Sunday, October 21, 2018

Team of Seven Heroes Shorts Tales 4; Chapter 1

Jimmy Loong
July 26th 2018


The steam locomotive was not his first ride but he had better views on the other rides. On that ride, he saw nothing but sands and dried mud huts. The only consolation was to see for real the double humped creature. He thought he left it all behind at the turf but they lined it up like the creatures that made up the caravan. He pulled his head back from the open window and then closed it shut. He did not want the sands to get into the cabin. His mum will kill him for that.
“Abraham Van Helsing, if I don’t have my sleep I will definitely kill you.”
Abraham sat back on the wooden seat with his lips pouted out. He deserved to do that while he was still at his teenager years. He was late of one month to be an adult and he has thirty days to reach that. He will have to enjoy these days. He looked at his shoes. They are new ones. His mother bought it for him back at home. Home was where the land was covered with trees and the trees will lined up there in the thousands to greet you with their music formed by the leaves and branches. That was the orchestra that he named the Black Forest song.
“Abraham Van Helsing, if you dirtied that shoe and I will boil it for you to drink the soup.”
iwell; we must love God. Yes, he believed it deep and never a day he will missed a prayer for God. He looked up from his shoes to his pants and then the shirt he wore. He left the coat off. All those three pieces were his before and will be for another year before he outgrew it. He has been growing for years, his body and also his mind. His father had taken him on the saddle on the horse riding from and to adventures. His father was not like any fathers; he doesn’t work and come home in the evening, and then tucked you in bed. He was a hunter; not of the other humans but the ones that were not. He was a dark hunter.
“Abraham Van Helsing, if you tear those pants before you reached adulthood, you will not have one till then.”
His mother was a great one. She knew everything as if she could read minds. Well she does. She reads the tea leaves in the cup or the crystal ball but he knew she was lying then. One thing he won’t deny of her was she was a good mother in her own way. She kept him alive while his father was placing him in dire situations. That was how a Van Helsing raised their kids. And more so when the kid was the son.
“Abraham Van Helsing, you dirty that shirt and I will stitch one on your chest. I know how to do that well”  
Abraham looked at his tight-fitted shirt. He had it with him for over three years, stitched over. His father’s hunting trips weren’t exactly boring; he had to climb and on occasion out run the wolves, or do the jump from the high branches. When its all over, his father will tell him; it ain’t over until you are dead.
That was why Abraham took the sigh of relief then. His father died last month from a failing heart, and the funeral was quick with the fellow hunters to pay their respects before he was cremated on the pile of woods. His remains were the reason Abraham Van Helsing, Junior had to endure the trip across Europe to the south and then on the last leg of the journey to Egypt by train. His father had a last request to have his ashes scattered in the River Niles, the birthplace of his mother, Hasnah Isis, the daughter of the trader and master of the dark arts, Ali Mina Osis. She even brought her aging pet, the lynx named Didi in the special carriage cage. He disliked the lynx who always give him the glare.
“Mother, can I go for a walk?”
It was a long train but Abraham reckoned he won’t get lost walking there. His mother just moved her toes partially hidden by the sandals and that was his approval to see the others.
Who were the others?
The train held ten cars of passengers and four of cargoes dragged by the locomotive steam engine across the dry sandy land. The journey took over two nights and they were into their third day. The Train Master told them there will some delays due to sand storms.
“We are unlike the caravans. We have iron tracks and with that we can still move.”
Abraham had surveyed the cars; three were the individual units for the ones who needed privacy. Each of those cars held three units per carriage. There are five for the common passengers and the last two was the private carriage where there was no access and the dining carriage acting as buffer in between. It was at the rear before the cargo cars that was after the private cars. He had to walked through the common passenger cars to the dining car. He had seen some of the passengers and some took up much of his notice.
Abraham remembered the group of four rough over the hill looking gentlemen dressed in khakis short and pants that were knee length, and marching boots. He recognized the marking on their shirt as the “Adventurer Club of Birmingham”. Their leader was a short framed and sturdy looking with the grim expression, side burns with the moustache across the upper lips. He was called “Major Chips” by his men, and he treated them with military discipline. There were also the duo chaplains dressed in the white collar and dark smock holding the holy book on their right hand, with faith design hanging on their chest by the chain. Those two wore straw hats and had nodded to Abraham when he was caught staring at them. One of them was older and appeared to be the one leading the younger chaplain with recitations of the verses from the book. The younger one was distracted by the group of school girls and was reprimanded with a slap on the left wrist.
There were also others that Abraham did not failed to observe. His father told him that he must know whom he met and recalled their features.
“The demons held many forms and we must be aware of all.”
There were also interesting characters like the five rougher looking gentlemen in the plain shirts of various shades and dark pants but their boots singled them out for it was added on the rider spurs. He disliked them for they were loud and carried their drinks onto the car. They only gambled with cards and uttered foul words before the ladies. He picked up their leader who was seated by himself on the seating, dressed all in black and chewed tobacco. The leader was older and had a close-cropped hairline with a visible scar on the left cheek. They all called him ‘Boss’.
The characters did not end there. There was a platoon of seven soldiers from the French Army from the lapels marking’; Foreign Legionnaires led by Sergeant Gunter. They were wearing medium blue sashes of the Legion and were armed with the rifles named the Berthier rifle; bolt action in eight mm Lebel Cartridge with the three rounds clip fed magazine, with a maximum range of five hundred feet or more depending on the shooter. They also have the bayonet on their waist belt. The Sergeant have the extra handgun named the St. Etienne 1873 with the load of six shots.
Abraham noted that they were there to escort the French group of five dressed in casually but their equipment was for mining and exploration. They consist of two men of one was dark skinned and two ladies. They were studying the maps and measuring the stars with the sextant.
The others were locals and not worth mentioning but for two dark covered figures with just the face uncovered, and that was etched with tattoos on the cheeks seated at the last carriage with no intent to eat or drink from the dining car but brought their own dried food and water canteens. Abraham saw that beneath their overflowing robe, he noticed the belt of daggers on the chest.
All of the above did not concerned him much than the food that was served or more to it, the lady who was doing the service.
“I can assure you, young man. I am not your typical madame who grill the meat for in the service line, they preferred the man to do that. However here in the desert, I command the grill.” That was Madame Deauville previously of Dunkirk, Normandy and then serving the best meat on the train lines. She was dressed like any other ladies of her trade; the white jacket and the flared dark skirt with the apron lined with bottle of spices.
“Tell me, young man. Why on Earth do you want to come to here? I know of many nice places in Normandy where you can run naked and no one will take notice.”
“It was my father.” Abraham sighed. “He was here many years ago.”
“And he married your mother and now he came back to seek forgiveness from the father of the lady he forgot to ask for her hand. I know that tale well.” Madame Deauville smiled. “In Normandy we just shoot them and then feed them to the fishes.”

