Monday, October 14, 2024

The Loyal Lieutenants Act One Scene Two Sub Scene One


Act One

Scene Two

Sub-Scene One



The figure walked in after the departure of the lieutenants and Consul. Enobarbus held a firm frame then, with aa wide shoulder, aa thick swath of dark hair, and a thin moustache that he trimmed daily on his upper lip. He was dressed like any other; he wore a striped blue suit and held the fedora in his left hand.

“Sit, Enobarbus.” Caesar offered the middle-aged junior lieutenant.

“Thanks, Caesar.” Enobarbus took the seat, which was two seats from Mark Antony. He had heard of Mark Antony but never met him. met him. Or they may have in some battles, but with the bullets whizzing past the ears, it was pardonable not to remember who was nearby.

“I read the reports of you handling the warehouses. You got the inventories right and the boys sorted out.” Enobarbus did and shipped out two of the boys in the crates to the high sea on a one-way journey. They were on the take from the Parthians.

“Enobarbus, meet Mark Antony.” Caesar introduced them then. “I want you to assist Mark on the cases of the murders. He is only back in Rome.”

“Murder cases? Caesar, I am not an expert.” Mark raised his protest.

“Enobarbus is an ex-cop and joined us after some issues with his captain. He was previously with the Vice Section and busted some good operations.” Caesar spoke of Enobarbus past. “He will be your sniff dog.”

“Do we have any issues here, Enobarbus?” Caesar asked.

“No, Caesar. I will do my best.”

“You do that. Sniff out what the cops are doing with the cases. I am sure they have some leads, or suspects, or whatever; just get it done.”

“Yes, Caesar.” Enobarbus looked at Mark. “Pleasure to be of service to you, Boss.”

“Caesar, if I may be excused, excused, I want to see my family.” Mark stood up. “It had been some......”

“Go. I will need to speak to Enobarbus on other matters.”

“Thank you, Caesar.” Mark took his leave.

“Enobarbus, while you are there, lean on the captain by the name Elliot Ness. That new guy is from Florida and is part of the Treasury Team. I was advised that he was told to assist in the murder case of Moses. He is paired up with Best. You know the ‘Best’ guy??”

“We started together as a team, but since I left for Vice, we lost touch.” Enobarbus said.

“He was in crime, and he never asked you for favours? Like a free filly.” Caesar looked at Enobarbus. The latter knew better than to tell a lie to Caesar. He had ears and eyes everywhere.

“He was cleaned there. He did do some takes on opium.”

“Yes, I recalled. Skinny wag they called him, but he is a mean fighter.” Caesar smiled. “Get him some sticks from the tongs. And when you are there, check on Tiger Wong. He may know something we do not have.”

“Yes, Caesar.” Enobarbus nodded.

“Enobarbus, this is a favour of mine. Watch over Mark Antony. He is a tough guy, but being too far away from Rome may have dulled his reflexes. Watch over him well. He is my cousin.”

“Yes, Caesar.” Enobarbus nodded again.

“And I am expecting a delegate from Egypt. I heard you had some dealings with them.”

“Yes, Caesar.” Enobarbus nodded. “There was a dispute over some missing crates. We sorted it out later.”

“Who did you deal with?”

“Mr. Mardian was his name. Young dark frame with a mean attitude.” Enobarbus said. “We almost drew guns.”

“You did?” Caesar asked.

“Nope. He was outgunned and decided that diplomacy was better. We recovered the crates, and he shipped them by those barges to Egypt.”

“Do you know Mardian is not a Medjay. They are the Pharoah’s’ personal guards. Mardian reports to the half=-sister, Lady Cleop.” Enobarbus told Caesar.

“Mardian? He is a mean bastard, as I was told. He does not have any balls on him.” Caesar smiled. “I made him tougher.”

“Eunuch, Caesar?” Enobarbus was curious. “I did not see below the belt.”

“I know you will not. You are an eagle, always on top.” Caesar smiled. “Go good on the murders, and I will send you to Egypt soon.”

“Yes, Caesar.” Enobarbus nodded. “Am I assigned to Mark Antony?”

“Yes. Do you have any beef with him?’

“No, Caesar. I knew him by reputation. I served with him, but he may not recall a younger version of me.”

“Do your best. He is a good man.” Caesar looked at the others. “Find out who is killing our boys.”

“Yes, Caesar.” Enobarbus smiled,



The Loyal Lieutenants Act One Scene One Sub Scene Three


Act One

Scene One

Sub-Scene Three

Elliot Ness


“Elliot Ness, aa Federal Agent.” Elliot displayed his credentials to the coroner when he arrived at the morgue. He disliked the sight of dead bodies. He was once sent to visit one of the centres where they stored the unclaimed bodies. The staff there maintains the corpses as samples for their understanding of the dead bodies or just to harvest the organs for the medical school. For many, that practice was named the body farm.

“This is a dead man, early forties, shot in the chest and head.” The head of medical then explained. “He was dead when the bullet pierced his heart. The head shot was post-mortem.”

For the record, twenty-five of the thirty-three officers who visited the morgue puked there on the floor. Elliot was in listed at the twenties.

