Sunday, May 27, 2018

Team Seven oif Heroes III Chapter 32 to 33


“The Elixir is in the vault and yes, I left it there once more if you were to ask.” Lucifer looked at the entourage of guests he was to take there. None showed any emotions to his statement. “Well, it was the rightful place anyway.”

“Thank you for the revelation but pray tell us how are we to get there? Another rough trekking towards the mountain?” Mycroft asked. He was informed that the Vault was there by Van Helsing. “I do fancy a dirigible but you have brought them to the ground.”

“Cheer up, mate. There are many entrances to the Vault and the one Van Helsing mentioned was one.” Lucifer attended to the question. “Like the gateway to Hades or Hell if you prefer that name, or in my preference …Sanctuary, we retained several entrances. Odysseus entered by the river Acheron at Greece; naturally he was Greek. Orpheus travelled by the cave at Taenarum; he was not Greek though. The Romans believed it to be by Pluto’s Gate or Plutonion by the Greeks. You may recall the river Styx or the Cocytus. The Sicilian have their own at Mount Edna. Well, there are a few but none was simpler than mine.”

“I can see we have un-attentive audience today. But do let me indulge in my speech.” Lucifer cringed his face and then smiled. “Like Hades, there are more than one way in, and out. You need not die to get in. You could ask me for the tour. Behold the one we are to go in.”

Lucifer raised his arms and then called on his lips the words that he was most familiar with. It sounded across like gibberish mutterings but to the alchemist, it was the words of opening the gateway. The ground before them parted to reveal a staircase leading to the inside of the ground. The width of the staircase was wide enough for four persons in a row but the steps were seen uneven with some higher and lower on some.

“We had labour issues then so pardon the shoddy works. Before we ventured in, let me tell you that I am no more the master of the Sanctuary. Lilith had taken over and pardon me saying this, she can be bitchy on trespassers. Not all of you may survive the journey below, and to lose your undead soul here is … how may I placed it, painful.” Lucifer looked at the assembled. “Volunteers to stay back please. Don’t be shy, we won’t promise to keep your place there when you do die.”

No one moved then, and the incumbent person who was the Emperor of the West took the lead. He was the first to step towards the stairs.

“Wow! We have the first believer.” Lucifer laughed. “Please proceed my children and don’t rush.”

The stairs leading down was tedious to step over, with the uneven surface but the other thing that made it eventful was the sides of the wall held an evolving scene of souls clamouring to reach but yet their touches were hampered by the wall like a fish in an aquarium. It was both scary and distressing that almost everyone travelled in pairs and avoided the wall surface.

“While we take the descent, pardon my expression, I will tell you who Lilith took on my Sanctuary. I was once the Master; and for Lilith, we had our moments. It was more than a few more times I was involved with Lilith soon after she was spurned by Adam who went for Eve, who was once attracted to Gabriel but Michael was also…. Opps, I was out of line. Who cares of them but I was involved with Lilith. We took the plunge towards here then and refused to go back. We fought the others, me and the other Fallen’s and as you may had heard we lost the war. We were offered clemency or banishment. I opted for the second and with my lover then. However, I was also given the chance to rule Sanctuary for the misled souls which was attributed to my involvement …. The bottom line…” Lucifer laughed once more. “Bottom line, I loved that line. I was to rule Sanctuary and in there, we kept some artefacts…. To you, they were artefacts but to me, they were unaccounted for inventory of items. We kept them for … safe keeping. After all, we are the bad guys and there is almost much we can share.”

Lucifer laughed again and then he took the lead when they reached the first plateau of their descent. It was a huge cavern where many souls were seen massing there. They were either individuals or in groups, and in various creeds. mass of souls saw the arrivals and some started moving in but they soon hesitated when they saw Lucifer in the lead. They then retreated to their previous location and it was then the group of five that looked like guards arrived to take an assessment of the situation. The guards were dressed in the dark leathers and wore a hideous looking head piece that resembled an inverted pot.

“Master Lucifer, we were not expecting you.” One of the guards sounded out. The figure looked like man-like with the four limbs but the proportion was different. The upper limbs were thin and frail while the lower limbs were of double the dimension right down to the huge feet and toes with the shape of an inverted mushroom shape.

