Inevitably my personal life is in need of my attention for a while. I need some time off and will be back by Halloween. Ironic date to return but its my best best of remembering.
During that break. I will still be doing my writes and probably re-writes while I can.
So be nice and playful if need be. Life is just too short to say adieu to fun.
Creative writing is more of a compulsion to engage with yourself in a world of words, ideas, imagery. There are moments of hot exultation or prickly exasperated yet victorious expostulation when at last comes the right word, the rhyme that works or can yield surprise and pleasure. Thank you for sharing my engagement into those words. .
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Team Seven of Heroes II Chapter 38 & 39 & 40 Finale
“Wait!” Watson stepped forth. “Before we are judged, tell us of your role to be our executioner, judge and ….jury. Are you able to do so?”
“Since you asked I will comply.” The figure seated there spoken. “I am Kishna Ram, the appointed Guardian of the King Solomon’s vault which you are now in view. Let me tell you of King Solomon.”
“King Solomon was known by many names, and yet he was better known as the King who was great in wisdom, power and with that came wealth. He however was not without his weakness. He had many vices in his life and foreseen the split of the kingdom he was ruling. With that, he sought out places to put his wealth so that they will not be plundered and used by one to capture the lands. There was no greater wealth than the one he held here.”
“The Vault as we are in now was brought over with the assistance of over ten huge ships to tow it here on a huge platform. It was as mentioned before ship wrecked but the location of its hideout was known. The King met them and with all the stupidity that even the King possessed then, a war was fought but not for long before a treaty was called. King Solomon in his wiser form then protected the Tall Men but the pending break in the Kingdom forced him to relocate the Vault and the Tall Men.”
“The Tall Men were then few and they suffered like us, from old age with their body parts
“The Tall Men held many secrets that King Solomon knew then was not ready for his people to know. He was the only one who knew how to talk to them and from them, he learnt that concern. Hence the move to relocate here for their safety and our own survival in the lands. Those were the words of the King then to me before he banished here as their human contact.”
“I survived all these generations with their help. They placed me in a chamber to rest and be alive. That was one of the secrets here. More to that, I was to know about all of you were fed to my mind by them. Or their machines. Another of their secrets here.”
“Now you see why the Vault held so much treasures if you may termed them as one or secrets for my King then to call it, that he had to hide it like his other wealth. He did not trust the Raj then but the Tall Men saw the island as their last option. The huge sea creatures were of their migration and with their doing, the creatures grew and fed on the rich sea here.”
“Over the years, the Tall Men numbers dwindled and they have to shut down their works here hence the island was thriving with more that came then but the lions were a deterrent and the natural gully one, with the huge tall wall. The Raj sworn to secrecy preserved the balance but the last one felt the need to share it out. He was the first block to fall.”
“Others came but were repelled by the Tall Men but there were limitations to their ability. They were getting to be fewer in their numbers. Nevertheless, it still worked until your group broke the codes to come so close. The Tall Men decided to learn more on the outside world and some of you were in the first group that was read those secrets. It revealed to me and to them, a new world.”
“A world of opportunities and threats.” The servant of the King stopped then for the tall figures were in some form of communication. He then looked at the group of intruders into their Vault.
“Your world is in a new phase of development after centuries of slower evolution, the new phases in your world will grow rapidly. You will outpaced the previous generations by ten folds but your developments are still not ready for theirs.”
“There…there…. Old chap. I am sure we can work out something. Like a new treaty, The Empire now …the new one anyway spanned over half the world and we can be your protector.” Mycroft to the helm once more. “We have a King….”
“And they are not keen.” Kishna replied. “They have stayed hidden to avoid contact and yet their stay here had not yield any results.”
“Elementary deductions, my dear…. Sir. Your Tall Men are dying if I may add to it the equation.
“No, Sir. Your knowledge or shall I say attempt to hold that knowledge will eventually lead to more destruction.” Kishna replied. “Ask Lady Jane. You came upon a savage and yet primitive continent and what did you do? You colonized it and robbed it of its natural resources. Mankind are doomed but the only reason they have not done was because they have not reached the age of Doomsday.”
“And Doomsday is in your secret?” Watson asked. “Just as we invented the guns to kill each other with impunity by the numbers.”
“Exactly, Doctor. Your adherence to your profession is truly amazing considering the company you keep.”
“And then Sir, I forbid you to …” Mycroft stepped up. “I…”
“You are a fool, Mycroft. Have we not enough secrets of our own to bring doom upon ourselves?” Watson stood in defence for the Tall Men. “Must we hasten our destruction?”
“I agreed.” Lord Greystoke spoke out with his lover in his side. “My home is not mine to call one anymore.”
“Aye, I have to agree. Ireland needs its own too.” Sean joined the savage.
“Between family and friends, nation and kingdoms….” Sherlock was snapped by Van Helsing.
“Bloody well choose, you nit wit.” Van Helsing stepped towards Watson. “I learned that from my English classes.”
All of them looked at Mycroft.
“As I was about to say then, I forbid you to disclose such secrets to the world now as it’s. We have enough of our own to carry to the graves. More so…”
“Shut up, Mycroft.” Sherlock intervened before looking at the others. “He agreed. That left us with the other ladies.”
Princess Fa Lo Suee was to speak when the Mistress Black Cat spoke.
“We will go with your decision. Our task was not to find the treasure.” The Black Cat looked at the Princess. “Our real task was to find the Emperor who had gone missing for over a year. The Emperor himself held other secrets that we cannot reveal to the world just yet too.”
“Fu Manchu missing? Then who is there now?” Mycroft asked.
“His double to prevent an outbreak of war.” Princess Fa Lo Suee replied. “Much as my father and myself differed in thoughts, we are still family. I will find him. I thought with the so called treasure I could assist him.”
The rows of Tall Men then started off another round of communications and the outcome was told.
“The Tall Men have decided. All of you are spared the death sentence but we will end the saga upon ourselves. We will sink the Vault and everything here.”
“No…:” Watson screamed out and then there was darkness.
Watson was the first to woke up and found himself on the beach. He looked around and saw the others all in the same area. He pushed himself up and then staggered over to Sherlock. He shook the others up
“Where are we?” It was the probably the sensible question to ask but from Mycroft, it was deemed to be like ‘on land, you idiot’. “Are we dead?”
Mycroft did overdo himself there.
“Welcome back to Kerala.” It was Ganesh Nathan; the short figure with a girth that gave him a humpty shape. He was still dressed in the plain tunic and loose pants with the wooden sandals. “I got your note last night. Thank God you survived the tsunami that happened a few days ago. There was a huge explosion in the horizon and we thought all of you were dead then.”
“Did you sleep here without tents? I am so sorry.” Nathan recalled his hospitality then. He motioned to his transport. “I brought the carriages. I got them cheap from London.”
There was a hansom cab with the gleaming driver at the rear. There was two horse traps; the two wheeled horse drawn carriage and not to be missed the local version which was the Tanga.
“For the ladies, I will take the in the landau.” That was the open top carriage with the four wheels.
Soon they were refreshed and having shared a hearty meal at the restored two levelled structure still with an outer wall of brick red walls that held it exclusivity from the nearby fishermen settlement. The garden was adorned by the palm trees without the coconut trees on the southern side of the wall then but a huge bed of roses were planted there.
“It’s managed by a local who was back from London He was once a servant of the Governor then. And here he is.” Ganesh proudly introduced his new servant. “Ganesh Ramesh, my distant cousin on my second mother side.”
The experience in London paid off for there were English pies and puddings alongside the curries.
“Tell me what did happen then.” Mycroft asked in between helpings of the pies.
“I believed we were silenced in a manner of render unconscious and the delivered here.” Watson replied before he looked at Sherlock. “Could you tell him in plain English?”
“Yes, it seems that way.” Sherlock remarked. “The sea does strange things to the mind.”
“We were on the Nautilus if I recall last. There was this Captain Nemo then.” Mycroft asked. “Where is the infernal Captain anyway? I don’t see him at all.”
“I think he went down with the ship.” Van Helsing replied. “I was the last to leave. The Captain wanted to stay. You were knocked out then. The waves were so strong then.”
“Nasty bruise…’ Mycroft rubbed at his left shoulders. “I think I pulled a muscle. The last time I had this was when I was..”
“Mycroft, shut up.” Sherlock cut in. He then looked at the Greystoke’. The man had his wrists bandaged and he was in a sober mode. He remembered Lord Greystoke freeing his lover then from the trapped pipes. It was a great effort of strength then.
“John, I can’t …” Lady Greystoke was troubled then. “Maybe I can ask Watson to check?”
“No, we will leave for London tomorrow. You can do it there, and later we will move back to our real home. The Waziiri have their healers.”
Watson could not avoid hearing the conversation and looked to the other two ladies seated on the next table. He knew who they were but they have no recollections of being there.
“Princess, we need to find your father.” The elder lady spoke up in her native dialect. “He is our task.”
Princess Fa Lo Suee could not recall much of what happened soon after their dirigible caught fire. She remembered escaping with the others but soon after, it was all darkness until she woke up on the beach. She did remembered one thing though.
“The Himalayas….”
“I must be going. We have done what was asked. We found the Captain and his ship. Now that it’s gone our task ends. I will be back in the old role to hunt the demons.” Van Helsing stood up. He was still missing his weapon left on the ship. He will make a new ‘Excalibur’. Watson then walked over to the two Chinese ladies.
“When you are fully recovered, seek us in Baker Street. Your task may be daunting for the two of you alone. Let us help. Forget our past and move on.” Watson told the ladies before he stepped to the bed of roses. There he saw the one he was looking for.
