Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Dark Tales 3: Yes, you bastard

I am coming in.

Hold on will ya. The body had one too many drinks and its not easy to walk with the stiletto I had on. I left the window opened. I guess it was always open. You love it that way; our expression of love to the world. Who cares what they see, or understand of it. We were lovers. You and me. Only us like the first time we make love.

Yes, you bastard. It was the shade you loved; dark crimson like the virgin blood I once shed for you. Even my shade for the night was the same dress I wore then; the tight dress down to the stockings .... You knew I don’t have anything underneath. You knew then or you won’t have rushed me. You loved the easy slides, and the shoes were the right height. Evenn my lipstick was the same shade to leave marks on you.

Yes, you bastard. Its all memory to you now. My lipsticks are all smudged onto some other places I cared not. I cared not who raise my hem or slammed me to the wall. I am not yours anymore. I did not leave you but you left me. You left me like the slut I was. Or was I your slut.

Yes, you bastard. I cared not who they were. I am just another body with them while my soul remained here in this room. Your slut is back in our very own suite with the huge bed and the stacks of pillows. You loved it when they are stacked below. I was ever willing for you even though you were selfish. All you cared on was yourself. You cared not to see me cry out in pain or pleasure.

Yes, you bastard. I am in love with you. And you left me with the exit wounds while death took you on. Fuck you... Yes, we did. That was always in you for me. Sorry, darling, I did not mean to say those sad words, but I am sad now. I am without you. Since you left, I had no one to love. I have my lovers but they were never meant to stay. They were there to soothe my wounds. The wounds you inflicted on me.

Yes, you bastard. I hated you. Fuck yourself. Here is my shoe. Do it up to your own. Feel the pain yourself. Feel the hardness and point. Slammed it hard and cared not for the pain. Yes, release yourself onto it. Yes, my love. That was how I felt then and now, I felt you once more. Come in deep, my love. I can take it all for you. Only for you.

Yes, bastard. I am lonely. That was our bed, and now it's without your warmth. I need you back. I can bleed for you but only you can stop the bleeding from my heart. I am a broken doll and needed your care. Please come back. I know you would if you want.

Yes, you bastard. Do you? Have we ever been apart before? I think we have never been apart. Not a single night since we met. Not a single day have I not longed for you. Not a single kiss have I missed from you. Not a single fuck have I missed of you. But you had to leave me.

Why? Was death your way to say goodbye?

Well, to each their own ways. I will see you soon. The jump will be on now.

"Adapted from the lyrics of the song Exit Wounds by the group named Placebo. "

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Dark Tales 2: Beat the Devil

Adapted from the short movie; Beat the Devil by Tony Scott.


“You have a smoke” My hands were on the steering wheel; firm handling of the Ford Mustang 1962. She was the first few to rollout from the production line. The two doors coupe handles well in all road condition, and despite its age, it could outrun many current models.

“Ford Mustang? I have not ridden in one for years. Kinda old to be on the road huh?” The passenger of mine won’t stop talking. He was at it since I picked him up on the corner street at four in the morning hours. He was a unique one; dressed in the turquoise jacket with those bottom flared pants and platform shoes. He had the hairstyle when the hippies went older and the disco stepped in.

“Not one to speak on, huh?” The man won’t stop talking then. “I know you are only a driver but I am feeling lonely. You could offer me a smoke, or stop by the shop there. I could get a pack there. You do puff?’

“Pardon me asking, do you like girls?” Man, the passenger was irritating me then asking me personal questions. “Not in, huh. You don’t know what you are missing.”

“My stopover…. Oops, you missed it.” I did turn the corner and it was not to avoid the stop but there was the car following mine for over two blocks and at four in the morning, they are either the cops or some loony drivers. I accepted the second for they also are armed and shoot before asking questions.
My passenger took notice when he turned around to look.

