Sunday, September 10, 2017

Team Seven of Heroes Chapter 34 & 35


Sean was once again to wake first. He found himself without any weapons and shackles but lying on the flooring with the others. They were in a unit that time behind beaming lights that formed bars before them. He glanced at the surrounding outside and saw the two standing tall golden metallic figures there that were familiar to him but he was not prepared for the one other figure that was different. It was a human figure or looked like one of flesh and bones. If one held those features, there are distinct notable marks for the example the frame of the face were always unique. That one held a gaunt face with the prominent cheek bones and sunken eyes that seemed to drill into whatever it was seeing. The figure was clad in a yellow robe with dragon motifs which heightened his frail looking form, but with him seated on the high back, it does give some resemblance of a distinguish person. 

“Hello, Englishman I presume.” The frail person made his greeting with the presumption that he was English.

“No, I am Irish. Sean Mercer and I presume you are …. Fu Manchu?” The Irish Hunter sat up on his haunches. “Pardon me posturing at you.”

“No worries on it. I am not English and neither Chinese. Foremost I am not the Emperor but he is a design to emulate on.” The frail figure voiced out. ”I am Kishna Ram, the personal aide of the Raj then, and then elevated to this position as the Guardian.”

“I don’t understand.” Sean looked at the others lying there. The Greystoke lovers are there but they were clothed and the man’s wrists appeared to be hurt although they were no blood. It was bloated with blood congealing there. He then saw the other two ladies lying to the other corner. They were still breathing then. 

“Our kind is resilient in survival. I won’t have known if they have not need not told me themselves.” Kishna glanced at the two standing figures. “You are the first living soul I have met since …the last Raj visited.” 

“Perhaps if you insist, I shall tell you my tale.” 

For that we will take a step into the past and behold the taller tale to be heard.

“My King, behold the island of Hidden Realm.” The elderly darkened figure addressed his King then the famed King Solomon of the Ancient Times. The stately King was held a fine figure even in his fine tunic and sandals stood by the helm looking at the looming island that appeared there. He had sat sailed on his fleet to the great sea on the insistence of his servant. 

“My King, there is nothing more mysterious than a mysterious island.” 

“True, my servant when my most precious needed a place to remain hidden, I am without any idea.” King Solomon sighed. “A great King I may be but where on this surface could I keep it hidden for ages.” 

King Solomon took his first step onto the island by the beach. He was greeted with the sight of the white sandy sight and the sprawling lush jungle behind it. It looked like many he had seen but he does not feel the comfort of it. His servant joined him by his side.

“My King, you may be of a greater Empire but there are parts of the world you may not conquer but be allied with.” The servant then introduced the solitary figure who stepped up to the beach there. 

“The Raj, our host.” The servant told the King but was scoffed away. 

“I am King Solomon and will not be treated to meet one other without the proper protocol deserved by myself.” King Solomon turned to move back to the boat but he was stopped by the sight of a tall metallic figure. It stood over the water surface as if it was hovering over it. The King stood there to look at the tall figure before he spoke.

“If you are sure, then I will speak on your behalf.”The King then turned to look at the other ruler of the island. 

“My ally sought your assistance.”

“Hail King Solomon, I am the Raj and your ally. Not yet but allowed me to do so for you.” The Raj spoke up. He then motioned to the golden metallic figure. “We can be allies.” 

It was how King Solomon found his trusted allies there which will last for generations. 

“I have entrusted you my greatest treasure.” King Solomon looked to the sea for the village that he had built there. Some of his crews have offered to stay there but with a solemn promise not to go inland or to the other side of the island. The Raj offered to come over with supplies and also to protect the island although it needed no protection given its unique location. 

“For your good faith and friendship I will leave you two pairs of my pet. They will roam the other side of the island and remain the co-guardian.” That was how the lions came to be part of the island.
“And how goes our …metallic friends?” King Solomon asked. He was told that the metallic figures were not of this world. They were ship wrecked there; funny idioms to use for they were there to stay until the Raj came one day on a stormy voyage. He was rescued by the tall figures and with time he was made a friend and soon an alliance. They brought the Great King there and a trust was extended. 
After all the treasure was partly theirs to preserve. 