“Nina, its okay to be sad on the ….” Watson held his lover by the hands. “We lost our son, and our family there.”
“So you remembered. I thought it was only me.” Nina broke into tears. “Kishna spared the two of us.”
“Yes, he may have felt we needed to know the truth. But not them. Anyway with the island unknown, we can go like before. “
“No, John. I can’t. We are no more like before. I have my days with you and then with Junior to remember you but the passing of his death meant that we were not destined to be together. Go back to your land and be with whoever you left there. I will be fine.”
“I can’t leave you here. The new Raj will find you and there will….” Watson protested.
“Here I am Nina the Servant. I am no more the Princess. I am not keen on any treasure or kingdom. I am fine here with Ganesh. He will take care of me. He is like a father to me.” Nina looked away from Watson. “I have the sea to soothe me in my coming days.”
With that Watson took leave of her to join his friends. Nina stood there for a while before she walked to the beach. There the Bosun was waiting with the small boat. She took his offer to sail to the waiting Nautilus. It was not the one she sailed on but the original one where Prince Dakkar once sailed with. It was raised from the sea bed and restored by the Tall Men.
Once she was on-board she greeted the Captain on the ship.
“Good day, Captain Nemo.” The one seated there on the seat stared motionless to the front. He was unable to move or talk for his mind was not in its full capacity. Nina patted his right hand and then sat down by the seat next to the Captain.
“Take us out, Bosun. Speed at one knot to the depth at twenty five feet before we descent at the open sea to a hundred. I want the Captain to see the world he knew.”
“Aye, Princess of the Nautilus.” The Bosun replied before he rushed off to the Engine Room where a Tall Men was there fidgeting with the controls. The Nautilus then roared out in its pipes on its renewed voyage to the open sea.
“Aye, I love you too.”
Watson looked at the paper he held in his right hand. It meant something then but with the task over, it was worthless.
“Worthless to me anyway.” Watson muttered to himself before he tossed the paper into the fireplace.
“Did you say something, Watson?” Sherlock looked from the window at Watson. “I say we have visitors. What odd hours for them to come.”
Watson was then holding his cane and hat was about to leave for home and the comfort of a wife but he knew from the tone of that voice he was needed. He replaced his cane and hat before the door to the rented unit was knocked on. It was Mrs Hudson with hair in curlers and a heavy night robe over her thin frame.
“Sherlock Holmes, I do wished that you maintained your visiting hours to the daylight hours.” Mrs Hudson then stepped away. “Anyway these poor lasses need the fire place more than you do, Doctor Watson.”
Two ladies stepped into the rented unit and were offered the seats by the fireplace. The two ladies were dressed in a thick overcoat and held a set of brolly in their arms.
“Watson, do you know that brolly is a formidable weapon in the hands of an expert of the arts. I know for sure the Bartitsu exponents would agree with me for it can be a substitute for a cane.” Sherlock looked at the two ladies.
“Welcome to my humble abode, Princess Fa Lo Suee and Madame….” Sherlock smiled. “I believed we met in Kerala recently.”
“Sherlock, I want you to find my father, Emperor Fu Manchu. He is missing.” The princess spoke out. “He…”
“I say old chap, you do have a fine collection of books on bees.” The figure was in the next room having stepped in then. He was perusing the books that found its shelf in the bidet area. The unit have limited space and rental in London was horrendous.
“My apologies, Princess. I did not know you will be here.” The newly arrived man apologised then. He was a tall man with a well build frame dressed in the grey tweeds three piece and holding a book there.
“Nayland Smith at your service. Your father and myself are well acquainted.”
“Hold him, Sherlock. He is the man who had my father imprisonment now.” The princess stood up and levelled the brolly at the man. “Move and I will shoot the dart at you.”
“Precisely which is why I hold the book here in front of me.” Nayland replied. “On the imprisonment, I am not the one holding him. In fact I don’t know who held him and where. I thought he was still in Hong Kong last summer.”
“Lady and old chap, please refrain yourself from making my unit your personal battle ring. If I recalled, Nayland was here to ask me to capture a beast and you are asking me to find ….another. Pardon the idioms but Fu Manchu in my view is one equivalent to that of a beast. No offence meant.”
“My father is not a beast. He is a proud man and I think I am wasting my time here.” The princes took to leave but her companion stopped her.
“We need his help. Don’t be rash.”
“Yes, don’t be. The enemies of your in hiding below are not of your average thugs.” Sherlock looked to Watson. “My dear Doctor, we have a new case.”
Sherlock then looked at Nayland which the later replied.
“Ladies first.”
Across the land towards east, a man stood watching the early morning birds fed on the seeds he had just thrown on the flooring. He was dressed in a long silvery gown with the striking green dragon motifs sewn onto the back. He heard his servant steps approaching from a short distance and held up his left hand to motion him to stop.
“Step no more ahead. You will scare the birds.” The man spoke. “Speak from there.”
“My Lord Emperor, we located the Princess. She is in London.” The servant replied. “We have tailed her and await your command.”
“Spare no one and not even the females. They could breed more of their own and we will have to fight to kill them once more. Do it from the womb and all will be over.”
“As you commanded, my Lord Emperor.” The servant took to leave but the one he called the Emperor asked him a question.
“How fare my twin brother?”
“Fine, my Lord Emperor. I have given him the book to read.” The Emperor had passed on the book titled The Prince and the Pauper. “The weather there is cold and the book may be burned for woods when he finished reading it.”
“Good for him.” The Emperor smiled when he saw the birds having fed on the seeds were then dead. Then with a new feeding area, others will come to share the same fate.
It was all about choosing the place to fight your battle.
“Wait!” Watson stepped forth. “Before we are judged, tell us of your role to be our executioner, judge and ….jury. Are you able to do so?”
“Since you asked I will comply.” The figure seated there spoken. “I am Kishna Ram, the appointed Guardian of the King Solomon’s vault which you are now in view. Let me tell you of King Solomon.”
“King Solomon was known by many names, and yet he was better known as the King who was great in wisdom, power and with that came wealth. He however was not without his weakness. He had many vices in his life and foreseen the split of the kingdom he was ruling. With that, he sought out places to put his wealth so that they will not be plundered and used by one to capture the lands. There was no greater wealth than the one he held here.”
“The Vault as we are in now was brought over with the assistance of over ten huge ships to tow it here on a huge platform. It was as mentioned before ship wrecked but the location of its hideout was known. The King met them and with all the stupidity that even the King possessed then, a war was fought but not for long before a treaty was called. King Solomon in his wiser form then protected the Tall Men but the pending break in the Kingdom forced him to relocate the Vault and the Tall Men.”
“The Tall Men were then few and they suffered like us, from old age with their body parts
deteriorating. What you see before you here now is only a part of their previous numbers. Like us, the older ones were sent to the chambers to rest.”
“The Tall Men held many secrets that King Solomon knew then was not ready for his people to know. He was the only one who knew how to talk to them and from them, he learnt that concern. Hence the move to relocate here for their safety and our own survival in the lands. Those were the words of the King then to me before he banished here as their human contact.”
“I survived all these generations with their help. They placed me in a chamber to rest and be alive. That was one of the secrets here. More to that, I was to know about all of you were fed to my mind by them. Or their machines. Another of their secrets here.”
“Now you see why the Vault held so much treasures if you may termed them as one or secrets for my King then to call it, that he had to hide it like his other wealth. He did not trust the Raj then but the Tall Men saw the island as their last option. The huge sea creatures were of their migration and with their doing, the creatures grew and fed on the rich sea here.”
“Over the years, the Tall Men numbers dwindled and they have to shut down their works here hence the island was thriving with more that came then but the lions were a deterrent and the natural gully one, with the huge tall wall. The Raj sworn to secrecy preserved the balance but the last one felt the need to share it out. He was the first block to fall.”
“Others came but were repelled by the Tall Men but there were limitations to their ability. They were getting to be fewer in their numbers. Nevertheless, it still worked until your group broke the codes to come so close. The Tall Men decided to learn more on the outside world and some of you were in the first group that was read those secrets. It revealed to me and to them, a new world.”
“A world of opportunities and threats.” The servant of the King stopped then for the tall figures were in some form of communication. He then looked at the group of intruders into their Vault.
“Your world is in a new phase of development after centuries of slower evolution, the new phases in your world will grow rapidly. You will outpaced the previous generations by ten folds but your developments are still not ready for theirs.”
“There…there…. Old chap. I am sure we can work out something. Like a new treaty, The Empire now …the new one anyway spanned over half the world and we can be your protector.” Mycroft to the helm once more. “We have a King….”
“And they are not keen.” Kishna replied. “They have stayed hidden to avoid contact and yet their stay here had not yield any results.”
“Elementary deductions, my dear…. Sir. Your Tall Men are dying if I may add to it the equation.
They feared that without them, their …secrets will be misused by the….us the uncanny humans. I can comprehend that thought.” Sherlock added in. “But don’t you think….”
“No, Sir. Your knowledge or shall I say attempt to hold that knowledge will eventually lead to more destruction.” Kishna replied. “Ask Lady Jane. You came upon a savage and yet primitive continent and what did you do? You colonized it and robbed it of its natural resources. Mankind are doomed but the only reason they have not done was because they have not reached the age of Doomsday.”
“And Doomsday is in your secret?” Watson asked. “Just as we invented the guns to kill each other with impunity by the numbers.”
“Exactly, Doctor. Your adherence to your profession is truly amazing considering the company you keep.”
“And then Sir, I forbid you to …” Mycroft stepped up. “I…”
“You are a fool, Mycroft. Have we not enough secrets of our own to bring doom upon ourselves?” Watson stood in defence for the Tall Men. “Must we hasten our destruction?”
