Monday, September 24, 2018

Team of Seven Heroes Shorts Tales 3; Chapter 8


Doctor Moriarty seated there with his lecture notes, and the cup of tea within reach, he was to be satisfied but his mind was on something else. He was thinking of adversaries in his criminal career. There were few while they lasted, he had them considered as unresolved equations. For that, he was always on guard for it.

“Tea, Sir.” Doctor Moriarty heard his Butler asking him. It was polite for Wong to check on his tea then but he felt it was a constraint into his line of thoughts like a misplaced data that led the calculation to go astray. Normally, he will compensate for it with an allowance of deviation but for the doctor, there was no allowance for deviations. He prefers precise results.

“If you want to be disturbed, Colonel Sebastian is here at the corridor. He was kind to wait while you have your tea.” Another quality of the Colonel; patience and that made him a perfect killer.

“Yes, do admit the Colonel and change the tea. Have another cup for the Colonel too.”

“Doctor Moriarty, I am….”

“And you are suited for it. Commander Smith was an …. Pardon my terms, a bad data that needed to equated out.” Doctor Moriarty took a sip of the refreshed tea from the pot. The Colonel had taken the seat available but he declined the tea. He went for a glass of Scotch instead.

“A little early for Scotch, Colonel?” Doctor Moriarty pointed the obvious. “Its late morning.”

“I thought a celebratory drink to my ascension to replace Commander Smith.” The Colonel raised the glass. “He was a bad shot for a Commander.”

“He was and with that good riddance to his role. I need you in there as we will complete the equation of absolute over the others.”

“Bravo.” Colonel Sebastian replied. “And how would we handle the other three? Lord Millard is the key person.”

“Like the Ripper, we will rip the organs apart. I am proposing we move onto the Lord first. He is the heart and from him we will sought the mind; the unknown leader.”

“Do you want a head shot or a hanging by the mobs?” Colonel Sebastian was at times rather crude in his killing.

“No, we will do what the Ripper had done. We will shift the equation problem onto Lord Millard. After all, the Ripper could be from the Elites.”

“As they suspected the Royals then in the earlier cases, I loved it.”

“God forbid me from doing that. I love the Queen. Eccentric but whose mother was not at some stages of their age.” Doctor Moriarty had on an expression of concern as if it was his mother in question. The doctor loved his mother with his father failing responsibility to the family.

“And Colonel, you have been assigned the task of tracking the Ripper. Do it wisely and have the trails lead to the …. Should we name them as the Elites? Perhaps to the Millard’s. I hear the family do a number of social events that will make the papers double its edition daily. Geometrically I meant.”

It was the task then for the Colonel. It was also for the other member of the Council, General Smith. He was not a senior ranking officer by influence but of the hard works he had done. He was upset at the demise of the Commander and did his own investigation.

“General, the Commander was shot in a gun duel.” The duel was outlawed but gentlemen have their own laws. “The Colonel Moran Sebastian shot him in the head. It was a ….”

“Murder it was. Commander Smith deserved more than that. Only cowards get the shot in the head. Heroes die gallantry in battle.” General Smith recalled the name Colonel Sebastian. He was a senior officer and a good shot. It was time for him to call in favours.

One from an old friend in Intelligence.

“Fortunately for you, I have a liaison in London. His name is Mycroft and he is will Lord Millard to find the Ripper. The Nation leaders have voiced concerns that it will ripple if unchecked. I am sure he can be given a new assignment to locate and terminate Colonel Sebastian. The liaison is with the double prefix section.”

“Thank you, Fleming. I am indebted to you.” With that General Smith was at the mercy of the other.

At that moment, Mycroft was seated at the tavern enjoying the steak and kidney pie. He took another big bite of the pie although his mind was fleeting between the questionable contents of the pie to the persons seated in front of him. He had selected the seat facing the bar with the wide mirror covering the tavern area. He could pick out the other table seated by two men who looked like a butcher and grocer. They were sampling their own picks and they looked serious. Or there to pick their payments.

“You want another?” The tavern stepped over to offer more food. “Or you probably a piece of me?”

Mycroft smiled at the lady although she held more than a mouthful on her bosom. He decided to focus the subject of his interest. He asked if she felt safe with the so named Ripper.

“We are worried. There was another one last night. The bobbies were there and took the body away before the papers could reach it.” Mycroft heard the lady. He then left the tavern for the station and noticed that the two others whom he assumed were there for the food. He took to the street with his usual pace, with fleeting glances at the shop windows to check the two on his trail. He sneaked off into the alley and hid there.

“I saw him come in.” The grocer looked into the alley. The butcher was behind and then Mycroft appeared from the side.
“I am in rush, and shall we get the acquittance done quick.” Mycroft landed the fist into the butcher’s left waist and then the dropping chop on the butcher exposed neck when the later keeled over. He then kicked out at the grocer with the low kick behind the left knee and then the fist into the face.

“Pardon the tardiness but I am in a rush but since we are acquainted now, you could tell me on the Ripper.”

The information was sketchy but it was a stat.

“Wild parties. Mad Hatter’s place.”

Mycroft heard of the name and he knew who will know.

“My goodness., darling Holmes. I have one other upstairs and he is one I have difficulty loving.” Mrs Hudson lay the kiss on Mycroft’s lips. “But for you, anytime. And I loved kidney pies.”