“Argh…. Told them I was not interested in the gig. Why can’t they just accept my answer?” I ignored the passenger for I was pressing the Mustang forward. The German V4 engine took over and we were doing the straights to the corners leaving skid marks on the road but the darned pursuing vehicle was keeping pace. I took a glance at it; the Italian model. They make good cars too; the BMW 7 series kept its distance.

“Driver, you have a piece?” I don’ carry one. Never felt the need for one. I have my Mustang but the BMW caught up. It kept paced at my rear with a few bumps on the fender. Darn, I just polished that part. We soon picked up another tail; the patrol car saw our tit for tat on the road and took offence. The patrol car tailed us making us into a threesome. I took the lead and drove towards an open yard where we could clear out our preferences. I reckoned we have three minutes to spare before we attracted the other patrol cars into a wild orgy of metal and dust plus wrecks. I turned the car into a tight u-turn and then faced the others. The BMW stopped before the Mustang while the patrol car took the position adjacent to us. Maybe that patrol car was a voyeur to our mating but I gunned the pedal down and turned towards the patrol car. The BMW did the same. It was a sandwich move and the patrol car reversed but it was too late. The BMW slammed into the patrol car but I was a deceiver at times. I swerve at the last moment and avoided another dent into the Mustang. I drove on and was soon out of the yard. I hit the road once more and took my way once more.

“Driver, we have the BMW on our tail.” That was not expected but I have to do more driving. I drove on with more turns and straights but no patrol cars caught onto us then. I came to a straight and hit the brakes with the wheel turning, I righted the Mustang facing the BMW. The other was not expecting my move and swerved to avoid mine. It hit the side walk and then went sideways towards the wall, and ended up in the flower shop.

“Driver, you are fabulous. Do you do this often?” I pressed the pedal to bring the Mustang towards our destination; Hotel Requiem. It was not an outstanding building among the more recognizable names beside it. The hotel was sledged in between two of those and no one ever noticed it, unless you are going to stay there.

“Hotel Requiem. Ever the magnificent tower hidden by the hills of metal structures.” My passenger looked out of the window of the Mustang. “She is like the old creations of mine. The lyrics kick out its own meaning unlike those new head bangers.”

“Driver, your fare is in my room. Care to wait?” I don’t wait for my fare. I collect them when its due. I stopped the engine and stepped out. I saw the BMW parked half a block away. It’s dented but still purring. It’s not your everyday car.

“You are following me? I do appreciate it. I never trusted my manager with my monies unless it’s in my bank.” The passenger stepped out of the Mustang and approached the hotel doorway. It was a tall double wooden door that resembled the doorway for a castle. There was a figure seated there with the head drooped. When we reached the doorway, the seated figure pointed to the door.

“I take it we can go in.” My passenger spoke to me before turning towards the seated figure. “Thanks, Jarvis. You still look good.”

It was then I saw the BMW revved past behind me.


We were to step in when another figure stormed out. It was a familiar face. Marilyn Manson; dressed up or rather undressed with the unbuttoned shirt and long coat. He stepped up to Jarvis and rant on.

“How can anyone rest here?” The singer stared at the reclining hairline on Jarvis with his left hand holding then the Good Book. “Creep down the hall, complaining about the noise. I was not practicing then. I was reading. And your Management told me keep it down. How could I? I was reading to sleep.”

“I doubt he could help.” My passenger had to do the good things also by the good book.

“Who ask you?” Marilyn sneered at my passenger. “Are you here for your refund? Take a number and wait. He ain’t answering any calls.”

I pulled my passenger into the hotel before he lands on the flooring with a bloodied nose. And me without my fare. We stepped past the double door and was into the huge lobby with the dome ceiling painted with the mural of the fallen angels. In the center of the lobby beneath the mural was the long white marble table manned by the figure there. He looked like Jarvis: perhaps they were twins.

“Mr. Brown. We missed you.” The other Jarvis looked at my passenger with the sneering smile. “And you brought a fri….”

Jarvis the receptionist was stunned when he saw me. I have to admit that I do have an impressive figure and dressed in the corduroy jacket over my round neck shirt and jeans tucked into the knee high boots; I looked like a younger version of John Rambo.