“King Solomon, the treasure will be guarded by your crews and the allies. I will bring forth mine as a part of it to be kept here. With that I will keep it as a family legacy.” The Raj gave his word but the King was not entirely comfortable with it. 

“My servant will stay here. He will for eternity if need be for the treasure is worth it.” King Solomon announced it to all.” 

That was how Kishna Ram became the figure seated there. 

“We? I think you were mistaken. We came here with the impression that thetrea sure was … a lost one.” “Lost? How can anything be lost in this world unless it was meant to be for it. And if it’s lost, it shall remained as so but the quality of greed drove mankind to find the lost and make it theirs.”

“Just a curiosity, the savage was hurt, bloodied and then were shackled.” Sean turned to the subject.

“Mere illusions that we created in your mind as we make you think you were fighting to escape. The mind of Man is feeble and could be manipulated with memories.” Kishna smiled. “You were never shackled or running with the weapons. We left your imagination took precedent.” 

So were the deductions of the sleuth.

“Watson, we need to talk.” Sherlock pulled Watson. “I sensed something not right. The water in the sinkhole and the walls were …unreal. I meant it was smooth to my touch and not coarse like the walls of a real tunnel.” 

“Speak with something I can understand.” Watson was raring to cross over. Nemo, and Junior was over there. Watson looked over but he was too late to stop Nemo from clubbing Junior on the head. The young lad fell down on the flooring while Nemo pulled the vine rope over. Watson grabbed the other end but Nemo had cut off the rope with his scimitar.

“What ails you there, Nemo?” The sea Captain did the unthinkable. He pushed the other over the ledge. Junior fell like a rock to the bottom. Nina screamed and had to be restrained by Watson or she would had attempt a jump to save her son. 

“You bastard!” Watson shouted out. 

“He was mine, Watson. The bastard definition He always wanted to emulate you while I took care of him.” Nemo replied before looking at Nina. “Treasures are my fallacy and also mine to keep. I will take the journey from here.” 

Nemo took a bow before he warned the others. “Follow me and I will kill you all.” 


“Watson, listen to me. The words are not wrong and we have read it wrong.” Sherlock looked from the doctor to the lady that was comfort. He frowned and ever his love life was cold like some crime trails but he won’t deny he had harbor some feelings for them. It’s just that he was deemed unlucky or failed to reciprocate them. He then commented. 

Seek the Tower that reached low
Behold its sentries that looms 
Trapeze and evade the traps

“The tower is the right one but we were not meant to go in. It said to ‘Trapeze and evade the traps’.” Sherlock leaned out and looked out. He saw the top of the tower were grappling holds. He looked to the sides and saw the cavern walls until he saw the other entrance on the right. It was about five feet away and there were another after it. 

“Damn! We got three entrances from what I can see.” Sherlock voiced out. He looked to the others and explained. “We are in an illusion here. The sinkhole and the water with the tunnel sides, all of it are not real. It was made for us to see it as one. See my experiment.” 

Sherlock leaned out and then the locusts appeared. He grabbed one and then tossed it into the tunnel. It somehow disappeared. 

“Watch this.” Sherlock tossed his rifle across the divide into the tower. The locusts appeared but once the rifle was in the tower, the locusts soon disappeared. 

“Magical…” Van Helsing who had remained quiet since the landing finally made known his existence. “Demonic…” 

“No, my friend. Demons they are not but magic I won’t assumed for it but we are man of reality and not of illusions.” With that, Sherlock grabbed Mycroft’s rifle and leaned out. He fired at the next entrance. The bullet ricocheted there but it was on the outside. He fired the at the other entrance and found the bullet ricocheted inside. 

“Viola! I think that could be it.” Sherlock smiled. “Now the difficult part. How does one swing over unless you are an ape?”

“He is not among us now so we need to imitate him if we are to go ahead.” Sherlock then felt conscious of his wound on the chest. He could attempt it but the task may becoming his death wish.
“Are you sure?” Mycroft asked. 

“The words say to trapeze, and does crossing a rope looked like one?” Sherlock remarked. “Our major concern is to swing over.”

“The rope is short.” Van Helsing held the cut rope. “We cannot climb out or across but we can adapt. He removed the ammo belt and strung it to the rope. He hand over his hand for more belt. 