“No, you were not and drop the pretence. I no longer in charge and you need not be glad to see me at all.” Lucifer replied. He then pushed his way past them. The guard who spoke had then reached out to grab Lucifer by the left shoulder.
“We have …” Lucifer grabbed the frail upper limb of the guard and snapped it backwards. The movement caused the other to cry out in pain. The other four guards retreated on the action while Lucifer moved on. He then turned to look at the ensembled and explained the cavern.

 “The first level; the place where we sort out the souls. It takes time to do it although here we have endless time, but we are short on manpower.” It was then the guard that he had snapped the wrist was tossed into Lucifer’s path. It did not look good for there were more injuries on the frame. Lucifer looked back and then hollered out.

“Do me a favour. Take your fights elsewhere.” The fight had begun behind with the so named guards and three other groups who have taken offence to each other. “I am still Lucifer.”

That name stopped the fight momentarily with all the participants looking towards Lucifer.

“Do proceed. We are getting overcrowded.” Lucifer then turned to the ensembled. “Shall we go on?”

The ensembled moved on while the fight behind spread with more groups joining in then. Lucifer took on the lead and then he stopped when he saw a bespectacled figure approaching them. The figure was man like dressed in tweeds and was half their height but he carried a huge book on his arms.

“Master Lucifer, I did not expect you here.” The bespectacled figure looked up at the other. “Are you looking to go down? We could accommodate you.”

“Mr. Magoo, I am glad to see you once more. Your new look does add some seriousness to your silly facial expression.” The bespectacled figure had not listened to Lucifer but looked to the rear of the so named Master and then to the chaos of souls at the far rear. It sighed and then looked back at Lucifer.

“I believed what you are here for is the Elixir of Life.” The bespectacled figure looked at Lucifer while flipping the pages on the book he held. “I will get you there on the fast entries but I need their names. We cannot have un-registered souls in.”

“Look here, balmy Recorder. I am here with the undead.” Lucifer looked back to the ensembled. “And you will assist or it’s the last record you will ever update.”

“Undead? No wonder they reeked of life.” The recorder looked at the ensembled and then at Lucifer. “You do realize that it’s an infringement to have undead here. It’s under the scrolls recorded at ….”

“Spare me the lessons. I wrote those scrolls.” Lucifer snapped back. “Take me the Elixir or where Lilith had it stored.”
“Master Lucifer, you do realize that Mistress Lilith have enhanced the level and you are not…”

“Welcome? I know that long time ago but Lilith and myself have an ongoing understanding, I will be fine.”

“Whatever you say, Master, I am just the recorder. And these glasses looked great perched on my nose.” The bespectacled figure then led them all to the designated area where a gateway was seen. “I have to caution you the Wolves are the appointed custodian of that level.”

“Dead wolves make good floor carpet with their pelts.” Lucifer laughed.


The gateway that was presented to the team was a huge face figurine with a wide mouth. It towered over them at three times their height with twice the width. The expression was that of a bawling look, with both eyes closed. The surface of the gateway looked glassy and like the stairs wall, there were some forms floating beneath it.

“Are we at the Vault?” Sir Fleming spoke up.

“Ah…my ensembled could speak. I was wondering if any of you were still alive following me. Your silence gnawed at my conscience that you might have joined the others here.” Lucifer laughed. “Can’t say for the expression here? All of you are…. un-interesting.”

They all ignored the demonic looking Angle and looked at the assumed gateway where Lucifer stepped towards it. He touched surface and then withdrew his hand. He lowered his head and sighed before turning towards the others.

“The gateway set the needed levies for it to open.” Without a warning, Lucifer pulled at two of the operatives of Sergeant Matt, and then tossed them at the surface. Sergeant Matt reached out to assist but was stopped by Sir Fleming. The two operatives tossed at was swallowed by the wall, and then their pained expression was seen on the surface.

“Sir, I protest…” Sergeant Matt was cut off by Sir Fleming.