“You may use the paper there to wipe your mouth.” The coroner told Elliot after he puked.

“Thank you, Doctor...” Elliot read the name tag: McDaffy, Edward. The doctor saw Elliot reading his name.

“Daffy. It was given to me by to me by my grandmother. She reckoned if my dad is Duffy, then I may be Daffy.” The coroner smiled. “Family issues.”

“Mr. Ness, I am the doctor here.” Doctor Daffy smiled. “It says there.”

“I am...” Elliot was ignored.

“My mother was from Dover, and my father was Scots. He died in the war. He was part of the British Expeditionary Forces ( (BEF, sent to Ypres. He was the lucky one to be killed early. His body was sent home and I was just out of medical school."  The so--named doctor smiled.

“I was assigned to this morgue when we ran out of coroners. Guess the tutors liked the way I gutted the specimens. My mother taught me that at home. Anyway, most of the others were sent to the front to be real doctors. Anyway, I am happier here. I get to talk to my patients loudly. None of them complained when I removed their organs or amputated a limb.”

“I have seen the conditions of their livers. It was a good task you are stopping them from them from smuggling in the liquor.” The coroner looked at Elliot. “There is a dark mass of decay there.”

By then, Elliot was out of the door to puke outside. When he returned, he was offered a glass of whiskey.

“Nothing but the best from the Highlands.” The doctor cleared his glass in one gulp. “Sorry, we ran out of glasses. The laboratory was kind enough kind enough to loan me the beakers here.”

Elliot managed to make it to the wash basin before he threw up his earlier meal.

“Could not hold your drink, huh? Ness? Is that Scottish by origin?” The doctor asked.

“Norwegian. My parents are Norwegian.” Elliot smiled. “We moved to this continent before I was born.”

“God Morgen. (Good morning in Norwegian.) I have a Norwegian neighbour. His name was Karl. He was formerly a surgeon but lost his feel for the fingers. He told me it was not Aquavit, their national drink, but his tendons were frayed from many hours of surgery.” The coroner sighed. “Actually, it was his nerves. He had performed badly in the later years.”

“Well, Doctor ……” Elliot wanted to get the task done and be off but the coroner was still talking.

...( #:~:text=In%20some%20jurisdictions%2C%20the%20coroner,and%20violent%20causes%20of%20death.)

“Why are you here?” The coroner may be absent--minded at times.

“I am assigned to the case of the dead man named Moses.” Elliot moved the subject at hand.

“Moses? Yes, I knew Moses well, and it is sad to read about him.” The coroner looked at Elliot.

“I was referring to Sorlini ‘Moses’ Anton.” Elliot wanted to see the report.

“Yes, I know him. He delivers the sermon after the pastor does his part.” The coroner smiled. “His sermons were like a baptism of fire.”

“Where is...?” Elliot was asking about the report again.

“Moses over there, on Mount Sinai. I named my tables by the names of the mountains. That is Fuji, and that is the Andes, and....... Mr. Ness, do you need another drink?”

Elliot was over the wash basin then. He saw the dead body of Moses, with the chest cavity opened. His legs below the knees were amputated.

“One sad thing about the dead is that is that they do not throw up their contents. I must extract it out by hand...... olives and pesto......” That comment by the doctor made Elliot throw up more.

“Do you know that based on your diet, along with hydration, levels of exercise and stress, and other factors, that will determine how much you could poop??” The doctor continued. “That guy was not so much. He …….”

“Can I have the report, please, doctor?” Elliot wanted to make his exit.

“On the table. The brown envelope.” The doctor motioned to the table. “He ……”

Elliot was out of the morgue by then. Later, Elliot was nursing the cup of thick black coffee while reading the coroner’s report.

“Boss, I could have told you that a dead body was not a great sight. I once saw a bloated corpse..

“Shut up, Mr. Best. I am reading the report here.” Elliot took offense to the comments. The report was detailed and the victim had died of the wounds in the heart and liver. The other wounds were not fatal. Other than that, the victim was walking dead with a sick liver and heart.

“Guess he was due soon.” Elliot sighed. He then looked towards Best.

“Who had grudges with the Romans?”

“Rome? They are better known as Rome. Whoever said he was from the Romans isis from the yesteryears.” Best looked at the agent.

“The papers I read on the train. He was one of the lieutenants of the Romans... Rome.”

“Well, then I asked for the papers then. I would not know. Rome operates a huge organization with many businesses and allies, as well as many more competitors. He could be anyone there.”

Elliot got up to walk to the vehicle.

“Where to, boss?”

“To my hotel.” Elliot had enough of his first day in Rome.





Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Loyal Lieutenants Act One Scene One Sub Scene Two


Act One

Scene One

Sub-Scene Two

Mark Antony


“Mark Antony? A familiar name, and more so when we fought together.” Caesar asked. The man was introduced as Mark Antony approached Caesar and hugged him.

