Sunday, July 2, 2017

Team Seven of Heroes Chapter 27


Constantinopole straddled the Bosphorus Straits which was the border from Europe and Asia. The city was well known as the imperial capital of the ancient Roman eastern empire, the Byzantine, the Latin and finally the Ottoman. The Ottoman did not hold good relations with England but it held diplomatic links with Germany. The steamer that took them was a German light cruiser of the Magdeburg Class. The four thousand five hundred tons ship went to full speed at twenty seven knots towards the eastern lands. The ship was armed with twelve guns in single pedestal mounts with a maximum elevation of thirty degrees. The seven were placed into the officer’s bunkers and provided armed guards.

The journey was to take four days and nights across the open sea. It was a time to rest and recover but for one it was a moment of reflection.

“It’s Captain Watson, John Watson of the Northumberland Fusiliers.” The man had registered his name with the hotel reception. “My sister, Harriet will be staying here.”

While the man pays the hotel reception for the three days stay, his sister was seen fanning herself from the heat of the weather. He was standing in the lobby of a major hotel in Kabul then.

“John, is it that hot here all year? I do miss London already.” Harriet or Harry to Watson voiced out her discomfort. He ignored her and waited for his receipt. He knew why Harry was there but the idea was loathsome and above all, it inconvenient him. The porter then arrived to take the bags but Harry had her idea of having a drink at the bar.

“I know it’s early by London time but I am in need of a drink.” Her drink was not alcoholic which was served only in the bar then but a long glass of lemonade. Watson settled for a cup of black tea and selected a nice spot on the patio to the end with his back against the wall. He was very careful with his seat and preferred the vantage point of knowing who he can see.

“Tell me, John. We were relieved that they found you.” Harry was ever excitable on his so named adventures. “How long was it? Two or three years?”

Watson raised his four fingers on the left hand to reply his sister. He was rescued by the Fusiliers during a raid on a local village when they found him. He was lying on the floor in the hut with a deep wound in his chest and shoulder. That was three months ago and with the time since then he had lain in the hospital to undergo post-traumatic stress.

“Your nice Colonel sent me a letter telling about your recovery. It took weeks before we receive it and when we did, I rushed over.” Harry took a long pull on the straw.

“How is Elliot?” Watson was to mumble some other name but he was not sure whom she had married but Elliot sounded just about right. They were all idiots to be associated with Harry.

“Allen you mean person. His name is Allen and he runs a book store. He told me that he would like to read your journal.”
Watson nodded. That message had rung into his ears several times since he met Harry but for the family sake, a slight nod was to suffice.

“I best be going to my room to take a long bath and refresh myself for tea. Your Colonel’s wife was kind enough to invite me to meet the officer’s wives.”  With that Harry stepped off to her room while Watson excused himself to the rest room. He took the walk past the reception and then to the rear with limped walk assisted by his walking stick. He passed the bathroom and went straight for the rear exit. He stepped out into the alley and then proceeded to the adjacent street before he slipped into the bakery and then out by the rear to the alley and from there to the street once more. By then he was two blocks away from the hotel and he took to shelter in the shades of the water pipe or shisha shop. His wait was not long when he saw the figure came running out of the alley with the eyes searching for him. The figure was dressed in the local garbs of loose tunic and balloon pants with the sandals. He had one a turban and was bearded. The man rushed down the street and was joined by another and they went running down.

Watson knew those men and he turned the other way to walk up the street. He strolled on until he found a single carrier carriage by the mule. He hailed and took it back to his destination. He was not concerned on Harry for they will not attempt on her life but his was a different matter. He has to settle the matter before it erupted into another war between the Governments.  The ride was long and then he arrived at the gate to the Amir Bashar.

“There is no pact between us, Sahib.” Amir Bashar had received the doctor into his hall of the house. “I cannot protect you there but I can settle the feud for you. It will be a battle of fate between you and the Rajah.”

Watson nodded to the request. He knew that his past will soon reached him and it was time to lay it to rest.

“Tell me, Sahib. Did you not know the wrath of the father who had taken you for his son in law and then yet you betrayed him? Rajah Manuj is not a man you can offend. He is associated with the killers that concealed in the dark.”


Watson nodded. He was in haste to get involved with the local girl and from there the trust of a man he should not had trusted. Once he was in the circle, he ended up with a marriage to the daughter.. He was soon with his privileged position and was told to head the assassin guild by his father in law.

“A Sahib leading it will not arouse the interest of the authorities.” With that for three years, he trained and fought with them. And even kill with them for no one suspects a Sahib to be one with them. It was a new turn for him to be a killer than a healer. He had killed as an officer but never that close. The feeling was ecstatic then to sink the dagger into the throat but soon he found out that it was not his doing but the drug that was ingested by his family in him. He resisted but the urge was greater to take the drug. He became dependent on it. He was a healer and then he forced himself to cure of the addiction. It was tough and he escaped into the hills. He lived with the ones that he was forced to kill. He fought his way in by battle of strength and was to become one of the leaders. He stayed with them until he was attacked by a group. He fought hard and won but with wounds. It was also then the Fusiliers arrived.

Watson was saved but he had not escaped his enemy.

It was time to end it all.

“My renegade son by marriage, you have returned.” Rajah Manuj greeted the limping doctor. “I was told that you are back with the grand Army of yours but you cannot rest. Was that why you wanted to see me?”

“My daughter Nina had forgotten you. She have married my cousin’ son and bear him many children. Yours…” The voice trailed off but Watson refused to take the bait. “He still lived. He lives with me now. He has your look.”

“I did not come for him or for her. I came for my …the battle of fate. Send me your best or even your new son by marriage.” Watson called out in anger. “I will test my fate in battle.”

“A fierce one that is you, my errant son of marriage. I agreed with the Amir to the test but I cannot fight you. How can a father kill his son? However, I have are your challengers.”

A long chain was brought in and it held shackles for the hands. Each challenger was shackled by the left wrist but instead of two fighters, there were three sets of shackles. The Rajah had appointed two fighters instead of one to challenge Watson. They were each armed with a dagger that resembled the scythe used by farmers.

“Let the battle begin.” It was then the child of three years was pushed into the arena.

The child was cut on the left forearm when Watson was deflecting the swinging move by the one on the right. Watson reached out to grab the child but had to retreat when the left one charged at him with the bloodied scythe with his son’s blood. Watson kicked out with his right leg at the crying boy to the side and then with a full body turn he swung his scythe on the charging man. His move had the scythe inner curve cut into the side of the neck and he pulled it hard. The scythe was sharper at the inner curve cut into the flesh and severed the air passages. By then Watson was cut by the right side man with the scythe aimed at the rear of his left shoulder. He cried out in pain and used his body weight to slam backwards on the man. He was not huge in frame but his strength nurtured then in the hills gave him power. He released the scythe held by his right hand and turned to punch the other attacker in the face. His fist broke the nose bridge and with the second blow he had the bones there lodged into the brain. The attacker fell clutching his broken nose before his brain made him go into spasms on the floor.

Watson saved the child that day and his sister left him for London in distress but blessed with a nephew that she just knew. Watson was however warned not to come back to India. 

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