“We have no choice. We are in his domain. Stay focussed.” Sir Fleming looked at Lucifer. “Next round, do let us decide first.”

“Sufferance of the petty nature. Nevertheless, viola the gate is open.” The gateway did open but instead of the group moving forward, they found the entrance guarded by a single figure there. It was an old crone dressed in the hunting drabs for it was in tatters then and she was astride a huge dark hound.

“Mallt-y-Nos, my gracious lady of the realm.” Lucifer greeted the crone. “I see that you…”

“Pardon my new alliance but the gift of the hunt was too great to refuse.” Mallt-y-Nos was once a noblewoman who loved hunting that she once swore at the Gods that “if she can’t hunt in heaven, she would rather not go.”

“Aye, the ladies do rally together.” Lucifer frowned his expression. “Pray tell me you are to stop me here or let me whizz past you unharmed.”

“I am assigned to hunt you. The Mistress is aware of your return. She will have not you here.” The crone replied and then the kicked at the hound to leap at the others. Lucifer jumped aside with the others scattering but the hound was better. Its’ front paws clawed at Sergeant Matt who have levelled the rifle to fire at it. The bullets were not effective on the hound and the Sergeant saw the gaping jaws with the fangs at his face. It was his last image of anything living. The other four members of the team rushed to assist their leader but were no match for the raging hounds. Blood and flesh were soon splattered onto the ground with the hound killing them. The scent of blood and the sight of the fresh kills attracted the other souls there which were then approaching the gateway.

“Get into the gateway.” Lucifer called out before he rushed at the hound. He leapt high and landed on the hound’s head facing the old crone. “Your mistake is my gain.”

Lucifer grabbed the crone and pulled her up. He tossed her into the approaching souls screaming her head off. The hound in response to her wails, rushed at the gathered souls by the crone. Lucifer had then leaped off and landed at the gateway. He looked at the stunned group who was to leave then.

“What do you want? An invite?” Lucifer reached out to Mycroft and pushed him in. The others started following behind and then there was only Lucifer standing there.  He saw the hound had saved the crone and with her astride on the back, she was in her element.

“Lucifer! I am coming for you.” Mallt-y-Nos kicked at the hound to attack Lucifer.

“I am your Master! Swore your allegiance or faced my wrath.” Lucifer roared out in anger and his figure form began evolving to five times its height and faced the cowering then hound with its mistress holding onto the dark form. “I am not to be trifle with by minions. Tell that to your mistress that I demand my throne back.”

Inside the gateway and out on the other end, Sherlock was last to step in had to hold his balance intact or risked over falling over. They have exited at the other side but were perched on a narrow ledge, with a gaping long fall if they were missed their footing.

“This way.” Van Helsing found the ledge was part of a walkway on the side of the sheer cliff. The walkway however narrow gave them space to move. He was not sure where it may lead to but it was sloping down. He reckoned that it was the only way to move forward. It was the Lucifer appeared at the rear. He followed behind until they reached a wider area. It was then Sherlock in turn asked Lucifer of their whereabouts.

“I believed we are getting close to the Vault. I know not where we are for this is the works of Lilith. She must had rearranged the levels.” Lucifer replied. He then looked to the bottom of the cliff and saw it was covered by the rocky terrain there within a huge cavern. He looked further out and saw the lone structure there which resembled a pyramid in design and yet it held eight sides.

“The Hexagram House.” Lucifer muttered out. “Lilith, you are truly a wonder.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, that is the Hexagram Level. Lilith have arranged us a challenge. We need to get there.”

“A challenge? What is this to you, Lucifer? A game that will soon have us soon all eliminated.” It was Watson who voiced out. “I am…”

“Patience, Doctor. I don’t own the place anymore. And Lilith have given us a task which I would had if I was the Master. The Hexagram House is the best place to explore when here.”

“I thought we were to go to the Vault? Why are we here in your domain then?” It was the turn of the sleuth to ask. “I read nothing of this in the scrolls.”

“Another voice which have sounded. Yes, we are here because this is the alternative route to the Vault. We are able to get there faster and to the correct level. If we took the …other way by the Mountain, we may not have reached there at all. It’s heavily guarded and more to it, it’s one route I am not familiar.”

