Saturday, June 8, 2019

Dark 16: Continuum of Life; a View from Q

This is a tale adapted from the Star Trek Universe. I merely borrowed the characters from there to tell this tale.

“Enterprise, give me full thrust on the rear engines. I was us out of the Nebula now.” Captain Picard called out the command to his Commander Geordi.

“Captain, I have no response on my console. We are still moving forward at Impulse Power.” The Commander replied while he was tapping the screens which were his interface to the ship system. “I will …”

“Futile on your works…” Captain Picard heard the snide remark made by his guest on the Bridge. He turned to look at slim figure clothed in the Star Fleet uniform with the rank of Commander. He was to retort the guest when his Second in Command overtook the Captain with his reply.

“Q, we have enough of your game.” Commander Riker asserted his tone across the Bridge. He was at times overbearing with his attitude on the situations that were happening to the Starship. He was more than passionate about his role, that Captain Picard had corrected the former that he was watching his emotional reaction to the situation that prevailed then.

“Commander Riker, we shall not show discourse with our hospitality towards our guest.” Captain Picard looked towards his second in command or by ranking, his Number One.

“Picard, please do not reprimand the Commander. He has displayed what we considered as a faulty character of your race.” The figure addressed as Q replied to Commander Riker’s remark towards him.

“Q, you will address me as Captain if you are to wear that uniform and also be seated on the bridge of the Starship that is mine to command.” Captain Picard addressed Q who had also taken the privilege on the uniform and also acquired a seat next to the First Officer. The Captain had dealt with Q before, and he was an alien race with some astounding abilities. The Q race was not from the same dimension as the Captain. The starship was on a voyage to the unexplored frontiers of the universe. 

The crew have met many new inhabitants; some of which were hostile but many were welcoming to their contact. It was different from Q who had visited the Starship instead. Q appeared to the crew and had many times placed them in the path of dangers which were averted by the Captain’s resolving the issue. The numerous attempts by Q have proven to be futile or in more unflattering terms, frustrated at times to them understanding the Earthlings.

“Q, we have resolved to end your game now.” Captain Picard gave his reply to Q’s latest antics. “Your last have subjected my crews and the Enterprise. We have been sent on a trail to this Nebula to test us on how we will handle the fluctuations of space inside the Nebula.”

“And you have.” Q smiled at the Captain. “Your attempt had been in my view refreshing to my study. Why are you denying me this quest? After all, are you not interested to know the place your kind have been trying to understand since the beginning of religion. Do Heaven and Hell revoke your true self?”

“Q, we have not seen those places but perhaps vivid imaginations of your mind. Or what I perceived maybe your equivalent of the mind.” Captain Picard looked at Q. “We did not volunteer on this quest. You have commanded our minds to follow you or suffer other consequences.”

“Are you implicating that I blackmail you? You too, Commander Riker.” Q sneered at the Captain. “Your perceived ….”

“Q, in all our incidents of meeting we have never been given much choices in deciding. We are usually shanghaied by our Earthly terms.” Captain Picard replied. “Your …. Q may not be …”

“Q is well versed with your history and other matters. We find your kind more intriguing than the others we have met.” Q was then asked by Commander Riker who raised a pertinent question that Q was driving them every time.

“Have any of those other beings ever survived your curiosity with your foolish…”

“Number One, you are out of line.” Captain Picard stopped his Commander. He knew that conflict was Q’s mode of challenge. “I am sure Q….”

“Ah, Captain. Please do not interject into my …. reply.” Q turned from his seat towards the Commander. “To my esteemed Commander, I shall be honest. Not all our quests have been favorable. We did however lost some poor souls ….. your term from the historical archive.”

“Enough, Q!” Captain Picard has reached his maximum level of tolerance towards Q. “This must end.”

“End, Captain?” Q queried back. “Have you had enough?”

Captain Picard was surprised at the reaction of Q. He had never encountered Q in such manner.

“What was it that you had enough, Captain? Have I ever harmed your kind?” Q responded back. “Do you want to know about Heaven and Hell? After all, that was the belief of your being at these realms? Are they real? If they were, are they in your dimension? Or mine? Or are they on other dimensions?”

“Q, you win. We are intrigued by the location of these places. Are they real?” Captain Picard relented to the quest. “But we have been it by interference to our Starship. Our shields are on the low levels, and our decks are littered with injured crews. I am obliged to stop this despite our curiosity.”

“Captain Picard, you surprised me. Your replies had contradicting responses. You asked for clarification and then you voiced your denial.”

“Q, do not patronize me now. You should know from our previous encounters we are very ….. creative in our approach. I may want to see what Heaven and Hell look like but I am not keen to see that now.”

“Amusing, Captain Picard. Your responses are unpredictable as were our previous outcomes. Your being continued to create orbital responses to my being.” Q smiled. “To us, we are not the constraint of mortality limitations like your beings. We are neither of any soul or by your definition without one, which was your cue for the belief in Heaven and Hell.”

“Q, please end this.” Captain Picard pleaded with Q. He disliked giving up to the other but the last twenty-four hours were at best hellish.