Team of Seven Heroes Shorts Tales 3; Chapter 20 Finale


Doctor Moriarty tinkered with the pencil with his right fingers, swinging the pencil like a pendulum. He was in his own library and the tea in this cup untouched. He was dressed in his dressing gown and wore slippers. He was seated at his favourite place with the window behind him. The morning sunlight was shining in and brighten up the place.

“You brought me here, nursed me, and now you are seated here watching me. Why is it so?” The other figure seated across the Doctor raised the question. “Was it to thank you?”

“No. my leader or shall I call you Mister Loggins? I am not even sure if that is your name?” Moriarty then twirled the pencil with his fingers. “I saved you for neither reason. The only reason I saved you was that you present to me a very unique equation that I had to know to solve the problem that had plagued me for months now.”

“I am Ryan Loggins, distant relative of the Millard. As I have explained before, I am linked to King John but with the years of missing history, I doubt I can ascent the throne anymore.’ The man replied. “So, pardon me if I do not give you knighthood for saving me.”

“Millard? I doubt you are related to them. They are rich but they lacked the wealth to sustain you. Your expenditures are high and even higher for a Lord’s relative. I did some research into your name but I found no connection to the Millard directly but there was one. Your mother was the distant relative of the Millard. She was here about twenty-nine years ago. She was estranged when the Millard found her in illicit affair with the cousin. It could had been sanctioned but they shared a common grandfather. So, the lady was exiled but she escaped and joined the travelling circus. She gave birth to a boy whom she left a letter for the real father.”

“You returned here some years back and avoided meeting your father, Lord Millard until much later. He was confused on how to take care of you but soon fell to your hypnotism. Lord Millard was the true leader as his father and grandfather who founded the Council then. With your skill, you controlled your father but for reasons not known then, you remained in the background. Actually not. You were busy. You were busy with your works with the Lord then that you served. You followed the Lord on his adventures if I may term it then. You learned of the wild parties and saw how it could work for you. You also saw the real Ripper.”

“Yes, the Ripper who was you then. You wanted to create fear and mapped out the murders; all five to watch the reaction. It worked and then you stopped. You felt yourself ready with your knowledge of power and self-learned killing skills, you chose to meet your father and took over his role. In turn, you became his master. You saw how the powerful could work with their powers and the control you had over them. You heard of me and then you enrolled me in. You controlled the Elites and myself, well the commoners. You wanted both. Your recitation of the history of the monarchy and the Parliament and also the Commoners told me that you needed control on all levels. You took out my best lieutenants to tell me I am to serve or may end up dead. The way you used Colonel Sebastian was exceptional.”