“We are wasting time here.” Sir Fleming sighed. “We shall had gone …”

“Huish all of you. Lucifer is right. This is the best way. I … trust him.” Dracula then spoke up after watching the one he had once called his Master. “Master, we will take this route.”

With that Dracula proceeded downwards to the rocky terrain. Mycroft was to protest, but he kept his silence when the others followed the trail down. The walk was tedious with the narrow ledge space and the uneven surface. It was half way down when they heard the wailing noise. They all looked to the source and saw the danger.

“Harpies!” Dracula called out.

“Relative of yours?” Mycroft looked to Dracula who had then shook his head. Everyone leaned back on the wall and drew their weapons. The harpies were of female souls with wings and held an affinity for blood as their sustenance. They soared the skies like bats and with their talons on the lower limbs, they will carry their prey off. Sir Fleming aimed his gun and fired off a succession of rounds from it. He managed to shoot down two harpies but there were more flying towards them. Both the emperors have their own rifles and were taking down their targets, alongside Holmes and Watson. Nayland and Moriarty also their own guns to shoot. It was only Mr Hyde who had transformed into his hideous frame then had grabbed one of the harpies by the left lower limb, and then swung the winged creature like a bat against the others.

“We can’t fight them here. Move on.” Mycroft called out. The group moved on except for Dracula. He stood there watching the harpies and then leapt off the ledge. His fall was short when he grabbed at a descending harpy on the wings and swung himself astride on the back. He leaned down to bite into the harpy’s neck causing both of them to fall. Just before they crashed, Dracula was airborne once more allowing himself to be carried by another harpy. He kicked his legs up towards the harpy head before he swung up to embrace the harpy in reverse position. He punched his hands into the harpy ribs and pulled the innards out. The dying harpy screamed in pain while soaring up. Its call attracted the other harpies which flew to its aid. Dracula had then sighted another to ride on and was airborne. He was unlucky then when two harpies grabbed each of his arms and flew downwards. He was to be thrown down into the rocky terrain. It was then Mr Hyde jumped into the fray imitating Dracula but with his huge frame and weight, the harpy he caught fell with him towards the rocky terrain. Both Mr Hyde and the harpy crashed onto the rocky terrain but the huge frame monster was unharmed. He grabbed the dying harpy and swung it upwards. The thrown harpy clashed onto the harpy that was descending with Dracula on the right arm. During the impact, Dracula felt his right arm was jolted to its edge, but soon he was freed of the hold. He swung his legs up and kicked at the harpy holding his left arm. The harpy then released hold and Dracula was falling hard to the ground.

Dracula landed with his body doing a series of rolls. It hurts him but he was alive then. He looked up and saw the harpies retreating. He then looked at the approaching huge monster.

“Not your mates, huh?” My Hyde reached out with his right hand.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Team Seven of Heroes III Chapter 31

Book 4

The Conflict of Life and Death.


“Let me explain myself to all before the one in disguise reveals himself.” Dracula looked to the faces that were showing puzzlement then on his revelation.

“I am whom you have all heard of by my name Dracula. I was also tagged the inglorious name as the Prince of Darkness or the blood sucker. I was also named the King of Vampires.” Dracula had then revealed his fangs which he swept his tongue over as if he had feasted on a delightful meal. “Most of you assumed I was from a land in the far reaches of Europe, associated with a young Prince then whose exploits of blood ceremony was to be his bane and thus named upon him. For the informed, he is not the Prince of Darkness but I am for I created the fame when I was his aide. I was more than his aide; I was his close adviser unknown to many. I created the dark image of him to create fear. As I have done before him, the fame did not spread then. I was in Rome when it burned. I was with the Vikings when we discovered the main continent. I was with early savages.”

“I was with the Fallen Angels, bowing to my Master, the Lord Lucifer while he reigned over the world. My name was not Dracula but Mephistopheles; the one who loves not the light.” Dracula sneered at the peaking sunlight. “I shunned it for my skin have not the shield to block its rays. I will burn on the light but death denies me of my place, so I will constantly feel the pain.”

