields there went up in tandem. The duo did more attacks and the gladiators deflected each move. It was moving into a dance routine and without a warning, Abraham feigned an attack on the legs but actually moved his left greave to aim at the huge leader on the head. His hook shot out and with the claws on it, he raked the leader in the face. The later screamed and the shields went back up but by then Hasnah had moved in with the scimitar on the legs. The scimitar slashed at the Nubian gladiator legs and caused the gladiator to fall on its knees. With the exposed gap in the shield, Hasnah rushed in and leapt onto the crouched Nubian left shoulder as jump platform to slash down on the leader who was momentarily blinded by Abraham’s hook.
The gladiators’ formation scattered on the attack and the gladiators withdrew to reformed their stance. The wounded Nubian was limping with the shield as the support stand. The leader stepped out with the face bloodied and then roar a challenge to Abraham.
“I think we got them riled up.” Abraham called out while he retracted the left hook.
“Look at the Nubian.” Hasnah pointed out. The gladiator had then fallen to the knees and the wound was spreading like locust feeding on the farmlands. It was spreading from the legs to the waist. The Nubian later screamed out when the wound reached the chest and then it covered the head. The body form of the Nubian then dissipated into the sand as if it was never there.
“Your scimitar is a curse on them.” Abraham told Hasnah. “It can kill them.”
It was then the leader of the gladiator led the others into a charge at the duo, and Hasnah split directions with Abraham. The leader and the other remaining Nubian went for Hasnah while the rest chased Abraham. Hasnah stood then and faced the pursuers. She in turn rushed at the leader and took a swing with the scimitar on the leader. He blocked her attack with the shield but Hasnah had then turned her body to face the Nubian who was behind the leader. She twisted her right hand and thrust the scimitar into the Nubian’s exposed left waist. The blade on the scimitar cut through the armour and pierced the flesh. The Nubian screamed out and then fell forward when the blade cut through to the back. Hasnah had then retreated a distance to the side while the Nubian with the fatal wound succumb to the deadly blade. The leader had then swung the broadsword at Hasnah which she deflected with the scimitar. She felt the strength of the sword on her’ with the vibrations of the move coursing through her body. She retreated and held the scimitar with both hands to steady herself. 

“Stop!” Hasnah heard the call and then looked over to the one who halted the battle. It was the French lady herself. “The Master will see you now. Please follow me.”
Abraham who was hopeless in the open ground battle stopped in his strides then. He was evading the gladiators who were slow in their movements with the armour and shield. The call to halt was a relief then to Abraham. He looked over and saw the French lady stepping into the pyramid. He followed suit behind Hasnah and saw the gladiators had remained behind.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Team of Seven Heroes Short Tales 4 Chapter 15



Abraham stood there looking at the Hidden City then seen by him with the tall gates partially opened and it was guarded by two menacing looking dark shade scorpions that was twice the size of himself. He felt Hasnah standing beside him had tensed on the sight of the desert stingers. They had returned there on the insistence of the Master who was dying on the bed in the chamber. His words to them after he coached them on the needed skills to challenge Imtep.

“Time is of essence. You are given all I could muster in the short time left. You will do fine. The scimitar that was mine is not yours.” Master Osis told Hasnah. “Take the task to heart. When you do come back, read the ancient scrolls. What you may do today, will not vanquish the demon but subdue it for a period of time till your son emerged. Then the final battle will end your task.” 

“Shall we?” Abraham looked towards Hasnah. 

“Are you daft? The fact I am here should tell you I am with you. And more to that, you can’t make it alone.” Hasnah looked at Abraham. “Do men listen to conversations or heed only their own words.”
“Hold your … I meant I … You are not even my wife yet you speak like one.”

“You speak like my …. husband and yet we have not wed. Not even as a lover. Shucks, I am a virgin but I doubt you are. Now you speak like …. my father?”

“Can we focus on the task? Are you sure your father did not coach you on how to float in?” Abraham looked at the two guarding scorpions. They had arrived at the precise hour when the city could be seen then. 