“When you heard of the new Ripper, you were upset and asked me in the Council to remove that threat. That baffled me until I realised that only the real Ripper will be anxious to do that, even though the new Ripper was not killing after some murders. You cannot have any threats towards your existence.”

“A very interesting analogy of the facts or shall I say mathematically derived factors but you are not a true detective. You have assumptions and conjectures that you created. Assuming that is who and what I am, then why take me in and save me.”

“Well, as I mentioned earlier you are my Leader. I have to save my leader.” Doctor Moriarty explained. “It’s a mathematical approach that the leader is the final result in any group formation. I was saving you in that group. The Council in your absence and the death of Lord Millard, have dissolved. Lord Henry had died with shame on the news that he was involved in wild parties. He was a proud man and his health failed before him. General Smith have accepted full retirement in banishment soon after the Queen found out that he was involved in the Council. Naturally the Lords and Queen have denied knowledge of the Council upon its exposure. As for Colonel Sebastian, I have placed him away from you lest you influence him to kill me.”

“And as for myself, I am now the leader of the new Council, which will take on the role here in London. I am its first Chairman.”

“Fine words, Doctor. I am impressed. As I have mentioned, your equation is flawed with your assumptions and conjectures. I am one problem you cannot solve with mathematics approach. You once said that there are planners and killers. You may be the former but not the later. I am both.”

"True to your words. I am also not a great detective not am I a killer. I am however a good planner and resolving mathematics issues are my passion. As in mathematics, some problems cannot be resolved with absolute certainty. I have accepted that and apply the definition of deviations.” Doctor Moriarty dropped the pencil. “For that I apply other techniques.”

The Doctor bend over to retrieve the pencil. At that moment, the bullet whizzed past the Doctor and impacted on Mister Loggins heart. It was a good long-distance shot taken by a marksman named Colonel Sebastian. The Colonel then seated had leaned forward to hold the rifle firmly when he saw the Doctor dropped the pencil. He had gauged the wind direction and adjusted for the rifle recoil given the distance the bullet was to travel over two hundred yards. Soon after he pulled the trigger, he placed the rifle aside and got off the seater. He checked his watch and realised that he was going to be late for his next game.

“I am disappointed at you, Colonel. You are late by five minutes.” The figure who spoke to him intercepted the Colonel who had then arrived

“The Spanish wants to duel with flintlocks.” The aide chased up with the Colonel who continued to approach the Spanish trio, including the Spanish marksman.

“They said it’s for honour and national pride.” The Colonel heard the aide and when he was five feet from the Spanish trio, he reached behind for the gun he tucked there. He drew out the Webley.

Blam! The Colonel shot the marksman in the forehead.

Blam! Blam! The Colonel killed the other two aides of the Spanish.

The Colonel turned around and walked back to the carriage.

“Colonel Sebastian, that is an outrage. We were to have a duel like gentlemen.”

“One, I am not a true gentleman. I am a Colonel of the British Army.”
“Two, I don’t duel with Spaniards. I am British.”

“Three, if they want me, tell them to rip my heart out at the Club.
The Colonel mounted the carriage and then left the scene.

So was Mycroft who was in London to complete the last part of his task. He stopped at the house, 221B Baker Street. It was getting mundane to be there for him. One time too many for him then but he changed his mind when he saw her.

“Hello Mycroft. Your brother is back upstairs.” Mrs Hudson stood there holding the tray with the two cups and the teapot.

 “Are you here for the report? I done it this at dawn. She won’t be organizing anymore parties.

Mycroft nodded and then turned to leave. He was a gentleman and being one means he won’t kill ladies. It can’t be said for the ladies.

So, he told her, ladies first.

Mycroft was not one to rip her heart out.

“Was that Mycroft? Ask him to come up. I got a gift for him from Bohemia. It’s a Frankenstein toy.”


The scream of the lady giving birth was loud but once the child was delivered, the lady quiet down.

“Ms. Bromsfield, the baby is fine.” The mid wife told the lady. “It’s a boy. He’s a big one.”

“Like the father.” Lady Bromsfield smiled. She won’t be going back to the ladies for comfort. She found her best times was with a bigger man.

It was ripping worth dying for.

Team of Seven Heroes Shorts Tales 3; Chapter 19


The elderly lady rolled her chair towards the window. She checked the latch and then drew the drapes. She did not have to see outside for she knew the crowd is building up. The brightness of the courtyard was there. She had earlier seen the first group that had assembled at the house; men and women armed with the weapons they could grabbed then. The servants went out to confront them and in turn became a part of them.