“Nothing evades your observation, and no pun intended.” Mycroft embraced the housekeeper. “He is away I presume.”
“Yes, he is and peace reign here. I don’t know of what is happening outside of my house though.” Mrs Hudson was always the housekeeper. She has an uncanny ability to read minds. “And not of any mad parties.”

“Wild, my dear and I need to find one. And I ….”

“Not inducing in one. I know you well, Mycroft. I have you well …. Inside me. We could do it since we are alone….”
“Darling, I am ever keen but I am on a task. And we, Holmes are very selfish in our tasks.” Mycroft push the lady off.
“You are right or shall I say hideously right, if there was such a word.” Mrs Hudson retreated. “The Mad Hatter is the nickname for Lord Millard. Lord Matthew Millard. He held these wild parties as he termed it.”

Mycroft felt his task shortened in the time factor and then reached for the housekeeper.

“Do you still have the honey in the jar?”

“Why are you going to be a bear to eat me out?”

Eating was not in the mind on the doctor’s mind and she has tossed the organ away. She was disappointed that nothing she had done worked. Well, it worked on her legs. She was a crippled after the fall, she managed to cure her ailment with the treatment she experimented with.

“Nothing works.” Doctor Illinois muttered out.

“Perhaps you need to take a break.” The figure in the shadow voiced out.

“No, I can’t give up. Our …. happiness is in her.” The doctor sighed. “If only I was ….”

The doctor was pulled into the shadow and was held tightly.

“I don’t care for I love you.” And age does not damper their lustful needs. Nor of the needs of a life.

Tweet..Tweet.... I was away from my PC 24/09

My sincere apologies for I was away from my postings. I have been battling work issues despite my so declared retirement; albeit I am back working on my own funds, hence the extra pressure to get the extra funds and staff to assist. And I also got a load of other reasons but that will be a boring piece to write on so let us move onto the tales.

Doctor Moriarty? I must be mad to choose that character to explore on....

Well, I did. And when I wrote Tales III herewith, I actually enjoyed trying to unravel the villain in his realm. How do you write on someone who have remained a mystery even to us the fans of Sherlock Holmes. Well, I hoped you liked it from me.

And I discovered a rare ( to me it was rare ) book written by Conan Doyle; Brigadier Gerrard of the Napoleon Army era. I did not know he wrote that and it was a gem to read. Its a military exploit like Howard's El Borak series. I enjoyed reading it ( it did not put me to sleep by every second page ), and besides Bernard Cornwell "Sharpe", its a good read.

The last weeks, I have been blank in my head on plots and tales though I blazed through Short Tales from III to V, and VI is a third to the finishing. I am looking for fresh directions/ideas/approach. I will be back soon; trust me. Just give me time to adjust to my new career now.


Team of Seven Heroes Shorts Tales 3; Chapter 7


The other doctor looked into her patient; her only son who was still in recluse after the embarrassing moment a week ago. She had tried to coax him to leave the sleeping chamber there but he had refused. With his self-declared banishment, she had continued her life work on the cultivated organs. The last batch of organs have been bottled and the previous batches fed to the two guard dogs she had in the place. She approached the table where the organs were displayed.

“Are we close to the recovery?” The doctor heard the voice from the shadow. She knew her trusted aide was concerned on her health. She had suffered two falls and was assisted by her son, Igor then but she knew her body was aging. She had been studying the effects of electricity on the flesh for many decades. It was her first mentor, Doctor Nikola Tesla, a Serbian American inventor. He was a dedicated scientist on electrical designs. He was her mentor and then dismissed her when he realised that her aim was different from him. She left to work with one named Rudolf Virchow, the father of pathology. He discovered a number of illness from his pathology works. He was also the first to introduce forensic investigation. She left to work with then Louis Pasteur, his discussion partner on the new discoveries and then her own practice to understand the functions of the human organs. It was also when Shelly fell ill and then went into comatose. Since then, the doctor has been trying to revive her. It was to be her life gift to Igor.

“Are we close to the recovery?” The figure in the shadow asked. “Will she ever …”

“I don’t know but I won’t give up. She is all Igor have now.”

“Igor have you.”

“For how long? I am dying.” The doctor sighed. “I am not sure if I can ever complete this task here.”

“You will do it. It’s the you inside of you.” The dark figure voiced out. “You are my hands.”

“And your father’s notes are my guide.” The doctor looked the dark figure. “The bastard son of Victor Frankenstein. He could not face you in living and created a monster to replace you.”

“My father did not create a monster. He created a new life form but like him, I was also mistake for that. I was pursued by the others when they learned of my inheritance. Every one of them wanted to recreate what my father did but failed. They pursued me for his findings. They are yours now as my gift to you for your love. As I will gladly kill for you too.”

“He is not your….” The doctor snapped back.

“He is not but with his love, we can have our own child. You will revive Shelly and they will have a child. Our child.” The dark figure spoke out. “Our son who will walk the world with our love.”

“Yes, Shelly and Igor will have us a son.” The doctor smiled. “Igor and Shelly will be our surrogate.”

It was then the sound of the bell sounded out. It was the signal from the estate which was a walking distance from the work area. The doctor stepped away and then changed her clothing. She was no more the doctor but the sister of Lord Matthew Millard, Illinois Millard.

