Thursday, July 7, 2016


Lucifer’s Infernal Dimensions

Jimmy Loong
April 1st 2016


The warehouse was out of the city limits and had not seen activity for some time then. It was huge with the tall ceiling but its width was not defined for it was filled with stacked crates containing useless items. That was obvious by the layers of dust on the surface of the crates. The crates were stacked in rows and columns but the area at the far end of the warehouse was spaced out with the three long tables laid out in a ‘U’ shape. There were some wooden chairs there and then there nothing on the table. It was the chairs that got occupied then by six figures in the double breasted suit and the shined leather shoes. Their hats were three homburgs, two fedoras’ and one newsboy. The last belonged to an Irish who was a patriot and also bootlegger. They do share one common interest; they all smoked Cubans.

“Fritz, are you still feeling your prick?” The guy was wearing a darker suit and sat cross legged. He was a smaller man and lost half of his hair on the scalp leaving him a crown there. He was backed up by three guards standing there dressed similarly

“Screw it, Banker. I can feel it.” The other replied. He was one with the stacked body and the mop of hair was cut short combed down the middle. However they all stuck out like porcupine points.

“Can someone tell where the Devil is the ….” Fritz hit out then and swallowed back his words. To the assembled in the middle of the ‘U’, a figure soon appeared. It was not all that clear with the smokes with the smell of brimstones.  The new figure appeared in a white double breasted suit and matching pointed leather shoes. Unlike the others, the new guy had on the long hair braided to the rear and the set of eyes was deeply sunken into the face like a valley on the plains and the nose was the mountain range.

“Did someone called for me?” The long haired figure voiced out. “No one lie to me. I am the Devil. I won’t be denied.”

“I did…Master. We were…” Fritz owned up.

“Yes, you did voice out but there were others who voiced their dissent in their mind.” The new guy smiled. “I preferred honesty but since I am the Devil, please feel free to lie among all of us.”

None of the six voiced anything then and the Devil then spoke out.

“I am told that Michael had sent a new champion here. I believed some of you knew him as the Lone Ranger.”

The assembled seated there gasped out and the one named Fritz spoke out.

“The Lone Ranger? It can’t be. I have him imprisoned in the Pits. He can’t ….” Fritz looked to the Banker. “You are the one responsible for it.”

“My vault is impregnable and none of the souls have ever escaped.” Banker looked to the Devil.

“I did not say there was an escapee. I said the Lone Ranger is on the trail. The new Long Ranger.” The Devil spoke up. 
“He is more dangerous than the previous one. Michael had empowered him with more power. You knew of the Long Ranger and his guns with the silver bullets.”

“Woo…” The Banker smiled. “I have seen them on the impact. They pierced the demons like it did for the others. I will skip meal for it.”

“Thank you, Belphegor.” Belphegor was named the Banker for he was one with the great ideas to work things out Then the Devil cut in and then without a warning, Belphegor was flung across the area and slammed into the crates.

“If I need an opinion, I will ask for it.” The Devil issued the warning. He then turned to the one with Newsboy cap. “You ready to handle him.”

The one whom the Devil was referring raised the right hand to brush the hair off the forehead.

“I don’t give a fuck about the Lone Ranger. Cross my turf and I will destroy him.” The one who replied stood up. The suit was well sculptured to the body curves, and unlike the others, it was cut short at the waist.

“I am leaving now.” The one with the suit stood up and grabbed the hat. “That goes for all of you. Lilith does not do favors for anyone.”

Then one named Lilith then walked to the doorway hidden by the crates. When the doorway was opened, the scene outside was different from the warehouse view. It was a scene of wasteland and the smell of brimstones. Lilith appearance changed on her exit from the three piece suit to that of the loose toga with the sandals. Her shoulder length hair was braided with colorful beads.

The other four still seated sighed and looked at the one they called their leader. Belphegor the Banker had resumed his seat at the table. Fritz passed over the hamburg belonging to the Banker.

“Fuck! That’s not mine.” Belphegor the Banker pushed the hat away. He stood up and then stepped back from the table. 

“I will kill the bastard.”

“Emotions….” The Devil commented back. “Belphegor the Banker, you are supposed to compose at all times. How could you react in this manner when you are supposed to be an example to them? We are facing a new threat when we are to battle a new foe? How many have we faced before in the last war? If you recalled, my fellow brothers, we lost the war then.”

The Devil let those words sank in before he continued on.

“This time we will win but I need the time to prepare for it. Keep the Lone Ranger occupied. That one had come to our world.”

“He is only one.” Belphegor voiced out. “We are seven among us.”

“Six.” The Devil reminded them. “Lilith had left us. She craved for his attention once more. I am ever surprised that she valued him more than me who had re-united all of you here in Hades.”

“Lucifer…” Belphegor was cut off.
“I will hear not of his name in my realm. “We will win again this time. But before that, tell me of the rebellion that still plague me since my banishment.”

“They rose for the return of….” Belphegor cried out once more but was stifled by the harsh slap across his cheek.

“Heed my warning. No mention of his name or lose your rank with me.” The Devil cautioned the assembled.

“The rebels are not of a concern anymore.” Asmodeus spoke out. He was one of two who dressed fedora. He picked up his hat and then rubbed the seams. “My demons have annihilated most of them in the last ages. Even with his return, they are not of any threat.”

“Annihilated? I will share what I was to know. They are not beaten as what you have told me. They are in hiding and attacked the cities to free the slaves and source the supplies from our cities. You ought to read more on the reports of the killings on the street instead of indulging in your cigars and ballad of the dead heroes.” The Devil hit back.

“Master, we are containing the killings.” Maamon hit back with vengeance. “The rebels will be quashed soon. And the return of Lucifer. He will not last long with all of us here.”

“You are short of one now, Maamon. Lilith had returned to her previous lover. Some of you will not stand for any resistance. You are all demons inside. The Angel in you exist no more. Demons could only live here.” The Devil looked at the assembled.

“If you do not want me to kill all of you? Voice out now or kill them all before it happened. And the one that have returned.” The Devil slammed his right fist on the table. “The Lone Ranger must not ride here. Or be darn I will be allowed for myself to be banished again. Hades needs me for I am to reform Hades.”

“My Hades.”

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