“Imbeciles!” That was the earlier reaction of Lady Illinois. She had returned to the house via the tunnel on the wheelchair. The prisoner had hurt her and her legs once more had given up on her. She rolled her chair to the house and refreshed herself. There were bloods on her dress and that needed cleaning. She tossed the dress down the service chute and settled for the needed drink. It was then she heard the commotion outside and the servants told her.

“There are armed people out there. They are upset at us.”

“Set the dogs on them. Show them who owned this house.” Her arrogance was displayed in her anger. She then settled in the library and ignored the ranting outside. There were some fights or what she assumed to be and then the Butler appeared.

“My lady, we are defeated. The mob had killed the dogs and some of our own had joined them. We are to flee.”

“No, we will not flee. The Millard family had defended this land for generations. Barricade the doors and windows. I am sure the constables will be here soon.” The constables did arrive and soon a stand off was to take place but her household staff had abandoned her. Illinois called but no one answered her. She then rolled the chair to the secret doorway towards the tunnel. She will flee the house but will be fine at the factory. She will shelter there. She then turned to look at the hall behind her. It was the family favourite area; the library. The library was her domain when young and she used to sit there with her father reciting the tales. She cringed when she looked at the portrait of her grandfather whose frame overlooked the entire library. She dreaded leaving all of that to the people outside. They are not of her level; they are the uneducated, the imbeciles to do the menial works. She knew she had to destroy the house. She rolled back the chair and approached the fireplace. The fire was burning and the woods there were covered in flames. She reached in with the long handle to retrieve the burning wood. She tossed the burning wood at the shelves where the books are stacked. She saw the flames licked at the books and then it spread wide. She threw more burning woods and soon the library was burning.

“Fire!” Illinois heard the shout. Her work done, and she rolled into the tunnel. She pushed the wheel hard and fast till she reached the other end. There was a door which she bolted and then rested her weary arms in the one place she had spent most days there ever since she return to London. She saw Shelly lying there unmoving, with the electrodes not sustaining her body. She then saw the opened doorway to the prison that her son had created. He had done it to resembled a dungeon inside and kept the woman there. The very same woman who had hurt her and made her lose her legs once more.
“Illinois!” The lady heard her name called and saw her lover approaching her.

“I have returned. I could not go not seeing the blood on Igor’s hand. Did he hurt you?”

“No, he did not. He wouldn’t dare. He must had hurt the other lady. She left soon after him. She escaped. She brought back the mobs.” Illinois broke down on her lover’s chest. “They are burning the house.”

“I saw from above. The flames have engulfed the house. No one was there to douse the fire. I am so sorry.” Victor replied. “I wished I could but my … “

“No, Victor. You must not. You will suffer for it. Let it be. We can build one more elsewhere.” Illinois looked at Victor. “Our new life together.”

“What of Igor? Shelly? Is she dead?” Victor had earlier checked on the other lady. “She is not breathing.
“She is dead. I …. Turned off the power that kept her alive. She has been dead for a long time.”

“Illinois, you were…”

“A fool’s dream. I was not trying to save her. I was trying to save my dream as a notable scientist like Edison, Pasteur or even ….” Illinois broke out into more tears. “I am not their peer. I am their …”

“You are mine. Let us get away.” Victor reached to push the chair but it was then the doors to the factory was hammered by angry fists. “My God, they found us.”

“The Ripper is inside.” The shout was heard by Victor.

“They are here. I must ….”

“Run, my love. I will stop them.” Illinois looked at Victor. They won’t harm an old lady.”

“No, Illinois. I won’t let them. We shall stay here and …. if need be we will die together. I love you, Illinois Millard."

Illinois looked at the man who fear the light and yet she saw light in him. She nodded and then told him of the plan.

“There is a case of alcohol there. Douse it on the machines. It will ignite and we can flee when the fire starts.”

Outside of the factory, Inspector Lestrade had arrived. He had brought in six more constables but the mob there was standing behind the barricade up by the earlier officers. He then looked to the factory where there were signs of burning fire. He had known of the house which was still burning then and the local brigade was trying to douse the fire. He knew the mob had moved to the factory on the cries of the so named missing heiress and her distressed calls.

“Get some to break the door. We can….” Inspector Lestrade was thrown back by the explosion in the factory. He picked himself up and turned to look at the factory. The explosion had spread the fire and it was burning.

“What was inside?” Inspector Lestrade asked the local constable.

“I don’t know, Sir. It was abandoned for some years and if I could recall the place was empty of anything that could do that.”

