Wednesday, June 22, 2016

LLM Part III Chapter 36


Aamon on his knees could not raise his head then for it was held down by the victor then. He felt the pull on his head and his view was that of the trails of bloods that was on the battlefield. The field was scattered with the bodies of figures with wings on their back. There were distinguished differences between the dead for some of them had wings of feather while others held the wings of the flesh discarded of their feathers. In between the bodies, were the discarded weapons that were the broadswords and the long handled spears. There were also the few mallets and three prone tridents. That was not the scene that made Aamon sighed but the sight of those who were brothers to him once before. They had left the Heavenly dimension to this lower one in the Hierarchy of the Dimensions. It started off with the words of one other named Lucifer.

“Brothers, why are we here?” Lucifer asked then in the Garden which once Adam and Eve once stayed there. “We are also the Ben Eloha (the sons of God). The selected few had descended and served to guide the new breeds of Adam and Eve.”

“Mount Harmon is not allowed to us.” Aamon had voiced out his grievance. “Hear me out, Ben Eloha. We are not exclusive anymore.”

Aamon had instigated the others who were there. Among the Ben Eloha, there were divisions among them. It was not of God doing but the influence of Man had eroded the level of trust and responsibilities among them. It was from there, the divisive grew to a level of rebellion and then the group decided to descend against the orders of God. They let their dimension and became what was to known as Fallen Angels among Man.

“We have been banished but here we will be the rightful shepherds of Man.” Lucifer declared. They defiled God’s true intention and brought with them many skills that once were the realm of the Angels. The Fallen Angels bred with the women folks of the dimension and gave birth to a new generation of human form which was the Nephilim. The Fallen Angels taught their followers a variety of skills and beliefs including the inherited metaphorical ‘witch blood’ that exist among the witches. That defiance did not evade the wrath of God, and the Angels soon came to declare war on their fallen brothers. The war was bitter and Lucifer was losing.

“Aamon, we are losing.” Lucifer had come to the side of the fallen brother. The duo stood there holding the bloodied blades in their right hand. “Whatever is the outcome, you must survive.”

It was then Lucifer dropped the blade and stepped up to approach the wing faction. He was not of any like them for he was once the Bringer of Light. He was also the creator of the Nephilim breed. When he was in his approach then, Lucifer spread his wings out. They were twice his height in the spread and when spread its tip was above twice the height. With each step Lucifer took, the wings extended another foot until it was twice its original length, and the figure stood high at the height of ten feet then. The talons on its fingers extended out and curved in like the eagles.

“It’s the Dragon.” The called went out among the other side of the faction.

The evolved form of Lucifer was then rightfully of the Wyvern which were then the predecessor of the fabled dragon. The evolved Lucifer then called on the gift of fire onto his hands. The flame flared in his hands and then streak out that like a blade twice the length of his arms. He charged into the once brothers in name with him. His blade of fire slashed into them. The ones slashed by Lucifer burst into flames and their kindred souls dissipated into a flash before it disappeared. He had removed a dozen of the Angels when he faced the one he had respect for.

“Michael.” Lucifer muttered the name. The other was holding the fabled sword known to the Angels. It was named with many names but it was the Michael’s sword to the Angels. He wielded it at the major events. He used it when there was a need for it. There were battles before on the demons that went waylaid or created chaos. Michael was the victor in those battles. Aamon was with him on those battles. He was a Lieutenant then with Michael.

A service Aamon was to regret.

Lucifer was beaten then by Michael. The dragon he was assumed had been cornered and called for help. Aamon had rushed ahead and deflected the sword by the Archangel. He was armed with the long handled mallet and that saved Lucifer.

“Aamon, I was wondering when you will turn up.” Michael glared at Aamon then. “You are on the wrong side.”

A choice he regretted then.

Aamon had surrendered and was arranged a reprieve.

“Aamon, your stay of execution may be served if you agreed with my plans.” Michael glared at the prostrated figure. “If you agreed to the task mentioned, you will be spared.”

That agreement was the longest mistake he ever made. He took his task to heart and guarded the Gateway of Hades. He served with a few other mortals that were part of the sworn group then. They were the Chosen Ones. There were several Chapters spread to several continent. The Chapter on the land was administrated by Bernard and then he was called to serve his service as the Colonel of the Army.  It was all fine until the white slab appeared.

“I do not agree to it.” Aamon in his pseudo of Father Dennis had protested. “It was under the protection of the European Charter. They have been doing that task for generations.”

“That continent was under chaos with the wars that were erupting for generations. The last Napoleon wars have depleted the resources there and they have asked for our help. We were to imprison the one there.”

Aamon was upset but he had no jurisdiction to override the decision. It was the start of the nightmare that led to then.
Daniel was one of the Chosen One and he took the task to heart until his death. He died suddenly but the will of God was not to be denied. He had awaited the return of the Colonel but the events happened so fast. He tried to stop the sale but the younger man had disappeared. He was barred from the mine and called Lance.

“It’s in God’s hand from then.” Aamon moaned on his lament. He then looked to the sky and muttered.

“Send me a sign or at best, I would appreciate Michael here.” Aamon then descended down the shaft.  He was followed by wounded hound that limped behind its master.  

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