Sunday, October 21, 2018

Team of Seven Heroes Shorts Tales 3; Chapter 19


The elderly lady rolled her chair towards the window. She checked the latch and then drew the drapes. She did not have to see outside for she knew the crowd is building up. The brightness of the courtyard was there. She had earlier seen the first group that had assembled at the house; men and women armed with the weapons they could grabbed then. The servants went out to confront them and in turn became a part of them.

“Imbeciles!” That was the earlier reaction of Lady Illinois. She had returned to the house via the tunnel on the wheelchair. The prisoner had hurt her and her legs once more had given up on her. She rolled her chair to the house and refreshed herself. There were bloods on her dress and that needed cleaning. She tossed the dress down the service chute and settled for the needed drink. It was then she heard the commotion outside and the servants told her.

“There are armed people out there. They are upset at us.”

“Set the dogs on them. Show them who owned this house.” Her arrogance was displayed in her anger. She then settled in the library and ignored the ranting outside. There were some fights or what she assumed to be and then the Butler appeared.

“My lady, we are defeated. The mob had killed the dogs and some of our own had joined them. We are to flee.”

“No, we will not flee. The Millard family had defended this land for generations. Barricade the doors and windows. I am sure the constables will be here soon.” The constables did arrive and soon a stand off was to take place but her household staff had abandoned her. Illinois called but no one answered her. She then rolled the chair to the secret doorway towards the tunnel. She will flee the house but will be fine at the factory. She will shelter there. She then turned to look at the hall behind her. It was the family favourite area; the library. The library was her domain when young and she used to sit there with her father reciting the tales. She cringed when she looked at the portrait of her grandfather whose frame overlooked the entire library. She dreaded leaving all of that to the people outside. They are not of her level; they are the uneducated, the imbeciles to do the menial works. She knew she had to destroy the house. She rolled back the chair and approached the fireplace. The fire was burning and the woods there were covered in flames. She reached in with the long handle to retrieve the burning wood. She tossed the burning wood at the shelves where the books are stacked. She saw the flames licked at the books and then it spread wide. She threw more burning woods and soon the library was burning.

“Fire!” Illinois heard the shout. Her work done, and she rolled into the tunnel. She pushed the wheel hard and fast till she reached the other end. There was a door which she bolted and then rested her weary arms in the one place she had spent most days there ever since she return to London. She saw Shelly lying there unmoving, with the electrodes not sustaining her body. She then saw the opened doorway to the prison that her son had created. He had done it to resembled a dungeon inside and kept the woman there. The very same woman who had hurt her and made her lose her legs once more.
“Illinois!” The lady heard her name called and saw her lover approaching her.

“I have returned. I could not go not seeing the blood on Igor’s hand. Did he hurt you?”

“No, he did not. He wouldn’t dare. He must had hurt the other lady. She left soon after him. She escaped. She brought back the mobs.” Illinois broke down on her lover’s chest. “They are burning the house.”

“I saw from above. The flames have engulfed the house. No one was there to douse the fire. I am so sorry.” Victor replied. “I wished I could but my … “

“No, Victor. You must not. You will suffer for it. Let it be. We can build one more elsewhere.” Illinois looked at Victor. “Our new life together.”

“What of Igor? Shelly? Is she dead?” Victor had earlier checked on the other lady. “She is not breathing.
“She is dead. I …. Turned off the power that kept her alive. She has been dead for a long time.”

“Illinois, you were…”

“A fool’s dream. I was not trying to save her. I was trying to save my dream as a notable scientist like Edison, Pasteur or even ….” Illinois broke out into more tears. “I am not their peer. I am their …”

“You are mine. Let us get away.” Victor reached to push the chair but it was then the doors to the factory was hammered by angry fists. “My God, they found us.”

“The Ripper is inside.” The shout was heard by Victor.

“They are here. I must ….”

“Run, my love. I will stop them.” Illinois looked at Victor. They won’t harm an old lady.”

“No, Illinois. I won’t let them. We shall stay here and …. if need be we will die together. I love you, Illinois Millard."

Illinois looked at the man who fear the light and yet she saw light in him. She nodded and then told him of the plan.

“There is a case of alcohol there. Douse it on the machines. It will ignite and we can flee when the fire starts.”

Outside of the factory, Inspector Lestrade had arrived. He had brought in six more constables but the mob there was standing behind the barricade up by the earlier officers. He then looked to the factory where there were signs of burning fire. He had known of the house which was still burning then and the local brigade was trying to douse the fire. He knew the mob had moved to the factory on the cries of the so named missing heiress and her distressed calls.

“Get some to break the door. We can….” Inspector Lestrade was thrown back by the explosion in the factory. He picked himself up and turned to look at the factory. The explosion had spread the fire and it was burning.

“What was inside?” Inspector Lestrade asked the local constable.

“I don’t know, Sir. It was abandoned for some years and if I could recall the place was empty of anything that could do that.”

“It may not be or there were added in recently. Get the people to form a water brigade. We have to douse the fire.” Inspector looked to the gathered crowd who had then quieten down. They were looking above. He turned and looked himself.

“Illinois, we shall die together but not in their hands.” Victor carried the dying lady in his arms. He had poured the alcohol onto the machines and then a chain reaction occurred which the machines exploded then. He was thrown to the rear and ended up with bruises and cuts. The factory area was burning then from the explosion. He saw his love was sprawled on the floor. Her wheel chair had overturned onto the side. He pushed himself up despite the pains, and moved towards her. She was still breathing but her body was partially burned in the explosion. He picked her up and then looked for the doors. The doors were either blocked or covered in flames. He then saw the staircase on the side that led to the upper level. He knew there was a roof doorway and that was where he was headed.

“Sir, stay there. We will come to get you.” Inspector Lestrade called out. He then turned towards the Sergeant. “Get help.”
“Help, Sir? We are the help that is available. The others are not coming. No one will help them. They are murderers. Rippers they are.”

Inspector Lestrade turned to look at the man holding the lady.

“Sir, you good name please. I will come to you.”

“Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein. Remember that all of you. I am your …. No, I will be your nightmare.” Victor replied. “Just as I ripped those body parts. You will all die the way I do today.”

Victor looked at the dying lady in his arms.

“Goodbye, my love.” With that Victor Frankenstein took the leap with his love into the raging fire below them

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