“It may not be or there were added in recently. Get the people to form a water brigade. We have to douse the fire.” Inspector looked to the gathered crowd who had then quieten down. They were looking above. He turned and looked himself.

“Illinois, we shall die together but not in their hands.” Victor carried the dying lady in his arms. He had poured the alcohol onto the machines and then a chain reaction occurred which the machines exploded then. He was thrown to the rear and ended up with bruises and cuts. The factory area was burning then from the explosion. He saw his love was sprawled on the floor. Her wheel chair had overturned onto the side. He pushed himself up despite the pains, and moved towards her. She was still breathing but her body was partially burned in the explosion. He picked her up and then looked for the doors. The doors were either blocked or covered in flames. He then saw the staircase on the side that led to the upper level. He knew there was a roof doorway and that was where he was headed.

“Sir, stay there. We will come to get you.” Inspector Lestrade called out. He then turned towards the Sergeant. “Get help.”
“Help, Sir? We are the help that is available. The others are not coming. No one will help them. They are murderers. Rippers they are.”

Inspector Lestrade turned to look at the man holding the lady.

“Sir, you good name please. I will come to you.”

“Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein. Remember that all of you. I am your …. No, I will be your nightmare.” Victor replied. “Just as I ripped those body parts. You will all die the way I do today.”

Victor looked at the dying lady in his arms.

“Goodbye, my love.” With that Victor Frankenstein took the leap with his love into the raging fire below them

Team of Seven Heroes Shorts Tales 3; Chapter 18


“Brute, you are hurting me.” Oliver Millard aka Igor heard the plea from the lady he had imprisoned. He was with her earlier and in his frustration, he had twisted her left arm. She then rolled over before smoothened the skirt over her legs. 

The brute was without any finesse in his approach and it hurt her. She then pushed herself up but was pulled by the hair at the rear. She was yanked back to the bedding and then felt the brute was onto her. She fought back then by pushing him but he was stronger and then his fists came onto her face. She felt the blow and rolled to avoid them but he relentless. He kept on calling her names and then she felt him lifted off her.

“Stop it, Igor.” It was the other older lady. The lady was seen outside the dungeon cell, but it was the first time she saw the lady stepping in.

“You will behave, Igor.” That was a stern command by the lady. The brute got up and then rushed off. The lady then turned to leave but stopped to look at the battled lady.

“Are you hurt badly?” It was a funny question to be asked when it was obvious that the lady’s face was bleeding.

“I will get you some bandages.” It was then the lady saw the other was pulling her legs to walk. She knew then the chance to escape was there. She got up and ran for the door. She pushed the elderly lady and then ran out. She was not in a dungeon but some huge covered area. There was not many furniture but there was two tables and some cabinets. The place smelled of cleaning materials. She saw the covered form on the table. She approached it to fling open the cover. It was a lady lying there, nude and there were electrodes attached to her. She was breathing but unmoving. She screamed then.

“Please don’t …” The lady turned to the elderly lady who was then crawling on the floor. “I did…”

The lady knew that if she stayed on, she will not get away. She saw the doorway and ran towards it. It led to the outside and there were two trails. The left one lead to a huge mansion further ahead while the next one led to the woods. She took the one on the right.

Meanwhile then at the factory. Illinois crawled to the table and pulled herself up. She saw then the lady lying there. She knew who it was but it had been some time since she last looked at the person.

“Shelly……Would you ever forgive me?” Illinois asked for forgiveness and then reached for the power lever. He pulled it down and watched the lights on the electrodes all dimmed. It was to be done. And Igor will forgive her.

“Forgiving is for the sinner.” Mycroft heard the call. He shook his head and then realized he was at the party. He was unsure what was it and why did that happen then. He took in his realization that he was attending the party. He looked at himself. He was without his shirt and on his chest, he had food layered there like a painting. He looked around and saw the others.

Lord Millard was dancing on the floor. And he was nude.

Oliver Millard was there too. He was humping some lady that Mycroft had not met before. He was naked from waist down and he had the cat o none which he was whipping the lady on the back.

Colonel Sebastian was there. He was dancing but with his rifle as the dancing partner.

He saw then the Ripper. All covered in the cloak but beneath it were the sets of knives. He was holding a living organ in his hand.

It does not make sense. The party was never that wild. He was one before. Then he saw Ryan Loggins. The figure was standing there smiling. He was dressed in the overcoat and was holding in his right hand, the surgical blade too.

Was he the Ripper? Mycroft asked himself. Or was he mad.

“Mycroft, you ought to stay connected.” Mycroft saw the person talking to him. It was Sherlock.

“You are not real.” Mycroft forced himself to speak. “I am …”

“I am real, Mycroft. I am Sherlock.” Mycroft felt the shake on his shoulders. He turned to look up and saw Sherlock again. The later offered him a drink.

