Saturday, January 27, 2018

Replies to some questions posed to me... 27/01/18

Thank you for some of you who asked me some questions of late in the comments, and thank you for doing so. I will reply here.

One, I am no techie besides a fan of sci-fi series and movies, so I can't really help you at which platform to use ie WordPress or Joomla. I used here is the page and it have served me well for over five years now. 

Two, I do apologies for the spellings and grammars especially the earlier postings. English was not my first language, spoken or written ( we were taught English as a communicative subject in school hence the adverbs and tenses were secondary to the hellos and how's. ). But I learned the language the only the easy way; talking and understanding and correcting myself. As I did with other languages I picked along the the years. 

Three, I started off writing here as well as some other blogs as a fun time to interact with my daughter who was then in High School. She introduced me to the blog and being the dinosaur in the build and mind, I plodded on with clumsy steps. I started off with some small tales like the Male Tales, and then it went viral I guess. The fingers tapped and the laptops churned the data until the hard disk crashed ( a few since then ) but I did not stop. I enjoyed it especially after a long day of stress at work (my work does and its a relieve to be here. ) I used to type almost daily at least 3 to 4 hours, with the mind releasing the tale. I don't have one really planned but it just evolved as I write. I do try to stay at 25K for short tales or 50K for the novel length.

Four, yes, health took a beating the last few months and work belted onto the back like a slave master hence I was away from the keyboard. I have some other personal issues but its all being sorted. I gave myself time to step back and let loose my mind. Yes,. nothing creative came around, or it may had but only glimpses. I admit I do feel bad about it but I reckoned I needed time. 

And that time has to end soon. I will be writing this weekend like now. And from then I will complete my unfinished tales. So please stay with me. 


Friday, January 26, 2018

Tweet...tweet m trying to be back .... 26/01/2018

Hello everyone.

No , I am not really back as yet for my health is really affected, and so are my creative nodes which are blocked for some reasons. I could tossed the hammer up it but I doubt Thor will appreciate the s*** I dragged out. Yes, I watched Thor; Ragnarok......I won't comment here for I am a reader of the comic and this one.... deserved to be kicked on the butt.

I have also been working my butt off some projects last quarter. The last quarter of 2017 have been fruitful in terms of works but the pain that came from it was unbearable at times. I wished there was Viagra version for work pumping. It would have helped instead of 'Deep Heat' for the flesh.

For that, with the fatigue, and I have been resting from the writing, and with no creative flow its has been frustrating. I tried to get back in the hours spent yield nothing as yet. I read some books for ideas and none came as yet, or none remained fixed for ideas.

But the day I do give up writing when I stopped breathing.

So I am pushing to pen whatever I have. It was something taught to me by another writer; never stop and if you have to, pen down a word or line to keep the works going. I guess I am doing it here now.

I have a long list of tales uncompleted and its my resolution to do it this year by the first quarter.

Now let me watch the latest version of Murder on the Oriental Express. I wonder how it fared against the 1974 version with Albert Finney as the lead.


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Tweet....tweet....4/1/2018....Pardon the missing weeks

Firstly my apologies for being away. I was unwell, and took a longer break than expected. I am still recovering and will soon be writing once more.

Meantime, here's to 2018 and a better year to come.

For my delayed start to the year, I hereby leave you some jokes below:

Its called Lessons on Life.

A pair of robbers took their heist on a bank in downtown. They gave them staff and guests there some management lessons not taught in learning institution.

First: Don't move or risk your life. The money belongs to the Bank but your life is yours. Lose the later and no one will pay you.
Lesson: This is called Changing the Conventional Way of Thinking.

Second:When a lady there posed herself seductively, the attentive robber approached her and told this; we are here for the money and not you. So stop tempting me to rape you.
Lesson: Be focus and act professionally. Do you what you are trained for. With enough money, you can have the ladies be more professional in their services.

Third: Soon after the robbery. the robbers who was college educated queried the partner who was older and lack the college degree on the amount they stole. The older one looked at the bags of money and then replied: don't be hasty. The Bank will soon advise us how much we took by the evening news.
Lesson: don;t waste your time on trivial works. Other will do it for you. That came with experience which is more than you could learn in school.

Fourth: At the Bank, the Manager was to report the amount of money lost. He added in fifty million to the lost amount which he had embezzled earlier.
Lesson: This is called Work to your benefit. Don't bang your head against the wall most times. Secure opportunities when chanced on.

Fifth: When the robbers heard the amount they took was substantial to what they actually had, they were upset. They risked their lives for the money but the bigger chunk was taken by the Manager by deceit.
Lesson; Its not all in the books the things you can learn but its what the book cannot teach you, you learned from the outside the book.

What does the above tells you on life lessons?
Its all in the way we think but stay focused to work on the important tasks to reap the benefits and not hold a narrow vision in your mind.

Till I fully recover, take care and have a nicer time here.


Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...