“No, he did not but he gave his scimitar.” Hasnah then ignored the man and walked on. She was with her bow and quiver of arrows with the scimitar in her hand. She had on then was a slung bag across her chest. She pulled out the scimitar and waved it front of her with each step she took. She approached the gate and the scorpions there reared their tail sting but she did not pause in her steps. She moved on and then saw the scorpions there have retreated with the doors opening for her to enter the city. Unlike their previous visit, the streets were empty. They saw the rows of structures that resembled shops and some had the double levels on them. It was different seeing the structures from eye level, when earlier they were sighting it from above. Instead of roofs and verandas, they saw were the shuttered doors and windows. walked past the empty shops with the windows shuttered. The demons they saw on the street were also missing. 

“This is unusual. Where are the demons? I am sure there are….” 

The demons soon appeared in various forms; there were four of them. One had the looks of a serpent head with a body of Man and the other three were undead corpses with the decaying flesh. Hasnah waved the scimitar at the demons. They stopped in their movement and then retreated. It was working then. 

“Let’s us move.” Hasnah called out. She took two steps and then saw the four demons started moving towards her. 

“Oh, Northerner. I don’t think the scimitar works. Father may be wrong.” Hasnah levelled the scimitar at them. 

“You have something to fight with?” Abraham heard the lady and then pulled at his arm greaves. He was ready to fight then. The hooks protruded out like a set of claws. The serpent headed figure charged out and Hasnah was ready. She swung the scimitar with both her hands and slashed the demon into two across the middle.

“Anyone wants to try?” Hasnah called out to the other three demons. It was then she saw the Serpent body moved and merged into one again before it stood up. 

“I guess you don’t die easily.” Hasnah rushed at it and that time, she went for the head slice and cleaved the serpent body from head down. The demon shrieked out and then it fell on the ground. That move jolted the other three demons to retreat. 

“That was easy.” Abraham sighed then. Soon he saw the retreated demons did not actually leave but called on reinforcements. There were five more of the Serpent bodied figures with five undead figures.

“Told you that you are unbelievable.” Hasnah glared at Abraham. “Shall we dance then?” 

“Dance?” Abraham asked. “I don’t dance.” 

“Learn now. Hold me and then release me in a series of jumps. Like ….” Hasnah felt the man’s hands grabbed her waist and then swung her off her feet. She used the momentum to kick at the approaching demon and then called out.

“Now!” Hasnah felt her body released and with it she kicked out with both legs to twist her body with the scimitar swung out to sever the demon’s head. She beheaded one before landing on her legs. She then ran towards Abraham who had cradled his hands in front of him, and she took the step with the right leg and was tossed up. Hasnah went high and then somersaulted to cut the demon in half from the head. She landed on her feet and then with her right hand swinging out, the scimitar beheaded another demon. She landed on her feet and looked at Abraham.

“You could fight too.” Abraham nodded and then lashed out with his right-handed hook and cut the demon in his path across the neck. The demon shrieked out before its head fell onto the side with only part of the flesh holding it there. Hasnah had then beheaded another demon before the rest retreated. 

“How did you do that? You were into my mind.” Abraham looked at her. 

“Father taught me the art of speaking without words. He also taught me how to imprint the mind together so that…” Hasnah stopped there and then looked away. 

“Let us move on.” Hasnah took the lead and they walked on. 

Soon they reached the doorway to the Inner City. The duo stared at the high tower that they had entered just days ago with the Master himself. 

“We need to go forth for the hidden gateway.” That was easy but instead of an oasis and the courtyard they visited the last trip, they were confronted by the sight of a descending steps into a huge cavern below. 

“What happened to the flower beds and the ….” Abraham asked. He leaned over to look at the cavern depth and it was spiralling downwards. On the walls were sights of flaring arms reaching out yet they could not climb out. He saw the surface of the wall was smooth and yet it was covered with a slick of oil coatings but when he crouched down to touch and it does not stick on the skin. The flooring on the steps were of the same material but their steps looked firm and solid.