“You were drugged. It’s Absinthe.” Sherlock who was real then told Mycroft. “Cough it out. You have to. The Ripper is killing them.

Ripper? Mycroft senses heightened on the name being mentioned. He opened his mouth and it was then Sherlock stuck the finger. It wasn’t orally pleasurable but it made Mycroft threw up. Whatever he had in him came out in the gushes of vomit. He rolled over and more vomit came out.

“Holmes, he is getting away.” Mycroft heard the call and he looked up. He saw Sherlock chasing someone. It was Watson and the other was chasing someone else.

It was all a …. Nightmare. Mycroft told himself. He clenched his teeth and tried to sit up. He was slowly sitting up. He will get up.

“Mycroft, get up.” Mycroft shook his head once more. He looked at the one who called him. It was Lord Millard.

“Help us, Mycroft. Ryan gone mad. He is killing the people.” Mycroft saw the killer named by Lord Millard pointing to the young aide. The other was covered in blood and was slashing the lady on the flooring. He sliced the lady on the chest to reach inside. He saw three other ladies laid there with the chest sliced. He turned over and tried to stand up. He saw then the other killer.

It was the unknown man until recently.
“Igor in the name of God, please stop.” Lord Millard called out.

Igor? Mycroft tried to make sense of the name. He could remember the name was Oliver Millard.

Why Oliver? Did the name matter then?

“No, this is mine to do. I am the Ripper too. I will kill them all.” Igor called out. “The Ripper told me to learn. Its more fun than hurting them. Here I hurt them from the inside.

Mycroft heard the cries from the ones who could make out the situation. They all looked drugged but maybe some were lapsing between it like him. He sat up on his haunches and saw the Lord Millard threatened by the one named Igor.

“No. Oliver. I am your uncle.” Lord Millard would never understand why his nephew killed him then. Mycroft saw the Lord fell on his face with the nephew standing behind with bloodied blade in his right hand.

“Sir, you are next.” Mycroft saw the young killer approaching him. He reached for the hem of his pants. He pulled it up and revealed the derringer. It was the standard issue for the double prefix for the close duel. It held two bullets and that was all he needed. He pulled it out and shot the young killer in the face.

Mycroft saw the other killer looking at him. He levelled the gun and the man turned to run. He fired the last bullet and saw it hit the fleeing killer in the back but that did not stop the killer. He tried to stand up and was then surprised by the banging on the doors. He looked towards it and saw the doors broke down. A group of men in blues stormed in. Mycroft smiled then.

“Stay at your places.”

Not many of them moved even for the living ones.

“Tell me, dear Sir. What happened here?”

“I am unclear.” Mycroft recalled replying. He then heard the shout from the doorway.

“Lord Millard’s house is burning. The mobs are doing it. We need to be there to reinforce.”

Re-tracking two hours earlier, the carriage carrying Igor and Victor stopped when the rider got the signal. Victor disembarked there.

“Victor, I could take us back. It’s a long walk.” Igor offered but Victor declined. He stepped from the carriage and then held the overcoat with the hood over his face. He had to get back to the lady. It was all he was concerned on. Igor told him that he hit the imprisoned one and hurt his knuckles. That drew more concern from Victor. He then took the long walk back. He decided to take to the woods where there was less chance of him being sighted.

Unknown to him, a wagon pulled up at the nearby Station. The rider disembarked and then assisted the lady into the Station. All it took was half an hour and the mob slowly forming. The lady soon stepped out.

“I am Dorothy Bromfield. I was held against my will and forced upon.”

“Who was it?”

“The Ripper.”

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Tweet...tweet... Life at the Fifties fantasy lane 14/10

I will start off it plain today...I have not been able to spend time writing given a dozen other excuses but I got some tales in my library to share, so spare me the spanking please....

Geez, last time I said that was when I was in my earlier years of school. I told my teacher that I did not do the work she gave me but I did the others. She asked me why I did not do it.

"Teacher, I would had done it but I forgot."

I got spanked. Honesty does not pay. And sometimes it does.

And that was what I had with some peers of mine; the over the hill group ( no, I am not in a nursing home ) but a gathering of sort and overlooking the balcony ( at the sixth floor; no, we were not planning to jump although the building opposite had some fancy lingerie hung there..... and its too bloody far to make a view given our age, and I left my binoculars in the house.... If I were to get it and come back two things might happened; the guys left for their afternoon nap or my joints will be of concern  instead of my boner. )

There we were; in the fifties and and for us, Men; we don't stressed on age. We are always young at heart and .... perhaps the mind.

