Friday, August 18, 2017

Team Seven of Heroes II Chapter 19 & 20


The cavern was only part of the huge structure inside the island was the two level of chambers which included a huge dining hall, and two libraries that housed some exquisite paintings of the great masters and rare editions. The guests were led to the main library which the more delicate frames were kept with the temperature and humidity maintained. They were all led to the long dining table and served more catches of the sea.

“My father….my real father was an avid collector of the masters. He spent a great sum of purchasing or restoring some for his personal collection.” Captain Nemo motioned to the frames that were placed on the walls. Sherlock gave out a sigh of wonderment for some of those were priceless. He did had some previous encounters with the field of painting more so in the case of the Retired Colourman. 

“Nina, why are…” Watson had held his patience since he saw her but the scene of her hugging the Captain appalled him then. He looked at the lady he loved then and even borne his son. 

“There is not much to talk about, James. You were too long gone and I needed a man and father for …your son, John.” Nina stood there in her loose tunic and skirts that was covered with the flower motifs. “Dakkar was there when I needed him. He brought me back to my people.” 

“You failed there, John Hamish Watson.” Nina looked away from the doctor. 

“I came back to see your father when he was dying… and I did not kill him. I was not there when he died.” Watson explained. “I wanted to take you with me…” 

“To London? That was what you promised me years ago.” Nina replied. “You never came back.”

“I tried but your father had forbidden me to come back. He had me expressly told to leave. You were to marry your cousin.”

“And you did like a dutiful servant? John Hamish Watson, you are a liar. You were married in London. I knew from the friends of mine.” It was true that Watson was married then to a Mary Morstan. 

“Yes, I did. I ….She died.” Watson muttered out. “I never stop,,,,: 

“Doctor, if I may interrupt but we are up against time.” Captain Nemo looked at the doctor. “We have a treasure to find.” 

The others were caught off guard by the words of the Captain except Watson and Nina.

“Only you knew besides the dead Raj. Even Nina does not know the full details.” Captain Nemo looked at the doctor. “From what I learned from my friends we will soon be with the company of the German Imperial Navy. This is their fourth attempt and I hoped there will no more after this. We have foiled them before and will do now.”

Watson looked to Nina and then smiled. 

“Does it mean a lot to you? Those gold and rubies. I will tell you where but can I have my son with me ….. please?”

“John, I need…” Nina looked to the Captain and then back at Watson. “We will speak on this another time. The treasure belonged to my people. I want it back.” 

“There is never enough gold for any one.” Van Helsing snapped in. “Even the Templer Knights of old held vaults of gold. In 1307, leaders of the Order were captured and tortured for the whereabouts of their treasure. Te vast amount of it was missing. There were reports that a fleet of ships sailed off La Rochelle, France before the persecutors caught them. It was believed the vast amount of gold was taken off to some island.”

“Whatever and whoever they are, they are doomed if they were to step onto the island.” Captain Nemo cautioned the guests. “Let me show you the island.

Above the skies, Mistress Fa Lo Suee directed the dirigibles fleet to approach the island overtaking the gunship. She directed them to fly over it while her observers to scan the terrain.

“Find me a place to land the fleet.” Mistress Fa told her observers. “Prepare the landing crews. I want them deploy when we are there. Bring out the cannons and those explosives.” 

The crew brought out the artillery piece known as the Ten Pounder with the six feet length barrel that fires the ten pound shell to a distance over three thousand five yards. It was dismantled from its wheel but the barrel could be handed by two me with its weight of just over two hundred lbs.

“Mistress, the four units will be assembled upon landing.” The gunner leader reported to her. “Our special explosives will be more effective than the normal load.” 

Mistress Fa Lo Suee nodded and was given a signal by her observer.

The dirigible fleet was seen then by the observers on the gunship and an alert sent out. The guns were loaded but they did not fire. 

“Why don’t you fire?” Sean had joined the Captain on the bridge.

“The range is too far and more I do not want to alert them that we saw them. Its best this way we sailed on.” Captain Heinrich replied. “More to it, we have calm seas now but I see more perils ahead.”

The Irish hunter looked out at the view ahead. He saw nothing that would alarm him except the blue sea and then it caught his attention. There were the sights of the huge fishes there on horizon. He had not learned much of the sea fishes during his stay in Africa but he knew those species from his childhood.

“Orca….killer whales.”

“Behold the land lubber village.” Captain Nemo had then the guests on a track of elevated steps to emerge on the surface. The first thing that everyone felt was the sunlight on their faces. None of them complained despite the stale smell on their clothes after being in the submersible ship for days. 

It was then Van Helsing saw his bag returned to him. He opened it and removed the sawn off shot gun with the bandolier of silver cartridges. He was also returned the baton given by Lord Greytstoke. The later was given his extended metallic lance. A guard then carried in a case which the captain then opened up. Captain Nemo reached into the case and withdrew a long barrel rifle with a scope. 