“Father did say do not trust your sight.” Hasnah reminded him. “We are in the inner city and nothing here may be what it appeared to be.” 

Abraham saw then the figures clinging onto the cavern wall as it they were scaling it but they were all facing different directions. He saw the three guards that had perished from the previous journey. They looked alive but their facial expressions were blank to any emotions. Hasnah took the cue to step onto the descending steps and ignored the crawling bodies on the wall. She felt Abraham’s hand on her’ and they moved on. The surface of the wall was smooth as seen earlier and when he reached to touch it, he saw the coat of slick but it does not stick on the skin. The flooring on the steps were of the same material but their steps were held back by some suction on the soles. He pulled his leg out on every step and descended while he ignored the sights of the bodies on the wall. Their descent was slow and then Hasnah saw the doorway ahead. It was the only one seen upon their descent. They reached the doorway and looked into the open doorway. 

The doorway that showed them the sandy sands and the inverted pyramid. 

“Is that the doorway we took earlier?” Abraham asked. It was then he released her hand to step forward but found himself slipping off the steps. He was falling for he felt something pushed him off. He called out and then fell. 

“Hasnah!” Abraham fell but just then he released his left hook towards the gateway where it opened to the sandy sands. Hasnah had then stepped into the doorway and was surrounded by the sandy sands. She was no more in the cavern, and she lost Abraham. Then she saw the hook that was on his greave sprang out of nowhere and hit the sands. Without any solid hold, the hook was slipping away. Hasnah grabbed the hook when it passed by her and pulled at it. She saw then at the other end was the rope that was ending into the sands. She pulled and heaved with all her might. 

Abraham felt the pull on his rope but he was without any holding areas. He struggled in mid-air and then felt the rope being pulled. He could not assist and did the next best thing. He released the right-handed hook into the doorway and that hook held firmed on the sandy sands. It was the hook with blade that was inscribed by the Master. He felt then the pull and his body went shooting into the doorway. 

Abraham fell onto Hasnah and saw himself looking at the lady. 

“I am sorry.” Hasnah heard the man and then pushed him off her. She sat up and saw the temple where they met Imtep. There was a lady standing there. 

“Hello, I am Madame Deauville. The Aide of Master Imtep.”


Team of Seven Heroes Short Tales 4 Chapter 13



The moves in the Whirl of the blades; a family sword fighting skill handed down by the generations held eight steps with the killing radius of ten feet, with every two steps the radius moved three feet wider like the dancer’s movement. The three warriors did not stand a chance to deflect or mount their own attack for the whirling movement was swift and deadly. The head of the three warriors fell to the ground.

“Hai!” The elderly man lowered his arms and the blood that was stained on the blade rolled off it like the morning dew. The shorter blade was returned tom the sheath and then the katana was implanted to the ground like a standing monument before the man fell to his knees. The blood was seen seeping through his chest bandages. 

“Taro-san!” Yukio sprang out from the doorway to reach the elderly man who had knelt there with his right hand holding the katana. “Are you…”

“I am dying, butterfly. I cannot be your garden no more. You must learn to fly from here.” Taro-san replied. “I think there will be someone to guide you after me.”

“Shita ni tomaru!” (Stay down) The voice of the Madame shrieked out and Yukio complied. 

The roar of the double barrel shotgun was over the young lady’s head and it impacted with its pellets onto two of the dark warriors who were creeping in for the kill. The Madame dropped the shotgun and drew the Mauser. The method to fire the Mauser Shanxi Model made in the Far East. It was chambered for the .45 calibre with a ten rounds clip. She fired the handgun turned sideways but her aims were good. She took down the other one in the chest when the dark robed stepped out to shoot. The Madame then grabbed Yukio and rolled over to the side before a hail of bullets ripped into the dying elder man. It ended the elder man life. 