“I agreed.” Lord Greystoke spoke out with his lover in his side. “My home is not mine to call one anymore.”
“Aye, I have to agree. Ireland needs its own too.” Sean joined the savage.
“I join my …lover.” Nina declared her stand. Then she looked at Sherlock.
“Between family and friends, nation and kingdoms….” Sherlock was snapped by Van Helsing.
“Bloody well choose, you nit wit.” Van Helsing stepped towards Watson. “I learned that from my English classes.”
All of them looked at Mycroft.
“As I was about to say then, I forbid you to disclose such secrets to the world now as it’s. We have enough of our own to carry to the graves. More so…”
“Shut up, Mycroft.” Sherlock intervened before looking at the others. “He agreed. That left us with the other ladies.”
Princess Fa Lo Suee was to speak when the Mistress Black Cat spoke.
“We will go with your decision. Our task was not to find the treasure.” The Black Cat looked at the Princess. “Our real task was to find the Emperor who had gone missing for over a year. The Emperor himself held other secrets that we cannot reveal to the world just yet too.”
“Fu Manchu missing? Then who is there now?” Mycroft asked.
“His double to prevent an outbreak of war.” Princess Fa Lo Suee replied. “Much as my father and myself differed in thoughts, we are still family. I will find him. I thought with the so called treasure I could assist him.”
The rows of Tall Men then started off another round of communications and the outcome was told.
“The Tall Men have decided. All of you are spared the death sentence but we will end the saga upon ourselves. We will sink the Vault and everything here.”
“No…:” Watson screamed out and then there was darkness.
Watson was the first to woke up and found himself on the beach. He looked around and saw the others all in the same area. He pushed himself up and then staggered over to Sherlock. He shook the others up
“Where are we?” It was the probably the sensible question to ask but from Mycroft, it was deemed to be like ‘on land, you idiot’. “Are we dead?”
Mycroft did overdo himself there.
“Welcome back to Kerala.” It was Ganesh Nathan; the short figure with a girth that gave him a humpty shape. He was still dressed in the plain tunic and loose pants with the wooden sandals. “I got your note last night. Thank God you survived the tsunami that happened a few days ago. There was a huge explosion in the horizon and we thought all of you were dead then.”
“Did you sleep here without tents? I am so sorry.” Nathan recalled his hospitality then. He motioned to his transport. “I brought the carriages. I got them cheap from London.”
There was a hansom cab with the gleaming driver at the rear. There was two horse traps; the two wheeled horse drawn carriage and not to be missed the local version which was the Tanga.
“For the ladies, I will take the in the landau.” That was the open top carriage with the four wheels.
Soon they were refreshed and having shared a hearty meal at the restored two levelled structure still with an outer wall of brick red walls that held it exclusivity from the nearby fishermen settlement. The garden was adorned by the palm trees without the coconut trees on the southern side of the wall then but a huge bed of roses were planted there.
“It’s managed by a local who was back from London He was once a servant of the Governor then. And here he is.” Ganesh proudly introduced his new servant. “Ganesh Ramesh, my distant cousin on my second mother side.”
The experience in London paid off for there were English pies and puddings alongside the curries.
“Tell me what did happen then.” Mycroft asked in between helpings of the pies.
“I believed we were silenced in a manner of render unconscious and the delivered here.” Watson replied before he looked at Sherlock. “Could you tell him in plain English?”
“Yes, it seems that way.” Sherlock remarked. “The sea does strange things to the mind.”
“We were on the Nautilus if I recall last. There was this Captain Nemo then.” Mycroft asked. “Where is the infernal Captain anyway? I don’t see him at all.”
“I think he went down with the ship.” Van Helsing replied. “I was the last to leave. The Captain wanted to stay. You were knocked out then. The waves were so strong then.”
“Nasty bruise…’ Mycroft rubbed at his left shoulders. “I think I pulled a muscle. The last time I had this was when I was..”
“Mycroft, shut up.” Sherlock cut in. He then looked at the Greystoke’. The man had his wrists bandaged and he was in a sober mode. He remembered Lord Greystoke freeing his lover then from the trapped pipes. It was a great effort of strength then.
“John, I can’t …” Lady Greystoke was troubled then. “Maybe I can ask Watson to check?”
“No, we will leave for London tomorrow. You can do it there, and later we will move back to our real home. The Waziiri have their healers.”
Watson could not avoid hearing the conversation and looked to the other two ladies seated on the next table. He knew who they were but they have no recollections of being there.
“Princess, we need to find your father.” The elder lady spoke up in her native dialect. “He is our task.”
Princess Fa Lo Suee could not recall much of what happened soon after their dirigible caught fire. She remembered escaping with the others but soon after, it was all darkness until she woke up on the beach. She did remembered one thing though.
“The Himalayas….”
“I must be going. We have done what was asked. We found the Captain and his ship. Now that it’s gone our task ends. I will be back in the old role to hunt the demons.” Van Helsing stood up. He was still missing his weapon left on the ship. He will make a new ‘Excalibur’. Watson then walked over to the two Chinese ladies.
“When you are fully recovered, seek us in Baker Street. Your task may be daunting for the two of you alone. Let us help. Forget our past and move on.” Watson told the ladies before he stepped to the bed of roses. There he saw the one he was looking for.
“Nina, its okay to be sad on the ….” Watson held his lover by the hands. “We lost our son, and our family there.”
“So you remembered. I thought it was only me.” Nina broke into tears. “Kishna spared the two of us.”
“Yes, he may have felt we needed to know the truth. But not them. Anyway with the island unknown, we can go like before. “
“No, John. I can’t. We are no more like before. I have my days with you and then with Junior to remember you but the passing of his death meant that we were not destined to be together. Go back to your land and be with whoever you left there. I will be fine.”
“I can’t leave you here. The new Raj will find you and there will….” Watson protested.
“Here I am Nina the Servant. I am no more the Princess. I am not keen on any treasure or kingdom. I am fine here with Ganesh. He will take care of me. He is like a father to me.” Nina looked away from Watson. “I have the sea to soothe me in my coming days.”
With that Watson took leave of her to join his friends. Nina stood there for a while before she walked to the beach. There the Bosun was waiting with the small boat. She took his offer to sail to the waiting Nautilus. It was not the one she sailed on but the original one where Prince Dakkar once sailed with. It was raised from the sea bed and restored by the Tall Men.
Once she was on-board she greeted the Captain on the ship.
“Good day, Captain Nemo.” The one seated there on the seat stared motionless to the front. He was unable to move or talk for his mind was not in its full capacity. Nina patted his right hand and then sat down by the seat next to the Captain.
“Take us out, Bosun. Speed at one knot to the depth at twenty five feet before we descent at the open sea to a hundred. I want the Captain to see the world he knew.”
“Aye, Princess of the Nautilus.” The Bosun replied before he rushed off to the Engine Room where a Tall Men was there fidgeting with the controls. The Nautilus then roared out in its pipes on its renewed voyage to the open sea.
“Aye, I love you too.”
Watson looked at the paper he held in his right hand. It meant something then but with the task over, it was worthless.
“Worthless to me anyway.” Watson muttered to himself before he tossed the paper into the fireplace.
“Did you say something, Watson?” Sherlock looked from the window at Watson. “I say we have visitors. What odd hours for them to come.”
Watson was then holding his cane and hat was about to leave for home and the comfort of a wife but he knew from the tone of that voice he was needed. He replaced his cane and hat before the door to the rented unit was knocked on. It was Mrs Hudson with hair in curlers and a heavy night robe over her thin frame.
“Sherlock Holmes, I do wished that you maintained your visiting hours to the daylight hours.” Mrs Hudson then stepped away. “Anyway these poor lasses need the fire place more than you do, Doctor Watson.”
Two ladies stepped into the rented unit and were offered the seats by the fireplace. The two ladies were dressed in a thick overcoat and held a set of brolly in their arms.
“Watson, do you know that brolly is a formidable weapon in the hands of an expert of the arts. I know for sure the Bartitsu exponents would agree with me for it can be a substitute for a cane.” Sherlock looked at the two ladies.
“Welcome to my humble abode, Princess Fa Lo Suee and Madame….” Sherlock smiled. “I believed we met in Kerala recently.”
“Sherlock, I want you to find my father, Emperor Fu Manchu. He is missing.” The princess spoke out. “He…”
“I say old chap, you do have a fine collection of books on bees.” The figure was in the next room having stepped in then. He was perusing the books that found its shelf in the bidet area. The unit have limited space and rental in London was horrendous.
“My apologies, Princess. I did not know you will be here.” The newly arrived man apologised then. He was a tall man with a well build frame dressed in the grey tweeds three piece and holding a book there.
“Nayland Smith at your service. Your father and myself are well acquainted.”
“Hold him, Sherlock. He is the man who had my father imprisonment now.” The princess stood up and levelled the brolly at the man. “Move and I will shoot the dart at you.”
“Precisely which is why I hold the book here in front of me.” Nayland replied. “On the imprisonment, I am not the one holding him. In fact I don’t know who held him and where. I thought he was still in Hong Kong last summer.”
“Lady and old chap, please refrain yourself from making my unit your personal battle ring. If I recalled, Nayland was here to ask me to capture a beast and you are asking me to find ….another. Pardon the idioms but Fu Manchu in my view is one equivalent to that of a beast. No offence meant.”
“My father is not a beast. He is a proud man and I think I am wasting my time here.” The princes took to leave but her companion stopped her.
“We need his help. Don’t be rash.”
“Yes, don’t be. The enemies of your in hiding below are not of your average thugs.” Sherlock looked to Watson. “My dear Doctor, we have a new case.”
Sherlock then looked at Nayland which the later replied.