“I did …” I stopped Jarvis there.

“Do inform your Management that Mr. Brown is here.” I pulled my passenger towards the caged lift that opened there behind the long table. I selected the number thirteen then on the panel and the door closed. The lift shot up the levels and we saw the different scenes of unspeakable actions on each level. The only thing that was similar on each level was the twilight lighting and the silent screams.

“I will be honest.” The passenger spoke then. “Each time I take this ride, I feel naked and yet unfearful. Am I normal? Like a sane person or insane. It ain’t easy to be James Brown and scare kids.”

I was to reply but then the door of the caged lift opened. And another figure stood after it.

“It ain’t easy to be James Brown and scare kids. That may be true but Hell, you scare me and I am the prince of darkness.” The figure that claimed to be the prince of darkness held out his arms towards us. My passenger reached for it but the prince was offering to me.

“Brother, welcome to my …. realm. It’s been ages since we last spoke.” I disliked to see him but he is still my brother; bound by our souls and yet we fought each other in a war that was not of our doing.

“Lucifer…” I found my voice to greet him.

“Yes, my rightful name. I do adore that name but the others had branded me as …. you know them. Satanic was their choice. Devilish was more of ….. you may not appreciate that fleshy indulgence.” Lucifer smiled and offered us into his parlour.

Lucifer had unique taste far from my minimalistic approach. His parlour was alike to a fourteenth century Parisian decors for the walls and the furniture was Asian in design with the huge plasma television; that was awful in taste. He saw my distaste of his choices.

“Pardon me, Michael.” Lucifer revealed my identity then.

“Michael…. Is he who I think he ….He is.” The passenger of mine was gasping for words. “What the Hell? Pardon the outburst.”

“Without much ado. Mr Brown, I believed you came to see on some matter. Do state your piece and then be gone.” Lucifer looked at my passenger. “I do have a long conversation with a long lost brother.”

“Well, I came here to …. remove the gift you gave me years ago.” I shall have my passenger speak then. After all, I did pick him up as my passenger intentionally. He was my first that brought me the invite to the hotel and to see Lucifer. I knew of the hotel but we have a rule; we do not intrude without an invitation. My passenger gave me the invitation. I was drawn to him by fate or was it by random choice and when he mentioned Hotel Requiem I was delighted. Then he said his fare was to be collected and the invite was complete.

“Gift? I bestowed you no gift. I only opened your mind. I gave you the courage to be who you are.” Lucifer revealed then. “Maybe not the part of scaring the kids. That was your own doing.”

“Okay that’s done. Shoo off. I got some family matters to settle.” Lucifer looked at me. “Michael, shall we have a drink now?”

“No, Lucifer. I just came to collect my fare.” I looked at the other in the eyes. “It will be one damned soul that I will remove from your darkness. My passenger here now is the first.”

“I cannot believe my ears. And I don’t have my pointy ones.” Lucifer looked at me. “You spent eons waiting for an invite to come in and when you had, you took that as your intention to take those lost souls. Why, Michael? I would have given them to you if you only asked.”

“Spare me your words, brother. You never give anything away. You trade them like sunsets and sunrises. I have dealt the first trade. Mr. Brown is no more your passenger but mine. He will be free of your influences from now.”

Lucifer laughed and then he said to me.

“Michael, you have bested me once more after that last war. You may have Mr. Brown but the others may not be that easy to trade. You can beat the Devil…. once but not every time.”

I did not reply to him. I took my passenger to my car and drove off. It’s my aim to drive those lost souls back to the real realm.

“Driver…. I mean Mr. Michael…. I took the hotel register. Maybe it will help you to …. you know I am no angel myself.” Mr. Brown left the register in the Mustang and since then I have been driving more to the hotel.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Tweet...Tweet... 15/04 I trying to come back

I took a short break from the working environment. got more UV lights on the skin, lavished on poor diet and wondered why I could not sleep ( I left my notebook at home which I surf on the internet for the wrong stuff ), and only had my other notebook which I cannot surf for its shared with my wife. You can label that as PG or in my own terms PD which stands for you P... Denied.