“Am I not right, brother?” Dracula once more cried out.

“Rudeness prevails in you. So soon after the eons of living supremacy had probably ingrained that in you.” The one spoke had them stood a step forth. “Hello, my personal aide.”

Dracula bowed to the one that he acknowledged as his Lord. The figure stood before him was dressed in the khaki dressing and with the wide brimmed hat on the head. Everyone was taken aback by the identity of the figure.

“Mrs Hudson? I am at a loss…” Mycroft gasped out in horror. “It can’t be.”

“Shudder your thoughts, my dear. I was not Mrs Hudson then when you were fornicating with her. I had many disguises before I became her. I am after all, an Angel and for us to remain hidden among all of you, we needed to blend I effortlessly.” The lady who claimed to be Lucifer stepped out. “Mrs Hudson was a good character to take on, with her tireless serving of tea, and the baking. I learned much from her memories, and…”

“You killed her? I mean…” Sherlock displayed his rare emotional self.

“Yes, I did. We are like the …Skinwalker. Unlike the myth from the Navajo people, we have the ability to take over other human forms. The Mesoamerican named us as nagual.” Lucifer explained. “I was with the Emperor in the Far East influencing him to extend the Vault and imprisoned Dracula there. I also contacted Moriarty on item that Dracula wanted. And how to create the arm that assisted Van Helsing. Surely, a mathematician held little knowledge om the intricacies of mechanical workings. I assisted in India to call for Watson to go there. And there was not much convincing to do on Captain Nemo for the mention of treasures was ever a delight to any pirate.”

“Enough of the historical events. We are here for the Elixir.” Sir Fleming sprung the inducement to their involvement. “Do tell, Lucifer. What is your contribution here?”

“I had the Elixir once in my hands but on the foolish action of mine, it was returned to the Vault. A hidden section built before most of your time and more formidable to access. It lies within the Vault and yet it’s hidden inside. The Vault held seven levels with Dracula imprisonment was on the first level. The Elixir was moved to the last level, the hidden level there. Where even I have no access.”

“Are you mocking us?” Sherlock glared at the lady he once knew as his tea lady. It was easy to ignore the one that stayed in your shadow. He was a master of observations and held himself aloft in his deduction skills but there were some he had chosen to ignore. And for that, he regretted his action. In his life, anything however menial may be important. So being mocked was something I will not ignore anymore.

“No, I am just telling all of you this that there are more bitches out there. And the one we will meet when we reached the Vault. She ….”

“Is she the one they named Daeng No Pra, the Head Priest? If yes, then she must had grown old and sprout a prick 
although I have not seen it yet.” Van Helsing sneered at the lady. “The one I …”

“Lilith does not take kindly to such refence.” Mrs Hudson remarked back. “We wasted enough time. Shall we push on? Or they are doing it?”

The sound of the battle on the western side was loud and it drew everyone’s attention. Sir Fleming drew on his confidence.

“That must be my reinforcements. They must be cleaning up the last ones.” Sir Fleming looked to the skies. He saw one of the three dirigibles he had deployed for the task. He was surprised then when the sight of the dirigible bursting into flame. He saw the burning projectiles hurled at it. “It can’t be. They are….”

“They did their task and now they are getting their remuneration. They killed the mercenaries and now the others are just retaliating. How does that feel to be the loser?” Mrs Hudson smiled and then she looked at Mycroft. “It’s like laying on your back. You never could lose if the other refuse to give up.”

“No, it can’t be. I …” Sir Fleming saw another dirigible taking on the flames. He looked towards the Eastern Emperor. “It can’t be…”

“I can assure you I have no such…” It may had riled the Emperor then for being useless. His army was still at the Eastern side.

“Yes, your heavy guns are damaged.” Mrs Hudson display her batsman’s swing. “Howzat!”

“So, who is shelling my …. flyers?” Sir Fleming cracked in his voice. He felt as if he was on the losing end.

“It’s the Wolves. They are antique in the guns, but their aims are good.” Mrs Hudson looked at Dracula. “You are not the only one who held control over them. I have their souls.”