“Darling brother Matthew, how nice of you to drop by?” The lady named Illinois Millard was wheeled in on the disabled chair designed for her. She was pushed by the House Butler, Tom Benson, the ex-slave turned house servant of the family from the State of Illinois. The servant was into his nineties but was fitter than men half his age.

“I had to when my letters were never replied.” Lord Millard saw the pile of unopened letters. “You ought to reply them or I will have a secretary appointed for you.”

“You know me, Matt. I am not a lady of words. I am of …”

“Science? I know but your son incident had me concerned on you. Is he around?” Sir Millard looked for his nephew.

“Charlie is in his room. I heard of the incident. Regretfully, they don’t understand him and the ridicule was…” Charles Deacon was the father of the child but he was dead. The child was raised by the mother and she had him called by his nickname Igor in the private confines of the house.

“It was managed, my darling sister. I heard the lads were taken care of. Their ill manners will never plague the lad again. He may return to the …. I meant social activities.” Sir Millard told the sister. “He must socialize. It’s good for his upbringing.”

The deformity of the lad was never discussed and the servants were told to ignore it. He was the next Lord of the Millard Estate.

“Sister, I have come to caution you on the Ripper. He has returned. He plagued us once more and I have pledged to removed that threat.”

“And to how am I troubled by the Ripper? If the Ripper were to come here, I have Benson to assist me. And more to that, I don’t leave the estate with my useless legs.” Illinois drew on the sympathy from her brother of her weak legs. “And Charles is a man and I think the Ripper had any interest in that. Perhaps yours may be of interest to the Ripper if he ever changed his mind.”

“Sarcasm, my dear sister. I was just concern on you. After all, the last Ripper exploits had us in the list of suspects…” Lord Millard was cut off there.

“Due to my works then. Well, with my crippling legs, I am more into planting seedlings than dissecting organs.” Lady Illinois hit back. “The papers can stop speculating on that. If you were to excuse me, I need to exercise my legs if it was to do me any good. Benson, see to my brother safe departure please. Carry the wooden stake please in case you do meet the blood sucker out there.”

Later back at the lab, Lady Illinois was back in her alter ego as the doctor. She had left the wheel chair by the door and walked over to the working table. Her walk was slow but steady. A set of hands reached out to her but she pulled away.
“Victor, you must not expose yourself. You could get burned.” The dark figure stepped back, He was named after his father but he had dropped the family name ever since. He was a rare born with an affliction that he can’t withstand lights or sunlight. It will be years later medical science will have a name for it; xeroderma pigmentosum. It was this that he stayed in the shadows or moved in the dark. He was a subject for Doctor Illinois then when she was with Doctor Louis Pasteur. She knew of his identity and worked her way into his life initially to get the father’s notes but they fell in love later. He was unable to have a child while she was beyond her fertility years. They had relied on Igor with Shelly who fell to the sudden illness and then comatose.

“Illinois, I will rather die than to lose you.” Victor stepped back into the shadow. He was the son that the father refused to accept and in time build another.

“Dying? None of us will be on this day. You will live on for I am telling you now. I am living and if I die, then you may do so but only when we have our child. And for that, you and I can’t die until Shelly comes alive.”

“Illinois, why can’t we create her? Father….” The mentioned of the father was a bad taste in the mouth for the figure in the shadow. “Like him, we can create…”

“Victor, your father created monsters. I am trying to revive the … living.” Illinois looked at the figure covered on the next table. “She is real and still alive.”

“I am sorry, my love. I will leave you to your work now.” The lady was once more into her works as the doctor while the other dutifully remained in the shadow like her guardian. Unknown to his mother and uncle, Igor overheard the conversation of his guardians. He was residing in the room since then and with the news that tormentors were dealt with, he was ready to go back to the parties. He smiled and then went back to his chamber to freshen up.

Igor stood in front of the mirror. He had one which was the hand-held mirror and it only showed his face then. He had good looks but the deformity was the curse for him until he met Shelly. She had shown him that there was more to him than that misshaped back. He loved her and will live her forever. No one can harm her or he will rip their hearts out.

“Heart…” Igor thought hard. He will get more hearts for his mother. She once told him that the way to love was through the heart. He will rip those hearts for her. He will go and hunt for more hearts. Uncle Victor will help him.

Team of Seven Heroes Shorts Tales 3; Chapter 6


Doctor Moriarty looked at the figure who had stepped into the study chamber of his. He was studying the latest discovery of mathematics when the uninvited guest barged in.

“Moriarty. I want your best on this task.” It was Lord Millard who stood there dressed in his best and then stood over the study table. “My nephew was humiliated yesterday. He was with some friends, as conveyed to me and then things got out of hand, he was singled out to be strung bare assed before he was covered with blood onto the street.”

Doctor Moriarty partially upset at the intrusion but he held in check his emotions to weigh on the beneficial side of the group. He offered the Lord a drink and seat before he took a genuine interest in the tale. It was a short or in most cases, edited to suit the victim’s position on the social ranking.

“If you wished to stay as a member, show me your contribution or I will remove your rights.” It was not a threat but an insult then. The Doctor feigned a smile and then nodded.

“Good, you will do the needed.” Lord Millard then marched out. The Doctor then looked at his watch and then picked up his coat to leave. He was in no rush but he was overjoyed that he was doing something to solve his predicament in the group.