“Okay then. I shall not tease you no more.” Q then clapped his hands and the fabric of the physical universe tore apart when he pulled his hands apart. “Watch me take you to the realm of Heaven and Hell. We are standing on the equation line between the two realms.”

Captain Picard found himself standing on nothing and yet his feet were on firm surface. Or the more definitive term, he was floating on nothing. He looked to the rear and saw his crews were in the line-up of a single line. He found himself facing Commander Riker.

“Captain, you are naked.” The voice of the First Officer caused the Captain to look at his strip nature. He was naked and so were the others. It caused some amusement to the members of the crews.

“I did not know you were …”

“Commander, I am not privilege to discuss my pubis condition with you. I will reserve it with the Doctor.” Captain Picard then looked at Q. “Why are you dressed?”

“Oh, on the contrary. I am not dressed. The uniform you presumed on me was actually part of me.” Q smiled. “Please allow me to re-dress myself.”

Q appeared then in the nudity that was similar to the others.

“I shall tell you this that I am equally comfortable in this form.” Q looked at the Captain. “We are alike.”

“I do not doubt it.” Captain Picard nodded. “But I find that without ….. you clothed, you are more like us.”

“Like the realm here. Don’t you feel that Heaven and Hell may not really exist? When we … not your kind ends the journey of life, you are just another number in the queue to continue onto the next journey. You may , however, be dropped back in the next phase of life. You could be in either time zone; pre-historic to the far future. Like in our continuum of Q, you have yours.”

“I would not wish the pre-creation of the universe. Your presence may be a singular entity with little imagination other than evolution.” Q continued on.

“Thank you, Q. We have seen Heaven and Hell. Now can we return to our …. Time zone.”

“Hold on, Q. Before we leave, I know you will erase our minds about this. But perhaps a moment please.” Commander Riker requested then. Q agreed and they all lined up for the photo finish image.

A short while later or was it just before Q had appeared, Captain Picard seated on the Captain’s seat was looking at the huge main screen of the Enterprise, his Starship. He then found something was making his seating uncomfortable. He excused himself and then retreated to his Ready Room. He then removed the infuriating item from his rear. It was a photo image of an entity he had met as Q.

“I wondered how I got this. However, I shall share it only with myself. If ever we meet, I shall tell Q we were equal there.” Captain Picard smiled at himself. “Not all of us needed hair at all.”

Friday, June 7, 2019

Dark 15: Was I the first...

Four older folks sat down for tea at the park with the pigeons pecking at the crumbs thrown to them. Of the four older folks, two were ladies. They are all in their eighties in age and had on their Sunday best for their meet.

"Sam, how old you?" Sam looked at the other who asked.

"Dean, I am as old as you are. We both shared the same date. I may be older by an hour but no one counted the hours when you were born."

"But you know. I don't remember mine. I..." Dean replied.

"Dean, you don't even remember your own birth date." Eunice, the other lady spoke out from the left side of Dean. "You can't even..."

"I do remember something.... other things I do very well." Dean stared at the lady who denied him his saying. "I do recall I fucked you but it was not my first. Sally was my first."

"Oh my God! Of course, we fucked. I am your wife." Eunice infuriated then snapped back. "But you were not the first I did."

"Ahem! Eunice, I think Sam meant well." The fourth person replied.

"Oh shut up, Tilly. I know you well. You were Sam's first. And he told me soon after we fucked." Eunice stared at the other lady.

"Ladies, if I may...:" Sam interrupted. "I am sure..."

"Sam McCoy, don't you deny it all now that we are old." Tilly looked at Sam. "And how could you fuck Eunice? Soon after you told me I was your..."

"Tilly, you are. We got married. didn't we? For fifty over years...." Sam defended his love for Tilly.

"And you never told me you fucked Eunice. Was she your first? I am..."

"Tilly, I remembered now. It was you I fucked." Dean smiled when he got his memories sorted out. "Sally was before and then Eunice. I was the stud then."

The conversation was to end when another figure stepped up towards them. He was an elderly figure in a white robe and held a huge ledger in his arms.

"Okay, I am St, Peter. I am here to process your application to Heaven. Who's first?"

"Neither of us was the first!" The four old folks replied unison. "We are waiting for Sally. She is to die today."

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Dark 14; Mickey re-take 2

“Minnie, have we lost our minds… I mean our……” I heard Daisy well. I was having my mud bath with the lemonade drink within reach of my upper limbs. I have no concern on my surrounding for it was perfect then or it was until Daisy turned up.

“Our male counterpart. Alas, I do not feel their presence now and then. Are they in any danger of extinction?” I reached for the drink and then took a sip. Lemonade was nice when tucked in with the cubes of ice. That exquisite drink dropped some on my swim suit; a two piece that Mickey would not allowed me to wear at the pool. He said it will rip our ratings from Kids to SX. I argued that we have live out with the timeline. Mickey threw a fit and it was not our first argument on the matter. He had taken leave of me, along with his friend, Donald. I disliked Donald for he was giving Daisy a hard time.