“Hello, cousin.” Mark smiled. He was related to Julius Caesar through his mother, Julia. Julia was a member of the Julii, specifically the Caesar family. Her father was Lucius Julius Caesar, and Gaius Julius Caesar was her cousin. This relationship made Antony and Caesar distant cousins, but their involvement in the battles with the Gaul’s made him admired by Caesar.

“Cousin?” Brutus was surprised. “I never knew.”

“Not many knew. I hardly expressed my lineage to many.” Julius smiled. “Mark here is a relative of my father. We battled the Gaul’s when he was just an enforcer. He fought well, and one day, he saved my life.”

“It was a moment of opportuneness to be there then.” Mark had seen the Gaul hitman who had flanked Julius. He did what was needed; he rushed over and shot the hitman in the back.

“Not my best shot.”

“Yes, Mark was not happy with the kill. He is a gentleman at the battles; no backstabbing or that rear shot. He wants to see his victim’s eyes when they are killed by him.” Julius laughed. “Not all of us here do that. We take the opportunity when there is one.”

“How are you, Mark? I did not get to see you after Gaul’s called for a truce.”

“I was away. The... Consul assigned me to handle the Sicilians up north.” Mark smiled. He wanted to say that it was Julius who send him but that will be embarrassed the other if said. “I …….”

“Was it mine to call? It may not be, but things have been piling up. Say it was my call and welcome back.” Caesar corrected the situation.

“It may be but for now, do have a seat here.” Julius offered Mark a seat at the round table. Brutus was ignored, but he took one of the available seats. There were eight seats, and on that day, with Mark Antony and Brutus, six seats were taken.

“I was discussing the killing of two of our lieutenants, Isaac, and Moses. We need to find out who is involved.” Julius looked at Brutus and then Agrippa.

“I suspect it was the Visigoths. They have been... " Brutus was intercepted.

“Alain of Visigoths would have told me of that. I will send a message to him.” Julius said. “I do not believe it can be him.”

“And Dino. I overheard the name mentioned.” Brutus smiled and then added. “Do you trust the Visigoths? May the gods hold you in their favour.".

“Alain and I go back some years. We had been rivals, but we have called a truce on it for some time. I …...”

“You shot his nephew, Daniel.” Brutus reminded Julius.

“And he shot my cousin.” Julius reminded Brutus: “Tom Casey was shot by the nephew, and I seek revenge.”

“Vengeance never ends. Soon, it was all over for us.” Brutus sighed. “How all occasions do inform against me,

And spur my dull revenge!” (Hamlet 4.4.35-6)

“Brutus, please ……” Agrippa cut in.

“Both were fools. They were fighting over some filly in Philly.” Julius recalled the conflict.

“It was the cause of the war then.” Julius looked at Mark. “We battled for over a month before we called it off to discuss a truce. Crassus was the mediator, and later found out to be the one that Casey was in the mess. The filly was Crassus dame.”

Mark nodded towards Julius. He was in the war, but he never knew why. He just did as his task required. It was the same when he asked to mediate with the Sicilian.

“Why are you here?” Julius asked Mark. “I meant back here.”

“I was to come here to tell you that the Sicilian agreed to the arrangement with Rome. We will not go above the agreed borders; the 38th parallel, and all will be fine.” Rome was on the alert for a war with the Sicilians over some territories. It was a year and six months dealing with Mark for Rome, and the other side was one named Sonny “Boy” Carlini. Mark was the emissary of the Consul, but he was more of a hostage there initially. He did his best and was rewarded by the agreement.

(The other rarely known 38th parallel structures, also known as the 38th parallel lineament, are a series of seven circular depressions or deformations stretching 700 kilometres (430 mi) across southern Illinois and Missouri and into eastern Kansas.)

“How is Fulvia?” Julius asked. “And Lucius? Did you visit them yet?”

The illicit relationship of Mark and Fulvia was hidden but Caesar knew all that was to know of his boys.

“I have not met them yet. I was chaperoned here by the Consul member to meet you.”

“I was told of Mark’s return and had him brought here. He …...” Brutus wanted to claim credit for the visit. “We battled once; I was his commanding boss’ foe but we are good now.”

“Mark needs to see his family now. The meeting is over.” Julius told everyone. “Lepidus sends in Enobarbus from the corridor.”

“Oh, Mark. I duly apologize, but could you stay behind? I may have a task for you.” Julius said.

“Before we end, Caesar, I want to report on the arrival of Agent Elliot Ness from Treasury. He just arrived.” Pedro Menas looked at the emperor. “We know little of him. He may be...”

“The Treasury agents are manageable. The last one was taken from us. We did not give him the cement shoes.” Agrippa cut in. The last agent was handled by the ‘Muddles’ when he renegaded on their dealings. He wanted to cap his hauls for the authorities and was dunked in the drum of cement legs. He was to feed the fish at sea off the coasts, while the authorities had him tagged as ‘dirty’ when they found a suitcase of money in his apartment. His disappearance was considered a close case thereafter.

“Elliot is paired with Best. You do recall him from...” Agrippa was cut off.

“I remember him. He had his best friend shot before his eyes. He ……. I will attend to the matter later. Get me, Enobarbus in.” Julius ended the meeting.