“Mine is…” Mycroft was shut off by Watson. 

“Just hand it over now.” Watson took off his from the waist and handed it over. So did the others. “It will suffice.” 

“Remember, guys. The locusts are an illusion but the pains they created are unfortunately really painful but we shall prevail.” Sherlock leaned out to toss the make shift rope towards the top of the tower. His aim was good but the strength of his throw was weak. He stood back rubbing his arms which were aching from the locusts attack. 

“Blistering insects!” Watson pulled the man aside and took on the rope but it was Van Helsing who decided that sterner arm was needed. He reached out with his metallic arm that could withstand the insects’ attack his aim was good with the rope end to hold on the hooks there on the tower top. The rope held and then it was the act to swing over. 

“Listen from what I know on the techniques of trapezes ….honestly is bare. I do wish we have our friend here but my scant experience with circus was more on scarring.” (The case of the Veiled Lodger). Van Helsing was one moment at the ledge and then he was out. They saw the locusts swarm went for the man and then without a notice the swarm turned back. Watson leaned out and saw the later was hanging on the ledge by the other entrance. It was a long swing but Van Helsing did it. 

“Attach it to something solid and climb over.” Van Helsing called out and then he stumbled on a netting there. “I found something which we can use. I will hand over a …net. It may be what they used to climb over.”

It was then Lady Jane wished she could wake up from her nightmare. One moment she recalled that she was fighting for her baby and then he lover before she was sent to another state of darkness only to be awakened with so many changes. Her arms held her midriff. She could not feel it anymore.


“Yes, Lady Greystoke. They removed the ….child. It was tainted.” The frail figure seated on the seat voiced out in the concerned tone. “They found…..they have the machines to see inside you.” 

“No!” The lady screamed. Her baby was removed. Her scream woke up the lover of her’. The lady tried to get up but her body wounded inside was not responding to her. She burst out into cries of pain. The savage man with emotional link to the lady was next to be roused. He pushed himself up and his reaction was to hold his love.

“John, they took our baby.” Lady Greystoke sought solace in her lover. The other in pain held her close although both his wrists were in pain. He ignored the pain and looked past her at the captors of theirs.

“John Greystoke, I can…” Sean was cut off by the snarling expression on man he knew held a savage streak. 

“Lord Greystoke, you are a strong person. Your wounds although were personified by your mind when you pulled at imaginary shackles but the mind can be overpowering to create such injuries.” 

“Tell me who are you before I ….kill you.” Lord Greystoke glared at the seated figure. “You hurt my love and nothing will protect you from me.” 

“In all the course of my natural life before I was banished to this abomination of mortality, I have seen pain, love and I can share with yours. Your child works were not of mine although I am seen as their leader. As a matter to be corrected, I am not. I am only their ally by the wishes of the King then. If immortality was the desire of Man, please take my place. I am an immortal by the length of my life here, and a prisoner to their biddings.”

“I was born Kishna Ram but over the generations I am no more who I was named but a monster with them.” The man in the seat voiced out with pain. “I shared your pain but I am not a man anymore. I cannot stop it for my crimes towards humanity are more than the removal of a tainted unborn.” 

“You spoke of tainted. What ails you to brand my child tainted?” Jane recovered to play the question. “When it was inside me, I could feel its heartbeat. A life lived there.” 

“A life which we cannot allowed here. It’s the law here and was stated by the King himself then. The Raj knew then and came here to cull the ones that were in excess.” The frail man spoke. “It was to keep the place pure and protected. The crews then the villagers build the barrier not to prevent them from beasts but the beastly in them. They were there to stop them crossing over. There was once a war here between them and it was done to cull their numbers. This is not Hell or Heaven. This is the King’s Vault.”

“You are a monster.” Lord Greystoke cursed out. “You created a world that you will remain in control. How could you…” 

“Those were the King’s command. I am merely his servant for….eternity. Spare me humanity thoughts for we were not humans then but servants.” 

“For what I have revealed, it was to satiate my desire to talk to you other than these beings. It was for a short while only for us to meet. I have new guests to meet. For all of you, I am satiated you must die.” Kishna Ram closed his eyes. “God forgive me.”

“Why must we die?” Lady Greystoke asked back. “Are we tainted too?”

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