Saturday, September 1, 2018

Team of Seven Heroes Shorts Tales 2; Chapter 18 & 20 Finale


The Boers rushed out of the cave with their life in fear. They have not fought or got caught by the traps, but the eerie calls for mercy by the Bedouin with the roar of the predators in the dim lighted tunnels were unnerving. They have the courage of the tough years of living on that land but there was nothing to match them of what they heard.

“What ails you all?” Hans was the last to emerge. “Are we ….”

Hans words stopped then. He saw beyond the fleeing men of his were a sight unseen before. He saw the four men he left behind to guard the flank were no more alive for their bodies were hanging from the tree branches; burnt to crisp. The Maxim gun they had with them was a mangled piece of iron then. It was not that that took his words away but beyond the trees were the eight stone statues rooted there; not idle but seeming alive with the spears and clubs bloodied.

“The ….” Hans warning was too late. The statues moved slower on their legs, but their upper limbs struck with speed. They had the Boers cornered against the cave with the clubs swinging like pendulum and struck the Boers. The blows were random but the size and hardness of the blows were yielding bloody results. The Boers tried to shoot back but they found their fingers trembling from fright and then the deadly blow landed on them. It could be a shattered arm and then the chest caved in or the head get crushed.

Hans ducked the blows and ran into the cave. He ran into the tunnels and then emerged to see the savage seated next to the lady on the bluish floor. He reached for his rifle but he must have dropped it on the run there. He reached for the Mauser and pulled it out. He aimed at the savage with his trembling hands. His finger shook so badly that he failed to click the gun then.

Tarzan saw the Boer and tossed the dagger on his lap. The dagger struck in the throat of the Boer. He watched the Boer fell to the knees and then faced down. He then turned to his lover on the bluish floor. She was breathing normally, and the wounds were healing. It was a miracle machine.

“John, I feel ….” Tarzan heard the lady and looked into her eyes.

“You are going to fine. The machine will heal you in ….”

“No…..” Jane reached out with her hands to be pulled up. Tarzan offered the assistance and held her. He was to ask her when she told him.

“I was in one before. I remember now. I was on it when I was with our child. It took our child. I cannot be there anymore. I need to…” Jane pushed him off and then looked for an exit. She saw the dead Boer and ignored him. Death to her was as common as the prey that gets killed in the jungle.

“Take me away. This place is bad.” Jane looked back at her lover. “If you evr love me, do it.”

Tarzan led his lover on his shoulders out of the cavern. Unseen by them, Mili stepped out from the dark corner. She looked at the dead Boer and then at the machine. She had shut down the damaged machineries done by the lady but the damage was irreparable. She shook her head and then looked to the tunnel where she had arrived from. Another figure soon appeared walking in calmly and stood by her.

“I got the alert. It looked like the ship will never operate properly.” Mother Jules although she looked blind in her sight was actually able to visualise the surrounding by the sound vibrations. She was as alert like the night flying creatures.

“No, Mother. The ship is damaged. The lady had damaged the core unit that was to rejuvenate the crystal. Our efforts over the centuries have been terminated by the savagery of Man. We are unable to leave again.” Mili shrugged her shoulders. “It’s truly sad that we will have to tell the others. They will have to continue their own existence without any hope of returning back to Oz.”

“I think they are aware of it. Oz no longer exists in their heart. Here, they will continue to exist.” Mother Jules reached out for the young version of herself. “We have a task to perform. The ship must be destroyed. Its existence must never be found. We saw the future of the world. Mankind will learn and then they will destroy themselves but we cannot be the ones that assisted them. They are intelligent to do themselves.”

“Tell me something, Mother Jules. What happened to the lady’s …” Mili asked.

“The child was never born. It was a freak. The others reported in. They terminated the process.” Mother Jules replied. “It was unprecedented but the move was logical as like us, only the perfect ones could exist.”

“I am not the perfect one. I am ….”