Somehow the conversation ( no, it was not a discussion or we will measuring ourselves for the record...I meant how far we could peed... Give us a break, we ain't all fixated on who is bigger or not. ) moved to sex/

Wow! Sex sells and it does place markers on our hormones in the body. At our age, as someone mentioned; masturbation is akin to self check.... ( he was an engineer ).  Of course we get the wise cracker that replied; My lover does that for me. Another attribute of Man, we can't stand down for most things.

Well, the conversation of sex went on. Like when we first saw porn, or how we searched for the 'playboy' magazine then..... God, we were just doing what our forefathers kept in the archive; preserving historical pages. There were the days, we used to exchange at school; in middle school, we had a network over forty classes.... and we did not exclude the teachers. It was ALL BOYS school, and no we don;t have scandals. We were decent then. It was the mind then that had extra ideas.

I recalled then the movies played at the cinema in my town was SX-18 and darned, I was only 12 then. I guess, we have our view was the posters only. When I reached 18, they took it all out from the circuits. A draw of the wrong card, I guess.

So back to the oldies, I meant us the fifties guys; as usual despite being married to our wives for over thirty years, we still dream of the one that never made it to our bed. We were like the fisherman with stretched out arms, and how the doggone fish was not caught. Anyway, the spoiler had to come from me.

"Hey, guys. Why are you all thinking of the past? For all you may be doing in your fantasy, she could had been doing it for real." I guess that hit some of them badly...but we all smiled later. The fantasy fed us some good moments. It did dawned on me then; I am all 'ah ah aha' when she could be all 'would you hurry up, you got house works to do'. Guess, I will stick to system check. Its more palatable than to reminded of the plates to wash.

Or like my friends, nothing skips their barrage of discontentment.

"Yea, I saw her last week. She is a barrel now." That was from one of the guys. Or what the other said; 'she is with half a dozen'. That line hurt another ego; "It could had been mine to name."

"I doubt she could handle me." That was a hard one, considering he still think if he had any for anyone. He was not called 'runway' for the correct reason.

"Well, I helped the tissue industry." Trust him to say that, Kleenex salesman.

"Well, I am married." That's a realist thought. "Well, I am not." That was another oldie who did not hitched. Then we never thought of him being you know what or could had been but we shared the same shower room ( did I bend over to retrieve the soap then? ) and the occasional sleep over. Well, if he was, we ain't changing team mates now. On my end I was last checked by the doctor; 'nothing to worried about. Its all fine.' I wanted to file a complaint then how can it be all fine when the doctor just shafted me with a scope there.

Well, sex may be dwindling to us but had our share before; real and unreal.... and guess what; it was all fun.

And thanks for reading this. And please wipe the floor. We don;t want CSI to pick up the evidence. Or was it Mum then who was CSI before.

"Did you smear your underwear again?"

"Uh-huh... It was coffee..."

Team of Seven Heroes Shorts Tales 3; Chapter 17


Doctor Moriarty was indulging himself in the crossword in the morning papers when the Colonel arrived. The Army officer took his usual seat while Wong the Butler poured him a cuppa of tea. He glanced over at the Doctor who had folded the papers and then the conversation began then.

“It’s not the same Ripper.” The Colonel started off. “The scene was alike the one in 1888.”

“A difference in the equation? I am aware. I have copies of the Police Surgeon report here.” Doctor Moriarty took the piece of report from the folded pages of the paper. “So, the data mounts up and we are nowhere near to the solution.”

“The common folks are up in arms once more. I was told the Lords have requested for the Army’s assistance.” The Colonel added on. “There were some scuffles and Whitechapel Stations are on the alert by the authorities. It does not help much with two ships from the Spanish armada at the docks nearby.”

“So, the isolated Spanish case may be revived for personal pride perhaps. I thought you had the culprit removed.”

“I did but the ships are here on a diplomatic call. The Admiral is here in London and there will be a banquet tonight.” Colonel Sebastian smiled. “I was not invited. I am going to a party courtesy of our leader, Mr. Loggins.”

“Mr. Loggins? Ain’t we good friends? I guess not. His last approach with unsuccessful and may attempt more. Or even by you with a knack of removing others with your skill.” Doctor Moriarty smiled. “Don’t get your sight wronged. I know you won’t kill me even if God asked you to. Perhaps the Devil might do so but that will be like cheating at the cards.”

“No, Doctor. I won’t.” Colonel Sebastian declared his loyalty.

“I read your report on the Millard’s. Its interesting what the Elites will do to hide their undesirable news. You done well there. I was more surprised that a Ms. Shelly Winters was in the report. She was supposedly to be the fiancé of the son…. What his name?... Oliver Millard. Charming chap I was told, with his childhood afflicted with bouts of anger and violence. He was a deformed figure and probably used that to exert attention or retaliate for the action.”