“Ladies first.”
Across the land towards east, a man stood watching the early morning birds fed on the seeds he had just thrown on the flooring. He was dressed in a long silvery gown with the striking green dragon motifs sewn onto the back. He heard his servant steps approaching from a short distance and held up his left hand to motion him to stop.
“Step no more ahead. You will scare the birds.” The man spoke. “Speak from there.”
“My Lord Emperor, we located the Princess. She is in London.” The servant replied. “We have tailed her and await your command.”
“Spare no one and not even the females. They could breed more of their own and we will have to fight to kill them once more. Do it from the womb and all will be over.”
“As you commanded, my Lord Emperor.” The servant took to leave but the one he called the Emperor asked him a question.
“How fare my twin brother?”
“Fine, my Lord Emperor. I have given him the book to read.” The Emperor had passed on the book titled The Prince and the Pauper. “The weather there is cold and the book may be burned for woods when he finished reading it.”
“Good for him.” The Emperor smiled when he saw the birds having fed on the seeds were then dead. Then with a new feeding area, others will come to share the same fate.
It was all about choosing the place to fight your battle.
Team Seven of Heroes II Chapter 36 & 37
Unknown to all, Nemo had stepped into the tower interior. He saw nothing there but the circle drawn on the flooring. He stepped on it and waited. He did not have to for soon the flooring gave way and he was lowered down in what may be said to be a glass tube. He was excited then on the outcome like many of his discovery moments during his hunts for treasures. He swam with sharks once too often to fithe bulknd the elusive hordes of gold.
The descent was rapid but the scene was dark and nothing was seen beyond his hands.
Then the descent stopped.
There was nothing there but darkness.
Nemo took a step out of the circle and was greeted by the sight of huge chamber. It was also laden with bulk of gold and jewelleries. The treasure was stacked in piles in the huge cases, and some of these cases were stacked over another. The sea Captain stepped over and laid his hands on the treasure trove. In his mind then was the mental calculation of the worth but he could not fathom what was there.
“Captain, we came as fast we could.” Nemo turned to look at the voice and saw his crew. More specific was his Bosun then. There were six of them there with the eager looks.
“How did you here? I ….” Nemo looked for the circle which he had descended from but it was not there. He looked around and could not find anything that resembled it except more of the desired treasures.
“We came with the Nautilus. She berthed there by far side. It was a tough voyage with the narrow tunnels but we made it. It was your prayer and guidance that brought us here.” The Bosun smiled and then he asked the pertinent question.
“Is that it? I doubt we ….I mean we have never seen so much ever before. Did we hit Captain Kidd’s hidden cache? Or Blackbeard’s?” The crews were already at the treasures. Nemo stood there transfixed with a lot of questions. He then asked the crew the first question on his mind.
“I left all of you on the beach and I told you to stay in the water but how did you get here?”
“We saw your note. Funny, it was on your seat then and we read it. It told us what was needed; the depth and the directions. We took it all in and arrived here.” One of the crew replied. “Can we start the loading?”
“Yes…” Nemo was still puzzled and then he stepped away to think. He turned to look at his crews. He recalled leaving no notes. The last time he left a note for anyone was for his Guardian that he was leaving. He was to ask more when he saw his crews carrying the gold. It must had been heavy in the huge case but they were carrying if effortless.
It was not right.
“Nemo, would you be a pal and help us?” Nemo nodded without looking at the person who asked. He proceeded onto to the nearest gold stash and took up a medallion. It was an old Spanish dated back to the early fourteenth century. He had discovered that once before in the depth of the ocean off the Dark Continent.
“So maybe there was more.” Nemo muttered to himself. He had sometimes discovered two wrecks with the similar medallions. He then turned to look at his crews. They were still hoarding the treasure. He then thought of the Nautilus. It was a great ship and companion. He spent so much time in there. It was not the original one for that was huge but it belonged to his father.
“Captain, guess what we found?” It was the Bosun. Nemo looked at what he was pointing at. It was the huge. It looked familiar.
“Captain, it’s the old Nautilus. The same one I once sailed with your…. The other Captain Nemo.”
Captain Nemo looked at the thing there. It did look like the part of the Nemo original design. He had some of it but not the complete set. It was the periscope there and part of the conning tower. It was impossible for that if it was part of the Nautilus, it was impossible to there unless it was only part of it but why bring that part.
“She is a beau, son.” Nemo turned to look and saw a familiar figure he saw from the rare painting then.
“Father….Prince Dakkar.” Nemo mumbled out. “It can’t be. You are dead. Dead then deader.”
“Yes, son. I am dead.” The figure stood there in the sea Captain uniform of the ancient Raj realm. “And you may be.”
“I am not.” Nemo glared at the person he thought or knew was dead. He looked around and saw the gold once more. It was his innermost desire ever since he first saw the metal.
“Prince Dakkar…” But the figure was not there. So were the gold and jewelleries but the Nautilus was there. The one which the ‘Captain Nemo the First’ was its master. He was also standing on the water surface. It was eerie then.
“Am I dead?” Nemo called out. “If I am, tell me.”
“Yes, Captain you are.” It was the Bosun. “So are we. Soon after we left you at the beach, we sailed to the sea like what you told us. It was smooth except we sprung a leak in the hull. It was not there before we sailed but the hole was there. It could have been when we docked at the beach.”
“I don’t understand…”
“They do.” The Bosun pointed to the two figures at the side. “The tall ones.”
Nemo looked at the two figures. They were metallic like his Nautilus but the metal held a golden gleam.
“Behold their arms. They released some sort of fire or cannon fire that could have blasted the hole in the hull. They sank us but the six of us escaped. We were not ready to die in that grave although we loved her. Out there, we became fish feed.” The Bosun sighed. “I saw Thomas died being devoured by the Orca. Do you know what it’s like to torn apart. I saw it before they turned on me. I opened my mouth to let the water. I would had preferred drowning but that took a longer time. The killers took out chunk of me.”
“What was there to drown on when your lungs were ripped? Your body did not need air then when the blood was all flowing out.” The Bosun then laughed. “All my life my words were of nonsense and profanity but today. I am professing in the words that would delight my own dead mother. God bless her soul.”
The Bosun laughed and then cried.
“My first and final time I ever praised her. God, I am dead.”
The Bosun then disappeared and in place there was nothing.
No more Nautilus.
Nemo found himself standing on the same circle flooring but he was in the middle of a huge chamber with water around him. He was not sure if that was real so he leaned down to touch the water. It felt real and yet he was unsure.
“Am I dead?” Nemo asked himself. He called out for the others but there were no replies. He then sat down and looked at the water.
“I have been with you for so long and yet now you will be my companion forever I guess. If this is a trap, then I am really doomed.” Nemo spoke to the vast water there in the chamber. “I wondered if you could tell me more of yourself. I am Nemo.”
“Or what I had adopted from my …father.” Nemo then started off on his solitary journey. He then looked to his side.
“Hello, father. Welcome to join me. We are in your realm now.”
Sherlock took his first step into the netting with apprehension on his safety. It’s not that he feared the drop but trapeze acts was never his forte. He much preferred to be on the side lines watching the actors do it. For the sake of Watson, he placed in the brave front but soon at the middle of his climb over, he felt a need to call out.
“Mycroft, can you recalled our Aunt Getrude?” Sherlock tried to distract his thoughts.
“You meant Aunt Geraldine. Yes, I recalled she died falling off the highlands. Tragedy it was.” Mycroft had made the climb over reminded Sherlock. “Sheer cliff. I was there and it looked like this one.”
“Mycroft, you imbecile.” Sherlock shored up his courage and took bold steps before he made it. He stepped up to Mycroft.
“We don’t have an aunt named Geraldine.” Sherlock hissed at Mycroft.
“And you are still a sissy. I climbed more dangerous mountains than this.” Mycroft replied. “It worked for me, and it do for you though I lost Geraldine that day.”
Sherlock realized that he was baited and then apologies. It was Watson who broke the silent remembrance of the passing Geraldine. He was waiting for Van Helsing last to cross.
“Be the sleuth you are. Find us the rest of the clues.” Watson told Sherlock. The man in request took to his heels and looked ahead at the task ahead. The tunnel led to a smaller cavern and there were three tunnels ahead.
“Three? Trinity in choice.” Sherlock muttered. He then voiced out for the others to hear. “The numeral three is sign of weakness in some. The early theologians Clement, Origen, and Hipolytus who lived in Alexandria were steeped in the number symbolism. They wrote that the duality of God, The Father and Christ was one weaknes of Christianity. It was overcome by the creation of the Holy Ghost which gave to the Holy Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Matthew 28.19. As we are bounded by Heaven, Earth, and Hell.”
“And Faith, Hope and Charity was what Paul’s letter sent to the Corinthians, I Corinthians 13, 13.” Van Helsing snapped in from the rear. “We will take the middle for its Hope. We are wasting time.”
The demon slayer went ahead while Sherlock was still deducting his options.
“The Three Musketeers by Alexander Dumas.” Watson took to the heels of the other into the tunnel but his blatant display of the middle figure on his left hand was obvious to his choice too.
“I don’t have three wishes but left with one now.” Nina followed on. In the end Sherlock gave up and followed on when the others took the trail by Van Helsing.
“Perish all hopes for those who venture blindly.” Sherlock agitated that he was ignored but he took the flank. They soon chanced on another cavern and there stood a majestic from which none of them could comprehend it.
“I say, old chap.” Mycroft had to break the silence then. “Our palace looked more grandeur.”
“Splendid in design. Truly a marvel.” Sherlock voiced out while Watson was looking to compare it with the Taj Mahal he once visited during his service days.