“Enough of all these theatrics here. Can we focus on the task here?” Sherlock cut in. “I am wasting time here.”

“No tea this morning? Anyway, its past the hour. Then we shall begin.” Mrs Hudson stepped out of the tent into the hot sun. She had removed her hat and raised her arms towards the sky. She then placed her hands over the back of her head and pulled her hair to the front. With it she ripped the skin off her head and then over her face. From there, she ripped it across her shoulders alongside with her clothes. When she peeled the skin off her. It revealed a lithe body of reddish flesh devoid of any hair and there was a set of protruding knobs at the forehead small in nature. The reddish figure stepped off the discarded skin and then turned to face the others.

“Hello, shall we rekindle our meeting once more. I am Lucifer.” The reddish figure smiled before asking for some clothes. “I am naked. That is embarrassing with the ladies there.”

Lucifer got his wrap of clothes and appeared more like a nomad then.

“Shall we begin now?” The two knobs on his forehead extended out to display the curved edges. “I feel horn-y now.”

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Team Seven of Heroes III Chapter 29 to 30


“I was invited by the Emperor; the Western one to kill my nemesis, and Dracula. He was obviously in the know that I shared a rather brief but unpleasant event with Dracula, and more to it despite my hold on my circle of operatives, the word must had leaked out on my cure for Van Helsing. It was done of necessity to check on Dracula. He was how may I placed it; a nuisance to my world. I have to admit I shunned publicity but do adore when my name is whispered like the hidden demon. I do have that split personality in me. On my lighter side, I am the demure Doctor of mathematics, solving equations on the boards to many aspiring mathematicians. On the darker side, I held my ambition to reign on my empire of crime. I have to admit the Empire strived on economic gains but we do have a social obligation; we rob the affordable and feed the subjects of the Empire. I admit nobility but charitable I am not.”

“Admirable of your effort to emulate Robin of Locksley, but your merry men had crossed the line of justice once too often, and lives were taken….” Sherlock added in his own views.

“Collateral damage as in any war, we have casualties. Your colleagues were subject to that, and by narrow odds of calculation that they survived.” Moriarty smiled at the Sergeant. “Poor marksmanship on the gunners but we shall not divert on my role here.”

“It was in London, that I learned of the task on hand here. I find it intriguing that my other ally, the Emperor was missing. It would have been my delight to see him dead but the reason for his so named missing intrigued me more when Sherlock was placed on the task. I do admit Sherlock represent a mathematical query which attracted me. As I am to him, with no less than five cases of his involving me; or alleged involvement of my empire. I had my spies out and then the real hidden task surfaced up. It was then I tagged along for I knew the Elixir was too good to dismissed. The Emperor had never hide his intention to sought it. So, I decided to join in.” Moriarty weighed in his role then. “I was not prepared for the number of players here in the game. We could take on a football game and I will be the keeper. It’s a mathematical concept that I will handle the ball more besides directing the game flow. And I dread to think of running on the field looking for the ball at my age.”

“Enough of the deductions and your affinity for the game, for I am here to find the Elixir.” Sir Fleming looked at Sherlock. “I got your report from Lake Onega. It’s remarkable that you solved that link; the scrolls and the etching there. And to here. So where shall we begin? I could remove each of you by the hour or at my convenience.”

“Sir Fleming, you forget I have my army here too.” Emperor Fu Manchu of the East spoke. “They….”

“A pittance compared to mine. If you must know, the existence of your so named Empire was to be our shadow empire on your country. You did our works to keep the officials in their places, while we pillaged your coastal cities. We are no more the colonist but we will have empowered ourselves through economic might. As we speak, your country is on the brink of a civil war. One that we concur will weaken your influence too.” Sir Fleming smiled at both Emperors. “Both of you are puppets on our strings.”

“You will not mock us, Sir.” The Western Emperor roared out in anger. “I have an empire …”

“Of criminals and yellow henchmen with the choppers. I know that for within your empire, I too have spies and lackeys that served me. We are the Section that overlord yours. Please be cordial and calling me Sir, would be a welcome gesture.” Sir Fleming looked to the others. “All of you think that you are …unique but none of you knew that we have monitored and at times, directed you to certain outcomes.”