The Loyal Lieutenants Act One Scene One Sub Scene One


Act One

Scene One

Sub-Scene One

The deaths are piling up.


One thing that in the city of Rome, the killing of gang members was an accepted event there. The city founded a few decades ago, from a fisherman’s stopover and later developed with the sea port and then the warehouses with the supporting factories; it went big with its population. The needs of the dwellers sprouted the trade business and the city was named. Rome took seven decades to grow, and with it the districts that were governed by a dozen reputable gangs: the influential Romans under Caesar, the ‘Rico’ from the Latino clans, the ‘Muddles’ from the Irish boys, the ‘Axe Bros” from the Saxons, the “‘New Knights’ of Gaul’s and ‘Spartacus’ from the Visigoths that came from the ghettos, and among the other smaller gangs, the Tongs, Parthian, and Thracian.

The city needed its guardians.

It was all fair when the gangs clashed over the territories or when someone made a scene on the other side. There were spats over name-calling, illicit affairs, or perhaps a hijack or two. Or head cracked at the Gin Mill; these booze shops were to be operated and protected by the gangs. In the case of conflict, the retribution will take place, and after the shootout, the gangs will call for a truce, and the bigger gangs will mediate the peace terms. It will work most of the time in the first round of negotiations.

There was no Godfather like the other gangs but the Kings ruled their domains. It will bring the Kings to mediate the conflicts.

Or at times, after the round of talks, some blood is shed among them before they holstered back the guns. It may take longer if the conflict involved the more influential gangs.

Ol’Moses getting iced was one bad event. He was a part of the Romans; the huge gang of Rome; he was a lieutenant by rank with the Romans. From the outlook, he was a nice chap; he ran the lotteries shops and always smiled at the ladies. They called him the Sheik for his nighttime was with the Molls. When it comes to the weekend, he was all about getting closer to God. He spent his time at the church talking about God, hence his nickname, Moses. Moses will speak about the Ten Commandments every weekend.

Till that day when he was encased at his feet in the slab of ice.

“Caesar, we do not have the full report yet.” Sully Agrippa, the senior lieutenant of the Romans, looked at the newly appointed Caesar, Julius Caesar. He had known Julius Caesar having fought in the battles with him over the other gangs, and saw his bravery in the fights. Caesar was one of the senior lieutenants of the Romans along with Crassus and Genus Pompey. The Romans were formed two decades starting from the bootlegging activities to smuggling. It was then formed by the twin brothers Remus and Romulus, their nicknames then.

“The Romans challenged anyone who will defy their might.” That was the message of the twins. They fought the others and grew the numbers. They soon become the respected gang at Rome after defeating the Visigoths and Muddles. They took helm of Rome to become the top gang. They became so well known that the Romans were also branded as the new Rome; the city they controlled majority.

Nevertheless, there was always the younger and reckless ones.

The founders of the Romans were retired with bullet wounds in the chests by the Thracians, the other seniors took rein on the gang then. The Roman’s retribution was a massacre of the latter, and it placed fear into the others not to challenge the Romans. It did not end there, they having to battle their way with the other gangs for the territories, the new Rome was built in seven years, and in the last three years, the trio of Julius, Crassus and Genous Pompey formed the first Trimvir after they reigned supreme.

A year later, Crassus was shot in an assassination a year later by unknown assassins. Six months later, Julius Caesar took control and soon ousted Pompey. The trimvir was dissolved, and Julius became Caesar, the boss of the Romans. He was also called Emperor. He had the Romans changed their name to Rome; ‘We will own all of Rome.’

Sully Agrippa was at the library of the huge mansion of Rome, with the attendance of the other senior lieutenants of Rome, Pedro Menas Lucan, and Johnny Lepidus. They were seated at the round table in the library, a memento of the Londoners to the Romans from years ago, when Rome was governed by seven gangs. But with the changes made by Caesar, as to appease the boys in Rome, the Consul was formed among the seniors to appease the them while Caesar managed the affairs of Rome. It held thirteen seats but only five or less seats were ever taken up.

On that day, four seats were taken.

“Find out quick. Last week, Isaac was at the baths. He was shot dead with five wounds; they found a full clip of bullets shot at him. Either the shooter was bad at the aim or was leaving us a message.”

“Yes, Caesar.” Pedro Menas ‘Toby’ Lucan is another lieutenant of Rome nodded and Consul member. He once served with Genous Pompey but left when Caesar took over. He was not liked by the others, but he was a loyal lieutenant of Rome.

“We know.” Sully Agrippa said it with a tone of sarcasm. “I am not stirring the nest on this, but hits among the gangs are common, but hardly anyone does it to our ranks. Isaac and Moses are junior lieutenants, but they are still ours.”

“Has anyone owned up?” Caesar asked. “Genous Pompey?”

“None, Caesar. They all know if they did, we will seek ten times more retribution.” Menas replied on his previous boss.

“What of the Crassus boys? They may hold a grudge against me. Or Pompey again? I know his son is as powerful.” Caesar listed the name of the previous Triumvir. “They are...”