I was more like in the recovery room of the facility.

And while there I revisited an old site where I used to dabble in the writing there, read other people's tales, commenting and other stuff. I needed the pick up from there. I skipped the ADULT pages despite the Inner Demons of mine poking me with the trident up my butt. I told the Inner Demon, you may be a pain on the butt but my wife could be worse and not only Butts.

I guess it worked for I wrote a short tale for one of the contests there.

I will categorise it as Dark Tales Collection. Kinda reflective of my mood....hahaha

Please read it and enjoy. I do appreciate any constructive comments

Yes, my dear. The influences were from iZOMBIES, Z Nation, Walking Dead, And more of others courtesy of NETFLIX.


Dark Tales 1: Hello Joey

 I could not help it but stared at the image outside the window. I guess, after a a year of resisting and killing them zombies, you would be immune to their looks . I had done it all; shot and sliced off their limbs before I removed the head. The removal of the head was the to make sure they stayed dead. Uncle Jake missed that part and ended up being one but I did him the final roll with his head. Well, back to the image there, it was a boy I would guessed in his early years, and probably got lost and then bitten to become a zombie. He stood there and stared at me. A silly notion came to me then, and it was then I pulled up a chair to the window and grabbed my can of home brewed drink of corn and whatever I could rummage from the ground. It tasted like nothing I have ever tasted but it gave me great feelings soon after I drank it.

“Hello.” I had my legs stretched out and onto the window will; leaned back on the chair and held my drink in the left hand. I would had use my right hand but its was missing some fingers then.

“You new? I have not seen you around. Are you looking for your folks?” I was being nice then; with my smile and generous look.

“I could offer you a drink but I am rather low on the supply. So pardon me, if I do the drinking and perhaps you could tell me more of yourself. You know make some noises will do.” I ain’t stupid. I knew zombies can’t talk with their brain dead; but they could moan and groaned. Not that I fancy theirs but after being left alone for that long, any resemblance of the words were refreshing.

“Oops! I may had killed your parents. I mean you are around and they probably are. If they were, I would had killed them for I held a rule here. No adult zombie allowed on my property. You could try to search for them at the mound over yonder. There I buried most of them, including Uncle Jake too.” I could had sworn then I saw tears in the boy’s eyes.

“Now hold on to your emotions, boy. I said I would had killed them or maybe they went to the other place. Lady Jane there kill anyone including me if she could find me on her property. Maybe they are there and you are in the wrong place.” I pacified the poor boy.

“Tough times, huh?” I lowered my legs and then took a sip of my potent drink. “I was the lucky one I guessed. I survived that long. We were once a huge family; pa, ma, uncle Jake and aunt Mary, and there were the three brats named Joey, Bart and Ted. They are all dead like you. I shot them all.”

“Hey, you looked lile Joey. Are you Joey? I think you looked like him last Spring.” I leaned over to the window and stared hard at the face. “Yes, you are Joey. Well, hello. I did not see you last round. When did you come back? Was it Winter or Summer?”

“Have you seen the others, Joey?” I had to ask then. I was being a good girl.

“Mary Lou, are you off your bonkers again?” I sat back on hearing that call. It was my parrot pet, Tell Me. I trained it to talk to me and it did was said those words. I had one look at Joey again.

“I guess class is over, Joey. I love you. I will see you when I come to class next time.” I got off the chair and walked to the kitchen to pour another drink. I heard my parrot calling out again but that I ignored it. I just want to go back to my cooking. I dug up a heap of them growth from the mound earlier, and they are brewing just fine on the slow fire. I have my works planned daily and that includes talking to Joey by the window or Bart by the fire place, and I threw Ted into the mou d. He was a pest. The talking to my cousins kept me sane here in this lonely place.

I walked up to my pet parrot and then reached for the button to rewind the recording. It was recorded by my Mum for me  

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...