“Finish it!” Ikram was not the patience one. He was down to four warriors and the last one was his cousin. He reckoned that they rushed out, the elderly lady may not be shoot them all. He levelled the rifle he held, and rushed out. The others sprang from their hidden positions and were firing their rifles from the waist level. Madame Deauville got shot twice on her left forearm and right thigh where the bullet grazed her there. It was Yukio who went into action. She had run half crouched with her sword drawn. She slashed from the right and cut the dark robed in the lower chest. She then crashed into the dying dark robed and turned the body to take the shots aimed at her. The dark robed body was raked with five bullets in the back before Yukio dropped the body and then rushed at the gathered four dark robed warriors. She attacked the nearest dark robed with the sword thrust into the belly and used the body once more as a shield. She saw the second dark robed rushing at her and then the roar of the shot stopped everyone. The attacking robed one staggered and then fell down clutching the chest where the sight of blood was seen. Yukio saw from the side of her sight, the young man who had caught her fancy. He was after all about her age. She pulled the sword and pushed the dead robed man off her. Abraham had then shot the at the other two robed figures. 

Ikram got it in the chest and fell down to his knees. The last one had turned to run but was brought down with sword thrown by Yukio. Abraham had then approached Ikram and placed another shot in the head like what he was taught by his father. He saw the lady had thrown the sword at the last dark robed figure. He stepped over the dead one that he shot and knelt down by the last one. The sword did not pierce the body and was embedded in the back for Yukio throw was not strong. Abraham held the sword and he pushed it in harder. It was what his father taught him.

“Son, we are all killers even though the ones that we kill are demons. On occasions, we kill the people too like demons. They are demons in your mind. That justifies the killing.” 

At the front door, Major Chips leaned on the wall behind the door. He had withstood the shots fired there. The wood was tough and took the impacts. He held with him the Webley and had just reloaded it then. 

“Barry, have you fixed the blockage?” Major Chips called out. “We ain’t got all day.” 

“In and out in a jiffy.” Barry replied. 

“Well, hurry up. He ain’t your lover.” Major Chips leaned over and let off a few shots. He counted over twenty attackers. They were all dressed in dark and made them easier to identify. He leaned over more and try to pick out the leaders when the shots barely missed him. He pulled back in and cursed at himself. He had been shot before and the disappointment that he did discounted the snipers. It ain’t the trained army units he was used to fighting with but he had dealt with them new ones; the heroes of the people who believed that their cause was right. He had shot them in the head to clean their minds. 

“Malcolm is hit.” Major Chips heard Barry. “They got him in the head.” 

“Darn!” Major Chips liked Malcom. He was one short in strength. And one of them had served his retirement too short. He leaned over and emptied the clip. It was his way of saying I am coming for you. He turned to Barry. 

“Pull him clear. I will come over.” Major Chips then rushed over and got a bullet in the back of his left shin. He fell but rolled to the side and avoided the second bullet. Lieutenant Peter pulled the Major to cover. 

“Are you daft? The …”

“Bandage and pass me the rifle.” Major Chips had dropped his rifle then and rolled onto his back. He was facing the front doorway He spread his legs and placed the rifle on his right good toes. He steadied the rifle and then looked for the movements. He saw a glimpse of it and took his shot. He was the Regimental best marksman. The shot took down the dark robed figure. Salleh saw his friend got shot. He was on the roof with the other and only a few feet distance separate them. He had shot the Englishman and his friend got the return kill. He was down to one other sniper who was on the other roof and himself. He signalled the other one and then took aim. They will shoot anyone who even showed a glimpse of themselves. 

“Your leg done. Now can we get back into proper cover.” Peter had then pulled the Major to safety. The shots had stopped. “They have stopped.” 

Unknown to the defenders, Akbar had received news from his scout. There is activity at the Hidden City and it’s not the French although they are near to the Hidden City. 

“Our scouts spoke of dark clouds.” 

Akbar knew then the threat was huge.