“Dead or in exile, Caesar.” Lepidus answered Caesar. “I do not.”

Lepidus was loyal to Julius. He was involved in the assassination of Crassus.

“Find out more. And check on Dino Fabio’s death last month. He was dead from his heart ailment at home. I think it may be related.” Caesar spoke of his suspicion. “I do not like suspicious deaths.”

“Caesar, Consul Brutus seeks your audience.” The meeting was interrupted by a servant named Jeeves. He is a loyal servant of the household and holds the full trust of Caesar. He was also one of the rare servants who could walk into the meeting unannounced.

“I am in...” Caesar told Jeeves, but the Consul member had stepped in regardless.

“Julius…. Sorry, I was out of line. It should be Emperor Julius Caesar now.” Brutus stepped in. He held a huge figure on a shorter frame; he was before muscles, but then, with age, he was laden with fat. He held a youthful expression tarnished by the declining hair line. He was dressed in the toga favoured by the ancient Romans. His choice of dressing was, when in Rome, do as the Romans once did.

Besides the orgy and gambling, backstabbing was one of his antics.

“I am sorry to disturb you. I was in the mansion and wanted to introduce you to a boy of ours.” Brutus approached the trio. He saw the other two and smiled.

“A new Trimvir?” Brutus laughed. “Good, we do need one.”

“Brutus, there is no Trimvir anymore. I am discussing the...”

“The murder of Moses and Isaac. We all know.” Brutus is a member of the Consul, which governs the general affairs of Rome. The Consul; the twelve members, but with Julius Caesar the thirteenth member. Since Julius become Emperor, the Consuls was defunct and more of a name piece. Caesar hardly Consults the Consul. He only tells them about his works.

“It was sad that we lost the two of them in such a short time, but we live in dangerous times now.” Brutus smiled.

“The Consul needs to only advise on matters regarding Rome in the areas of law and finance. I will do the needed administration of other matters.” Julius reminded Brutus.

“Yes, of course. The death of Moses saddens us all. I am only here to introduce a lieutenant to you. His name is Mark Antony.”

It was then that another of the lieutenants rushed in.

“Sorry, I am late, Caesar. I have some issues to contend with.” The figure was Enobarbus, a lieutenant, but he ranked below the others there and was not a member of the Consul.

“Wait outside. I will call you later.” Caesar told the late arrival.

The Loyal Lieutenants Act Zero Scene One


Act Zero

Scene One.


The T-Fort stopped abruptly and caused the passenger to jolt forward. The seat was hard, and so was the driving. Frank “Best” Basile was the driver; he drove the precinct vehicles chasing the runaway gang boys, having more than a dozen crashes to his credit, but he nabbed them wounded or killed by bad driving skills. He drove for the new agent of the Treasury Agency supervising the Prohibition Act.

Elliot Ness was new to Rome, fresh out of the academy, and was assigned to Treasury as their Federal Agent, was raring to prove himself. He asked to be posted to Rome when he was told that next to New York, Rome was next in line of focus for the team.

“Ness, no one wants to be in Rome. Not when you valued your pension.” Elliot was told.

“Yes, Sir. I want to be there.” Elliot Ness took the challenge.

“If that is what you asked for, then it will be yours. You can pack and leave by this weekend. Say your...”

“I ain’t go nobody to do that for. I can be there tomorrow.” Elliot took the next train out to Rome on a one-way ticket. He reached there two days later, after three switches in the train.

“Agent Ness, we are here.” The driver told him then. “I will be in the yard waiting.”

Best was on suspension when he rammed the Captain’s Ford in the chase; he could not help it, for the runaway had taken the Captain’s Ford and driven off. The captain gave the command to get it back, and ‘Best’ did his utmost. He rammed the Captain’s Ford on the left side at the intersection at the top speed of forty-five miles per hour. It was a high impact for the left side of the other T-Ford crushed on impact but the runaway survived, though, as a seventeen-year-old trying to prove he could drive.

“It is my dad’s vehicle.” It does pay to be the captain’s son. The son was given bail, and Best in his best driving record was given the suspension till Elliot Ness turned up.

“Call me Elliot. I am new here.” Elliot Ness introduced himself to the driver.

“Call me ‘Best.’ I was told to show you around. Rome is a very nice city, but there is a lot of cleaning every morning. Yesterday’s gutter is today’s clean up.” Best or Frank “Best” Basile held an emancipated figure, probably from the smoke he smelled of, and was dressed like a baggage man: an oversized jacket and loose pants with a waist belt and worn-out rubber shoes. You could never tell if he was armed, for the holster could be blended into his body frame.

Elliot took his bags and walked into the precinct station. He passed by two officers chatting over smoke.

“I heard Moses got iced last night.” The one that spoke took a deep breath of the joint. “They packed him in ice and dropped the slab into the sea.”

Ness stopped by the doorway to hear more, looking for his cigarette. He hardly smoked and when he does, it was when he needed to think.

“He is hard boiled but, in the gangs, getting bumped off is common.” The other who stood there with the cigarette on his left-hand fingers.