The splendid design was a huge saucer frame metallic shape structure with oddly the few foundation pillars that held it up was by then assessment as fragile. It was wide to the width of over a thousand feet, and a height of three hundred and fifty at the peak tapered at two hundred feet. Its frame was coated with dust and some falling rocks that had rolled off its surface. There was a entrance at the bottom of the structure with what appeared to be a wide ramp.
There was a figure seated there on a high back chair facing them.
Watson recalled the last words on the paper he wrote.
Watch the one who seats on the throne
Solomon isn’t the King
But the Guardian for the Kings
“Welcome to King Solomon’s vault. Not what you envisaged but you have not seen the interior.” The figure greeted them. “My name is Kishna Ram. I am the ….Guardian of the Vault.”
“Your friends are inside. Please follow me.” The seat moved by itself; hovering above the ground and then climbed the ramp with the man on it. Watson led the others to follow. Once inside the so named Vault, they were greeted by the intricate machinations that was there.
“Post Industrial Age?” Sherlock frowned his expression. “Well, I am not impressed. Coal will be missed.”
Coal was one of the country’s biggest wealth provider then but the others ignored his speculative thoughts. They chanced upon a huge chamber where the others were there.
“Greystoke, I thought we lost you.” Van Helsing greeted his old friend who was also glad to see the demon slayer. There they stood and saw before them was a raised platform where the hovering seat rose to before it parked in between two metallic figures.
Watson looked around and saw the chamber was also lined on the sides with raised platforms which were soon filled with more metallic figures filing in a single line. He counted a total of twenty nine there with the spacing between them erratic.
“I think we are going to be judged.” Watson remarked to the others while holding his rifle.
“Hello once again, my name is Kishna Ram. I am the Guardian of the Vault. These are my companions.” The seated man spoke. “Please do not over react with your weapons. It’s useless and my companions could …kill you in seconds.”
“You are brought here for the Lady Greystoke had presented an amusing argument to lengthen your stay here.” Kishna Ram looked at the lady. “Are all of you tainted like you child?”
“I will repeat my words for those who were not there. Or perhaps Sherlock could interject with his own reasoning.” Kishna Ram smiled. “Tainted was your child. It would be born with deformities and be a burden to you. As for all of you, you were born before we …could give you the options allowed to the unborn child. However, your ….how may I placed it? Weakness may be the word for it. All of you have some weaknesses.”
“Sherlock Holmes; man of extraordinaire skills with a mind that out rivalled many others but your weakness is eluding that your species will need to die. You are intrigued by that form theologian and also analytical approach hence your desire to see its form from prelude to post. The body and not the soul was your fascination. You wanted to know what will happen to it. Or happened. Due to your …fascination, you became obsessed with solving the task there. It drove you to a fascistic approach and fulfilling addiction.”
“Bravo!” Mycroft voiced. “You hit it on the nail there.”
“Mycroft Holmes’ another man of …skills alike your brother but you held a domineering approach to command and bold action. Ike your brother, you professed to solve issues but your thoughts were in physical moves. Inside you, there is a sadistic nature. You were the physical one in the family. Your constant overlooking their shoulder of your siblings made you their …guardian.”
“Viola!” Sherlock hollered out and then sighed to himself.
“Doctor Watson; the man who held to preserve life with care and the desire to seek adventure, for the later served your purpose to preserve life. You arrived back to your home land with a disability that you thought will cease your adventurous life but your companion then presented both to you. He was after all your patient.”
“We are wasting time.” Van Helsing levelled his rifle.
“Van Helsing; a descendant of slayers of the unknown. You held an incredible task before you. Your ancestors before you were all slayers. Their enemies were themselves; the refusal to accept others the right to survive.”
It was then the two metallic figures stepped forth and the seated man looked at them before he looked at the others on the sides. .
“It seems we have judgement now. You may now all stand as your names are read.”
“Sherlock Holmes.”
“Mycroft Holmes”
“John Watson, Doctor.”
“Then can I have mine with Esquire.” Mycroft spoke up but was ignored.
“Van Helsing…We don’t have your first name.”
“Abraham. I was after my uncle.”
“Sean Mercer”
“Lord John Clayton Greystoke and Lady Jane Porter.”
“Princess Fa Lo Suee.”
“Mistress… Mu Guiying of the Yang Clan.”
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Team Seven of Heroes Chapter 34 & 35
Sean was once again to wake first. He found himself without any weapons and shackles but lying on the flooring with the others. They were in a unit that time behind beaming lights that formed bars before them. He glanced at the surrounding outside and saw the two standing tall golden metallic figures there that were familiar to him but he was not prepared for the one other figure that was different. It was a human figure or looked like one of flesh and bones. If one held those features, there are distinct notable marks for the example the frame of the face were always unique. That one held a gaunt face with the prominent cheek bones and sunken eyes that seemed to drill into whatever it was seeing. The figure was clad in a yellow robe with dragon motifs which heightened his frail looking form, but with him seated on the high back, it does give some resemblance of a distinguish person.
“Hello, Englishman I presume.” The frail person made his greeting with the presumption that he was English.
“No, I am Irish. Sean Mercer and I presume you are …. Fu Manchu?” The Irish Hunter sat up on his haunches. “Pardon me posturing at you.”
“No worries on it. I am not English and neither Chinese. Foremost I am not the Emperor but he is a design to emulate on.” The frail figure voiced out. ”I am Kishna Ram, the personal aide of the Raj then, and then elevated to this position as the Guardian.”
“I don’t understand.” Sean looked at the others lying there. The Greystoke lovers are there but they were clothed and the man’s wrists appeared to be hurt although they were no blood. It was bloated with blood congealing there. He then saw the other two ladies lying to the other corner. They were still breathing then.
“Our kind is resilient in survival. I won’t have known if they have not need not told me themselves.” Kishna glanced at the two standing figures. “You are the first living soul I have met since …the last Raj visited.”
“Perhaps if you insist, I shall tell you my tale.”
For that we will take a step into the past and behold the taller tale to be heard.
“My King, behold the island of Hidden Realm.” The elderly darkened figure addressed his King then the famed King Solomon of the Ancient Times. The stately King was held a fine figure even in his fine tunic and sandals stood by the helm looking at the looming island that appeared there. He had sat sailed on his fleet to the great sea on the insistence of his servant.
“My King, there is nothing more mysterious than a mysterious island.”
“True, my servant when my most precious needed a place to remain hidden, I am without any idea.” King Solomon sighed. “A great King I may be but where on this surface could I keep it hidden for ages.”
King Solomon took his first step onto the island by the beach. He was greeted with the sight of the white sandy sight and the sprawling lush jungle behind it. It looked like many he had seen but he does not feel the comfort of it. His servant joined him by his side.
“My King, you may be of a greater Empire but there are parts of the world you may not conquer but be allied with.” The servant then introduced the solitary figure who stepped up to the beach there.
“The Raj, our host.” The servant told the King but was scoffed away.
“I am King Solomon and will not be treated to meet one other without the proper protocol deserved by myself.” King Solomon turned to move back to the boat but he was stopped by the sight of a tall metallic figure. It stood over the water surface as if it was hovering over it. The King stood there to look at the tall figure before he spoke.
“If you are sure, then I will speak on your behalf.”The King then turned to look at the other ruler of the island.
“My ally sought your assistance.”
“Hail King Solomon, I am the Raj and your ally. Not yet but allowed me to do so for you.” The Raj spoke up. He then motioned to the golden metallic figure. “We can be allies.”
It was how King Solomon found his trusted allies there which will last for generations.
“I have entrusted you my greatest treasure.” King Solomon looked to the sea for the village that he had built there. Some of his crews have offered to stay there but with a solemn promise not to go inland or to the other side of the island. The Raj offered to come over with supplies and also to protect the island although it needed no protection given its unique location.
“For your good faith and friendship I will leave you two pairs of my pet. They will roam the other side of the island and remain the co-guardian.” That was how the lions came to be part of the island.
“And how goes our …metallic friends?” King Solomon asked. He was told that the metallic figures were not of this world. They were ship wrecked there; funny idioms to use for they were there to stay until the Raj came one day on a stormy voyage. He was rescued by the tall figures and with time he was made a friend and soon an alliance. They brought the Great King there and a trust was extended.
After all the treasure was partly theirs to preserve.
“King Solomon, the treasure will be guarded by your crews and the allies. I will bring forth mine as a part of it to be kept here. With that I will keep it as a family legacy.” The Raj gave his word but the King was not entirely comfortable with it.
“My servant will stay here. He will for eternity if need be for the treasure is worth it.” King Solomon announced it to all.”
That was how Kishna Ram became the figure seated there.
“We? I think you were mistaken. We came here with the impression that thetrea sure was … a lost one.” “Lost? How can anything be lost in this world unless it was meant to be for it. And if it’s lost, it shall remained as so but the quality of greed drove mankind to find the lost and make it theirs.”
“Just a curiosity, the savage was hurt, bloodied and then were shackled.” Sean turned to the subject.
“Mere illusions that we created in your mind as we make you think you were fighting to escape. The mind of Man is feeble and could be manipulated with memories.” Kishna smiled. “You were never shackled or running with the weapons. We left your imagination took precedent.”
So were the deductions of the sleuth.
“Watson, we need to talk.” Sherlock pulled Watson. “I sensed something not right. The water in the sinkhole and the walls were …unreal. I meant it was smooth to my touch and not coarse like the walls of a real tunnel.”
“Speak with something I can understand.” Watson was raring to cross over. Nemo, and Junior was over there. Watson looked over but he was too late to stop Nemo from clubbing Junior on the head. The young lad fell down on the flooring while Nemo pulled the vine rope over. Watson grabbed the other end but Nemo had cut off the rope with his scimitar.