“Imtep is awake.” Akbar had to stop it. It was described in the ancient scrolls that if the dark clouds prevailed over the City, then the followers have discovered the means to call on Imtep. 

“Tell the men to withdraw.” Akbar gave the words. “Summon the other clans. The demons from the Hidden City are on the march. I will ride to the Hidden City.” 

The Frenchs were the first to encounter the demons.

Ahmer on the camel back leaned to the winds and listened hard. He was taught at young to learn the desert and how to traverse it in daylight and night. The camel reared it head and then sank to its belly with the limbs folded in. 

“Get up!” Ahmer struck with the short whip onto the camel’s rump but it won’t move. He was then met by the Professor who was on horseback. The later had refused the humpback and rode the horses he had acquired in Cairo. His horse was also uneasy with the hoofs stamping on the sandy ground.
“What ails your ride?” Professor Emile asked while restraining his mount. He saw the others were also having difficulty handling their mounts. The Legionnaires were on their feet but they each led a mule with the loads. The Sergeant approached the Professor. 

“Oui, Professor Emile. See to the horizon. That is not a storm of sands but of other things. I fear we need to sought shelter.”

Just before the Professor could reply, Pierre his assistant was thrown off the saddle and the horse ran off. The others reacted but the riders held them in place. Professor Emile rushed to the fallen Pierre. 
“I am sorry, Professor. The horse threw me.” Pierre replied. “We lost our survey equipment.”

“The case?” Professor Emile pointed to the case slung across Pierre’s chest. “Give it to me.” 

Pierre passed the case and then stood there watching the Professor slung it across his own chest. The Professor then looked at Pierre. 

“Had you lost this, your life will be forfeited.” The Professor cautioned the other. “Now walk with the Legionnaires or die here. It does not matter to me.” 

“Sergeant, tie the horses and men to a single rope. We need to make sure we lose no one unintentionally.” The Professor looked at the dark storm. He knew now that the key had shown him the Hidden City. 

Back in the town, Hasnah stood on the street and looked at the dark storm that was seen at the horizon. It was not seen before but the ancient scrolls spoke of it. 

“Imtep is awake. He is seeking us for vengeance.” Hasnah muttered. 

“So, you are aware of the Hidden City.” Madame Deauville stood by Hasnah side. She was bandaged on her wounds and held the shotgun as a walking stick. “I am sure your father taught you much.” 

“You were the one whom we met then. You tried to stop us then. Now do intend to do so now once more?” Hasnah voiced out with her hand on the scimitar. 

“I was on orders then. I discovered its evil and viewed all who came then was also evil. I never fought you and Abraham but later we were allies. I only …”

“You turn us upon him. We fought and survived but your deed will never be forgotten.”

“It’s true I did turn you onto the Master then. With his dead, I was freed of the influence. You were my saviour and for that we became allies. I led you out of the place.” Madame Deauville replied. “I have since left the City after our battle but the call on the City made me come back. Someone had to keep watch over the City and denied those who want to go there. I lived here now to protect it. It’s time to end it all.” 

“I do not believe you, French lady. You lived here to preserve your master’s city so that your master could regained strength after that defeat. You are still its servant…. or aide if you want to be called that.”

“Speak what you want of me but I am more concerned now of the City. The dark clouds there hailed more calamity to the land. Imtep had truly recovered and will now take vengeance on all of us. We must stop it. I will guide you there into the city once more. I will….”

“Turn once more on us when you saw Imtep …” Hasnah glared at the French lady. “If you ever do, you will be dead then.”

Team of Seven Heroes Short Tales 4 Chapter 12


“Father, you are unwell.” Hasnah saw her father walked into the Grand Hall where Abraham was preparing for his trip back to the North. He looked over and saw the Master had approached the table where he was seated. 

“Master Osis, you need of time to recover. You must rest.” Abraham reached out with his hand towards the Master. The later accepted the hand and held it. 

