Monday, December 3, 2018

Team of Seven Heroes Short Tales 4 Chapter 6


Hasnah Isis stepped out of the scented warm bath tub and reached for the towel. It was then she saw herself in the mirror. She saw before her the beautiful woman there. She was already considered as old for marriage given her ability shoo her admirers which came to no less than six in the numbers. The fifth one was a braver one with his two personal guards; eunuch as told to her by the suitor.
“To protect you, soon to be beloved wife.”
All she took was two minutes to send the two guards curled to the side with their ego of protecting her defeated. She then looked at the suitor who was concerned on his own ego which she held not interest at all. She rubbed the towel over her body and then wished it was the hands of the guest on her then. She was unsure why she was attracted to the guest whose room was three doors away from her’. She knew that the guest was not of their land and yet he held an unusual instinct that appealed to her. She heard the lynx, the native of the Niles also named the caracal. The wild cat bred was brownish in shade and fed on small preys like birds and small mammals. The Lynx was also said to be the Goddess of Judgment, Mafdet. The lynx in the fables fought Apep which was the enemy of Ra.
“Yes, Didi.” Hasnah heard the wildcat meowed. “I heed thee. I know its not of me but I am telling you that this guest is different.”
The towel rubbed against her chest heaving her to a personal level which she feels at times and her right hand instinctively trailed to the lower part of her body using the surface of the towel as a conduit to feel her womanhood. She felt the urge there and rubbed herself with gentle touches. Her thoughts went to the image of the guest and his beard that caressed her skin. She thought of the beard that trailed down her neck to her breasts tickling and yet arousing her body with its roughness. Her right hands clasped onto to the towel tightly to form a hard form that rubbed against her body. She felt her legs wobbled and sat down on the bath tub edge to hold her body. The image of the guest had her sight only of his thick hair while his lips was on her breasts which she had no sight of. She felt his kissed and nibbles there with every movement driving her arousal higher. She held herself across the chest with her left hand rubbing the towel there, to simulate with her thoughts. It all happened so fast and intense that she almost slipped off the bathtub.
‘Meow’ The lynx rubbed against her left legs and then moved on. Hasnah drew in a series of deep breaths before she proceeded to walk to the cupboard where her clothes were laid. She felt the wetness on her but that was her happy reminder of her womanhood.
Hasnah slipped on the plain knee length tunic before the loose pants. She moved barefooted towards the door but it was opened before she reached it. She stopped her walk and waited. A figure stepped in and it was her servant, Amilah. Her personal maid who attended to her personal needs was not there to work for the mistress but rather onto her. Amilah was dressed in her servant attire of half tunic and loose pants held a dagger in the right hand. She was followed by one other who was a man servant in the loose pants and held a scimitar. It was forbidden for a man to enter Hasnah’s chamber except her father.
Didi leapt at the maid on the chest with the claws on the paws making slashes on the lady. Both of them fell onto the flooring. The other servant had moved forward with the scimitar raised to strike at the lynx when Hasnah rushed forward and with a jump and her right leg went out in a swinging kick at the servant’s face. She landed on her feet and looked at the maid. That was taken care off by Didi who was making hit and clawed on the maid. The maid was hurt, with her chest and face clawed but she was still standing up. Here expression was blank and looked to be in some possessed form. So was the kicked at servant who had recovered. She jumped at him with the legs doing then the scissors hold onto the neck and then she tumbled him sideways heard the crack of the neck. It would had ended the fight but the servant stood up with his head slanted to the left. His expression was lifeless and approached Hasnah
“Stop!” The Master of the Arts had intervened on hearing the commotion from his daughter’s chamber. He had rushed over in his sleeping clothes and wielded the scimitar. He thrust the blade of the scimitar into the servant’s back and sliced at the heart. He then pulled the blade and approached the maid who was on her back then tying to fight the lynx off her face. He thrust the blade once more into the heart and then twisted the end.
“Father!’ Hasnah called out while Didi retreated to the corner.
“Stay your pace, daughter. Our fortress had been breached. We need to find the demons or their followers.” Master Osis called out. “I need you to put on your weapons. We may have a fight here.”
Hasnah donned the belt with the sword but ignored the bow and arrows. She grabbed the other belt which held the mini daggers which was for throwing at the attackers. She had them touched with adder venom. Her father had left for his own chamber but outside she saw the guest was awakened.
“I heard the alarm. Your father told me to wait her for you.” Abraham was dressed in a white tunic and pants with the boots on. He had on his greaves with the hooks and a beltful of wooden stakes. The later she doubts will be effective in a fight.
“Is it Apep’s followers?” Abraham tried to start a conversation.
“No, they are my suitors and I need to show them you as my…… new suitor.” That came out like a stupid excuse but Hasnah turned away to smile.
“I can … understand that. You are not engaged then.” Another stupid statement from the ignorant Northerner. Hasnah was to reply when she saw her father had returned with two guards. He approached the two and told them of the new threat.
“The enemies have invaded our fortress. We need to move to the Grand Hall for the fight. The others will all wait there for us.” Master Osis then ran off to the alert the others. Abraham and Hasnah took for the Grand Hall where they had earlier met with the Sheikh. They arrived there to see the bloodbath that had taken place. There were about a dozen dead bodies and they were a mixed. The only consolation was the Sheikh was there with three guards on his side.
“I am glad that you are to meet me here.  It helped me to find you.” Sheikh Omar lurched forward with the sword at Abraham but he had stepped aside and used his metal hooks to deflect the sword. Hasnah moved into action with her sword. She slashed down with the sword on the Sheikh’s hand but the later had pulled back.
“Kill them.” The three guards rushed forward to cover for their leader. They spread out to protect the leader. Abraham who was careless ever since he met Hasnah there. He braced himself for the attack. He levelled his left greaves and released the hook. The hook released with a controlled length of wire of five feet. He used that to swing the hook and caught the first guard on the left forearm. He pulled hard on the hook with guard screaming hard. The guard was disabled with that wound that almost took off the arm and had dropped the sword.
Abraham moved in and grabbed the dropped sword. It was a Roman gladius. He was unfamiliar with that weapon.
Darned he was a demon hunter and not a killer of Man.
His decision was made for him when he saw the Grand Hall was filled with the other loyal guards led by Master Osis.  The Sheikh saw the situation and then ran towards the far wall which was unguarded. He reached for the hidden lever which opened the secret doorway. He stepped in and the doorway closed. His three guards brought him time to escape.
“He was a friend.” Master Omar cursed at his departing friend. “He may run but can’t hide. I will not stop at here. I will find them at their hideout. We will find the Hidden City and terminate the Unspeakable One.”

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