“What ails you there, Nemo?” The sea Captain did the unthinkable. He pushed the other over the ledge. Junior fell like a rock to the bottom. Nina screamed and had to be restrained by Watson or she would had attempt a jump to save her son.
“You bastard!” Watson shouted out.
“He was mine, Watson. The bastard definition He always wanted to emulate you while I took care of him.” Nemo replied before looking at Nina. “Treasures are my fallacy and also mine to keep. I will take the journey from here.”
Nemo took a bow before he warned the others. “Follow me and I will kill you all.”
“Watson, listen to me. The words are not wrong and we have read it wrong.” Sherlock looked from the doctor to the lady that was comfort. He frowned and ever his love life was cold like some crime trails but he won’t deny he had harbor some feelings for them. It’s just that he was deemed unlucky or failed to reciprocate them. He then commented.
Seek the Tower that reached low
Behold its sentries that looms
Trapeze and evade the traps
“The tower is the right one but we were not meant to go in. It said to ‘Trapeze and evade the traps’.” Sherlock leaned out and looked out. He saw the top of the tower were grappling holds. He looked to the sides and saw the cavern walls until he saw the other entrance on the right. It was about five feet away and there were another after it.
“Damn! We got three entrances from what I can see.” Sherlock voiced out. He looked to the others and explained. “We are in an illusion here. The sinkhole and the water with the tunnel sides, all of it are not real. It was made for us to see it as one. See my experiment.”
Sherlock leaned out and then the locusts appeared. He grabbed one and then tossed it into the tunnel. It somehow disappeared.
“Watch this.” Sherlock tossed his rifle across the divide into the tower. The locusts appeared but once the rifle was in the tower, the locusts soon disappeared.
“Magical…” Van Helsing who had remained quiet since the landing finally made known his existence. “Demonic…”
“No, my friend. Demons they are not but magic I won’t assumed for it but we are man of reality and not of illusions.” With that, Sherlock grabbed Mycroft’s rifle and leaned out. He fired at the next entrance. The bullet ricocheted there but it was on the outside. He fired the at the other entrance and found the bullet ricocheted inside.
“Viola! I think that could be it.” Sherlock smiled. “Now the difficult part. How does one swing over unless you are an ape?”
“He is not among us now so we need to imitate him if we are to go ahead.” Sherlock then felt conscious of his wound on the chest. He could attempt it but the task may becoming his death wish.
“Are you sure?” Mycroft asked.
“The words say to trapeze, and does crossing a rope looked like one?” Sherlock remarked. “Our major concern is to swing over.”
“The rope is short.” Van Helsing held the cut rope. “We cannot climb out or across but we can adapt. He removed the ammo belt and strung it to the rope. He hand over his hand for more belt.
“Mine is…” Mycroft was shut off by Watson.
“Just hand it over now.” Watson took off his from the waist and handed it over. So did the others. “It will suffice.”
“Remember, guys. The locusts are an illusion but the pains they created are unfortunately really painful but we shall prevail.” Sherlock leaned out to toss the make shift rope towards the top of the tower. His aim was good but the strength of his throw was weak. He stood back rubbing his arms which were aching from the locusts attack.
“Blistering insects!” Watson pulled the man aside and took on the rope but it was Van Helsing who decided that sterner arm was needed. He reached out with his metallic arm that could withstand the insects’ attack his aim was good with the rope end to hold on the hooks there on the tower top. The rope held and then it was the act to swing over.
“Listen from what I know on the techniques of trapezes ….honestly is bare. I do wish we have our friend here but my scant experience with circus was more on scarring.” (The case of the Veiled Lodger). Van Helsing was one moment at the ledge and then he was out. They saw the locusts swarm went for the man and then without a notice the swarm turned back. Watson leaned out and saw the later was hanging on the ledge by the other entrance. It was a long swing but Van Helsing did it.
“Attach it to something solid and climb over.” Van Helsing called out and then he stumbled on a netting there. “I found something which we can use. I will hand over a …net. It may be what they used to climb over.”
It was then Lady Jane wished she could wake up from her nightmare. One moment she recalled that she was fighting for her baby and then he lover before she was sent to another state of darkness only to be awakened with so many changes. Her arms held her midriff. She could not feel it anymore.
“Yes, Lady Greystoke. They removed the ….child. It was tainted.” The frail figure seated on the seat voiced out in the concerned tone. “They found…..they have the machines to see inside you.”
“No!” The lady screamed. Her baby was removed. Her scream woke up the lover of her’. The lady tried to get up but her body wounded inside was not responding to her. She burst out into cries of pain. The savage man with emotional link to the lady was next to be roused. He pushed himself up and his reaction was to hold his love.
“John, they took our baby.” Lady Greystoke sought solace in her lover. The other in pain held her close although both his wrists were in pain. He ignored the pain and looked past her at the captors of theirs.
“John Greystoke, I can…” Sean was cut off by the snarling expression on man he knew held a savage streak.
“Lord Greystoke, you are a strong person. Your wounds although were personified by your mind when you pulled at imaginary shackles but the mind can be overpowering to create such injuries.”
“Tell me who are you before I ….kill you.” Lord Greystoke glared at the seated figure. “You hurt my love and nothing will protect you from me.”
“In all the course of my natural life before I was banished to this abomination of mortality, I have seen pain, love and I can share with yours. Your child works were not of mine although I am seen as their leader. As a matter to be corrected, I am not. I am only their ally by the wishes of the King then. If immortality was the desire of Man, please take my place. I am an immortal by the length of my life here, and a prisoner to their biddings.”
“I was born Kishna Ram but over the generations I am no more who I was named but a monster with them.” The man in the seat voiced out with pain. “I shared your pain but I am not a man anymore. I cannot stop it for my crimes towards humanity are more than the removal of a tainted unborn.”
“You spoke of tainted. What ails you to brand my child tainted?” Jane recovered to play the question. “When it was inside me, I could feel its heartbeat. A life lived there.”
“A life which we cannot allowed here. It’s the law here and was stated by the King himself then. The Raj knew then and came here to cull the ones that were in excess.” The frail man spoke. “It was to keep the place pure and protected. The crews then the villagers build the barrier not to prevent them from beasts but the beastly in them. They were there to stop them crossing over. There was once a war here between them and it was done to cull their numbers. This is not Hell or Heaven. This is the King’s Vault.”
“You are a monster.” Lord Greystoke cursed out. “You created a world that you will remain in control. How could you…”
“Those were the King’s command. I am merely his servant for….eternity. Spare me humanity thoughts for we were not humans then but servants.”
“For what I have revealed, it was to satiate my desire to talk to you other than these beings. It was for a short while only for us to meet. I have new guests to meet. For all of you, I am satiated you must die.” Kishna Ram closed his eyes. “God forgive me.”
“Why must we die?” Lady Greystoke asked back. “Are we tainted too?”
Team Seven of Heroes II Chapter 32 & 33
Enter the vault of Purgatory
Slip in by the wall that stays hidden
Trail the glitter flow to end
Beware the hands that reached out
Seek the Tower that reached low
Behold its sentries that looms
Trapeze and evade the traps
Watch the one who seats on the throne
Solomon isn’t the King
But the Guardian for the Kings
“It’s intriguing, Watson. I am if the others are not.” Sherlock smiled before he turned to the others who were searching for clues to the writings that were just shared then. They were standing by the pond there but no one dared to venture into the pond. The sinkhole was intimidating like the depth of Hades.
“We have to find the temple.” Nina was frantic. “My people need to find the ….treasure.”
Nina’s eyes averted from Watson’s glare and then she ran to her son.
“What did the Elders taught on …”
“The temple is there.” Sherlock called out. “It’s inside the hole.”
“Pray tell, my smart friend.” Watson asked. “I only knew those words but never been here. The Raj had entrusted me with those words. He once told me find the Vault and these words will guide you.”
“It’s elementary, my dear Watson. The words told me.” Sherlock explained and then he smiled when he saw the pained expression on Watson. He could only taunt the doctor on those ‘elementary’ modes.
“The temple is in there. It’s somewhere down there and we need to find it.” Sherlock continued on. “The words said ‘Enter the vault of Purgatory, Slip in by the wall that stays hidden’. That looked like Purgatory.”
“Or its one huge hole for or….” Mycroft cut back on his words when he saw Nina looking at him. He needs to be decent with his expletives.
“We have to get in. but how?” Nemo looked around. “It’s not like we came prepared for anything except shoot some lions. And we don’t have Tarzan here. He can dive in like an otter.”
“No, we can lower ourselves down.” John Jr replied. “I can make some vines into ropes. “
With that, the young man took to the jungle once more. Nemo, Nina and Watson followed behind.
So was Lord Greystoke then was doing that with his lover holding him up. They were following the Irish Hunter who was knocking on every doorway he could find. They came across their previous detention unit of the savage. He saw the two ladies detained there.
“Hello, ladies. Have we met?” Sean displayed his humorous Irish personality.
“Let us loose.” Princess Fa Lo Suee called out. Sean approached her and looked at the shackles.
“Last time anyone did that hurt his wrists.” Sean laughed. “But we won’t do that to you.”
“Let me loose, Sean Mercer. I will have you rewarded.” The Princess voiced out. “My father can…”
“You father is Fu Manchu and also known as Emperor of the East. I know of his wealth and his reach which could hunt me down anywhere. You are his daughter but not his favourite relative.”
“I am here on the …request of my father.” Princess Fa Lo Suee explained. “He is…”
“Missing? I heard of that. For over a year your father had been missing. He was said to be killed or gone into exile and you came along. You took over his empire but the man who is Fu Manchu is not one to be killed or disappear. He is around and may return. And when he does he won’t like me for saving you.”