“The tea is tasteless today.” Colonel Sebastian seated there on the chair at the café overlooking the river Thames. He placed the cup on the saucer and looked to the figure across the table. The other was a lady dressed in the latest that the London society could offered frowned on the Colonel’s distaste.

“I have not much to comment on as that was the finest tea in London.” The lady remarked back. “After all, I get the best.”
“From the coast of Boston perhaps. The tea tasted as if it was immersed there.” Colonel Sebastian was in his foul mood. He was called on by the Doctor a few hours ago to check on the case of a young master who was humiliated on the street. Things like that does not happened without the lady knowing it first.

“It was a wild party on the east end side. They held that once a forth night, the usual spectacles of sacrifices and then the orgy. I think the one you mentioned was name the Brute. He was one with my girls telling me that he was like a bull.”
“I thought you liked that.” Colonel Sebastian smiled at the lady. He knew her as Madame X.

“Bullish from you is ever welcomed but that Brute was more of his namesake. The girls asked for triple their payments from him, and he does pay well.”

“So why the …. Humiliation?”

“That I was told some new boys who had just joined took things a way bit further. They took advantage of his drunken state.”

“Names, my dear.”

“Some foreigners. They are Spaniards. Naval Academy brats.” The lady looked into the cup of tea. “Miguel Panama and Antione Vincenzo.”

The Colonel left the lady wanting more after she had compared him to a brute. They had the taken the hospitality of the café owner of the use of the bedroom upstairs. The lady was left wanting for more but the Colonel was perfunctory in his approach and left on the completion of his task. He then took the carriage to meet the Commanding Officer of the Naval Academy. They used to play chess at the club.

“Checkmate, Commander.” Colonel Sebastian smiled at the Naval Academy office. “You are getting careless in your old age.”

“None so, Colonel. I am just distracted by the recent events. Do you know we have some guests from the other Naval Academies with us for the season? Well, I won’t go for it but the Admiralty overruled me. They claimed its good for the nation to be seen in togetherness. I missed our olden days when we roamed the seas then.”

“Foreigners in the Academy? I say we are in the ruts.” Colonel Sebastian looked on with the frown on the face. “Who are they?”

“Spaniards. They won’t even put up with the others at the barracks. They got their own lodgings outside under Commander Tyrone Smith. An arsehole for an officer.” The Naval Officer offered the address then. “Perhaps you can shoot them up like the chicken in the coops.”

Both officers laughed. They used to do that to scare the neighbours.  It was not as scary than to be seated across the arsehole named Smith.

“Colonel Sebastian, I doubt we met but hello to you.” Commander Smith was a real gentleman. He even offered to introduce the cares under him. “They are Spanish officers.”

It did take long for the Colonel to know more on the Spaniards and their mentor. He found them abusive to the ones they deemed to be lowly in taste. He played his time with them and on the second week, even with the papers moving onto latest murder then; ‘another died’ or the evening tabloid; ‘are you safe?’. Nevertheless, the Colonel invited the two Spaniards to visit on the seedier side of the city after three nights of card wagers and drinking binge.

“I am not clear how our new wager will include a visit to the ghetto?” Miguel was the elder of the two and held a clearer head despite the alcohol inducted into him. They have left the sleeping Major Smith in the company of two lovely ladies.
“Come, Miguel. We are in the company of one Colonel Sebastian. He will protect us like the Major.” Antonio clearly intoxicated took to the challenge. “You mentioned a wager that we would not be able to pick up the ladies. Name me one.”
“Better still show you one.” Colonel Sebastian feigning being drunk too, led the lads on a merry ride into the seedier part of London. They disembarked at the dark street a distance from the gas lighted pole. The Colonel led the lads into a walk into the alley. They kicked at the garbage there and spat at the drunken fools that slept there. Soon they emerged on the other end and was confronted by the sight of a lady standing there. Miguel turned to look for the Colonel but was surprised to see the Colonel had turned back. He was to call the Colonel when he heard the scream. He turned and saw the Antonio was holding the lady who was clearly not eager for company. He rushed to Antonio but he then saw the screaming had brought in men from the different directions. In military terms, he was ambushed. He pulled at Antonio arms but it was too late. He was surrounded by a group of men and was assaulted with sticks and fists. He tried to defend himself but there were too many. He was to break away when the dagger went around his neck. He fell to the ground trying to breathe but he was soon dead.

‘Spanish officers harassed out lady, and got themselves killed.’

‘Keep your hands off or we will remove them.’

The headlines drove the Naval Command mad with the insult that they had to take from the Spanish Admiralty. Major Smith himself admitted that he was asleep that night and pointed the blame on one Colonel Sebastian of the Army. He did not reveal the two ladies he spent the evening with. Neither did the Butler of the Club.

“We live by our discretion to the gentlemen’ here.” It was their code of conduct and being part of the group that pledged allegiance to Colonel Sebastian, the oath of denial was without doubts.

Nevertheless, the incident drew flaks from the Army and the Colonel denied meeting the lads that night although he had drinks with them before. He found them ‘arrogant and uncivilised’.  His words made the Spanish Admiralty furious and the relationship between the Army and Navy was at tatters.

It was to be settled in a civilised manner.

“Twenty paces, gentlemen. One shot each.” Colonel Moran Sebastian never missed. The honour restored and the Spaniards were paid some amount to the dead officers’ family.

As for Lord Millard, the task was done with satisfaction.