“In India, Sean Mercer was one of mine. He worked on the surface as a mercenary but on my leash. In Africa, Lord Greystokes may not be aware of it but his reign is over. He may lord over the dark jungle there but I have his son. The golden tall men could be convinced to comply. The Raj there reigned on my request.”

“The double zero in my Section was created by me. They are the only ones with the sanctioned approval by the King to kill. I am M and was always M. Sigrina was M in name and I let her took her ways to remove the others. Frank Moriarty was our hold on you, James but he had served his purpose.” It was then Moriarty raised the walking cane he held. It was not any walking cane but a pressured air gun that could fire the projectile over several yards but it failed that day.

“Arghh…” Mr Hyde had taken the shot into his left shoulder when he intervened on the leader of the Section. The man in his gentler frame reached for the wound and then stepped aside.

“Good man, Hyde. Once you get the next dose, you will be fine.” Sir Fleming looked to Moriarty. “Rude of you there, Moriarty. My Mr. Hyde in his other form held some healing factor. Now, where was I?”

“Watson, yes the narrator and yet he was once a killer. We planted you with Sherlock thinking you may protect him but you became the demure doctor of healing skills. I know you hold the Webley for the rare glimpse of your killer nature but I believed you have not shot more than three times. I wondered if you shot at the hound at Devon. Hounds of Baskervilles I believe. Nasty buggers.” Sir Fleming gave a sneer to his expression. “Sorry about your son. He was never under my control.”

Watson reached for his Webley but held his draw when he saw the Sergeant aimed the Enfield rifle at him,

“Slow, my dear Watson. You could have done better with the daggers.” Sir Fleming then turned to Dracula. “Vampire, or should I call you Angel? You may have noticed that the Vatican had recently allowed access to the Secret Archives. Pope Leo XIII, blessed his soul gave access but we held more privileges. I have not seen it but my researchers claimed that some of the contents preluded even the birth of Christ.”

“I can’t say that I am of the faith but I have my beliefs. As for you, Dracula your exploits were in the archives. Do tell me, Sir…. Does God really exist?”

Dracula reached for the hood on his head but then he stopped. He looked at the rising sun and realised that he was trapped.

“Feeling uneasy, Lord of the Dark. I read that vampires could roam in the morning but never when the sun reached its zenith. They need the sustenance of the dark to shield them in. Well, we are close to that and I know of all us seated here, you know the location of the Elixir. Show me and you will be …. fine.” Sir Fleming then turned to look at the Sergeant. “Remove the cover over us.”

“No…” Dracula called out. “I will show you but I need to tell you about the Elixir and location.”


“The Elixir of Life does …exist but it’s sacred that the keepers of the elixir have retained a veil of secrecy over it. No words were ever recorded of it, not even by the knowledgeable Greeks then. It was spoken by many and known to fewer. It held many names which had spawned over a thousand names in the Chinese folklore, and to the West, it was most famously linked to the Philosopher’ stone, or in the Arabian name; ‘al iksir’. The devotees of Christ reference it as the ‘Fountain of Life’.” Dracula looked at the listener. “Read John 4:14. The Irish named it after their malt drink; ‘uisce beatha’ or the water of life. The Indians named it ‘Amrit Ras’ or the immortality juice.”

“It was assumed that the Elixir of Life was a drink or liquid in nature. In fact, it’s not a juice or a fountain of water. It’s not even a drink.” Dracula continued on. “It may be ranked with the others like the Holy Grail which the legendary King Arthur had embarked on a task to locate it. The item was described as a goblet or a chalice but none had seen the actual item.”

“I correct myself on that. I have seen both items.” Dracula looked at the keen listeners.

“It was last seen by myself in the vault of King Solomon.”

“So, we find the Elixir of Life, we may find the treasure too.” Sir Fleming raved on the new motivation to his task.

“Which some of you did in India when you encountered the tall golden people then.” Dracula smiled. “They held a part of it as I was told. The bulk of it remains hidden. Some ancient records spoke of it at Atlantis or even in ancient Macedonia. It was the last which I will speak on. If it was true that the Macedonian have it, they were reputed to have it from the Greeks, and from the Greeks to the Babylonians and the link to the age when we were animals then.”