“Yes, Oliver Millard was a wild lad and was restrained by the family in the estate or the exclusive mental retreat where I extracted the report. It was his aging nanny who told me. He was somehow engaged to Ms. Winter but the couple went missing for some years.”

“And which then the mother returned to London.” The Doctor intervened there. “She was a person of science I read. He studied under some great mentors. She was a recluse too. Poor legs issues?”

“Yes, she was inflicted with an ailment that affected her movements. She never showed up since.”

“Yes, many new data to work on. It’s a rather intriguing problem. Well, take a good rest for your party.” Doctor Moriarty smiled. “I afraid given my age and health consideration, I doubt I will enjoyed it.”

“Moral values perhaps, Doctor. I have none.” Colonel Sebastian replied and then got up.

“Colonel, I just remembered a detail which evaded my earlier questions. Who is Victor?”

“I am at a loss there. It was a name mentioned by the staff who used to work there. She claimed a gentleman had come to the estate at dusk most times to see the Lady Illinois but I have no record of such person in London.”

“Victor…. It’s most unusual and not a Londoner for sure. I wouldn’t expect anyone born in London to be named Victor. Then again so was Moriarty. We are after all named by our father’s and branded for life.”  

The name Frankenstein was a bane to the young Victor soon after his birth. He was raised by his unwed mother but she had the father’s name on him. The father was old when he consummated with the gypsy lady then. He never come back to her but he sent his support through money and then the trust that managed for the family. Victor Frankenstein was not to know but the staff of the trust soon disclosed his identity to the public. Ever since then he was hunted and taunted till the trust had his education by private tutors. The damage was done then and Victor was to be on his own journey of life. His skin infliction prevented him from travelling at day which suited him fine. He met Illinois in the Black Forest where she was on vacation and somewhere in them, they could relate to each other. She promised him a cure when she returned to London but the issue with Shelly changed the course of the intention. The distraught lady soon brought him to London and she told him of her grand plan to cure Shelly.

“I love you. I will do anything for you.” Victor Frankenstein was not a stranger to killing for he had done it on strangers who had hunted him. He found no pleasure in doing it but an essential part of his life.

Victor however valued innocent lives. He offered a prayer to the ones he killed for Illinois or the ones that had to die to preserve his life. He was always asking for forgiveness. He told God many times, ‘I did it out of desperation. I did not kill them for the pleasure of it. Life is scarce to me.’

Just like when he stood in the shadows looking at the Millard’s home. He had not told Illinois that he saw one other thing that night the Ripper killed the victim. It was the crest of the Millard’s on the carriage. That carriage was at the main door that night. He then saw the Lord Millard stepping into it. He watched the carriage took off and was to leave when he saw another similar carriage pulled up. He had not known of number of carriages the Millard have but that carriage was identical to the earlier one. He saw then Lord of the estate boarding it followed by one other. He only knew of the other by name.

Ryan Loggins. He was the Lord’s aide and was hardly seen except in the Library.

It could had been nothing but the glimpse of the overcoat worn by the younger man rubbed the shoes onto the ground before he boarded the carriage.

It was the Ripper.

Victor Frankenstein found the Ripper.

The real killer.

He rushed to the carriage but it had taken off. He then saw Igor stepping out of the doorway.

“Igor, my son. Are you… going somewhere?”

“Yes, I am going to a party. Why don’t you join me? Uncle Matthew and Mr. Loggins will be there too.” Igor reached for the door handle on the carriage with his right hand. His knuckles were bloodied.  

Victor could not find the words to speak on but he nodded.

Victor Frankenstein was going to trail the Ripper.

The real killer.

Colonel Sebastian was then advised by close aides of another killer.

“Colonel, the Admiral of the Spanish Armada is on official visit albeit on a rather short notice though. He claimed to be just visiting and not real agenda but we learned that he did not come without some …. Associates of other fields. A Senor Grande is with him and that gentleman is a marksman like you and also like you, a mercenary for hire. He is hunting you apparently. One of the Spanish Naval officers of the previous incident was his nephew. So, telling you to be on guard.”

The Colonel did not relay the warning to the Doctor and took his usual precautions. He decided that the appearance of another killer may augur well for him. All he needed to do was link the Spaniard to the Ripper then he will have one task done with two birds killed. He was adamant that the Ripper was somehow linked to the Millard and decided to stay close to them, especially the younger version, Oliver Millard. He had been a soldier for many years and in those years, he had seen all types of killers. The lad had the qualities of one; the vicious type. He had seen the lad in action despite his deformed back.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...