“Thank you, Doctor. I think we owe you a great favour. Sadly, Major Smith had to die.” Lord Millard shook his head. “Now who may replace him?”

“I have the candidate. His name is Colonel Moran Sebastian. Fine gentleman there.” Doctor Moriarty placed forth his nominee. “He may be our solution to removing the Ripper.”

Team of Seven Heroes Shorts Tales 3; Chapter 5


Doctor Moriarty had a distracted day with his mind shifting to the murders from his lecture. He found the former more intriguing than his usual rambling of models and equations which he knew well. He left the lecture hall and then retired to his personal chamber with the instruction that he was not to be disturbed. Once behind the locked door, he drew apart the shelves to reveal the hidden compartment where a board was mounted with a number of news clippings with the strings strung across it to denote the possible relationships. He had set up the data there as if he was looking at from mathematical approach. He drew on probability or correlation of the data to arrive at the results. He drew a blank on one field; authorities. At the current onset then, the only ones involved were the local enforcements. He held some other data cards namely the national and international parties.

“Maybe it had not escalated to that level.” The Doctor muttered to himself. He knew from his previous readings; the Ripper sensation have hit the headlines even up to the other continent and many replicate cases of similar killings have been linked to it. It was then he stumbled on a name he wrote on the board.


The Doctor have never encountered the person named there. He had planned his own existence outside of the academic field as inconspicuous to the outsiders.

Holmes was however coming into prominence with his exploits reported by the papers and the tongue wagging of the elites. Holmes have been busy then as reported to him by his agents. That may had eliminated the detective role here. So, he thought of a new field.

The letters written by the Ripper then.

An interesting field. It spoke of a mind with some education. A person without such skills will not penned down the words. It may be crude but that could be a distortion to the identity.

‘Letters with words’

The victims were dissected with skill. Not a butcher rough chopping but trained cuts. From the ‘letters with word’ he drew a new line to the word ‘Skills’.

Doctor Moriarty was at then focussed on the deeper end of the equation and not of the many variables. He then gave his mind a sweep of the original Ripper notes. One came to his mind.


The cases unresolved and the suspects were released. Not all were apprehended. There were some who were not all that easy to do that. They had protection. He changed the ‘Suspects to something new.


Doctor Moriarty frowned then on his addition. He shook his head and then relooked at the board. He studied the details and then nodded on his new addition. It was never dismissed the data then presented. The crime scenes were around Whitechapel but there were some indications that the killing took place on weekends and holidays. They critics and so named experts narrowed down the killers or killers to someone with working hours on regular days. The beating by Bernard Cairnhill of the two young lads may hold justifications.

‘Bernard Cairnhill.’

It may be the missing equation to solve the problem. Doctor Moriarty recalled the Doctor’s word on one named Igor. It was the name Bernard mentioned; Igor was the name but who was Igor


Doctor Moriarty wrote on the board. Was he Slav? Russian? Or Prussian?

He knew he had to find Igor.

At that moment, in a huge factory space in London gutter area, there was some activity there. It used to be a candle factory but the years of neglect on its management silenced the area until recently. The windows were painted over with dark shade, and flooring cleared of the debris, and then furnished with the house import of laboratory tools and equipment. There were the shelves of bottles in there with the working tables in the centre. There were two persons pacing the area around the tables then in which was covered on the top concealing what was beneath. The space there was converted into a lab.

“Herr Doctor, what are we looking for?” The one who spoke was a figure with a stooped back but given his tall height and dimension, he appeared like a over grown ape. He had stooped to arrange the tools for the use of the named Herr Doctor.
“Evolution, Igor.” The one referred to as Herr Doctor replied. “The future of mankind will benefit from our study.”

“Can it bring her back?” Igor asked back. He was dressed in the dark apron that covered the front of his body. He had on the dark visor over his face which he had then raised it up. It revealed a face of a handsome Slavic man with the perfect facial muscles.

“I am working, Igor. I cannot tell you otherwise now.” The Doctor snapped out. “I am a follower of science and not God. Only he can perform miracles. I am to do only his works given the expanse of my mind.”

“No, Doctor. Please do get upset. I have faith in you.” The giant ape-man stared at the Doctor with the expression of pain. He reached out to the doctor but the other pulled away.

“Igor, I am not your …. lover’ saviour. I am your mother. I cannot be ….”

“Mother, you have done more than anyone I know. Shelly is alive because of you. She will live once more because of you.” Igor looked to the other table where his lover lies in the state of suspended animation. It was not his words but of his mother. She had kept Shelly alive with the power of electricity that was powering her organs including the heart with low electrocution.

“Shelly…. Yes, she will live. I will find her cure.” The doctor stooped over the other table to examine the extracted samples. There was the liver and the spleen immersed in alcohol to preserve it with the electrical cords providing the stimulant to keep it alive. The doctor was an aged lady dressed in the white frock over her yellow dress. She had on the thick reading glasses to allow her the closer vision on the kidney that she was probing then with the electrical prods. She had saved Shelly upon near death and preserved her lifeform with the singular ambition to revive her once more.

“Mother, do we need more samples?” Igor asked. “I can arrange it.”

“No, Igor. Not now. The last retrieval had almost exposed you. I cannot risk that now.” The Doctor protested. “Let me do my task for now. You go and play with your toys. Get freshen up. The carriage will be here soon.”