“Behold the Mauser Sporter Magnum Action with the .404 cartridges. Bolt action and held a five rounds heavy duty bullets. I have here a bandolier with thirty rounds.” Captain Nemo handed the rifle to Lady Jane. He also handed her a S&W 38 special with the short barrel and twenty rounds. “For those recalcitrant which you are permitted to blow their brains off.” 

“For you, Lord John Greystoke, I have the best blade for you. The blade was sharpened by the master from the rib bone of the killer whale and given its serrated edge. It’s a rare design with the eight inches length blade with the double edged at the point. The hilt is then covered by the sinews till it formed a hand grip.” Capatain Nemo looked at the man. . 

“We are both outcasts of society. We fit in well with the other side; yours is the jungle and mine the open sea. We cannot live with or without them but let us pave our own path in when we have to. I won’t insult you by handling a rifle to you.” Captain Nemo whispered to John then. “We are survivors of the fittest.”

“Holmes…” Captain Nemo turned to the two brothers but they declined. 

“We have our own, thank you.” Mycroft proudly displayed his home designed rifle, the Enfield and the Webley. “Never leave the home land without them. They are worked with precision and love by our own folks.” 

“Very well, Snooties. I shall not be watching your back and undoubtedly you on mine but nevertheless, grabbed a few grenades. They are German made and they do make a nasty hole in you if they ever exploded. Just pulled the string and then holler tally yours before you tossed it.”

“No Billy jacks and baton?” Mycroft cut in with his English jab. 

“None of that but I do have a knuckle duster here from some Irish man I did a favour in New York.” Captain Nemo tossed the metal contraption over but it was caught by Sherlock. 

“I will take that. It might come in jiffy some time.” Captain Nemo then looked at the doctor. 

“Your gift ….” Captain Nemo handed over the doctor the belts of blades. He was to compliment the doctor but was cut off by Nina who stepped up to the doctor. 

“My father would like you to have this.” Nina handed over the leather case. Watson received it with both his hands on the worn leather case. He unzipped it and removed the long barrel rifle which he was shown before by the Raj.

“The gun fired a heavy calibre that it was named the Elephant Gun. It was designed to bring that raging beast to its knees. The thirty inches barrel fired up to fifty yards with muzzle energy of up to 10K pounds per ft.” The Princess smiled at Watson. “He wants you to use that. It worked for him.”

“I am not a killer, Nina.” Doctor Watson rejected the rifle. “I only kill because I was forced to.”

With that Doctor Watson stepped away from his ex-lover but she stopped him. 

“You don’t understand. Out…Over there are predators.” Nina held out her right hand to stop him. “You will not…” 

“Nina. I know what is out there. I was told by the Raj. I was entrusted with his secret. I will not kill those creatures. They are there because ….. of us. We are the predators. We did not come here to save them but to kill them. It’s the way of life here. And I disliked it.”

“You cannot change the ….fate of others but you must protect your own. Take it for …not for my sake but for our son. He needs a father.” Nina looked at him. “John, he asked for you.” 

“Don’t take my son into our troubles. I will get you there and find that treasure for you but I will not….. take my son back. He is yours and there he shall remain.” The doctor stepped away from his ex-lover. He passed by Mycroft who had grabbed the Enfield with the bandolier of bullets. 

“Well, I guess I need a new rifle. Can I have that please? I believed it’s made by the English too.” Mycroft reached for the rifle held by Nina.

“No, it was made by the Belgium. And they are better craftsman.” Nina handed over the rifle with a box of bullets. “These are English. Bloody noisy and ….”

Nina stifled her anger and walked away before Captain Nemo interrupted them all.

“I will join you with my trusted scimitar given to me by my father, and I will have that rifle.” Captain Nemo took the rifle rejected by the doctor. “If all else fails, I hold these.” 

Captain Nemo displayed the set of double holster with the revolver “They are gifts of a gunfighter I rescued from the noose.” 

“You are a very colourful person, Captain Nemo but tell me why are keen to give us weapons?” The lady in the group asked.

“I have a reply for you. I sought the treasure like all of you. Even Nina here wants it but we can’t do it alone. We need a team of hunters to do it. All of you are famed in your works, and among it was the skill to survive. You are all perfect for it.” Captain Nemo replied. 

“What makes you think that we will share?” Sherlock asked. 

“I don’t and won’t know until we get the treasure. And then will I decide.” Captain Nemo smiled. “If I am still alive then.”

“You have never been to look for the treasure since you …” Lady Jane asked again.

“No, I have not looked for it. Even after I brought Nina back here. Knowing the location was not alone to find it. You have to open the vault. Only the doctor knows that. He who was entrusted by the Raj.” Captain Nemo glared at Doctor Watson. 

“I am so sorry on my hospitality. Let us take a tour of the village.” Captain Nemo moved the subject. 

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