“A mis-construct due to limited resources but you hold in you the processor that we have developed while stranded here. You are not imperfect. You are perfect for this world. You are designed to merge with them on the emotional level without betraying your true capability.” Mother Jules replied. “So stay true to your creation. One day, the others will sought us and then we can all go back.”

“For now, we need to remove the evidence of the ship. Leave the Guardians there. They will protect the landing site but the predators trained by you will leave with you. They will be your protector in the world of Man.”

Meanwhile Tarzan with the guidance of Jane found his way out. He smelled blood and yet there was none on the ground there at the entrance. The grounds were made pristine and yet he sensed the grasses and some undergrowth were not there before. The whole place was makeover. And there were no signs of any bodies dead or alive. He moved with his lover held onto his shoulders. It will be a long trek to home in the Waziri land. After a distance, he looked back to the jungle where he had departed from. He was looking beyond the trees and undergrowth to see once more the lady he knew. He knew she was there looking at him from inside the jungle but she will not see him. Not again for she knew that Tarzan, Lord of the Apes was no longer welcome to this land. He then felt the arms around his shoulders. They were warm and comforting. They were his to hold onto in times of needs and wants. He was with the one he truly deserved.

“Jane Porter, I love you.” Tarzan uttered out. His reply was the reassuring touch on his neck. Meanwhile then, there was assurance on the other. It was Sheena hidden behind the thick undergrowth beneath the huge tree, looked at the departing couple. She knew in her heart, he was gone. He was gone ever since the other lady had stepped into his life. She regretted not loving him but she can’t. She was the Queen, and in her vow, she had taken, there will be no King but only the Queen.
“There you are.” Sheena saw her companion the chimp approaching her. The chimp pulled at her right hand motioning her to leave. She took to the guidance of the chimp.

Her departure was observed by Mili who had then turned to look at the one who took care of her. Mother Jules lay herself on the bluish flooring. It was her command that she go down with the ship. Mili took her leave and exited the ship at the same entrance that Tarzan took. She walked on without turning back. Her pets the panthers paced her walk with their own trail forming a cordon around her. She saw then the departing Queen with the chimp. It was followed by the sight of other creatures leaving the jungle. Somehow their instinct told them there was danger.

“There is no danger, my friends. There is only goodbye.” Mili spoke out to the departing creatures. She walked for a few hours before she climbed a hill there. Then she climbed the highest tree to look back at the jungle where she was last at. The jungle was still there but it was sinking. It was as if the earth had moved in huge block there, and then a cavity soon appeared. She saw then the cavity was filled with water that came from the ground below. The jungle soon became a deep lake.

“It’s a good bye then.” Mili say one last time.

Inside the lake, the so named ship had its chambers flooded and then it sank into the muddy bottom. It will eventually be buried for eternity and its workings unknown to Man.


The household of Hans Pieter was once more providing hospitality to the guests of Mr. Cargill, Monsieur Clement without their host. A new guest from the German counterparts was there with an impatient attitude.

“Herr Doctor have been heard of for over a month now.” The German paced the veranda impatiently while holding onto the glass of cognac. The later was the gift from the French, who will never leave home without his bottles.

“Most unfortunately, Herr Bormann.” The Cargill replied. In his muttering, he was cursing at the German with the names like ‘boring’ and impudent prick’ but courtesy called for manners.

“I do concur. Where is the Doctor? His last report was he was leaving for the jungle. And where is the Boer?” Monsieur Clement was not making things palatable that day. “I have stakes on the expeditions.”

“Do all of us.” Mr. Cargill reminded the Frenchman. “Fear not, my dear friend. They won’t guillotine you for it. I hear they do a decent task of castration though.”

“Huh, you English are despicable in humour. We do have our history but we do not rip the innards off the ladies.” The Frenchman took a hit with the historical unsolved murder of Jack the Ripper in White Chapel some years back.

“Oh, that was low of you but we know how low you would go for anything.” Mr Cargill hit back and then the German intervened.

“Gentlemen, please do not bicker like children. We are awaiting news of the expedition. My stake holders are getting, how may I place it very concern.”