“My father condition does not concern me. Free me.” The Princess displayed her arrogant self. “I am Princess Fa Lo Suee.”
Arrogance was not the words to describe Watson’s son but courage was it. He had jumped into the sinkhole with the rope vine slung across his chest. Well, the jump part was exaggerated. He actually swam to the edge and then lowered down.
“Don’t let me drop…” Junior’s voice trailed into the echoes inside the sinkhole. Nemo and the others held onto the vine rope and slowly released part of it for the young man to be lowered. Junior then was about twenty feet down when he saw an opening in the wall of water. It was huge enough for a person to step in. He pulled the rope taut to signal the others. The rope went taut but he was one feet below the opening. He climbed back up the rope and then stared into the opening. Maybe it was not but an illusion of the water. He was about two feet away from the spot and swung over. He made it to the all but was still not there at the opening. He did another swing and reached it but he could not find a hold and slid back. He tried again and soon found a small gap to grip on and then he slipped again. He did a few more tries and finally got his second opportunity. He pulled himself to the opening with his legs finding the ledge to climb in. It was slippery but he managed to get in.
It was a narrow opening but the inside was wider. Junior climbed in but the vine rope went taut. He had to pull at it several times to signal them before he was given more rope to move. He searched for anything to hold the rope and soon found the hooks embedded into the wall. It was man made and felt solid although it was coated with moss. He tied the vine rope there and proceeded to look for more things he could use. He found a rope ladder and hoisted it up with the vine rope. Then he waited there for the others to join him.
Waiting was equivalent to patience which the Lord Greystoke lacked then. He took to leap frog the Irish Hunter and looked for the elusive exit point. There was none and they appeared to be moving in circles.
“John, your wounds are opened. Please let me attend to it.” Lady Greystoke took to check the wound and redress the bandage with pieces of her shirt. The savage stopped her but she told him off.
“I rather be naked than to see you die.” Lady Greystoke told him. “You are all that matters.”
“I think we have other things to think about.” Sean Mercer levelled his rifle and when he saw the two tall figure standing in their path. “I say…”
The Irish Hunter did not get to complete the warning, and was brought down by the blast of lights. So did Lady Greystoke and the savage.
It was not the same for the others who had to climb down a rope ladder into what appeared to be a sinkhole, and with the water cascading down it was intimidating even for Nemo who was the most experienced of them all.
“I’ll be good.” Mycroft muttered to himself while he took his careful step. He was about a foot from the opening and when he saw Sherlock on the rope. He yelled up at his brother.
“You were to wait. I am still on the rope.” Mycroft then felt the ladder was unsafe then and he sped up to reach the opening. He was assisted by Watson who had earlier climbed down.
“Sherlock is on the rope.” Mycroft splattered out to Watson.
“I know. Your climb was pathetic.” Watson dragged him in. “We don’t all day for this.”
Sherlock was last, and he climbed fast. And his mind was working faster then.
“Sherlock, where’s next?” Watson asked. He looked at the page he had written. He read the next two lines.
Trail the glitter flow to end
Beware the hands that reached out
“We follow the yellow road.” Sherlock looked into the tunnel, and saw the place was dark but there were areas where the luminous moss lit it up. He placed his right hand on the wall and trailed its surface to the ground. He then brushed away the dirt on the ground. It revealed the sign of the directional arrow. And it was pointing ahead. The more dirt that Sherlock brushed off the arrow lighted up.
“Danke, Herr Gunter took to the trail without telling. The others followed but not Sherlock. He was studying the arrow and then the flooring to the side walls. He then shouted out.
“Stop!” But it was too late. Herr Gunter was grabbed by the four metallic spears that extended from the walls on both sides and then thrust into the man in the body.. It was gruesome but everyone took notice of the warning by Sherlock.
“Don’t move.” Sherlock called out. “We may trigger that again.”
“I would appreciate your warnings earlier.” Mycroft called out. “Now tell us what we should have done earlier.”
“I believe we are seeing here is a pressure activated trap. If you choose to recall back in 1839 the Times carried an article on booby trap; quite similar to this but that was an explosive device in the mahogany box….”
“Sherlock, please….” Mycroft was getting agitated.
“Yes…. One of you triggered the trap. It could be Gunter or any of you. Some place where your feet stepped on.” Sherlock replied. “Or hands placed on the flooring.”
“I think I did that.” Watson called out. “The flooring moved when I stepped on it.”
“Elementary, my dear…Nevermind, do not move for now.” Sherlock got the stares from the others on usual quip. “Watson, do move your leg to bring the flooring back. Do it ever slowly.”
Watson did it and nothing happened. He stepped back and then looked at Sherlock who had made his way forward. The sleuth crouched down to look at the flooring. He saw the tiny spring there glowing like a single spot there. It was yellow in the shade.
“Move the dirt. Don’t stand on the yellow points.” Sherlock called out. He then moved on past Watson into the darkened tunnel lighted by the luminous moss. With care, Sherlock then did not take haste in his exploration avoiding any spot of yellow nor did he step over the sighted yellow arrows. He made it to the end of the tunnel and came upon a cavern where he stood on the ledge at the top looking to the deeper bottom there. The cavern was not huge but narrow in depth where a narrower tower looms from the bottom. The tower held the dimension of about ten feet and yet it stood tall there over two hundred feet in height from what his eyes could make out in the dim light. He was joined by Watson and then the others.
“What in heaven?” Mycroft voiced out surpassing the others. “I have not seen such …. Delicate design for a tower since…”
“Shut up, Mycroft.” Sherlock cut in. He knew how much the brother of his was for the Isle of the Kingdom and exhorted anything else from loathsome to heinous. He was patriotic to the core.
“Could we retrieve the vine rope?” Junior suggested but Nemo took a stone to drop it down before turning to look at the others.
“Too deep.” Not for Sherlock who decided that his sleuth contribution needed to be consulted. He leaned over the edge to look down and then took intricate steps on the edge. He looked at the tower and saw it held a doorway there which was opened then. It was a narrow entrance there. They could not make out the inside beyond the doorway.
“Tell me of the next three lines of your page.”
Seek the Tower that reached low
Behold its sentries that looms
Trapeze and evade the traps
That was what Watson read out.
“We are at the tower and it does reach the bottom considering that we are looking at its top. So if that is true as conveyed to me by the Raj, let me move on to the other lines. Behold its sentries that looms, Trapeze and evade the traps.”
“Sentries? I doubt there are any.” Words spoken in haste do sometimes add despairs to the spoken. The sound of whirring noise vibrated from below and then they saw the source of it. “By his Majesty, are those locusts?”
Mycroft stared at the creature in front of his eyes. They were small in dimensions like the ravaging locusts of the wild, and when in their needs will fly in swarm to decimate the growing crops but these were not the same. They held the same limbs and wings with the elongated frame for the body but these creatures were not of God’s design. They were of some other make and were in the thousands.
“Pesky bugs” Mycroft had to place his opinion forth. “I have seen these before.”
“Pesky they are but bugs they were not.” Sherlock grabbed one with his right hand, and then it bit his hands. “These are pesky locusts if I am not mistaken but they are metallic. “Definitely man made.”
“Then they can be destroyed.” Nemo pulled out his sword that he wore on his waist belt to slash at it. It moved from his slashes. It also started off then a battle between locusts and men. The group then withdraw to the tunnel and the locusts stopped there. They were there to protect the tower but the locusts did not come into the tunnel.
“Mycroft, do not ever speak another word before asking me twice.” Sherlock cautioned his brother. “We need to go ahead and that is our way.”
Sherlock motioned to the tower.
“It’s the way forward. We have no alternative.”
Junior ran off to collect the rope vine and then he suggested a better alternative.
“We can cross over to the tower.” Junior tossed the rope over but there was nothing to hold it.
“Watson, I guessed that part of his intelligence came from his mother.” Mycroft forgot his caution. Sherlock pushed the brother of his aside and then looked at the doorway.
Trapeze and evade the traps
Sherlock took hold of the Enfield rifle and tied it to the rope. He improvised a hold for it to hold the rope before he tossed it over. It went in and then he pulled it back but the rifle formed a hold across the entrance.
“Guys, it’s time to learn some circus skills.”
Monday, September 4, 2017
Team Seven of Heroes II Chapter 30 & 31
The so named Vault was actually a lost temple with under growths. There were tales that the rich placed their treasures inside the temples. The other name for these temples was therefore the place of treasures. On the island, there was such a fabled temple that was named Shabdkosh in the local language of Malayalam. The temple was built for the worshippers of the island. It was in the earlier era before the first Raj arrived there. There were peace then and all the tribes were living in harmony. The warring began and the temple was soon forgotten until the jungle reclaimed it. It was then known only as the Shabdkosh. The path to the temple was tedious with no defined walk trail but one made with machetes and men trampling on the roots. Nina had shown the direction by the noise at the distance.
“That is the sound of the waterfall.” Nina explained. “It was a fable told to us when we were kids that the Gods slept in the huge cavern behind the waterway and then they emerged to ride the water to their chariot. They will ride their chariot to the skies.”
“Maybe their chariot taken off.” Mycroft imitated the sound of the iron horse snorting its coal fired smoke into the clouds and scared away all the living creatures that used to enjoy serene on the plains.
“Oh, shut up.” Sherlock was bored with Mycroft antics. “If you got nothing nice to say, stay behind the banyan tree. The exotic smell might trigger off your immortality.”
“Oh! Does it?” Mycroft sneered back. “I know….”