“The Macedonians handed it to the Persians. And then when threatened by the Mongol hordes, the Elixir was said to be given as a bargaining gift. The Great Khan mocked on the gift for he had many before. He held his invasion in return but many had then read since then, he was getting old and wanted to go back to the plains to retire. He sends all the gifts back to the plains ahead of his return.”

“The Elixir unremarkable then remained in the care of the Mongols for some generations. It was during the reign of Kublai Khan, that the Elixir resurfaced. It was part of the gifts the Khan wanted to return to its original owners. He had that list done by the Minister who was guarding it.

“Minister Long Tian, you looked well for an old man of over a hundred.” Kublai Khan had then looked at the officer who was entrusted to oversee the treasures. “Have you taking Ling Zhi from my kitchen?”

“I begged forgiveness for my age, my Emperor. I have not done any pillaging for I am to guard from it. Your Ling Zhi are for you and none have been consumed …” The Minister went down on his knees then in the Grand Hall of the Mongol Empire that spanned to the West and South of the plains.

“Arise, old one. I was mocking you. I have my faith in you as my father before me. And his father before him. Your age is the gift of the Gods for your loyalty. Now I have a new task to you. I have decided to return the gifts to the owners. You will be entrusted to travel with Marco Polo to his land. Some of the gifts are of his people. You will carry what that may be moved on the caravans, and with adequate guards. Travel safe and return to me, my loyal Minister.”

“Those were the words of the Khan then. The Minister had then collected the rare artefacts leaving behind the gems and jewels. He knew the artefacts are the real treasure of the people. He held the one thing that had been his companion for many years; the Elixir of Life which was kept behind his desk. He had felt alive with the item there, and he knew not why but it was giving him new stretches in life. He felt sad then that the artefact was to be returned and he was not one to deny the Emperor’s request. Reluctantly he carried the Elixir with him on the long journey to the West.”

“Marco Polo buried the Elixir here when he returned to Europe. There was no news of it for Marco Polo was imprisoned then and the Great Khan died without telling his successor of the item. The Minister who knew the secret had died by then when he was killed by bandits.”

“So, what happened to the Elixir of Life?

“It was given to the real keepers who came to collect it. It was then moved to the safest place on this world” Dracula looked at all of them. “It was moved to the Vault where the men of evil were imprisoned. It’s one place anyone will not think of looking for …. treasures.”

“Impossible, I helped build the Vault.” Emperor Fu Manchu of the East roared out.

“You did not build it. You merely extended some of its areas then. Your noble intention though benevolent to Man was a selfish one. You created my cell there. One which I was spent some years there but let it be known that I allowed myself to be imprisoned for I wanted to see the Elixir of Life once more in my long life here.”

“You assumed that the Elixir is back here?” Sir Fleming roared out in anger. “You…”

“It’s there.” Sherlock interjected in. “I saw the readings on the scrolls and at Lake Onega. It spoke of the Vault.”

“Another vault? How many are there?” Emperor Fu Manchu of the East cried out then. It was then Sherlock produce the small stone form his pocket with the scrolls.

“I took this from the Lake Onega area. It’s one of the items that we need to open the gateway to the vault that held the Elixir. It’s there…”

“So are King Solomon’s treasures…” Sir Fleming could not resist himself.

“The masters of the Vault told me three items were needed to open the gate.” Van Helsing looked at Sherlock. “I do not…”

“Sherlock holds the stone, while I hold the key from your arm hidden by Moriarty.” Dracula looked at the crime lord. “He knew that I was in possession of the key and stole it from me to place inside the arm. He knew not of its true worth but to spite me. That is the second item needed to retrieve the Elixir. The last item is the gyaling.”

Dracula held up the gyaling he had kept from Van Helsing.

“All these three items are the key to open the gate.” Dracula added in. “Even with the three items in our hands, we still need to find the gate. Am I not right, brother?”

All that were there were either puzzled or got suspicious of their neighbours then.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...