“I am past my prime to hunt demons. More so, on Itep. My expiration will come soon, but there are certain things I need to do before then.” Master Osis looked at his daughter who had held her emotions in check. He looked back at Abraham and offered the later to a seat. 

“I need to explain the relationship of mine with Itep. He is my brother by birth but his soul had been tarnished when Itep had taken over it as the host. My brother does not exist anymore but only his shell. We were once famed hunters, Osis and Osas but in our battle with Itep, Osas was taken by the demon. I could not save my own brother, but ever since then, I have battled Itep. He …. flees when he is close to defeat and with his escape, I am unable to hunt him till he surfaces again.”

“The Hidden City is his sanctum….”

“No, Master. I believed you have not told us the whole truth.” Abraham cut in. “You are not…”

“Insolent barbarian!” Hasnah leap to her father’s defence. 

“Hold your anger, Hasnah. Abraham speaks the truth. I will explain.” Master Osis looked at Abraham. “When Itep took over my brother’s body he had not taken really taken the soul for Osas still lived inside. Itep could not be killed by me for that. I let him escape for fear of killing Osas. You could not for you are not his equal and of the same blood.”

“Then we are doomed. If you …. expire soon, then Itep will be without any equal.” Abraham voiced out.

“I said you are not his equal to vanquish him but you could contain him. Itep have been contained before by many Masters but for a duration and then he escaped.” Master Osis told Abraham. “I will give you the skills to contain him until one other of the blood will be able to kill him. A feat I am unable to do for it held my brother inside.”

“I am honoured, Master Osis but I doubt I am ready.” Abraham replied. “Perhaps….”

“The wound you inflicted on the demon displayed your ability to hurt it. The blood of the demon hunters runs deep in the Van Helsing breed. Not many could do that and not onto Itep but you did.” Master Osis looked at Abraham. “Only your child can kill it. A child which will carry my blood too. I will marry Hasnah to you.”

“Father…” Hasnah cried out.

“Its said and it will be done. You will wed Abraham and from the two of you the child will return here to remove Itep for good.” Master Osis looked at Hasnah. “The daughter’s filial duty to the father is to obey.” 

“Yes, father.” Hasnah lowered her gaze to the ground and then stepped away before returning to her own chamber. Abraham wanted to console her but the important task was then to know how to defeat Itep. 

“I will tell you more of Itep. He was once a High Priest of the Pharaohs. One day, he met the future queen of the land and allowed himself to kindle a relationship. That was discovered and both of them was put to death. The lady who was the sister of the Pharaoh was sealed in the tomb alive while Itep was removed of his organ with the bones and only left the skin and flesh. He was then filled with the dead locusts and sands before he was entombed with his lover. Just before his death, he swore to protect her and avenged their death with calamities and mayhem on the land. Over the generations, a group of Guardians have massed together to fight Itep whenever he arises from the Hidden City but none could vanquish him except banished him back. Of late, the mystery of Itep have spread to the outside world and the Guardians are on alert of any intruders. There were rumours of wealth there but in real facts, there was only death that awaits whoever go there.” 

“It was during my age when the Guardians decided to destroy Itep and we came up with the spell to do that. It would had worked but Itep had taken my brother as hostage. I have to defer that death to another generation. I am too weak to do the kill.”

“And you think I …. I meant my child could do it. What if the child is not ready? What if…”

“A child brought to this world held both our blood. The blood of mine will give it the power to kill Itep, and the power of yours will be of the demon hunter’s. The child will complete the task for us but, Itep needed to stop now for the child to be ready.”

“I am …” 

“Hesitant on your side is understood on the task ahead but I have not the doubt that you like my daughter and she may be of you.” Master Osis smiled. “It could be the wishes of my ancestors that she was to remain with me till you turned up. I was worried initially for she was past the age of acceptance by the other suitors but now I think may be of yours.” 

“But before you considered the concerns of the wedding, you need to be prepared for the lessons on how to vanquish Itep.” Master Osis changed the subject. “I will not have my …. Your child sent to a task unprepared. And that includes you.” 