“Never mind, Mycroft. You just stepped on a plush monkey dropping.” Watson cut in before he side stepped Mycroft. The later was lost for words on his shoe condition but no one cares. They have not shopped at Saville unless you considered the flea market in London where Sherlock buys his carpet slippers as a peer.
Then Van Helsing raised the pertinent issue.
“Why are we not attacked by the ….enemies that we have not identified?”
“Interesting that you brought it up now. “ Sherlock was to add in his deductive questions when Nina called out.
“We are there.”
There wasn’t what Lord Greystoke had in mind when he woke up. He was still on the floor and both his wrists hurt. He pushed himself up and then turned to look for his lover. His mind flashed back and it worked him up to stand up. His standing was wobbly and he needed the wall to lean on.
“Hey, let us loose.” Lord Greystoke looked to the voices and saw two ladies in shackles. His animal instinct was to reach for the shackles but his human senses told him to know what needed then were get help. He fought against his mind but the weakness in him then was more than physical. He can’t do it alone if he was to save anyone. He staggered back on his legs and then went for the open exit.
“Hey, you can’t leave us here…” Lord Greystoke ignored it all. He limped out and then found himself in the corridor. It was a wide and tall one with some doorways on the sides. He ignored them all and continued on his walk ahead. He was getting out and he will return.
To find his love.
For John, their son.
It was the very same thoughts then of Lay Greystoke when her mind woke her. She flipped her eye lids to get a better focus on the surrounding area. She was lying on a metallic platform with straps on her limbs and she was nude. The last time she was in that state was with a handsome man; requisite for that will be the virility that came with the body.
“Darn! The bedding then was softer.” Lady Greystoke muttered out. She stopped then when she realised that she was not alone. Being naked with strangers ain’t her favourite pastime but it turned out her companion was a metallic rounded unit. The unit slide over to her side and then it emitted a series of beeps. Over Lady Greystoke a platform hovered over her with a number of needles protruding beneath it.
“Darn you! I dislike needles.” Lady Greystoke screamed.
Those screams caught the attention of the Irish hunter. Sean was searching for a way out of his confined unit for he was not shackled. There was the shackle there but he was not attached to it. The unit was just plain walls and flooring with the doorway hidden which was what he was searching for. He doubted he was dropped in or worse, he was already dead and that was his unit in Hell. That was all until he heard the screams.
“It’s not Hell, well at least not yet.” Sean leaned onto the wall to listen for the sound again. One scream normally leads to more. He knew it from the dying creatures.
Sean did not find the doorway but it opened by the pressure of the other person outside who opened the door by leaning on it. Lord Greystoke fell in. There were no wise cracks between the two rivals but the human affinity to assist then. Sean held the man in his arms before pulling him out. He was not keen to lock in one more time. He saw the wound on the wrists and bandaged it with torn strips from his shirt. He then held up the other by the shoulder and then they staggered on.
“Don’t you give up on me, savage.” Sean grunted out on the weight of the man laid on his left shoulder.
It was a huge place.
So was the waterfall. The biggest waterfall is the Victoria Falls at about a thousand seven hundred metres wide and varies in height from eighty to a hundred metres with a six hundred twenty five million litres of water flow over the edge per minute. The water spray reached up to a thousand six hundred and fifty feet into the air. Well that was the Victoria Falls; the Queen of all falls but the one that faced the group was smaller in dimension but its drop was deep into the deep sink hole there formed in the centre of the pond. The noise was the result of the extra deeper drop.
“Shabdkosh”. The son of the mother stepped up to hold her arm. “Yes, son. That is Shabdkosh. The one you hear from your tutors. This is the place.”
“I was expecting something huge like…. a temple but not the waterfall. It’s like a drop to Hades.”
“Well, nothing is the same.” The mother smiled. “Wait till you….”
“Look the lions are here.” Watson was the one who alerted them. A pack of six lions appeared at the falls growling and then roaring.
“Six? I thought there would be more but I guessed we reduce their number drastically.”
“I wondered if there are any kitties.” Mycroft cannot stay silent and the lions could not stay away before they charged. The group raised their rifles and fired.
Sean stopped at every corner and then peeked over before he moved on. He was being cautious and with a wounded man next to him, extra caution was required if he wants to live. He half carried the man and moved on till he saw the wall in front slid open. He tried to turn back but it was too late. Then luck was on him. The metallic contraption with the rounded top turned and rolled on.
Sean froze for a while before he pulled his wounded friend along to the open chamber. He sighed in relief when he saw their weapons there. He lowered the wounded man down and then started looking through the weapons. He rummaged through the ammo belts and the rifles before he saw the clothes. It belonged to Lady Greystoke. There was not much time so he went for the blouse. He tore strips of it and then bandaged the wound on the other. Once he was done, he took up his own weapons. The Enfield felt uncomfortable in his hand. He has always used heavier guns for the prey he hunts. He lowered the Enfield and picked up the Mauser Sporter Magnum Action with the .404 cartridges. It felt better in his hands.
“Dam you!” Sean levelled the rifle to his eyes and watched it through the scope there. He saw the face of the savage that he had faced in conflicts before.
“You scared me…” Sean lowered the rifle. He stared at the savage then with the wrists bandaged. “They are your wife’s and I …”
“That’s her’ too.” Lord Greystoke made his point. He then picked up her clothes before he reached for his batons and the dagger. “She is here.”
“Good point. So let us find her now. I am ready.” Sean held onto the Mauser rifle while he slung the Enfield over his shoulder. The other had then moved to the door and then stepped out. Sean followed close behind. The savage took on a running search with his face close to the walls or the flooring. He was trying to get her scent. He found her trail. She was behind the wall there. He was like his alter ego, slammed the wall but Sean have a better idea. He searched for the switch and found it. The wall slide back and they were in the room where Lady Greystoke was still strapped to the platform and she was nude. The male lover went for the straps to release his lover. Once she was free, he held her close to him.
“John, they took our baby.”
Three of the six lions had survived the volley and they were soon tearing at the group of shooters. It was mayhem trying to shoot at close range with so many targets; men and lions. The lions had a better chance for they were fierce and wounded which make them deadly. Their claws tore at the flesh and their canine fangs bit off chunks of flesh
“Shoot them in the head!” Mycroft then was holding the Webley when his Enfield was reduced to two pieces of scrap. He pointed the gun at the lion’s head and pulled the trigger. When a foreign object like a bullet impacted inside the head, it was like the fangs that tore off the flesh except the brain was more fragile. It collapsed when the bullet fragment hits it. The brain controlled the body functions and then with the brain dead the body dies with it. The lion fell down lifeless.
“Viola! It worked.” Sherlock concluded Mycroft action. The other two lions were brought down about the same way and every one till breathing stayed on their feet with the rifle as the pillar. Their numbers have dwindled to only a few.
Mycroft, Sherlock, Van Helsing, Watson, Nina, Junior and Nemo with Herr Gunter. All were armed with Enfields and even Mycroft who had taken one off the others. Nemo held also scimitar that he had brought from the Nautilus.
The others were dead or near to it
It was a tough fight but the victors get to walk away.
“John, I can fight.” Sean had sacrificed his shirt to cover the lady body while Lord Greystoke handed over his pants. He told them he felt more comfortable without it.
“We need to get out.” Sean told the other two but their choice was made for them when the metal contraption rolled in. Sean was to shoot it but he held back when he saw the savage grabbed the metal contraption. The unit must have weighed heavy but to the savage with his anger. His strength then was augmented by the years of conditioning with the muscles bursting at its tendon, the savage managed to topple the unit and then pried open the cover before he reached in to pull the circuits out. The force of his attack was repelled by the sudden burst of energy from inside the unit. The savage was thrown backwards but he was an savage and unleashed they are unstoppable. He jumped back and did more damage.
“John, it’s done. We can go now.” Lady Greystoke pulled at her lover. “It’s done.”
It would have been done if not for another unit that stepped in. It was different in design and it was tall. The unit stood at over the heads of most men and it held four pairs of upper limbs and it lower limbs were a set of six tentacles. Its design for the head was a diamond shaped inverted. There were no signs of ears or eyes.
“Kreegah!” The savage man jumped onto the newly arrived metallic being and holding the baton in his hands, he thrust the end into the diamond-head but the metallic figure did not flinch. It emitted a blast of light that shoved the savage to the far wall. Sean had raised his rifle and fired at the tall figure but the bullet literally bounced off the metallic frame. The tall figure then reached out its four upper limbs to grab the Irish Hunter and rifle before tossing the man across the room. It was the lady who sprang into action with the Enfield rifle thrust into the open cavity between the lower tentacles and the middle frame.
“Eats this, you metallic filth.” The lady emptied four shots in the metallic man. The six tentacles wobbled and then the tall figure slumped to the floor in a heap of tentacles. The lady then dropped her rifle and then used her hands to wring the diamond-head. If diamonds could drive a lady to wring heads, then the lady was an exemplary model.
“Arghh…” The lady did not yank it off but dislodged the head to the right with exposed cables. Lord Greystoke had then pulled his love off the unmoving figure.
“Keep away. I want to kill the ….bastard.” Lady Jane was still in anger but she soon broke down. “They took my baby……. Our baby.”
Babies were the furthest thing from Watson’ mind but he cannot see beyond the cubs that appeared on the side. There appeared soon after the lions died. It was always the case when the guardians were not seen, the kids run out to play.
“Doctor Watson, we are wasting time here.” Captain Nemo called out to the Doctor. “Do you know the Vault?”
Doctor Watson looked at the seafaring Captain. He then pulled out the paper from his shirt pocket. It was time to face the truth.
The truth how far men will go for hidden treasures even though it may not be there.
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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40
40 Whatever means needed Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...
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