“I can agree, but they normally shoot you or the cement shoes as reported from the others up North. Whoever thought of the iced shoe. That is a new one.  The earlier one laughed

“We would not a pinch on this case.” The other laughed. “Heard the captain said he will pass it to someone new.”

It was then the door was opened outwards and knocked at Elliot. He stepped back to let the person stepped out. His cigarette unlit was bent by the impact. He tossed it away and then took to go inside. It was like any precinct layout; the first desk you see is the Sergeant desk to take the complaints and shovel it to the detectives of the uniformed.

Elliot went up to the Precinct Sargeant, seated behind the high counter. It was like looking up to Saint Peter when you reached the Pearly Gates for the desk was higher at eye level to Elliot. The Sergeant was semi-bald and slumped over the counter to get a peek at whoever was standing there.

“Do not give me any hassle on your kisser about your dame, Scott.” The Desk Sergeant was shouting to the officer who was leaving the doorway. “I will send her the overtime later. That will please her then.”

The departing officer had slammed the door on the Sergeant then.

“What do you want here? Someone took your Moll (Girl) too?” The Desk Officer looked at Elliot.

“Agent Elliot Ness, Treasury.”

“Second door on the right, upstairs. The captain will see you pronto.” The Desk Sergeant told Elliot. “Leave your bags there. I will secure them at your assigned desk later.”

Elliot reluctantly left his bags and overcoat there in the corner pointed out by the Sergeant. He took to the stairs to the next level. It was the exclusive realm of the detectives, and other more esteemed sections. He saw that the hustle and bustle of the station was no different from the others in the cities; busy doing their paperwork, inhaling bad air from the cigarette’s puffs, and drinking bad coffee but one thing he noticed was that almost everyone have a shotgun, or a tommy gun near their desk. He did not ask why and proceeded to the captain’s office marked with the sign; Enter at your own RISK. The door was partially closed.

“Who are you to come here?” The captain; below the height of being tall, slim figure looked smaller on the seat looked at Elliot when the latter walked in after knocking on the door.

“Agent Elliot Ness, Treasury reporting, sir." The captain; below the height of being tall, slim figure looked smaller on the seat looked at Elliot. “I am assigned from...”

“Get your ass to the coroner at Seventh Street. Someone bumped off a gang member. He is ranked Lieutenant. Get the work done. I am busy.”

“Sir, I am...” Ness was to protest and handed over his papers. His assignment was to check on illegal activities under the Prohibition Act.

“I do not give a fuck about what your order is. Here in my office, you do as you are told, or take your bags to the train station.” The captain took the papers and tossed it into the tray on his table.

“But, Captain……’

“The name is Captain Armstrong, and I am short of manpower. My detectives are all busy catching dames and drunks, and if one dead criminal turns up dead, we have no one keen to take up the case. You savvy on that?” 

The captain was not lying then. A gang member who gets killed, and was probably by another gang, and it is better not to stand in the middle. Let them shoot each other; it was one way to reduce the number of gang members. It was also to ensure they get their pensions upon retirement.

“No objection…...” It was not a question, but a statement from the captain. “So, get your tail there.”

The captain was all nice about it. It was how Elliot Ness was treated the first day.



The Loyal Lieutenants





By Jimmy Loong

2nd June 2024




This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


2nd June

Inspired by the loyalty of the lieutenants, this tale is about one. Or two.

It is not a prequel of Tony and Cleop, but a tale on its own. Let us see how this plays along.


19th June 2024

A long gruelling two weeks but fun in doing this tale in between my daily chores of work and sleep, and food, and the bidet…. And what other stuff anyone do.

As I write on this tale; I ever really planned my tale from the start except an idea or image, it was to be on Mark Antony prior to going to Egypt. As I went on …. And on…. the tale went on for days…. I will adapt as I go along.

At now 27K words, the direction of the tale began to mould in the writing. As the title speaks for itself, it is a tale of the people serving here; the lieutenants and the of course the maids. The tale built around the gangs of Rome, and then Egypt with the focus on Julius Caesar, Mark Antony and the ever-beautiful Cleop. Let us how it will move from there.

27th June

I am into the final lap of the tale……. explaining the plot and I must have a few T-Fords bullet riddles by now. It is at about 50K words now. 

And Mark Antony have not even stepped at Egypt. Just for info, Julius is there. I am not planning to write a threesome (I may since that may a good idea.) ….. as yet, menage a trois on ….’who’s knocking, we are busy now…..


Friday, October 4, 2024

Tony and Cleop ends and ....

 The end of Tony and Cleop today... and next week, I  will publish the new tale THE LIEUTENANTS....more on the supporting characters of Tony and Cleop. 

What's after? I do not know yet....being busy with other works and had tried to write some passages but ziltch in the builtup. Maybe I will do so soon; had been also tired after my surgery.....

Till then TALLY HO

Tony and Cleop Act Zero Scene Six (FINALE)


Act Zero

Scene Six



Some months after the death of the Queen, Egypt was at the mercy of Rome, but it was to changed then.

All was soon quiet on the western front.

