Friday, May 11, 2018

Team Seven of Heroes Chapter 23

Sherlock stared at the other who had boarded the dirigible and laid a trail of dead men. The later was holding the grappling hook with the extended chain and he looked familiar.

“Hathaway, I am impressed. It may be the King’s diet. You have moved from a cobber to a priest and now a warrior. What did they serve you; bully beef and cabbage? You have developed a passion for killing. How many did you kill today?”

“I lost my warriors during the boarding. Your defenders are more than we anticipated. Their guns were too formidable but we overcame them. Now it’s me and you.” Hathaway looked at Sherlock. “We of the finest were never equally matched to the ones at the other continent. We don’t carry guns and heck we faced outlaws that are more vicious.”

“Yes, I salute your training and bravery. Which is why I will fight you holding the very same weapon used by your mates in London.” Sherlock held up the night stick. “I am adept at it.”

Hathaway released some length on the chain and then swung it in a pendulum move while he approached Sherlock. The later had stood there with the night stick held firmly on his right hand. The grappling hook swung at Sherlock from the right but the sleuth had it covered with the night stick countering it below the hook. The impact caused the hook to tangle onto the night stick and it was then Sherlock moved in with his left fist at the right elbow of Hathaway. His fist impacted on the underside of the elbow before he side stepped his body to deliver the left elbow into Hathaway’ neck. The first blow impaired Hathaway’s hold on the chain, and the second staggered the other backwards. It was then Sherlock kicked out with his left heel onto the instep of Hathaway’s right leg, causing the later to fall further back. It was Sherlock next move to swing the night stick downwards at Hathaway. That move also swung the hook back at Hathaway and it did the killing move to embed into the later’ right shoulder.

“Sorry, mate. You are a killer. I don’t condone killing.” Sherlock hit with his night stick on Hathaway’s face. That blow knocked the other unconscious. Sherlock stepped off the unconscious killer and smiled. He attested his move to his skills in Baritsu; learned off the streets of London, and with the finest instructor from Scotland Yard.

“Hey, Holmes. We won but we need to land the dirigible.” Captain Wilhelm called out. He had just removed the last boarders with a face shot using the Mauser 96. He was hurt from the fight with the wounds on the left arm and chest but the seasoned Captain had been in worse.

“Don’t worry. We won’t renegade on our fees. You will get to where you want by camels from we land. Better late than never.” Captain Wilhelm smiled.

“Aye, as long as I arrived there.” Sherlock smiled and it was Watson arrived first. He took his first view on the fortress there from the inside. He was studying the inner fortress walls that formed a square perimeter high protection behind the outer main wall named the Great Wall that lengthen to the horizon. There was another wall behind the main wall on the eastern side to form a wall that encompass the fortress inside but that eastern wall extended a distance on the main wall to the west thus giving the layout of a rectangle but the end was tapered to triangle corner. The fortress may be the army outpost and the outer area within the outer wall was to house the other inhabitants.

That day Watson found himself looking at barren ground there; Jiayu Pass was devoid of any living people then. There could be others but everyone must have left that day. That baffled the doctor and it was shared by his team of experts in the art of recon.

“Sir, we found traces of inhabitants but they have left. We are still searching the outer perimeters now.” Sergeant Matt reported to him. “We have some reinforcement coming.”

Watson looked to the horizon and saw the so named reinforcement. It was a two-man army with a string of camels bearing supplies. He recognised the riders. It was Nayland and Mr Hyde. Then he saw the carriage that held some more people. It was unmistakable the one whipping the horses were none other than Mycroft.

“It must be an illusion.” Watson sighed. “A bad one.”

“I say old chap, fancy meeting you here.” Mycroft smiled at Watson soon after he rode in with the ladies on the carriage. Mycroft was dressed for the weather with the khaki shirt and knee length pants with the high socks and shoes. The ladies were dressed in the appropriate clothing of blouse and wide skirt with the knee-high boots.

“We met Nayland and Hyde en-route and join forces. They came on the request of Sir Fleming.” Mycroft was chatty with his new companions and soon brought in more news.

“We were told that Fu Manchu may be coming here. The search for him may just end.” Mycroft then motioned to the camels. “Nayland brought in some extra guns. You might be familiar with them.”

There was the two pounders gun unassembled on the camels. They were the Ordnance 2,5-inch mountain gun primarily used by the Indian Army. The gun weighed at eight hundred pounds that fires the seven pounds shell with the firing range of over three thousand yards. It had seen battle during the Second Boer War. Watson was more familiar with the later model; the RML 7 Pounder but Mycroft had moved his conversation towards the new lads he saw.

“Doctor, have you seen Sherlock?” It was Mrs Hudson who asked then.

“No, he left me at the last port of call. You know him as well. He can be unpredictable and have gone off on one of his trips.” Watson replied. “How was your trip?”

“Normal. Unlike his brother, Mycroft does not like surprises. I am just his type.” Mrs Hudson replied in sarcasm. “Tell me why are we here? The Princess had the notion we shall come by here.”

“The Princess?” Watson instinct told him to be wary. It was something he did learned from Sherlock. He was interrupted by the Sergeant who seemed to appear when he is unexpected. It could be his training or instinct by birth.

“Sir, we have some updates. We deployed our circle here.” The Sergeant motioned to the departing nomad on the camel. “He told me of an army approaching us. It will be a day at least.”

“What army?” Watson showed his concern. “Did we ask for more reinforcement?”

“I doubt we do. We are trained to fight with our own strength. The army approaching are flying a dark flag with the emblem of the known criminal named Emperor Fu Manchu.”

“Are we going to be besieged?” Mycroft intruded to the discussion. It was then Watson saw Mrs Hudson took off on the opposite direction like opposing poles.

“We may be, Sir. I will get the men ready.” The Sergeant spoke out and then took off to his soldier duty.

“Have you seen Sherlock?” Mycroft asked. Watson then had a sudden irritation rushed up his mind. He lashed out then.

“Why Sherlock? What is so important of Sherlock? Is he the next Napoleon or Nelson?”

” Hey, Doctor. Simmer down. He was with you and he is not now. I am his brother…. “

“Do take care of your brother yourself.” Watson stormed off.

It was then Sherlock was in an unexpected way of his own.

“Mr. Holmes, may we take you to our Emperor?” Sherlock looked out from his covered face with the head scarf. It was one way to avoid dust into the throat while mounted on a camel. He pulled the cloth off his mouth and saw the dozen riders surrounding him. They were dressed to ride for the length with the dark cloak over their leather uniform and the nasty blade on the waist belt. The riders all have one more identical look; they are all Chinese.

“Emperor Fu Manchu send you?” Sherlock asked. “If yes, which one?”

“The true Emperor. The real Emperor Fu Manchu.”

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