“Itep may not be vanquish by the weapons held by the others. However, the one I wield may do it. It held the spirits of the old masters. You could only wound it to have it rest for another two decades or so. Only the blood of my family could vanquish the demon.”

“I am just curious, Master Osis. What about Hasnah? She is of your blood.” Abraham asked. 

“She is but her ties to me is too close as mine is to Osas. I must have one that is not aware of the ties. The child of yours must not be told. What is not known will not impair the action on the task.” Master Osis explained. “More to that, she may not know of her uncle but she lacked the skills. The skills I hold cannot be taught to a lady and only the man. Your child must be a male.”

“A hard request….” Abraham smiled.

“I do not think so. The Van Helsing have a line of males to take up the task as demon hunters. You will not fail me. If you do, then you may have failed the people you swore to protect. Now let me tell you of the weapons that you need to have. Give me your weapons.”

Abraham handed him the wooden stakes and the twin sets of hooks. The Master looked at them and then back to his own scimitar. 

“I was expecting a sword or dagger but since you wield neither, and the wooden stakes are for your own breed of demons, I shall not impair on them. I see your hooks held the sharpened edges, and that will be the blade I will use. The scimitar of mine held the sharpened edge but it held also the inscriptions which make it an enchanted weapon. This blade should kill Itep or any other powerful demon. I will have this given to my daughter as her wedding gift.” 

“For you, I will give you the spell on your blade but you choose the blade. It can’t be on every blade.” Master Osis motioned to the twin sets of hooks. “Select a blade among it.”

“The middle blade of my right-handed hook. I use that as my main weapon but from now I will have it preserved for my …. child.” 

“No, Abraham, the weapon is needed for your next battle with Itep. You will return to the Hidden City as I have shown you and place the demon to hibernate. Now let me prepare the blade.” 

The Master of the Arts took the righthand greave to pull at the middle blade. He then reached into his tunic and removed the tiny vial. He then took out the feather quill and dipped into the vial before he etched the scriptures with tiny strokes onto the blade. With each stroke, he recited the spell that will bind the scripture words onto the metal there. The words that he had etched on then began to glow and the blade there glowed before it returned to its normal state. 

“The blade will glow when it sensed the presence of the demons. It will be your marker that to be careful.” Master Osis continued on. “There is one other condition that you need to know. You will die prior to the final battle. You will have your ashes taken with you to here. And then Hasnah will die too before your child could complete the spell to kill Itep.” 

“You called on us to be sacrificed to fulfil the task?” Abraham was stunned. 

“A course of action that had already taken place since you came here with me. It’s the fate that we are all drawn to.” Master Osis looked to the Grand Hall. “I averted mine because I feared death then.” 
“I don’t understand, Master Osis.” Abraham looked at the Master.

“I was to die with my twin to vanquish Itep but I sacrificed Osas when we fought Itep. We won then and was to complete the task with also my own sacrifice but my fear caused my brother to be resurrected with Itep inside him. I escaped but the guilt haunted me since then. I had tried to redeem my error hunting Itep and them others but I could not vanquish Itep as you were told. My death may redeem my fear and with your child, it will be done.”

“As you requested.” The voice of Hasnah came from the side of the Grand Hall. “We shall restore your honour with the other Masters. I will wed Abraham and have his son. And with his son, we will vanquish Itep and then join you with the Masters.” 

“My daughter, your understanding will make my demise easier. Now I will coach you in the ways to reach the Hidden City and within it, the labyrinth that will take you to Itep. May the Gods be with you. I will give you the Ancient Scrolls. It will help you.”

“You told the Sheikh that the scrolls are in the Citadel.” 

“I lied. The scrolls are with me. I have them in the Library. I will show you the passages to vanquish Imtep. It will be my parting gift.” Master Osis told her. And then he cautioned her. 

“Beware the Roman Gladiators. They are formidable.”

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...