“Caesar, Egypt is back to its peak. The King consolidated power and took back the territories that were once theirs. Our truce with them stands hard. King Mardian is a man of his words. He is covered by the lieutenant, Scarface. There is no new Queen, but a new mistress by the name, Bitch or for those who once knew her, it was Iras. I heard she sent their enemies to the pit; viper pit it was.”

“No, it was isp.” Dolabella corrected the messenger. “Demetrius and Philo told them at their retirement feast. They are happy to hold their grandkids.”

“Talking about kids, Caesarean is in exile; we were told under the care of one name Alexas, and is in good hands, with the protection of the old allies of his mother. He was also given access to the trust fund set up by his father, Julius Caesar.”

“Not all good tidings.”

“Maecenas was killed last week. He was having his haircut and shaving; guess the barber took off his artery at the neck too. He was snoring and needed a new opening there.”

“Agrippa called it off and retired. His goddaughter, Octavia lives with him.”

“I also moved Mark and Cleop; their tomb to an undisclosed place and unmarked. Too many of them laid flowers there and …...”

“They would have wanted it that way. A quiet spot.” Caesar smiled. “Now, let us discuss on the matter of Octavius Caesar. He is dead for ……... three months. We do not know who shot him, and I decided to close the matter. Any objections?”

None of the Consuls objected.

“Then the matter is closed. We move on.”

“Yes, Caesar. Hail Lepidus the Caesar.” All cheered the new Caesar. They all left and Lepidus with Dolabella.

“I am appreciative of you, Dolabella. You kept me alive when I was kept imprisonment by Octavius. You knew about the secret passages in the mansion. You were the custodian of the Mansion for many years,”

“That gave you access to Octavius.” Dolabella smiled. “A locked chamber, all access sealed. The rumours stay that Mark and Queen killed him in the sleep; it was Mark’s gun. It may had made Octavius shoot himself. All’s fair when Mark did that, and the Queen……. did commit suicide.”

“Rest well, Caesar. I have sealed the passages to your chamber. A man may not get through, but I would not say the same for the isp.” 




Tony and Cleop Act Five Scene Two Sub Scene Three


Act Five

Scene Two

Sub-Scene Three

Death do us meet.


The Queen laughed when Caesar was far from listening to her words.

“He tries to pacify me with empty words, girls, empty words, so that I will not do the noble thing and commit suicide. Thank you, my dear treasurer.”

“It took me the whole night to list down the items and whatever their value was... now.”

“I can sorely agree.” The Queen took hold of the paper handed out by the Treasurer. “The dildo made from the rhinoceros’ horn is a rarity. It will cost a fortune today. So is the lacy...”

The treasurer had left the chamber. 

“It was unwise to gall the Caesar with such bad jokes.” Dolabella cautioned the Queen. “He can be vengeful.”

“Indeed, but I am not afraid.” The Queen called towards Charmian. “Do your task. Please hurry back.

“I have given instructions for my next meal.” The Queen smiled at Dolabella.

“Queen, I vowed to obey your commands, and my devotion compels me to uphold that vow. Therefore, I must tell you this: Caesar intends to travel back through Syria, and within three days, he'll send you and your children on the road ahead of him.”

Oh, Caesarian gets to travel to Syria. How interesting.” The Queen smiled.

“Make the best use of this information that you can. I have carried out my message and served you well.”

“Dolabella, I will always be in your debt.” The Queen said. “Goodbye, and thank you.”

“Now, Iras, what do you think about this? You will be displayed in Rome like an Egyptian puppet, and so will I. “The Queen whirled herself around like a ballerina.

“Common labourers with greasy aprons, rulers, and hammers will lift us up for everyone to see. We will be suffocated by their foul breath that stinks from the unwholesome food they eat and forced to breathe in their stench.” The Queen laughed. “Tell me you like it.”

“May the gods forbid it!” Iras cried out.

“No, it will certainly happen, Iras. Insolent officers will grab at us as if we were prostitutes, and good-for-nothing poets will make up vulgar ballads about us. Witchy actors will improvise plays about us and dramatize the parties we had in Alexandria.”

“They will bring out some drunken man to play Antony, and I will see some squeaky-voiced boy play me; the Romans like boys, in all my greatness, as if I were nothing more than a whore.”

“Oh, may the good gods forbid it!” Iras was pale in the face.

“No, it is certain.” The Queen looked towards Iras. “

“I will never see it! I tear out my eyes with nails first.” 

“Why, that is the best way to ruin their plans and undermine the terrible things they intend to do.” The Queen smiled. It was then that Charmian returned.

“Now, Charmian! Dress me, my woman, like a Queen. Go get my best robes. I am going to Cydnus to meet Mark Antony.”

“Iras, get going. See Mardian at his place. Give him this letter. Now go.” The Queen told the maid. Iras left while Charmian dressed the Queen in her finest gown.

“Now, noble Charmian, we will put our plans into action, and when you have done this task, I give you permission to do as you please until the end of the world. Leave me.”

“A country peasant insists on seeing the Queen. He brings her figs.” The servant there called out.

“Let him come in.”