“Oui, so are mine.” The Frenchman echoed the same concern. Mr. Cargill saw the arrival of another and it was not their anticipated guests. He recognised the face and smiled.

“Tom Jones, the Foreign Attache here. I am ever glad that you turn up. The weather here was getting onto my collar.” Mr Cargill greeted the young man dressed in tweeds despite the hot weather. He was carrying a dispatch for Mr Cargill. The Englishman read it and then smiled.

“I believe you have a parcel for me. I know its heavy but worth the content.” Mr Cargill was handed the parcel. He waved the Attache off. The he opened the parcel and looked inside.

“Gentlemen, the Office have sent me a new task. Its named double ‘O’ prefix. Guess what it authorised me to kill.” Mr Cargill explained.

“A petty matter to me. I have taken part in the safari shootout without a licence.” The Frenchman had to attest his superiority then. “I believe Herr …. Bormann have indulged in it too.”

“Nein, I am a pacifist.” Bormann added in with a sarcastic tone. “What about you, Mr. Cargill?”

“Me, I am licensed to kill. And I will do on the drop of the hat.” Mr. Cargill withdrew the Webley and placed one bullet each into the two gentlemen. He finished it off with a head shot each.

“Tap two, gentlemen. Tally Ho!” Mr, Cargill lowered the gun. “Nothing personal, guvnors. I am under order from the Section. Your termination will ensure we have one more day of foggy morning to contend with.”

Mr Cargill then replaced the gun, and then sealed the parcel. It held a return address; UNIVERSAL EXPORTS, Nairobi, Kenya. Atten: Mr Jones, Tom Jones. He then took leave of the estate of Hans Pieter. He removed the fake side burns and walrus moustache. He then reached to unhook the extra layer of cloth he had on his waist. It also helped with his fake identity.

“Do you want to keep that, Uncle Holmes?” The assassin real name was Mycroft Holmes, and he travelled with a young man named Matthew Bond.

“Nay, lad. I doubt Mrs Hudson will appreciate me with a sodden weight on my navel like a overripe fruit.” Mycroft smiled. “So how is your missus doing with the new born? James was his name. Nice name. Bond. James Bond.”

“James Herbert Bond. His mother last name. His dad had high regards for a Frenchman Detective but Poirot was not well received so they used his first name with an English twist from Hercule.” The young man replied. “Well, whatever the outcome, I hope he becomes a tailor or baker. Foreign affairs will end with my career.”

“Tailoring? Bakery? Both are professional careers. I am sure he will do well in it.” Mycroft smiled.

“Guvnor, there is a letter for you on the side.” Mycroft heard the man and reached for the letter. The first lines read as follows:

“Should you take this task, the Section will disavow your actions should you be caught. This task calls for your discretion and utmost secrecy.”

“On her service, I will do so.” Mycroft read the rest of the letter and then he burnt the letter. He was on a task to save the nation from another disaster. He saw the envelope held the HRM seal.

“His Royal Majesty or her’? I wonder sometimes.” Mycroft smiled.

It was also then Tarzan smiled when Balando told the Lord of his lover’s condition.

“She is with a child. I am sure of it.”

“Then she will stay here until the child is born. No more tasks that will endanger her life. Or our son.” Tarzan replied. “He will be named Korak, son of Tarzan.”

“How do you know the child will be a boy?” Balando asked.

“I am the Lord. I have decided and the child will be a boy.” Tarzan declared out and then he leaned over. “I studied the moon cycle. It was the right time then.”

Happiness prevailed on both men for Balando was the father of ten boys, and he taught the Lord the cycle of the moon. It can’t be said for Sheena who sat alone on the huge branch looking into the land that she commanded. She felt the loneliness of sitting there. A Queen with many subjects and yet none will sit by her side. She sighed on her throne. It was not for long for the jungle spoke to her of a new expedition to her land. She was ready then to repel them once more.

After all, she was Sheena the Queen.

And there is no space on the throne for any man to be her King.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the stories! Great work!

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