Igor stepped away and upon passing the other table, he reached out with his right hand to touch the cover that had his love beneath. He wanted to open the cover but Mother was specific with her instruction. He left the huge chamber and moved outside. He felt alone out there.

“Is she satisfied?” The voice came from the shadow. Igor did not turn to look and then nodded before he replied.

“She is pleased. We will call you on the need for anymore.” Igor then looked at the dark skies. “Your money will be in by morning.”

The figure in the shadow then moved away leaving Igor who had then removed the apron and smoothen his suit below it. He has to look smart for the party. He likes the party but disliked some of the others. They grossed on his appearance but he knew they will soon patronised him. He held their pockets filled with coins. After all being rich could buy you almost anything except maybe the love he required still on the table. The carriage soon arrived and Igor was on his way to the party. The journey was short but he was intoxicated by then with drinks served in the carriage.

“Master Charles Millard.” That was his real name with the family name changed to follow his mother side. Only his mother called him Igor. He held the name of his mother’s family name and half the estate of the Millard then. His uncle Lord Millard does not appreciate that but the old fart could do nothing about it. He was after all family.

“Oliver, you for a huge brute.” The lady snaked her arm on the hunchback elbow. “Why are you late? The party have started earlier.”

“The brute is here.” The calls went out and then more drinks guzzled down the throat, and before long Oliver Millard aka Igor was stomping his feet on the dead rabbit on the flooring. It was his opening act of brutality before he was to bed the helpless wench they have prepared for him. He was the brute in all his doing but the coins silenced the victims.

Or death will stifle their cries.

And sometimes the dead cries louder before it.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Team of Seven Heroes Shorts Tales 3; Chapter 3 & 4


If there were any concerns on the safety of ladies at the late night, it was not shown by the ladies who had their own concerns for their family survival. They took to the street as usual although the pickings were rather picking given the patrol by the vigilante groups in addition to the walking bobbies. Ever the first to volunteer for these tasks was one named Bernard Cairnwell. He was a widower; as claimed by him although no lady will take up to him for his look was foul like his breath and he has a nasty temper which accounted for his missing teeth. He had joined the vigilante group named the “Protector of the Streets’. They pay him in coins and a drink after the night patrol which was fine by his requirements. They were standing the four figures huddling by the corner with the street light over their heads when they saw the carriage passed by them. They could not make out the figures in the carriage but their eyes were alert. The carriage stopped ahead and then the wolf whistles went out to the lonely lady standing there waiting for her first coin. She saw the carriage stopped and then calls. She was wary whether to approach it. She was after all not dressed to ride on those carriages.

“Hey you, the gentleman called you.” The rider on the top there called her. “Are you selling?”

“I am not. I mean I am but not to you. You can find someone else.” The lady replied. She had heard of those who picked up the ladies on carriages. They come back bruised.

“They do you harm than good.”

The lady backed away. It would had been a simple turn away but then vigilante mob had arrived. One of the vigilantes named Burns had grabbed the rider by the pants leg and pulled him off the seat. Another one grabbed the horses to calm them down. Meanwhile Bernard had climbed into the carriage. He faced then was two young men dressed for the evening.
“Get off our carriage now or we have you flogged.” The threat was an insult to the brawler who then grabbed the nearest young man and slammed the head to the side of the carriage before pulling him off the carriage. He then reached for the second man who was kicking away with the legs like a lady in distress. He reached in and grabbed the groin before squeezing it hard. The young man screamed out and then was dragged out.

“Them fillies took to our street and harassed our ladies. I say we trounced them good and then sent them home with their head between the legs.” The beatings soon begin with the punches and kicks at the two helpless young men. The call for help soon attracted the bobbies who came to the rescue with the truncheon waving. Bernard called out to his mates to run, but he could not help but grabbed the watch from one of the young men. He fled the scene escaping into the alleys. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him. It was his one other qualities; he could really run fast.

“Ouch!” Bernard bumped into the figure who was leaving the alley. He took no chance then and swung his left fist in reflex. He impacted on the hard muscles and then felt his body lifted by the other. He was thrown to the side like a sack of potatoes. He tried to get up but his body ached.

“Move, Igor. We are done here.”  

Bernard could make out the movement of two men and then he slipped into darkness. When he woke up next, he wished he had died. The bobbies at the station took turns on him with their billy jacks or truncheons. His body ached from the hits and it was happening form over three hours. He was still in his clothes but his personal contents were emptied. It was the watch that got him the worst beatings.

“Yes, that is him. I recognise him.” Bernard heard the accusations and from then it was the pain. He woke up some hours later when they poured cold water over his face. He could hardly open his eyes but he could make out the Inspector standing there with the bowler hat in the hands.

“Bernard Cairnhill, you are either a stupid bastard or one idiot to be caught there.” Inspector Niles then told the beaten man. “You are to be charged with the murder of Florence Gates who was sliced by you with the blade. We will also charge you with the other murders soon.”

Murder? It can’t be. Bernard cringed his body and then muttered some words that did not come out as one from his swollen lips.

“Spare your plea with the Magistrate. As it stands now, you are a dead man.” Inspector Niles smiled. “Your name is all over London.”

The name Bernard Cairnhill did hit the streets but the ones that could not read knew that the man was innocent.