“See how a humble person can help accomplish a noble deed! This peasant brings me freedom. I am fully resolved to do this, and I have no more feminine fear or weakness in me. Now I am so completely dedicated to my purpose that my will cannot be shaken. Now I am unchangeable. I am always the Queen.”

The old man stepped in.

“Get out, and leave him here.” The Queen then looked at the old man. “Did Charmian tell you of my figs?”

“Yes, my Queen. The figs are here. They are...”

“Do you know of any people who have died from it? They must be delicious.”

“One too many, both men and women. I heard of one just yesterday. She was a very honest woman, but she had a slight tendency to lie, which women should not do except when it's honest. I heard she died from the pain. It was painless.”

“Eden’s parting gift, then.”

“If you say so, my Queen, I doubt the figs in Eden will be as delicious. I wish you luck with the figs, my Queen." The old man placed the basket before the Queen.

“Goodbye.” The Queen shooed him off.

“You cannot think I am so old... that I may be foolish... I know the devil would not eat a woman. I know that a woman is worthy food for the gods, so long as the devil does not corrupt her. But in fact, those terrible devils do the gods great harm by ruining so many women. For every ten women the gods make, the devil ruins five.”

“Get going, old man. I am not Eve here. I know my apples well. Well, get going. Goodbye.”

“Give me my robe, Charmian. The one Mickey likes very much.” The Queen looked around. “Where is my tiara? The one with the diamonds on it.

“I found it. “Charmian handed it over.

“Put on my crown. I long to enter the afterlife dressed like a Queen. I will never again drink wine made from Egypt's grapes. It is terrible. Remind me to tell Mickey. He was always drinking it.”

“Quickly, quickly, good Charmian, quickly. I think I hear Mickey calling me. I see his spirit lifting itself up to praise my noble act. I hear him mocking Caesar's fortunes; the gods may give men good luck at first, but only to make up for giving them bad luck later. Us, women. We collect the leftovers.”

"Mickey, darling, I am coming! Now may I be brave enough to prove myself worthy to call you husband? Now that I am only a soul, I leave my body behind on earth, where coarser, less noble creatures live.”

“Of course, I am still as beautiful.” The Queen laughed. “Naughty of you, Mickey? Are there no nymphos there? Tell them the Queen is coming.”

The Queen kissed Charmian. The latter fell to her knees and held the Queen by the knees.

“Look, Charmian. I did not ask for that.” The Queen said. “Do stand up.”

“I cannot face you, my Queen. I am...”

“Do I have poison in my lips? I do not intend to kiss you. I am going to die. Not you. Are you dead? If you depart like this, you tell the world that it is not worth saying goodbye to.”

“May the thick clouds dissolve and rain so that I can say the gods themselves weep!” Charmian wept.

“Women! I will not understand them all.” The Queen pulled away and reached into the basket.

“Where’s figs? Come, you wretched, poisonous thing.”

The serpent curled around the Queen’s hand. It was hidden among the fig branches.

“Here darling. Lay your fangs on my breast.: The Queen places the serpent on her left breast. “ Feed Mama with your venom.

“Quiet, quiet! Don't you see this baby that is lulling me to sleep by sucking on my breast?” The serpent, agitated by the beating heart, bit its fangs into the flesh.

“It is done. And I can...” The Queen fell to her knees. The serpent took another bite into the throat.

“I am done.” The Queen fell to her back.

“Death, you can boast that you have taken a woman who has no equal. Let’s close these soft eyelids.” Charmian closed the Queen’s eyes. “She will see only her lover now.”

“What happened to the Queen?” The servant had stepped in.

“Speak softly. Do not wake her up.” Charmian whispered.

“Caesar has sent... Is that a serpent?” The servant was shocked.

“You are too slow.” Charmian placed the serpent on her chest. The serpent bit her. “It will finish me off! I partly feel the poison working.”

“I am to die.” The maid called out.

Soon after, Dolabella reported it to Caesar.

“Caesar, this is the effect of all your planning. You will arrive and see she's done the dreaded act you tried so hard to prevent.” Dolabella stood before Caesar. “You made her... your prediction came true. What you feared has happened.”

“She was bravest at the very end; she guessed what I planned to do and, being noble, took matters into her own hands. How did they die? I do not see any blood.”

“Serpent venom.” Dolabella dropped the dead serpent before Caesar. “She was bitten by the isp. There is a trail of blood here on her breast and some discharge. The same thing appears on her throat.”

“This is the trail of a serpent. These fig leaves have a slimy discharge on them too, just as a serpent leaves them in the caves of the Nile. The ISP was brought in by the assassin. The old man with the basket of figs.” 

“She will be buried beside her Antony. No grave on earth will contain such a famous couple. Great events like these strike the hearts of those who brought them about. The pity of their story is as great as the glory of the person who brought them to this lamentable end. Our boys and those of Egypt will solemnly watch this funeral, and then they will go to Rome.”



The Loyal Lieutenants Act One Scene Two Sub Scene One

  Act One Scene Two Sub-Scene One Enobarbus   The figure walked in after the departure of the lieutenants and Consul. Enobarbus he...