Friday, June 17, 2011

MALE TALES Issue 1.052; Bullies...

Every kid may go through it..., and mum and dad may tell them to do this and that; but they themselves were in the same shoes as their kid then; they were lost as what to do. Sometimes they take the issue on themselves or subvert themselves to it. Me? I was raised in the streets so I had my way, and it did not mean an exchange of  fists; its called survival instinct. You do not react to a reaction; you create another reaction for them to reason out their action. I guess I won some battles.

So kids, fear not.

Till then, you can still my name etched on the bed side at Bed 5 Floor 3 Casualty Ward unless they re-varnish it..

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

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