“Bad Bernard was a ruffian but he isn’t no killer.” The pals of his owned up to his innocence.

“Bernard Cairnhill won’t hurt a rat if he ever sees one.” That was dismissed as a madman ranting.

“Bernard Cairnhill deserved to die.” That was the saying of the affluent.

“Bernard Cairnhill dead body or alive, it does not matter. We will want him for specimen.” That came from the Medical Faculty.

In the Mathematics Faculty Doctor Moriarty lowered the morning papers. He was intrigued by the capture, and the manner which the man was seen by the public. He looked to the other figure seated across him.

“Colonel Sebastian, does it interest you at all the persecution of one named Bernard Cairnhill?” The Doctor studied the man seated across him. He trusted the Colonel with his life which was valuable then. The Colonel was dressed in the casual suit well pressed and had his legs crossed. The six footers height Colonel played rugby at the Academy and was an avid game hunter. He was posted to the Dark Continent prior to his retirement. He came back to London raring for better sports. He saw the hunt for deserters rewarding especially when he dragged them in dead. He later found out that society have a need of him; the man to kill for money. His price was high but the task gets done. He was a loner until he met the Doctor who impressed him with the planning and execution.

“If we have you in Africa, we would have removed the other stake holders.” Colonel Sebastian though highly of the Doctor. To his remark, the Doctor had replied these words.

“Why fight at the borders when you could rule like a King here?”

Colonel Sebastian then resolved to be with the Doctor and his killings were more discriminatory.

“Do you want him killed?” The Colonel asked the Doctor. “I could do it anytime.”

“No, I actually want him alive. He can tell who the Ripper is?”

“I am unsure of your words, Doctor.”

“Bernard Cairnhill is a factor in the equation. He was at the crime scene prior to the discovery of the body. He was unconscious then. He was also beaten up, well not as bad after he arrived at the Station. All of those data tell me he may hold the final equation to the identity or leading to the identity of the Ripper.”

“So, I will break him out of the Station.” Colonel Sebastian offered the solution fast and direct; Osram Razor, the answer to the solution is direct approach.

“And you will do so but we need to make it looked like his friends broke him out. He can then be taken care and made into one of the Enforcers. His reputation now will augur for his future action.” Doctor Moriarty explained the plan.

“Formed the barricade.” Sergeant Yorke called out his voice hoarse. He had the call then from the constable that the rough boys were at it on the rich homes. They are creating havoc there to bring what they say is justice for the people. The Stations nearby had mobilised their strength to fortified the streets there. It was not a simple ‘rough the turf’ move but a full riot was building up.

“I say formed up. Your mothers have given you a good fed before and so have the Queen. So, sharpen up or it will be my boot on your balls.” Sergeant Yorke reminded his men. They had their fun with the suspect named Bernard Cairnhill and it was time to get back to normal tasks.

“I say Sergeant. Who is minding your larder?” Sergeant Yorke heard the call. He had left Constable Dell and Colin on guard duty there. After all, if some one turns up to make the report, there will be a constable to take the report.

“Bloody sods. Leave my …” It dawned on the Sergeant then. He knew then that he had taken the bait. Meanwhile at Station, Constable Dell and Colin were bundled into the sacks and then thrown into the cells. Bernard Cairnhill was dragged out screaming for his life before he was sedated and then bundled into the wagon. He was to wake up to a bosom lady who will tend to his wounds.

“Igor was the name he heard.” Doctor Moriarty got the name three days after. He was pleased with it and the affluent had one more reason to fear the lowly class people. They have not slept for two nights until the Army turned up to remove the barricades.

“Hello, son. Did we make you work for your pennies?”

“Mom, please go home. We have orders to shoot ye all.”

“They fed you food and you forgotten your mom’s milk. Bloody waste of my time to wait for your appreciation.”

So, it was but the affluent could then walked once more with their dogs while holding brollies. 


Meanwhile at the Morgue, Inspector Steven Niles was perusing the report on the last victim; Susan Green, aged around early twenties of Whitechapel. Her body was cut almost similar to the last four victims including Maisie Duncan; the incision from the neck to the vagina, and the removal of the innards. The part that was not disclosed was the missing body parts; the liver, kidneys and heart. Those were removed with surgical precision.

“Tell me, Surgeon Frasier….” Inspector Niles was snapped there by the one he was addressing then.

“It’s John and you need not bring up my uncle’s name to ask me questions. He is creating the image of a new profession called criminal profiling. It’s an absurd notion, that we can study a criminal from the clues and assumed psychological qualities.” The surgeon in the forties age group looked up with the deep sunken eyes and protruding cheek bones and the thin sideburn that demarked his facial look well. He was related to Thomas Bond, who was reputed then to be the pioneer in criminal profiling. The man was given the credit during the Ripper’ original investigation.

“It’s a new methodology.” Inspector Niles defended the approach. “How goes your dissection?”

‘Yes, the body parts were removed. Unlike the Ripper case, done by my senior colleague, Thomas Reeds it was placed next to the body like offerings at the shrine. The innards were removed there as a process of accessing the body parts. We are not looking at the Ripper but the murderer is ripping off their body parts.”

“Thank you, and that was most informative.” Inspector Niles replaced the folder on the table. “Why was it not told to the papers?”