“Minnie, the boys are gone. I can’t find Donald or his cranky blue shade car, that would pollute the neighborhood for days with the terrible fumes. Boy, did he fumed when I refused his advances during that stormy night ride. Mickey left me to his good pal when he wanted to jam with his goof out friends. It was a short ride but boy, did that duck took the opportunity to seduce me.

“I am not into affairs with M’s friends, Duck.” I made my statement then when he his amorous advances were denied. He went into his frantic behavior but it was funny then for his pants was down to his knees, and he was likeable at best there. Boy, was I generous that night.

‘I am Daisy’s friend, and we were at your consummation day when the two of you peck beaks.” I reminded the idiot then. He went on with his drunken rage that he was deprived of his freedom. I had enough and walked back in the rain. It mellowed my anger then but to be home to see Mickey lounging at the settee when I opened the door. That was still bearable but he voiced out his request then blew me up.

“oh, hello Minnie. How about a blow here? I am watching ‘Polly gets her dolly in the pulley with Dudley’.” I flew into a rage and tossed the wet hair piece I had on and told him to ‘pulley yourself with this’.

That was it. Since 1927, we have been the ‘adorable’ pair, the ‘paire parfaite’. The one where he was known as ‘Steamboat Willie’. He was one then and now; all steam and no heat to the Willie. I was younger then, fresh out from the litter, and work was tough then. I was tending at diners and flashing my boobs to get the extra tips. Heck, I had to work braless to get the heavy breaths to pay. Mickey arrived and took one look before he introduced me to the films. All I did was scream and lifted my skirt…. I had the decency to wear my bloomers. It was only down off the scene. We had some good moments; I was not into kids and Mickey he was not keen either. We did it the safe way…. I guess he contributed millions and yet we made none.

‘’Minnie, I can’t live without him. He is all I have. He held the viewer rights and me, I am just the standby star. I have no permanent slot in the films.” Daisy cried onto my shoulder. Funny, it was for we have never cried on in the films. We do it in the ponds or the rain.

“Let us paint the city red.” I voiced out. “You can call the others in Toon Town. Tell them we are having a costume party.”

Soon there was the pack and among the invited were the delicious listing here; Clarabelle Cow in her red blouse and green boomers, Madeline Mouse; the blonde but she was not dumb, my nieces; Melody and Millie alongside with Angela, Giselle (1956), and Mildred Mouse (1955), and from Daisy’s family, there was Clara Duck (1934), Penny Beagle; the relation of the Beagles Boys, Stella Curfew even flew in from the Finland when she heard of the party.

“Could we join in?” I saw the roosters crooning; the Rockhead Rooster doing it on behalf of the Cocks United; among them was Emil Eagle; misled by the breeding, Gyro Gearloose the Inventive Chicken, Panchito Pistoles; the fat chicken-faced tycoon standing there gyrating the hips. They soon burst out into the number by Elvis Presley; “rubbernecking”.

“Sorry, lads. I am taking the ladies to paint the town red, and it ain’t Toon Town. So stick your rubbery dick inside you.” I sympathized with them horny brats but we are going to bay at Looney Tunes. I heard names like Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, the Tasmanian Devil, Porky Pig, Sylvester Mel Blanc or we just called him Pussy Cat, Marvin the Martian; he ain’t no alien down below and explosive Yosemite Sam, Foghorn Leghorn, and Wilie E.Coyote. Those were the names which we could squeezed on without losing our cherries. Or was it?

“Filly my feathers!” I swore I heard Daisy in her baby doll dress swooned over Daffy Duck doubling with Foghorn Leghorn. You can deny Fog lived up to his reputation with his finger licking good then…I meant beak. I was with my girls, Angela, Giselle and Mildred then taking the Martian around the Sun more than twice.

“Naida! Naida!” Stella was moaning out loud then in her native language. Who wouldn’t when the bearded Yosemite Sam was tonguing on them canyons there with his explosive twirls.

It was not truly our doing that attracted the boys then but it was the carnival mood there; the Brazilian Rio Carnival have arrived there. Naturally, the ladies in us took to the wax treatment who needs a strand to spoil the looks, and then it was the costume dressing. I told the girls; ‘we ain’t in Toons, so all tools are off.” I went for a scanty boa feather look with the stunning head gear on my head and left the imagination on the neck below. I am telling you the conservative Daisy have to be struggled off her bra in a girl’s brawl with Madeline; darn she is blonde upstairs and down. Penny Beagle was in her familiar shades; leather lashes bounded that will invoke the pussy in the cat. When she meowed, the boys all spurted on the draw.

The night drew to the next and the next, neither of us remembering the daylights. We had the town croaking or spunking that the Carnival was re-themed ‘Puss on boots’. It was actually Clarabelle Cow in boots and leather attire, stepping on Bugs while telling him; ‘shove your carrot or I will garrote you with boot lace’.

We staggered back to Toon’s Town and slept in our own bed. It matters not if the boys turned up dead or alive, we had our time done.

“Darn, I left my panty hose there.” I knew of this when I got the email from Sylvester the Pussy telling me then. The pussy had it twisted around his back right paws. And then came another email that time was from Tweety the Birdie.

“I smelled a panty hose some where.”

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...