“Either you are an imbecile or you may not make it past Inspector. It was the instruction from the Surgeon General who got it from the Chief Commissioner and God knows who else was before that. It could be the Queen herself. Or the Germans to the Russians. Everyone wants to cover something up while we uncover it here.”

“Once again, thank you, and ….”

“Quit patronising me and ask your questions. I got a number of bodies to dispose off courtesy of your colleagues who had left them here.” The Surgeon went back to the sawing the leg off the body on the stone slab. He looked more like a butcher than a surgeon.

“I can read your mind, and I am not a butcher. I don’t sell the pieces I removed.”

“And …. yes, thank you, I will be on my way.” Inspector Niles then took leave of the Morgue. He met Inspector Weston on the way out. They exchanged pleasantries but did not speak on other matters. Inspector Weston met the Surgeon. The Inspector glared at the Surgeon who then offered the folder but he remembered the other Inspector had read the contents.
“Niles? He is a pervert.  He is also a misanthrope. He ought to be caged. Like the savage they discovered in Africa. And I hear he may be a lost Lord’s son. Such a hypocrite.” Weston then left and he took the fast carriage to house of one named Doctor Moriarty.

“One of my conditions of employing you that I don’t have to see you on every information you gather.” Doctor Moriarty reached for the sandwich on the small table. He was particular on the meal he was take. He had his meat lean with thin layer of fats on the side cut with precision by his Butler. The mustard light on the sides and a thin slice of tomato with the lettuce. And a sprinkle of pepper there. And the drink was the tall glass of lemonade, warm and stirred with a spoonful of honey.

“I am sorry, Doctor. Inspector Niles was at the Morgue. He is a …”

“He is competent. And he is not of mine. That is one result I cannot accept. I need to introduced in a new factor.” Doctor Moriarty placed the bitten sandwich on the plate. “It’s the mathematical approach. I cannot accept poor results.”
“I don’t understand, Doctor. I am …”

“I will be brutally honest. You are incompetent.” Doctor Moriarty looked at the Inspector. “And for that, you will lose your place in the world of equation of mine.”

Inspector Weston choked on the phlegm that was building in his throat. His hands reached for his neck where the thin wire was cutting into his flesh and stifling his breathing. He reached back to the person strangling him but his effort was futile. His body stiffened and then his eyes rolled up with the tongue rolling out.

“Thank you, Wong. If I was an artist, I will be inspired by the silent dead expression. The muscles on the face will contract in stages from the eyes lids to the lips and then the cheeks hollowed.” Doctor Moriarty reached for the sandwich. “It can be calculated with some fine mathematics formula.”

“Mine is much simpler.” The killer cum butler lowered the dead Inspector who was one head taller. The butler was a gift from a mutual acquittance, Emperor Fu Manchu whom he met and have the understanding to work together for the fulfilment of their aspirations. It was the words of the later, and the Doctor needed a butler.

“I believe your approach is called Occam’s razor.” The direct approach is the best approach. “Please do not leave any trace in the carpet.”

“Sir, there is a letter from one named Inspector Weston.” The Butler announced then.

“Yes, he is new. And you will allowed him into the house but only through the back door. And please do not serve him black tea. He likes them with milk.”

The Doctor likes to have his data known and then there will be no mistakes in his calculation of the results. There are deviations in the outcome for his data subjects may change its conditions like Inspector Niles.

The same can’t be said for the Chief Commissioner.

“Where is Bernard Cairnhill?” The elderly huge frame figure in the official uniform was heaving in deep with every breath. “I am due to meet the Mayor in an hour. It might bloody well be the Queen and my reply will be the same; I don’t know. So, who knows of the whereabout of Bernard Cairnhill?”

The seated officers there with an average of twenty years of enforcement service cringed below their collars. They have no clue at all. Then the knock on the door sounded.

“Chief Commissioner, there is a Lord Matthew Millard here to attend the meeting.” The Lord was admitted in and then given the opportunity to speak.

“I represent a section of the Government that worked on issues of national importance. The Queen does not want the matter to be discussed openly like the previous one which we have yet to resolve. The Queen have asked me to formed a special team with the authorization to act with extreme measures. They are assigned from the Services Section. I will personally supervise the officer on the field. You will all respond to my queries quick and pro bono. Am I clear?”

It was all the clearance Mycroft needed then as the assigned officer. He met Lord Millard later outside of the Station. They were seated at the café having their tea.

“I say, Mycroft Holmes sounded ….”

“Peculiar, Lord? You may have associated me with one named Sherlock Holmes. He is my brother but we do fall far apart from the apple tree.”

“Yes, Sherlock. Marvellous chap. Never met him but his reputation supersedes him.” Lord Millard took to sip at his tea. “He is a detective of sorts. Heard he is out of London and on some overseas trip.”

“Yes, is he? I don’t keep track of him. A dabble fool into the dangerous world of crime. I do say he may get himself killed one day but I won’t mourn him a day. No, Sir. He is the rotten apple in the basket.”

“Poor regard for the …. other sheep, I presume.”

“Absolutely, he is a fiend from the underworld. He never ought to be release then.”

“I find an amusement in your words on your brother. You do envy him?” Lord Millard looked at Mycroft.

“Absolutely, if the word I could find fits the bill. We do hate each other but he is family.” Mycroft smiled. Inside him, he disliked Lord Millard but he was to perform the task that required him to know the Lord and God knows, he will deal with the Lord himself who may the devil in disguise.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...